INTRODUCTION - This is the 02/05/24, 15-min bar, ultra-detailed daily binary, CONTINUOUS & EVOLVING FORECAST (changes as often as I can update) for direction and shape of price action in FX_IDC XAUUSD gold ticker. We've reached tipping point, while bulls still favored 51/49, a move under 2015 would make orange route here the favorite. Taking orange route here would kill any February break out.
DETAILS - If you play #2 again, link below in links section, price followed orange route in that post too, even more aggressively. So we've reached basically the only possible way for bulls to win this setup that has been built from 2001 on January 17th. In my humble opinion, bulls have to hit this chart perfect perfect to have a realistic chance of a February break out.
WARNING - This material is for experienced and responsible traders only. If you have any question in your mind whether you are experienced or responsible, then THIS IS NOT FOR YOU. As precaution, the first rule of trading is DO NOT lose money. As reminder, the second rule of trading is do not forget the first rule. As prerequisite, please familiarize with this process first before applying to your strategy. As usual, this MUST be used with continuing notes posted throughout duration of this forecast to supplement but NOT REPLACE your trading discipline and risk management. If the limits of the update feature or update frequency do not satisfy your risk profile, then THIS IS NOT FOR YOU. As always, when price action disagrees with forecast meaningfully to you, IMMEDIATELY SCRAP THE FORECAST and trade defensively. If it is not obvious to you what meaningfully means in this context, then I repeat for a third and final time, THIS IS NOT FOR YOU.