Pine Script™ methods are specialized functions associated with values of specific built-in types,
user-defined types, or enum types.
They behave the same as regular functions in most regards while offering a shorter, more convenient syntax.
Users can access methods using dot notation syntax on variables of the associated type, similar to accessing the fields
of a Pine Script™ object.
Pine Script™ includes built-in methods for all special types,
These methods provide users with a more concise way to call specialized
routines for these types within their scripts.
to get the value from an array id at the specified index, we can
simply use:
to achieve the same effect. This notation eliminates the need for users
to reference the function’s namespace, as
is a method of id in this context.
Written below is a practical example to demonstrate the usage of
built-in methods in place of functions.
The following script computes Bollinger Bands over a specified number of
prices sampled once every n bars. It calls
to queue sourceInput values through the sourceArray, then
to compute the sampleMean and sampleDev. The script then uses these
values to calculate the highBand and lowBand, which it plots on the
chart along with the sampleMean:
indicator("Custom Sample BB", overlay = true)
float sourceInput = input.source(close, "Source")
int samplesInput =, "Samples")
int n =, "Bars")
float multiplier = input.float(2.0, "StdDev")
var array<float> sourceArray =<float>(samplesInput)
var float sampleMean = na
var float sampleDev = na
// Identify if `n` bars have passed.
if bar_index % n == 0
// Update the queue.
array.push(sourceArray, sourceInput)
// Update the mean and standard deviaiton values.
sampleMean := array.avg(sourceArray)
sampleDev := array.stdev(sourceArray) * multiplier
// Calculate bands.
float highBand = sampleMean + sampleDev
float lowBand = sampleMean - sampleDev
plot(sampleMean, "Basis",
plot(highBand, "Upper", color.lime)
plot(lowBand, "Lower",
Let’s rewrite this code to utilize methods rather than built-in
functions. In this version, we have replaced all built-in
functions in the script with equivalent methods:
indicator("Custom Sample BB", overlay = true)
float sourceInput = input.source(close, "Source")
int samplesInput =, "Samples")
int n =, "Bars")
float multiplier = input.float(2.0, "StdDev")
var array<float> sourceArray =<float>(samplesInput)
var float sampleMean = na
var float sampleDev = na
// Identify if `n` bars have passed.
if bar_index % n == 0
// Update the queue.
// Update the mean and standard deviaiton values.
sampleMean := sourceArray.avg()
sampleDev := sourceArray.stdev() * multiplier
// Calculate band values.
float highBand = sampleMean + sampleDev
float lowBand = sampleMean - sampleDev
plot(sampleMean, "Basis",
plot(highBand, "Upper", color.lime)
plot(lowBand, "Lower",
Note that:
We call the array methods using sourceArray.* rather than
referencing the
We do not include sourceArray as a parameter when we call the
methods since they already reference the object.
Pine Script™ allows users to define custom methods for use with objects
of any built-in or user-defined type. Defining a method is essentially
the same as defining a function, but with two key differences:
keyword must be included before the function name.
The type of the first parameter in the signature must be explicitly
declared, as it represents the type of object that the method will
be associated with.
Let’s apply user-defined methods to our previous Bollinger Bands
example to encapsulate operations from the global scope, which will
simplify the code and promote reusability. See this portion from the
// Identify if `n` bars have passed.
if bar_index % n == 0
// Update the queue.
// Update the mean and standard deviaiton values.
sampleMean := sourceArray.avg()
sampleDev := sourceArray.stdev() * multiplier
// Calculate band values.
float highBand = sampleMean + sampleDev
float lowBand = sampleMean - sampleDev
We will start by defining a simple method to queue values through an
array in a single call.
This maintainQueue() method invokes the
methods on a srcArray when takeSample is true and returns the
// @function Maintains a queue of the size of `srcArray`.
// It appends a `value` to the array and removes its oldest element at position zero.
// @param srcArray (array<float>) The array where the queue is maintained.
// @param value (float) The new value to be added to the queue.
// The queue's oldest value is also removed, so its size is constant.
// @param takeSample (bool) A new `value` is only pushed into the queue if this is true.
// @returns (array<float>) `srcArray` object.
method maintainQueue(array<float> srcArray, float value, bool takeSample = true) =>
if takeSample
Note that:
Just as with user-defined functions, we use the @functioncompiler annotation to document method descriptions.
Now we can replace sourceArray.push() and sourceArray.shift() with
sourceArray.maintainQueue() in our example:
// Identify if `n` bars have passed.
if bar_index % n == 0
// Update the queue.
