I noticed something when playing around with the 2015 comparison to now, looking at my previous post: "What if we aren't where we think we are?"
My theory is that markets tend to slow down over time, everything takes longer. So when comparing now to 2015, this may seem out there, but what if we set the 2015 chart to the 3 day and the current chart to the 1 week. All of a sudden, my previous post makes even more sense. Now the moving averages match up, the stochs, rsi, and macd are almost identical. This is all theoretical, but maybe I'm on to something here? It doesn't matter to me if I'm right or wrong on this, but going down the rabbit hole of this observation I've stumbled upon, it's making more and more sense the deeper I go. All thoughts are welcome. The fact that we have gone up so fast so quick, when just about everyone was expecting a much longer bear market has me worried, so I've been looking for bullish cases and bearish cases. Bullish is simple, mass adoption is on the way, simple as that. Bearish I think takes some out side the box thinking, which is what I've done. I didn't expect the charts to match up this close though. I'm seriously keeping an eye on this now, and as soon as it breaks the trend of copying 2015 that I'm posting here, I'll move on to something new. But until then, I see no reason to not play the scenario that this is correct.