HEROUSDT, We are in a sensitive area

מאת ‎Abtin00‎
Hello everyone

We backed with another analysis of one of the popular and trend coin of the market.

According to the chart you can see we shown sensitive zone area that the price reach to it and now its so important for the price that if its wanna move more upwards need to have support in this zone and as you can see on chart the price is moving in downward channel and we have 2 sensitive one them is the blue box and another one is upper line of the channel .
if the price break this sensitive zone of the area we can drop at first to the midline of channel and have some correction then we can entrance in position until reach to the target.
The trend of the market is downward but we can take some scalp position to take profit.

If you need any help or wanna to be VIP membership you can send us messages

Good Luck
Chart PatternsCryptocurrencyHEROherobtcherousdHEROUSDTmetaherotraderTrend AnalysisWave Analysis

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