// Update the mean and standard deviaiton values.
sampleMean := sourceArray.avg()
sampleDev := sourceArray.stdev() * multiplier
// Calculate band values.
float highBand = sampleMean + sampleDev
float lowBand = sampleMean - sampleDev
From here, we will further simplify our code by defining a method that
handles all Bollinger Band calculations within its scope.
This calcBB() method invokes the
methods on a srcArray to update mean and dev values when
calculate is true. The method uses these values to return a tuple
containing the basis, upper band, and lower band values respectively:
// @function Computes Bollinger Band values from an array of data.
// @param srcArray (array<float>) The array where the queue is maintained.
// @param multiplier (float) Standard deviaiton multiplier.
// @param calcuate (bool) The method will only calculate new values when this is true.
// @returns A tuple containing the basis, upper band, and lower band respectively.
method calcBB(array<float> srcArray, float mult, bool calculate = true) =>
var float mean = na
var float dev = na
if calculate
// Compute the mean and standard deviation of the array.
mean := srcArray.avg()
dev := srcArray.stdev() * mult
[mean, mean + dev, mean - dev]
With this method, we can now remove Bollinger Band calculations from the
global scope and improve code readability:
// Identify if `n` bars have passed.
bool newSample = bar_index % n == 0
// Update the queue and compute new BB values on each new sample.
[sampleMean, highBand, lowBand] = sourceArray.maintainQueue(sourceInput, newSample).calcBB(multiplier, newSample)
Note that:
Rather than using an if block in the global scope, we have
defined a newSample variable that is only true once every n
bars. The maintainQueue() and calcBB() methods use this
value for their respective takeSample and calculate
Since the maintainQueue() method returns the object that it
references, we’re able to call calcBB() from the same line of
code, as both methods apply to array<float> instances.
Here is how the full script example looks now that we’ve applied our
user-defined methods:
indicator("Custom Sample BB", overlay = true)
float sourceInput = input.source(close, "Source")
int samplesInput =, "Samples")
int n =, "Bars")
float multiplier = input.float(2.0, "StdDev")
var array<float> sourceArray =<float>(samplesInput)
// @function Maintains a queue of the size of `srcArray`.
// It appends a `value` to the array and removes its oldest element at position zero.
// @param srcArray (array<float>) The array where the queue is maintained.
// @param value (float) The new value to be added to the queue.
// The queue's oldest value is also removed, so its size is constant.
// @param takeSample (bool) A new `value` is only pushed into the queue if this is true.
// @returns (array<float>) `srcArray` object.
method maintainQueue(array<float> srcArray, float value, bool takeSample = true) =>
if takeSample
// @function Computes Bollinger Band values from an array of data.
// @param srcArray (array<float>) The array where the queue is maintained.
// @param multiplier (float) Standard deviaiton multiplier.
// @param calcuate (bool) The method will only calculate new values when this is true.
// @returns A tuple containing the basis, upper band, and lower band respectively.
method calcBB(array<float> srcArray, float mult, bool calculate = true) =>
var float mean = na
var float dev = na
if calculate
// Compute the mean and standard deviation of the array.
mean := srcArray.avg()
dev := srcArray.stdev() * mult
[mean, mean + dev, mean - dev]
// Identify if `n` bars have passed.
bool newSample = bar_index % n == 0
// Update the queue and compute new BB values on each new sample.
[sampleMean, highBand, lowBand] = sourceArray.maintainQueue(sourceInput, newSample).calcBB(multiplier, newSample)
plot(sampleMean, "Basis",
plot(highBand, "Upper", color.lime)
plot(lowBand, "Lower",
User-defined methods can override and overload existing built-in and
user-defined methods with the same identifier. This capability allows
users to define multiple routines associated with different parameter
signatures under the same method name.
As a simple example, suppose we want to define a method to identify a
variable’s type. Since we must explicitly specify the type of object
associated with a user-defined method, we will need to define overloads
for each type that we want it to recognize.
Below, we have defined a getType() method that returns a string
representation of a variable’s type with overloads for the five
primitive types:
// @function Identifies an object's type.
// @param this Object to inspect.
