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An Artificial Inflation (wants to see new episode Star Wars)

When they knew there's NO inflation at all they invented one...
"She's crazy... " - Victor.Y.F
A reminder, there's a REAL inflation by the nature... There will be fightings between AI(Artificial Inflation) and Human nature, which side will you bet on?
"When everything has gone wild let the nature do the rest" - Victor.Y.F
ECB has an seriously inflation situation. Believe it or not they're canceling negative interests soon, of cause, starting from CHF.
Also Renminbi's hike is on green lights in 2017.
Dog fights is beginning.
Let's see.
The RSI dot line is wrong, sorry... holiday lazy...
It is beginning...
There will be some daily pull backs in Jan. 2017 if it's not too late. If this analysis reaches it's target in several months, I would like sharing my original idea.
Be careful guys! After I checked US 10 year bonds weekly chart Vs. EURO bunds weekly chart, us price is going to 1.618 expandind flat target 106 and eur price is going to head shoulder PO target bottom 152. That means usd interest -11.58% and eur interests +7.32%. A huge turning from EURUSD, 20% rising from the pair is incoming very soon!
Now what? It's beyond your imagination.
Broken neck, there'll be triple central banks profits taking squeezing along the way of this big failure when they find the target can't get, they'll squeeze to take it. It's forming 5 waves impulse as EW classic or 7 waves impulse as a diagonal.
Central banks operators could have NOT downgraded daily and weekly chart to 4H for finding the lowest low was broken already and they're expecting 5th. wave.
YES, they're sucks. They're nothing but robots.
Prejudice and bias is a kind of soft violence. Victor.Y.F
Everything is from your "think" and some people use their think to judge others think it's a logical failure which made their trading "overvalued".
Expecting US inflation (artificial top) is failing from 1.7-1.8 to 1.7*(1-0.786) = 0.36 around 0.3%-0.4% in 5 months. It'll be very interesting to see central banks actions from this failing especially under Trump's hard trading conditions shadow. They could do NOTHING this time.
All my charts isn't trading signal. It's investment class. Pros should know how to trade them.
I recalculated it from gold inflation, it's around 1.8*0.5 = 0.9 of the first failure and it could have more failure. There's a big hike in 2017, it may not go to a new high from triple profits taking zone but EURUSD may be down to 1.02 because of ECB easing and UK negotiation.
A warning! Quit GBP orders! Your stops could NOT be executed because of there's no circulation was provided from banks and brokers like CHF black swan situation in Jan. 2015 at somewhere in 2017.
I put this link here because Sterling is weighted 11.9% from DXY. Euro (EUR), 57.6% weight Japanese yen (JPY) 13.6% weight Pound sterling (GBP), 11.9% weight.
It could help DXY to push the head. The possibilities are including negative interests and huge easing from money supply and purchasing all kind of assets. If UK hard quit Sterling will likely follow the YEN's path finally, from a great devaluation.
Again, a lot of EW wavers are looking into DXY 5th. wave. I don't want to bother your dream but the truth is there could be NO 5th. wave at all. When you realize it then you'll squeeze to escape your positions then the impulse is the major 3rd. wave towards down side. Especially in Forex market NO 5 waves if you down grade them to small timeframe. I suggest you reading EW books for more details to down grade timeframe.
I just hope that traders are at the right side of Trump's market. Looks like he's not agree with DXY, in case of you guys like trading news. I don't trade the news even you're assuming I was, I know you guys all are betting on DXY. Guess what? UK is turning back to EU soon if I predict it successfully.
"Trump administration wants independent Fed. Urges caution over rising dollar."
From 2008 to 2017, from happiness to worries, DXY from 70 to 104. Truth is boring. People like be cheated, aren't we?
The FXCM SSI was turned significantly. SSI, the speculation sentiments index is a negative index to watch the forex future market scalpels and speculator traders imaginations. It's the key to your trading success.
Key fightings, the markets have some key levels for turning the trend from small to big, a butterfly effects.
Expecting attacks in several hours.
Identify the right structures, down grade and up grade 5 wave, draw the right trend-line. Check SSI for decision entries, manage the risks. It's a hard work for traders and scalpers, right? Contact your analyst for the monthly trend before the trading too.
