4 ספט׳ 2018 09:15

Beginning of a Big Move Up Verge (Xvg)? לונג


Verge, the coin people either love or hate.
If we look at the chart the rsi has had an important support/ resistance level. Two huge rallies came after the 2 breaks above the 54 level on the rsi. In general being above 50 is bullish on the rsi. As of now we have broken above that level and are trading at a higher level than a few weeks ago.

The rally that began in March, surged all the way to the .618 level hitting it with precision. The question is, if we have already reached a bottom (at least for now), will we hit the .618 level again? I've included the .5 level in the event that we don't rally to the .618 level. These are the most common fibonacci numbers that price rallies to.

This is very bullish in my opinion and I don't plan to miss out.