BTC Will continue to drop!

Humans are creatures of Habit, hence why trends seem to mirror themselves in some way or form. As you can see its currently reaching the point where BTC began to surge to 19k , prepare for a large pull back to happening by the end of the night tonight. To further sustain this belief Ive applied some tweaked number theory which gives me a rough idea of the strong points of resistance and support at:


BTC is currently stalling around 8400-8700. after every push of 50-100 pips it experiences a pull back and then slowly continues its crawl to 8900. However it is not a healthy sign that is is facing such harsh resistance in this 8400-8700 range. Also keep in mind that most likly when it hits the 8900 target price we will experience a very large pull back again. We might even see 6k retested.

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