US bonds 2 year yield matched perfectly. Forex common sense: pairs equal to their 2 year yield ratio.
We still have the 100.85 been defended for now. If it's holding the EW wave count may evolve into an major impulse the 3rd. wave of the 3rd. wave. Then scalpers will squeeze to cut their positions a short cover is incoming. After that we shall have a big pullback to the trend-line for an final escaping from those big banks.
US GDP growth is 1.9% worse than 2.2% expected and Michegan comsumer confidence index in 15 minutes. VIX rose from bottom.
DXY started 5 wave dropping from 3 minutes, 45 minutes, and 3 hours charts. Not every one could help you like this, honestly.
Last warning guys, you're scalpers, don't fight the market, please.
Believe Mr. President Trump and give him some time, he's doing the right things. From my point of view, he's a very smart man. I respect him very much and I predicted his winning successfully. The USA has some situation of classes conflicts, Mr. Trump can balance the classes interests for all good. The pain cloud be lasting years but it's healthy for the long run, in 8-10 years. The culture revolutions are beginning from inside of USA also from UK with EU zone and they're expanding to all countries around the world.
I guess China hasn't been ready for this influence because most of people are naive and those leaders are very stupid too, I called it "stupidize". The China inteligent strategy level is devaluated, including Mr. Ma of Alibaba, he's not very clearly about the USA situation and his Taiwan perspective is wrong.
In China, there're also muslim terrorists problems in many years but the conditions are under-controlled for some time. Most of Chinese aren't religious people who brings the USA the most safety of immigrations, yes Chinese don't broadcast the ideology and have NO racism. The new China from 1949 is a country built on the idea of hope and built on western philosophy. It's not from religions.
I'm telling you the truth but truth is boring, right?
The 101.73 is working and spikes appearing is expected. The second wave fib is very deep to 0.786 to 0.9 before the give up. Don't be panic, scalpers.
It's beginning .....
To be clear, I'm NOT saying that there's a short in stock market, pullback will comes but it still goes up inevitablly. The correlation between USDJPY and stock market isn't like what your assuming it is. A hint, look to XAUJPY for more clues.
For those top authors and business traders or signal sellers, if you guys look at SSI your career could be more successful. You can feel the precessing of a turning trend, in a long term of cause.
This is NOT a signal. It could blow the top by UK accident and forex rates is a two currencies's bonds 2Y yield ratio. A micro surgery of US bonds 2Y yield.
Shall we begin, now?
Scalpers are continuing to buy this from SSI index, the trend was turned from speculators sentiments. BTW, There's a free trading room to show you guys the 5th. wave of DXY. My point of view is that we're now having the 5th. wave but it's going south by negative interests.
I suggest buying the analyst's service. If it's free then it could be a trap too.
Too many noises at the TV communities in these days, keep calm and keep trading.
As long as 101.73 is holding, the nest from 103.50 with an qualified EW 5 wave first impulse is working. Trend down.
Washing, rinsing, flushing, thank you Yellen! Speculators and scalpels are biting the hook now... welcome to hike twice in 2017 there will be more hike more weak of the DXY in the overheat phase. Technically we are here.
Watch out! US CPI in Jan. 2017, there will be a failure of artificial inflation. The API oil inventory and EIA oil inventory are going down for the oil price failure in negative interests condition, the food price will have a huge pull back which is the 5th. Wave in negative interests condition. DXY artificial inflation is representing by those two prices but not the durable goods that means it will fail sooner or later. The truth is boring, right? DXY has a mathematic correlation with EURUSD and the EURO is in a negative interests where is an uncharted territory that central banks losing themselves in it. They take it for granted that the inflation is under control but is it under you control? Or lost in it?
After the US CPI in Jan. 2017 the 101.73 is broken, from rules of EW wave theory this is invalidated the first impulse and now we're going to have WXY. The first five combined with the later one for forming a zigzag.
The weighted JPY is moving guys, today is the last day of Feb. 2017. This monthly candle will be ugly...
President Trump asked Congress to pass fiscal stimulus about 1000 billion dollars. We could see the debt ceiling removing and US bonds being doubled. Workers from steel product and blue collar class cheered yesterday. Balancing the classes interests as I talked about is happening. He's repairing the system. IMHO.
