
What a professional trader think. ?

For every trade we have a reason, when the trade works, we naturally think our reason was right but here is a catch, there is no way to determine the intentions of all traders. Yet the typical trader executes his methodology as if he is being told what those intentions are the professionals does not. Disconnect any reason from the results of a trade because it is impossible to get an exact reason why the trade worked or failed. Many will disagree with me on this but believe me there are traders (Mota Bhais) even a single order from them can drag a shooting price down back to floor or even hell, and they to do it occasionally. Just see the past charts you will get what I am trying to say.

Prices are random guys, yes believe me or not it applies to every trade you take.

Let me ask you a question.
What trading skills required to experience a winning trade.?
- Do you need an edge.?
- Do you need a plan.?
- Do you need the discipline to execute the plan.?
- Do you need a good reason to enter a trade.?

Answer: Nothing just a click of your mouse, yes that's it.
but what if you want it to make your consistent source of income.?

Now here comes the difference only few traders get those correct belief system which keep them above others.

Pro trader belief

1) On a random outcome, I do not have to know what is going to happen next.
2) There is a random distribution between wins and losses.
3) There is no point to find a reason why price movement happened, it is the task of media let them take care of that.
4) There is no connection of my last trade to the current one, so it is very foolish to trade for loss recovery. There is nothing like loss recovery, every trade is unique.
5) On a particular trade I can fail or win but I have to think with a large number of trades, on overall profitability, over a long term.
6) My work is to execute the plan with full efficiency rest is not in my hand.
7) I do not predict price move it is not my task I focus on process.

Nobody wants to Chang the way they think. I am also not telling you to make a v curve you just need to adjust something within, and everything get sorted by itself.

Thanks for reading this out.

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