// @returns (string) A string representation of the type.
method getType(int this) =>
na(this) ? "int(na)" : "int"
method getType(float this) =>
na(this) ? "float(na)" : "float"
method getType(bool this) =>
// "bool" values only have two states, `true` and `false`, but never `na`.
method getType(color this) =>
na(this) ? "color(na)" : "color"
method getType(string this) =>
na(this) ? "string(na)" : "string"
Now we can use these overloads to inspect some variables. This script
to format the results from calling the getType() method on five
different variables into a single results string, then displays the
string in the lbl label using the built-in
indicator("Type Inspection")
// @function Identifies an object's type.
// @param this Object to inspect.
// @returns (string) A string representation of the type.
method getType(int this) =>
na(this) ? "int(na)" : "int"
method getType(float this) =>
na(this) ? "float(na)" : "float"
method getType(bool this) =>
na(this) ? "bool(na)" : "bool"
method getType(color this) =>
na(this) ? "color(na)" : "color"
method getType(string this) =>
na(this) ? "string(na)" : "string"
a = 1
b = 1.0
c = true
d = color.white
e = "1"
// Inspect variables and format results.
results = str.format(
"a: {0}\nb: {1}\nc: {2}\nd: {3}\ne: {4}",
a.getType(), b.getType(), c.getType(), d.getType(), e.getType()
var label lbl =, 0)
Note that:
The underlying type of each variable determines which overload
of getType() the compiler will use.
The method will append “(na)” to the output string when a
variable is na to demarcate that it is empty.
Let’s apply what we’ve learned to construct a script that estimates
the cumulative distribution of elements in an array, meaning the
fraction of elements in the array that are less than or equal to any
given value.
There are many ways in which we could choose to tackle this objective.
For this example, we will start by defining a method to replace elements
of an array, which will help us count the occurrences of elements within
a range of values.
Written below is an overload of the built-in
method for array<float> instances. This overload replaces elements in
a srcArray within the range between the lowerBound and upperBound
with an innerValue, and replaces all elements outside the range with
an outerValue:
// @function Replaces elements in a `srcArray` between `lowerBound` and `upperBound` with an `innerValue`,
// and replaces elements outside the range with an `outerValue`.
// @param srcArray (array<float>) Array to modify.
// @param innerValue (float) Value to replace elements within the range with.
// @param outerValue (float) Value to replace elements outside the range with.
// @param lowerBound (float) Lowest value to replace with `innerValue`.
// @param upperBound (float) Highest value to replace with `innerValue`.
// @returns (array<float>) `srcArray` object.
method fill(array<float> srcArray, float innerValue, float outerValue, float lowerBound, float upperBound) =>
for [i, element] in srcArray
if (element >= lowerBound or na(lowerBound)) and (element <= upperBound or na(upperBound))
srcArray.set(i, innerValue)
srcArray.set(i, outerValue)
With this method, we can filter an array by value ranges to produce an
array of occurrences. For example, the expression:
srcArray.copy().fill(1.0, 0.0, min, val)
copies the srcArray object, replaces all elements between min and
val with 1.0, then replaces all elements above val with 0.0. From
here, it’s easy to estimate the output of the cumulative distribution
function at the val, as it’s simply the average of the resulting
srcArray.copy().fill(1.0, 0.0, min, val).avg()
Note that:
The compiler will only use this fill() overload instead of the
built-in when the user provides innerValue, outerValue,
lowerBound, and upperBound arguments in the call.
If either lowerBound or upperBound is na, its value is
ignored while filtering the fill range.
We are able to call copy(), fill(), and avg() successively
on the same line of code because the first two methods return an
array<float> instance.
We can now use this to define a method that will calculate our empirical
distribution values. The following eCDF() method estimates a number of
evenly spaced ascending steps from the cumulative distribution
function of a srcArray and pushes the results into a cdfArray:
// @function Estimates the empirical CDF of a `srcArray`.
// @param srcArray (array<float>) Array to calculate on.
// @param steps (int) Number of steps in the estimation.
// @returns (array<float>) Array of estimated CDF ratios.
method eCDF(array<float> srcArray, int steps) =>
float min = srcArray.min()
float rng = srcArray.range() / steps
array<float> cdfArray =<float>()
// Add averages of `srcArray` filtered by value region to the `cdfArray`.
float val = min
for i = 1 to steps
val += rng
cdfArray.push(srcArray.copy().fill(1.0, 0.0, min, val).avg())
Lastly, to ensure that our eCDF() method functions properly for arrays
containing small and large values, we will define a method to normalize
our arrays.
This featureScale() method uses array
methods to produce a rescaled copy of a srcArray. We will use this to
normalize our arrays prior to invoking the eCDF() method:
// @function Rescales the elements within a `srcArray` to the interval [0, 1].