Today, BOJ cut purchasing of 1-3 years bunds and 3-5 years bunds.Last year ECB cut 200 billion purchasing per month. BTW.
The weighted JPY's moving yesterday is not just a coincidence it looks like some arrangment of Trump's speech. The problem is how much the US stock markets can afford from the Yen's strengthening. If the market is crashing then the JPY will be still weakening. Only if A shares falling from 7000-8000 points could trigger the Yen's second leg high but A shares is just rising from ashes, right?
I didn't read this 14 hours ago but I got the spirits even earlier in last year of 2016 and predicted his winning successfully. I suggest every one reading it carefully especially people of USA. He explained many things that you couldn't understand.
Chinese people should read it too. You should know the influence of the culture revolution will be expanding all around the world. Hope you're ready for it, as early as possible and good for you. Also more importantly for those immigrations.
The weekly time window starts from 13th. March is very sensitive for the global market as I predicted it 2 months ago. After I checked the central banks calendar today I realized it's a storm week where full of the interests rates decisions. I'd like to wait for them.
This week we have lunar calendar key time window Spring time as "chun fen". Everything starts from the Spring and many trends cloud change here from long term point of view. Traders can you believe that the market could be simulated like that?
3 month ago
An Artificial Inflation (wants to see new episode Star Wars)

and now...
If the inflation falls like this simulation, the SPX500 and the DAX both should drop with it or do something changes the correlation from those central banks.
Now we knew that the healthcare vote canceled. The "Excuse" is formed already, let's see what happens next week. The storm is still on BTW.
An typical hedging, short Dollars and long healthcare repealing at same time. A triumph in politics or a triumph in the Dollar's weakness, either way he wins. The power is an amazing thing, right?
If the 2.7% is the best we can get then how we can get to a inflation 4% target? President Trump has the GDP 3- 4% target? The market need a pull back and a second leg up for reaching the target. So if the first leg is 2.7% then we shall pull back to 1.3% if the second leg equals to the first one, 1.3% plus 2.7%, we get 4%. In this simulation, the core inflation shall be rising soon and the oil/ food inflation shall pull back.
If we look back from last FRB hikes in 2004-2006 cycle. It had been lasting for 24 months from June 2004 to June 2006. My new simulation suggest, this year in 2017, FRB hikes cloud stop in June , if the DXY presented inflation fails.
I don't trade NFP I look at it from continuity because from investment point view the NFP is a very short term move. Of cause, a scalpers's favorite.
Source: finance.yahoo.com/news/feds-lacker-leaves-u-central-173243547.html
America system is still very healthy for the long run. It's always amazing me when the justice comes. President Trump was elected by the 230 years successful system too. I have fully confidence in him. He just needs some time, and it's soon.
If I look at my system, then the problems ...... Obviously, the new China has only 68 years old and the funny thing is almost every one think it's lasting for 5000 thousands years...
Clearly, The FBI is investigating FRB.
All sources are public and open unless you shut down internet. Welcome the FBI investigate me. I have nothing's illegal and all my analysis create independently and originally.
Source: yahoo.com/news/trump-says-something-happen-assad-u-military-studies-001519231.html
It is just a beginning guys, watch North Korea, as I mentioned before. Master's stupid zing looks like gonna lose the dog soon. A mad dog.
Yesterday our Japanese analyst and I have an interesting talk about why US-China have to hold the second round meeting in Washington. We drew all lines together and found those treads point to only one conclusion ...
This's very sensitive now what I can tell you guys is the risk on is coming back and forex market shall move.
President Trump is mouthing about Yellen and Us Dollar. He can get what he's wanted apparently, with his power. Good for the core inflation.
The 15th. April is a key time window for North Korea showing their hands. Our analysts suggest that all possibilities could happen but not just the sixth nuclear test. This week may end dramatically with Kim's announcing open talks of giving up nuclear and economic reforms like what 1980's China did. As we now know over 200 foreign journalists are gathering in there and a big event will happen. Let's see the show.
