Saturn Square Uranus Crisis

Saturn square Uranus in the sky 1929-31

Data analysis through use of the amazing planetary aspects indicators created by NasserHumood

"The stock market crash in America on October 24, 1929 signaled the start of the Great Depression; and in November 1929 Saturn in the sky moved into orb of a square aspect with Uranus. Throughout 1930 and 1931 they formed four square aspects – on April 9, 1930, December 12, 1930, July 21, 1931 and October 17, 1931.

This is the first time in BTC history this square is taking place. The last time we saw the same square was during the 2000 .com bubble. This already gives us an indication of what will happen to the general economy, as well as the legacy markets.

To add to this even further, the last time these two (Saturn and Uranus) were in a difficult aspect was during the 2008 financial crisis. Another bubble was formed which was popped. This time it was the opposition of the two that did it.

But the problem is with BTC because we haven’t seen BTC in action during this square. So far there has been a correlation between BTC and SP500 for example and the general stock market. If one goes down, the other one goes down as well. Will it continue? We don’t know, we will have to wait and see."
astrologyastrologytradingChart PatternscrisiscyclesinvestingHarmonic PatternsS&P 500 (SPX500)Trend Analysis

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