I thought BTC moves could not get anymore boring last time.
My bad, it can XD I always knew it could. On its way to a bounce with an angle of 0° next.
When there is not a single buyer left, we will very very slowly go down? Or mega dump?
Any crypto trader that still has not moved to something else (EURUSD, gold ...) what are you doing?
When on trading view I see all the top trading ideas being about crypto, while in this market there is zero money being moved I wonder???
Every one been trading with 2500$ for the past 12 months?
Boring useless scam market. Nothing to see here. The fools that believed in this ponzi got milked there is barely a few drops left.
Get out, go trade something else.
Even out of curiosity it is a waste of time to look at this crap. Set an alert to see when it moves, and quit wasting time watching this pointless joke.
Greed is proportional to people's stupidity and for one to fall for a magic coin ponzi and not realize you got played after several months, one has to be incredibly stupid.
The pirates on the sinking ship are NOT going to let go of their bag of gold. Someone is going to come rescue them they just feel it in their heart.
Wall street will magically appear out of nowhere with giant cruise ships and helicopters, they will have warm clothes and jaccusi's on their ships and all you can eat buffet's and all the pirates are invited - with their gold - of course, free of charge on the ships for the ride of their lives! (omegalul can you be more delusional)
There is also going to be bears juggling, lions jumping in circles of fire, and young naked women here to feed grapes into the mouths of all the baghodlers.
Maybe I'll post an idea every 2-3 weeks about crypto (usually when I say this it is when it starts movign alot hehehe nice one).
Boy am I glad I moved to forex back in April :D
PS: Ever talked to Jehovah Witnesses? Ever been with a group of them? "Oh yes the great tribulations are coming any time now" "We reached the point where we can go no further, I won't be surprised if the rapture comes this year".
They have been saying this for 150 years. For real no joke. The group stopped making official calls for the end at some point, but they still expect it "tomorrow". 150 years.
So... you know what that means :D
Witnesses were right about 1 thing though... people stopped believing in god and now worship money o.0
They...literally... started doing this... The Bitcoin cult... insane. Does not mean the end is near, like god gives a fuck what some retarded monkeys do XD