Similar MACD histogram ranges for BTC

I used a “Price range” to measure the difference between the highest and lowest MACD histogram for BTC on the 1D chart for the following 2 periods.
I picked the top of the previous BTC rally and the bottom of the subsequent dip (ie. 9-22 Jan) as one period to take the MACD measurement.
For the second period I chose a similar period, ie. the top on 22 Feb to the recent 28 Feb low.
Note that I did not measure the MACD histogram value on the exact dates of the top and bottom, but used the highest and lowest MACD histogram values around the same period.
I observed that the percentage difference between the top and bottom of the MACD histograms is similar. For the first period: 209%, for the second period 211%.
Perhaps this is a useful pattern to help identify future post-rally bottoms during this long-term bullrun.
I’d appreciate your opinions on this, especially if you are a fan of MACD!
bullrunEconomic Cyclesrallies

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