
HUL: Chart view & Strategy for HUL

indiamarketoutlook מעודכן   
CMP 2140

Resistance at 2200-2265

Target for the current setup 1928 / 1655

One may look to deploy the following strategy

Consider Selling HUL 30 April Call Option

Lot size: 300

Strike Price: 2240

Last closing Price : 122.25

Any price in the range of 110-125 may be considered to go short on Call option.

Max profit potential in strategy : Rs 33000/- - Rs 37500/- per lot.

The chart pattern gets invalidated if HUL goes above 2265 in Cash market, however the strategy will have an inbuilt protection for a rise in stock up to 2350-2365 giving you a better risk management control over your trade.

Will update further when market opens

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Take care & safe trading

עסקה פעילה:
HUL is currently trading at 2189 in cash market very close to resistance zone of 2200-2265 as mentioned above

2240 Call option is currently trading at 145

Consider going short on call option.

Take care and safe trading...!!!
עסקה סגורה: היעד הושג:
strategy Update
2240 Call sold at 145

CMP 22

Total profits in strategy

300*(145-22) = Rs 36900/-

Happy trading

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