12 נוב׳ 2016 10:16

Words Have Consequences!! שורט


Yes, USA had a POTUS election last Tuesday. Half people who voted lost and half the people won. Trump did win electoral votes (270 or more), with final of 306. Co-owner of Grubhub business decided to write his employees a letter stating essentially IF you voted for Trump, pretty much you shouldn't be working for his company.. now he is backtracking. If employee's are doing their jobs, why would a company threaten them r/t their politic beliefs?

Whatever your political beliefs, when you are an owner whom does are opening up a can of worms. In U.S.A being tolerant of other's race, beliefs, culture is why we are a powerful country. Now Grumhub stock has taken a $5.00 drop, since 11/8/2016 and appears BEARISH for rest of year. A lot of conservative employee's and customers did not like it. When you look at a post election U.S.A. map, most of the country is still center right. Other big U.S.A. companies are run by owners whom loudly share their political views. Can cost them money.