18 אפר׳ 2021 13:12

gold in long way  לונג


It takes a look at this.
The whole world is controlled by pharmaceutical companies and petroleum companies and weapons companies
And what is happening in the world has many benefits for these companies
And about this sharp drop in the price of all oil reservoirs of oil companies with the lowest price and
This cheap product will become expensive products that will have many profits at high prices
And this should also keep in mind that most of the oil economies are heavily dependent on oil
That with such accidentally escape the very bad conditions
And they will try to raise oil prices after the crisis
So we see profits of pharmaceutical companies because of Corona's disease
And oil companies because of a sharp drop in oil prices and its rising and now
Corporate companies remain
Not surprised by seeing a war in the near future
Wars in the scope of oil-rising countries
Causing an increase in oil and gold prices
And this knows every child always the head of these warfare items started
These are just a theory
Please with lots of
And with a lot of precision
And capital management
do your Buy or sell
excuse me For my English typing, because my English is not a lot of good and i translate these typing