heres a bit of TA and FA for yall, some of you might kniw my feelings regaurding the current climate of crypto, im uneasy to say the least,
did things change so much from the half a billion in funding from americas fintech companies? idk to be honest buit from the look of things it seems to have added some stability and set btc in a nice upwward channel, typically when you see this happening the bulls win after a short tug of war, is this a bull trap or prelude to a 20k btc explosion? ive no clue to be honest, just mere moments before the election if btc can hold out and wait the storm out we will definitly see a 1200 dollar check iun the mail and maybe btc will explode upward like everyone wants it too. on a side note i hate politicians and dont really care if anyone disagrees, that 2 trillion dollar stim bill that passed earlier this year couldve gave everyone a 1200 dollar check every month up till now easily, but we all know billionaires want there greedy vigorous take from that pie, so buissiness got 85 percent of the take. which makes me wonder, wouldnt adding spendable money in the hands of all us citizens boost bussiness revenue as well? anyways the channel btc is on looks like in the next week or so should be an optimal time to reposition for its last push to the 1 yard line. happy hunting yall!