MACD is a tool that is used to detect moving averages that are showing a new trend, whether that trend is bullish or bearish. This indicator can be used to identify moving averages that are signalling a new trend. In 7 July 2022, the MACD line is crosses from below to above the signal line. This condition is considered as bullish. The futher below the zero line is the stronger signal. The difference between the MACD Line and the Signal Line is graphically represented by the Histogram. This is a graphical depiction of the distance that separates the two lines. According to this chart, which shows the histogram increasing in size when the two moving averages (the MACD and Signal lines) separate on 7 July 2022, may be seen here. This phenomenon is referred to as a MACD divergence because the more rapid moving average (the MACD Line) is "diverging" from the more gradual moving average, or moving in the opposite direction (Signal Line). If we see in 13 July 2022 ,the histogram is start smaller or disappear in its size as the moving averages approach closer proximity to one another. This phenomenon is referred regarded as convergence due to the fact that the faster moving average (MACD Line) is "converging" or approaching the slower moving average (Signal Line). This means the price of stock will decrease that indicate a downtrend which is a selling signal. As in 13 July 2022, the MACD is not cross the Signal line yet either cross above or below, we cant predict the movement of the trend either uptrend or downtrend. But the histrogram showed its getting smaller and look to disappear. So, we take the decision to predict the price would decrease which indicate bearish sign. We enter the market as trading sell at the price of 32.92. Set the target price at 31.20 and stop loss at 35.02.
Technical Indicators

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