Now Sterling is dragging down DXY because it's weighted the same as Yen from mathematic equation. No panic here. Yen will follow DXY soon. Normally Yen's devaluation will drag down XAU and core inflations, but the solution is clear. DXY weakness will balance the core inflation and keep it at high level. We may have to wait for a while and the risk on is coming back.
I hope you guys know what is risk on.
There's no need to waste US treasure money for paying higher interests to press down it when the trend is confirmed and the Sterling is helping it, President Trump is mouthing about it, those could save huge cost from Yellen's hike.
The hike of the March could be the last hike in 2017. Let's see.
Weekly open big gap. We may fill the gap and should fall again. EURUSD head shoulder PO target 1.13.
"Enterprises tax lower to 15%. "
I take it as a market way for helping big companies international trades or saying US dollar cheaper way for encouraging trading. This's also a good move to save huge US treasure's money from Yellen's hike, if it works then hike should stop.
The USA is doing it right way but we still have to wait for the spare capacity being used up.
This's an alert!
I suggest traders be prepared for this condition where NO circulation will be provided for banks and for brokers to execute trader's stop losses.
Consider an potential EURO huge impulse to 1.20 will drag down DXY and will drag down gold from SNB's weakening CHF possibility is becoming higher. The second black swan could happen but inverted the Jan. 2015 sequence.
DXY impulse down in this simulation.
From 1982 the FRB hike cycles have never been more than 24 months, some of them only have 18 months and some only have 12 months. We're now in a very low volitality market and very low inflation environment the FRB only hiked 3 times during 15 months which is much less than before. This hike cycle could end at any meeting surprisingly.
The health care repealing vote will be passed in hours In Washington. How can I know it? Have you ever watched Netflix "house of cards". It'll pass believe it or not. President Trump will have more funds for his plan soon. Good for USA infrastructure refreshing building plan and the core inflations and SPX500 DAX too.
I always suggest avoiding trading CHF, CHN, those manipulated currencies, Sterling now and all those exotic currencies without enough circulation.
All the most matters is the inflation and the indexes too. Victor.Y.F
Source: tradingeconomics.com/united-states/inflation-cpi
From the data the FRB got their 2 targets, 2% inflation and fully employement. So what now? I think we're going to keep them at high in 2 years. It's very hard for central banks to achieve those targets, the ECB even used negative interests for the FRB had cut their asset sheet for 2 years. What? They cut already? Yes, my Analysis suggest that FRB cutting sheet for 2 years in negative condition for turning SPX500 and DAX from selling dropping into selling rising. And this secret, they didn't tell PBOC. It cause Brexit in 2016 and Renminbi's devaluation in 2015.
For keeping the inflation and the SPX500 and DAX at higher, we must buy them because there's no selling to make it up sooner. So consequently we should inverse negative interests then buy. But the ECB is a little addicted to it and if the negative cancels too quickly, it will cause market collapsing. So they must do it more slowly.
The FRB is cutting sheet for 2 years in negative condition for turning SPX500 and DAX from selling dropping into selling rising. And this secret, they didn't tell PBOC. It caused Brexit in 2016 and Renminbi's devaluation in 2015. Victor.Y.F
President Trump announces US infrastructure rebuilding plan in 2 weeks.
This publishing has a new perspective. We're at the cross road, the US-China trading solution will decide which way we could go in June. The ECB will deicide Euro money policy in July. We could go old way, but look at those China leader cowards.
Please looking the publishing "Correlation exists - a look back G8 forex market (analysts only)" for more details.
Source: finance.yahoo.com/news/u-reaches-deal-allow-exports-030000554.html
Let's cut all those craps and tell the truth, ok?
We've had USDCHN pegging from Jan. to May in 2017. We'll have this pegging extended for 1 more year by US-China agree on extending more talks. Technically it's a small ranging in 12 months.
The US people are exciting now. I told you guys President Trump is a good leader. Give him some time, now there'll be more good news in the future.
For me, my feeling is very complicated, not from who won or who lost. Because if we look back the new China history (the old China too if we could count on it in WWII ), every moment Chinese people are in disasters the USA people saved my people from the government mistakes. ( We're even at 38 line in 1950, it's a respectful war in the old history)
After this key US- China trade deal, in fact it's a US dollar-Renminbi deal. We could have huge move in the forex market where I'm expecting more profitable trading in it. Big volatility as well. No matter what happens, US dollar up or Euro dollar down, it's under control in G8 forex market and China markets will benefit too.
