Walt Disney Company (The)

Disney heading to zero?

Disney has really turned off a lot of people over the years. With everything from several staff (many) involved in pedo-rings to terrible movies by Rian round-head Johnson and Kathleen Kennedy. Disney cruises frequented the area right near Epstein island to over-reported revenues by 10s of billions.

Is Disney going to break the trend-line and tank? ..ultimately leading to the selling off of assets, splitting up this massive monopoly on terrible/ stupid movies and stopping further destruction of Fox Studio's and Pixar's reputation?

God! I hope so, I'm so sick of hearing about or reading Disney's name on over-priced Star Wars toys that won't ever sell!

This company needs to dissolve. If you agree, hit the like and subscribe as well as the notification bell!

Very interesting chart pattern over the years. The bottom wants to touch then comes back to touch, the top is consistent with the line. Will it breakdown this go-around??
Disney is Ugly as sin! Probably because that's all they promote since the beginning.


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