Just an observation regarding markets. A Return to fundamentals.

-Buying high to sell higher may work, but chances for corrections in the next years are likely.
-Selling or shorting may be unadvisable. Despite the chance of corrections, shorting behavior is similar to bubble behavior. As always, there is a likely chance there are shorters who will have losses.
-Selling actual stock positions that have been bought lower, here, is generally a good idea. Not having exposure, or having small exposure, at this moment in time, is likely good.

Despite the chart idea to buy above 2700 and sell at 2900, with a stop loss at 2650, there is a chance of a correction as soon as it reaches 2730-2740 levels.

A move towards 2400 for DOWG is likely this year and possible in the next years.
The 'where and when' spots to short are generally harder to guess.

If it closes at year end below 2450, the next years are likely to be negative.

Any down move below 2350 can send DOWG to 2250 and 2200 respectively.
Corrections touching 2000 and below in the next 5-10 years can happen, though unlikely.

What the white background says:
---To quote:
Lows and restructuring in the year 2018 and the next couple of years.
Two potential years with negative corrections on the market.
A correction in 2017 is possible, more frequent corrections are likely to happen in the years ahead.
Corrections will continue to happen until there is a just system in place.
The alternative is delays and further bubbles.
Changes from within big companies are highly improbable, only companies with hedging and wisdom will stay.
Companies that built themselves on bubbles will very likely pop themselves, just as they bubbled themselves.
---End quote.

Between Currencies versus Commodities, there may be a temporary safe haven in Commodities.
Lack of liquidity, medium of exchange, bartering can be troublesome obstacles in commodity area, if some currencies fail, due to some government defaults(if they happen).

People that actively participate in 'governments' will be actively influenced by 'government dogma', that is, 'intentional ignorance of fundamental facts'. Ideologies not backed by good fundamentals ultimately fail(when even belief is strong), because lack of fundamentals to sustain 'believers' that have forgot fundamental logic on how one lives and thus, simply, experience forced awareness to fundamental facts. Fundamental facts are that living is done by practicing agriculture(sometimes systems that are immune to harsh environments, see aquaponics), and not using derivative means to live(getting a job in companies built on bubbles) and by practicing wisdom, through studying, (and not sins that pushes one away from fundamental facts), and then after that, practicing what one has learned, but under God's Law(Noahide Laws).
djiaDOWDOWGEUSTX50FTSESPX (S&P 500 Index)S&P 500 (SPX500)US30

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