The key is the inflation now. I assure you guys, we're gonna have an inflation 4% target and USA GDP 3-4% growth achieved in the future.
This was published on the 19th. Oct. 2015.
I've learned a lot from top authors, traders, scalpers and best analyst all around the world in TV community in 2 years. Thanks to you guys sharing ideals!
An hint: the core inflation is going higher ;-)
DXY LOOKS LIKE A COPY OF 1980'S english version
Now the FRB is still using DXY as the USA inflation statics, an "artificial one" as my publishing. The food and the oil is not the core inflation, previous IR inflation rate is mostly contributed by those two factors. Now we need the core inflation going higher basically the metals, those previous factors could keep high but falling after some consolidations.
The problem is that if we have the core inflation going higher the DXY should go down, for keeping it higher the solution could be a conundrum: the DXY and the Euro are both going down for pushing indexes to the historical new highs and then collapse. From all time mathematic negative correlation it seems impossible to push them down together but in 2008-2011 QE cycle we saw how they did it.
In such a conundrum situation, a monster should be released as "risk lost control". Believe it or not after everyone's happy the market shall crash, we now follow the risks and we will see the top in the future. We would like to remind traders on TV before it happens but now just following it to the highs.
I'll publish an core inflation chart Vs. DXY and Euro soon, in a new publishing, stay tuned...
The weighted Japanese YEN intervention odd is increasing to 50% in June after an terrorism attack happened in Manchester yesterday. We don't trade those incidents because of moral rules, in fact, the investment set long before those things happen where based on technical chart combined with fundamental statistics.
Now we pray for U.K and be ready for against terrorism like always. My anti terrorism attitude is very clearly showed on TV.
There're over 50 ideas today, maybe more tomorrow. Lol...
It's always interesting to watch scalpers behaviors of the monthly close. For investors this's where they take some profits and move to the next month.
Source: yahoo.com/gma/police-dealing-incident-london-bridge-223405605--abc-news-topstories.html
I'm praying for the U.K now.
The terrorism attacking situation is underestimated by the government of Prime Minister May, the people of the U.K are feeling angry about it( I had the same feeling from terrorism attacking several years ago in China, now the situation looks like under control). This terrorist incident could drag down supporting rate of Prime Minister May and her party. ( I predicted her losing and a softly Brexit)
We have the U.K reelection and the ECB on the same day. Before the 8th. June the forex market should be in risk off mode. The weighted Yen and the XAU could have a gap higher on Monday's markets opening. We have FRB on 14th. June and BOJ on 16th. June, they both could act to help the U.K. if the Sterling couldn't hold it's previous low.
It's correlated here with the DXY publishing because of the FRB could pause the hike for supporting the U.K to show the USA's friendship.
This's NOT a signal, just for a simulation.
Please be careful traders, the U.K reelection and the ECB interests decision are on the same day of the 8th. June, with USDCNY is pegging the forex market wave could be huge. How big is it? let's redraw previously analysis.
On Christmas 2016, we drew this chart.
Now we redraw it.
In 2 hours later, Prime Minister May will visit the Queen and will resign as promised. I predicted her losing (her eyes pointed to the sky...remember? ).
The sterling is weighted as the same as Yen in DXY. From the forex market speculators sentiments, the DXY will drop more to support it. We're forming a new hook and retesting the neckline.
It's still unclear May will stay or not... She could stay... We'll know in several hours.
May united the North Ireland set up a new government without the Scotland supporting. Today's market obviously supported by BOJ. We now move to the FRB and the BOJ.
There's a news about 20 economists suggest the FRB lifting the inflation target to 4% in the future. Here comes the show time of the measuring currency. If the measuring currency is Euro dollar then for the 4% inflation target it'll fall hard. If the measuring currency is US dollar then Dollar will fall hard instead of the Euro.
From 2015 the FRB is using DXY as the USA inflation statistics, we should keep watching the CPI and the IR very carefully to find more clues. In a condition where the Euro is at negative interests and the EBC addicted to manipulate the market, there're more possibilities they will devaluate Euro again. Let's see.
