
Trading Idea: NSE:GHCL - Potential Reverse Head and Shoulders


NSE:GHCL is forming a bullish reversal pattern, the inverse head and shoulders (IH&S), indicating a potential breakout towards higher prices.

Pattern Analysis:

  • Left Shoulder: The left inverse shoulder is already formed, with a price peak followed by a decline.
  • Head: The head is the lowest point of the pattern, indicating a period of weakness.
  • Right Shoulder: The stock is currently in the process of forming the right shoulder, which should be lower than the left shoulder but higher than the head.
  • Neckline: A trendline connecting the lows of the left and right shoulders. A breakout above this neckline signifies a potential trend reversal.

Target Price:

The target price for the breakout can be calculated by adding the height of the head (measured from the neckline to the peak of the head) to the breakout point (price at the neckline).

Risk Management:

Place a stop-loss order below the lowest point of the head to limit potential losses.


NSE:GHCL is exhibiting a bullish IH&S pattern, suggesting a potential trend reversal towards higher prices. A breakout above the neckline confirmed by bullish volume would be a strong signal for entry. Remember, technical analysis is not a perfect science, and proper risk management is crucial.

Disclaimer: I am not SEBI Registered. This is not a financial advice or recommendation. The analysis is shared for education purposes only. Please do your own due diligence or take advice from your registered financial advisor before taking / placing any trades.
Chart Patterns

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