// @param srcArray (array<float>) Array to normalize.
// @returns (array<float>) Normalized copy of the `srcArray`.
method featureScale(array<float> srcArray) =>
float min = srcArray.min()
float rng = srcArray.range()
array<float> scaledArray =<float>()
// Push normalized `element` values into the `scaledArray`.
for element in srcArray
scaledArray.push((element - min) / rng)
Note that:
This method does not include special handling for divide by zero
conditions. If rng is 0, the value of the array element will
be na.
The full example below queues a sourceArray of size length with
sourceInput values using our previous maintainQueue() method,
normalizes the array’s elements using the featureScale() method, then
calls the eCDF() method to get an array of estimates for n evenly
spaced steps on the distribution. The script then calls a user-defined
makeLabel() function to display the estimates and prices in a label on
the right side of the chart:
indicator("Empirical Distribution", overlay = true)
float sourceInput = input.source(close, "Source")
int length =, "Length")
int n =, "Steps")
// @function Maintains a queue of the size of `srcArray`.
// It appends a `value` to the array and removes its oldest element at position zero.
// @param srcArray (array<float>) The array where the queue is maintained.
// @param value (float) The new value to be added to the queue.
// The queue's oldest value is also removed, so its size is constant.
// @param takeSample (bool) A new `value` is only pushed into the queue if this is true.
// @returns (array<float>) `srcArray` object.
method maintainQueue(array<float> srcArray, float value, bool takeSample = true) =>
if takeSample
// @function Replaces elements in a `srcArray` between `lowerBound` and `upperBound` with an `innerValue`,
// and replaces elements outside the range with an `outerValue`.
// @param srcArray (array<float>) Array to modify.
// @param innerValue (float) Value to replace elements within the range with.
// @param outerValue (float) Value to replace elements outside the range with.
// @param lowerBound (float) Lowest value to replace with `innerValue`.
// @param upperBound (float) Highest value to replace with `innerValue`.
// @returns (array<float>) `srcArray` object.
method fill(array<float> srcArray, float innerValue, float outerValue, float lowerBound, float upperBound) =>
for [i, element] in srcArray
if (element >= lowerBound or na(lowerBound)) and (element <= upperBound or na(upperBound))
srcArray.set(i, innerValue)
srcArray.set(i, outerValue)
// @function Estimates the empirical CDF of a `srcArray`.
// @param srcArray (array<float>) Array to calculate on.
// @param steps (int) Number of steps in the estimation.
// @returns (array<float>) Array of estimated CDF ratios.
method eCDF(array<float> srcArray, int steps) =>
float min = srcArray.min()
float rng = srcArray.range() / steps
array<float> cdfArray =<float>()
// Add averages of `srcArray` filtered by value region to the `cdfArray`.
float val = min
for i = 1 to steps
val += rng
cdfArray.push(srcArray.copy().fill(1.0, 0.0, min, val).avg())
// @function Rescales the elements within a `srcArray` to the interval [0, 1].
// @param srcArray (array<float>) Array to normalize.
// @returns (array<float>) Normalized copy of the `srcArray`.
method featureScale(array<float> srcArray) =>
float min = srcArray.min()
float rng = srcArray.range()
array<float> scaledArray =<float>()
// Push normalized `element` values into the `scaledArray`.
for element in srcArray
scaledArray.push((element - min) / rng)
// @function Draws a label containing eCDF estimates in the format "{price}: {percent}%"
// @param srcArray (array<float>) Array of source values.
// @param cdfArray (array<float>) Array of CDF estimates.
// @returns (void)
makeLabel(array<float> srcArray, array<float> cdfArray) =>
float max = srcArray.max()
float rng = srcArray.range() / cdfArray.size()
string results = ""
var label lbl =, 0, "", style = label.style_label_left, text_font_family = font.family_monospace)
// Add percentage strings to `results` starting from the `max`.
for [i, element] in cdfArray
results += str.format("{0}: {1}%\n", max - i * rng, element * 100)
// Update `lbl` attributes.
lbl.set_xy(bar_index + 1, srcArray.avg())
var array<float> sourceArray =<float>(length)
// Add background color for the last `length` bars.
bgcolor(bar_index > last_bar_index - length ?, 80) : na)
// Queue `sourceArray`, feature scale, then estimate the distribution over `n` steps.
array<float> distArray = sourceArray.maintainQueue(sourceInput).featureScale().eCDF(n)
// Draw label.
makeLabel(sourceArray, distArray)