Maybe in 2018 not for 2017.
We have FRB on the 14th. BOE on the 15th. BOJ on the 16th, a super storm week. Why Prime Minister May would like to make a deal with the DUP party on the 15th? Because it'll affect the GBP. There still could be no deal with the DUP, without Scotland's supporting May has more difficulties to set up a new government. The worst scenario could be the U.K hard Brexit and the relationship with Germany costs unrecoverable damages.
Next week Brexit talk begins. Sterling may rise massively, GU 10% move, GJ 15% move. As the same weighted with Yen in DXY index equation. Sterling could drag down DXY to new lows with US 10Y bonds future yield down to 1.60 like predicted.
An US 10Y prediction correlates a capital squeezing from US dollar into Sterling Pound. GU moving 13.51%, GJ moving 10.04%, UJ = GJ/GU.
A capital squeezing support the U.K soft Brexit or partially return.
Looks like a hook to me... ( consider the Renminbi's loan interests going higher)
Source from Dailyfx news:
A survey according to SURvatio, 53% U.K people want the second vote, 69% U.K people are against hard Brexit, very bullish for the Sterling.
Because the 4th. July is the US independence day, we usually have the DXY strenthenning of patriots. So expecting some consolidation during July then the market shall move again.
After some pull back, the DXY may drop hard for keeping the crashing inflation at high level. We should have the US dollar backed to the measuring currency in March 2017, lunar calendar "chunfen" as a spring time.
The DXY is bearish on daily still, keep alert.
Now the inflation is crashing from time lagging capital flow, US dollar is pegging the inflation, an hard landing. Grandma isn't well.
A daily lower low just made. The US CPI is crashing like predicted, for keeping the inflation from an hard landing FRB should pause the hike and devaluate dollar at same time. Now the question is that which way the UJ and gold may go? It's an very interesting market where I'm looking at.
Yes, I totally agree with him. But be careful, if the hike pauses with a risk open free then a crisis is coming. Believe it or not after everyone's happy the market shall crash. Think of Yellen's speech in London about there's no crisis in her life time. It's more like in her power. After Yellen, who knows?
We're now in a small cycle by an "inflation" leading the way situation which is a pain in the ass of central bank. I here remind you guys that for the inflation target and the GDP target President Trump would like doing at any costs for achieving those numbers. This is a compensation time.
We're now having a small inflation crashing in the middle of the ECB canceling negative interests process. When the crashing touched bottom, the FRB should choose which one is a measuring currency again after 2011, US dollar or Euro dollar. If it's US dollar then the DXY will continue falling to the inflation top because it's as a measuring currency. A huge fallen, guys.
From my point of view, the FRB and the ECB always have a smooth landing problem of inflation switching cycle, where is from food, oil inflation to core inflation. They usually cause a G8 forex market crash during the landing from food to core.
The G/S ratio looks like doing a major wave.
A technical chart is always my way but some guys think I'm "fundamental" or "NFP". Honestly, I'm fully technical and I don't trade NFP or GDP or any news.
I read my Facebook randomly and I've noticed that there's a Solar Rebate Plan for saving USA home owner's electronic charges by 70%. Because of the photovoltaic conversion needs silver to be a media and consider the huge demands of it. I predict the silver may rise massively as I predicted before.
This update showing here is because the DXY and the G/S ratio.
We need an extreme situation to squeezing speculators out of US dollar but not now.
It's unwise to short EU and to long UJ now. Wait for the August hike from Renminbi.
There's a key question about the salary raising is very slow:
"Why the US dollar rising and the SPX500 rising didn't make all of people of USA happy but divided?"
I think people should have found something wrong in the distribution system or saying it's unbalanced from core inflation and the food/oil inflation. For 6 years, the lowering core inflation is destroyed by central banks money policies and unlimited easing to damage purchase power one currency to all G8 countries now the Renminbi's is on board wrongly and desperately which is a disaster.
From history chart, 6 years is an over extended cycle which has caused the Trump culture revolution and the Brexit revolution also the Renminbi's failure(in fact it's the first one among the tree accidents).
