Buy CMCSA now till end of February

CMCSA is a large sustainble company. My opinion is to buy now at such a low levels and hold it till Take profit line (purple).
Since the last 4q statement was not good the stock price slumped, however it does not mean the company won't recover rapidly.
IMHO one month and you take it with a good profit.

Have a good Day!
I don't panic and hold position in CMCSA even though it have dropped so much. I do not buy more shares, but I am not going to fix losess yet.
העסקה בוטלה באופן ידני
I closed the stock.The SPX fell -29%, CMCSA fell -23%. It is too much for such stock, so I closed the trade and I am not going to buy it in near future till it slumps -40%.
buyCMCSAFundamental AnalysisS&P 500 (SPX500)statementsustain

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