It's time to correct the inflation trend ASAP but the time lagging capital flow is still on the way to destroy the core one until the Renminbi's hike is incoming.
The trade weighted US dollar index, the DTWEXM is the most matters for the FRB and President Trump, it's trading on 88 level today. Good news is that I've consumed US beef already but it's still too strong for many consumers in a condition of the other competitors like Oz beef and Kiwi beef also local beef.
It's unwise to buy DXY here and now the FRB would not like helping scalpers in the forex market. The expanded FLAT could go to 1.618 at 91 level or go to 2.0 at 88 level for a capital squeezing from US dollar to commercial currencies, especially those higher interests.
No one can help you guys like this honestly...
From forex news: BOE and SNB are ready for replacing LIBOR interests with base interests. Be careful guys, those news hinted that there could be an hidden hike or hikes in August. The DXY weighted by Sterling and Swiss Franc, as we've seen what's the CAD hike is doing.
The FRB warned us many times the inflation is carefully watched, be careful with the US dollar measured inflation.
BTW, many British traders are still holding US dollar, I suggest buying something else.
Also it's very very disappointed to see Chinese traders are still holding it, buy Yuan back, at least show some patriotism... please, no one can help you like this...
The Sterling may hike soon, Carney isn't a British and his vote is counted one, right? The Yuan may hike in the middle of the August, the statistics should show 2 months growth in China, Zhou could be replaced later of the year 2017.
I don't trade news but you guys think I'm, check out the targets, I just translate the chart into what you can understand, the GDP or the NFP or any of nonsense.
After 6 years compensation of the inflation by the G8+1 currencies devaluations, it's surprisingly difficult for me to understand that many central banks are underestimating inflation bursting with the market reversals. They are refusing to hike with US dollar. If they hike in a market condition where the inflation blows up then as a measuring currency, the DXY may fall to historical low under 70.
Crazy... central banks are sick...(FYI the SNB lost 6.7B Swiss franc in the second season of 2017, they maybe holding US dollar)
Technically, the target isn't reached yet (91.25=1.618, 88.2=2.0).
The 92.62 is where the Renminbi devaluation low in 2015, now it's time to test PBOC's stupid leader and to test China careless in the currency war or the real war.
We're now focusing on geopolitic situations, India-China conflicts, North Korea missile shooting down by THAAD.
The India invaded China claimed territory, the peace was broken. The last warning was sent on Thursday by China. Chinese army started strategy material moving into Tibet and all submarines left harbors. Fighters aimed each other. Be careful, this may not end well for India, if we look back into history in 1962. North Korea's launching will be defeated inevitablly.
All these things are caused by China carelessness in 2011-2017 stagflation cycle. People are not very fond of Yuan Shih-kai. In China history before 100 years cycle, he wasted our time. China deserves better leader.
This update here because of US dollar usually geting stronger during the risk off.
Of course, the US dollar should take some advantages from this. But one thing may be sure, watch out a bursting of the inflation and following with an huge hike from the Renminbi and then the other commercial currencies. Be careful guys, if this simulation becomes true the indexes will be in danger and I suggest choosing your sectors wisely.
North Korea:
India-China conflicts or war if it loses control:
Source: (I would like to see Trump order to strike North Korea and delete their nuclear power which is treating China. Unfortunately many refugees would flee into China, I'm sorry for that. )
DXY, weighted Yen, XAU should rise together to hurt indexes which is now working like predicted.
The India-China conflict turns out to be a distraction from North Korea ( It's still a gamble for India to play fire but why not do it if the rewards are higher) China needs better wisdom like I always said. It's very disappointed that China didn't solve border problems during globalization but USA solved the Cuba problem. It's not too late to solve problems quickly and focus on the Sea but I doubt it.
The DXY is forming the bounce off.
Source: The B1B bombers are nuclear armed ready for the "mission tonight" in Guam.
I've seen many South Korea people running to Shanghai already. Of course they're panic. The South Korea and the Guam are their targets. From the results of those missiles tests before, technically they're not stable. Or saying missiles could go to any where in the range. It'll be a disaster if they launch and hit wrong targets.
I urge China PLA of air force to be ready for antimissile mission and better enhance the radar and patrol on the Sea.
It's risk off...
Source: "On Friday, the Chinese wisely defused the North Korean crisis. If NK strikes first, China will remain neutral but if USA strikes first, China will back NK. Friday was a buying opportunity as China defused the potential for WW III. "
Now we should have some consolidation and small bounce off.
Source: ( God bless America)
Just like I predicted before. There is a culture revolution, a people movement, many classes conflicts among them and fightings should last years during Trump's administration. It's just a beginning of the first year.
There's no harmony without balancing the interests of all America. Or saying Americas have to fight it out again, a civil war of culture.
The DXY will drop very hard again after some small pull backs, for protecting the inflation and the stock market and easing the conflicts, it has to be a compensation. From cycle perspective, if we could have the 4% inflation target as soon as possible, then this revolution can only last 3 years. But if we keep going slowly, this revolution may last 8-10 years, which could be an huge problem for USA.
We traders are not machines or programs or animals, the cultures and the moral rules always are our ways - Victor.Y.F
I will open an other DXY publishing soon, stay tuned...
This publishing ends here.
Thanks to President Trump, I've consumed US pork today. The price is very competitive comparing with local high grade pork. The food inflation is the mainly calculated in China inflation, with import food (in fact the food is always replaceable if Chinese are not very picky), the inflation of Renminbi should be FLAT but not in the core one. The DXY and the weighted JPY weakness shall be weak together for keeping the core one flat and waiting for A shares top.
BTW, among the G8 currencies, the sterling is massively undervalued now to the US dollar and the Yen.
Jerome Powell and James Taylor or Narsh, they are more hawks. Expecting an huge hike on Dec. 2017, only if Grandma Yellen would change the future. Or Yuan’s hikes but not likely.
A scene on the space battle ship USS FRB:
Admiral Trump: “Are we ready to attack, Captain Powell?”
Powell: “Yes, Admiral! First officer Taylor, do we have the targets?”
Taylor: “Yes, Captain!”
Powell: “energize...”
Yellen: “Oh my goodness! I’m still here!”
Warsh: “It there any seats empty?”
Source: ( Is it a little late, after my joke? Not Cohn, of course)
Source: ( Tailor's talking is confirming his seat, 90% takes the Yellen. Yellen and Cohn are out, after yesterday's ECB dovish decision)
via Bloomberg, as speaks at the University of Wisconsin.
Disappointing US growth since the recession is due to the economic policies that have been pursued by the country.
"It's really policy that's causing this."
"This is an opportunity."
Tailor and Yellen won't survive the same broad. Yellen should leave for her best interests but if she insists staying then the situation is becoming a little complicated.
Yellen quit, as predicted before. Now there're 4 chairs empty in FRB, Randal Quarles, Tailor of cause, also for Warsh.
Case closure.
New case has been opened in...
Captain Powell "energize"! First officer Tailor "not aboard,yet"
"Race to the bottom" for trade purpose and devaluation.
We update four pairs to show you guys the situation here.
Swiss franc is weighted 3.6% weight in DXY ( consider it has a pegging range with Euro dollar)
Swedish krona is weighted 4.2% in DXY
South African rand
Polish zloty
Simple and effective, we're using trend line in 2018, with huge volatility in forex market. But the reflection zone is still working in bigger time frame.
This's a running flat 335, many traders think this has topped but it's not.
Below 89.53 invalidate 5 wave sequence. We're human right? especially on short term chart, we would make many mistakes.
This is an example where the forex market have complicated trades and correlative works. The EURUSD chart is still validated a 5 wave, then DXY has followed it.
Source: FXCM
South Korea's finance ministry: South Korea has been discussing currency issues with the international monetary fund and the U.S. Treasury, but has nothing to do with the korea-us trade agreement.
March 28, 2018 14:44
For this news we have a special prediction for South Korea people, be careful here.
US traders should understand that the wealthy re-distribution has begun, not only in US equities but also in forex market, it's going along with the 10 years culture revolution movement. In western world and in China too.
Following President Trump's way is a key to your investment success, in many years.
Nothing rises forever, right? After many years central banks money policies spoiling, high-tech companies will struggle to survive or will eat each other. Winter is coming... in FAANG.
USDSEK 10 years cycle is ending soon...

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