We Are Still Stair Stepping Down at Least to End of August...

As pointed out in the previous publication, we are "stair stepping down." I had one troll who stated the following in the previous publication, "LMAO. Guy says LINK going down and it rockets to $16. Easiest way to make money is countertrading this guy." I "IMPLORE" you NOT to draw conclusions based on the title of my publications. You would have much more to gain by investing your valuable time watching the videos. I'm NOT saying that to brag or boast! I simply want all communication to be CIVIL in the comments section. If that individual is a day trader and making trades in the 1h, 2h, 3h, 4h and 6h, then yes, I can see one going "long" FOR THE SHORT TERM. However, my analysis was for the NEAR TO MID TERM and NOT for short term day trading. The main purpose of the previous publication and this publication is to advice serious CAUTION if you wish to take a LONG position. Especially, for a lengthy period of time with LINKUSDT.

I honestly do not mind ANYONE sharing an opinion contrary to my own. In fact, I ENCOURAGE EVERYONE to share their opinion with charts and/or publications in the comments section to have a CIVIL discussion. However, PLEASE keep it CIVIL in the comments section and try not to make an ass of yourself. I'll also try to keep it civil as well in my response to comments. However, if you choose not to keep it CIVIL, I'll simply be YOUR HUCKLEBERRY. ; )

Happy Trading and Stay Awesome!


The following charts are ALL setup in LOG Scale. However, the FIB's placed on these charts (below) are NOT setup the same way. So, pay attention to the setup of the FIB's on each chart.

The following chart is setup in LOG Scale. However, neither FIB is NOT setup for log scale.

This next chart is setup in LOG Scale. Also, both FIB's are setup for LOG Scale.

When using Fibonacci on BTCUSD, I prefer to setup FIB ReTraces in LOG Scale WHEN in a period of Long Term DISTRIBUTION. Yet, when in a period of Accumulation and/or Re-Accumulation in a Long Term Bull Trend, I prefer NOT to have FIB ReTraces setup LOG Scale.

The reason I'm posting FIB's setup in LOG Scale and NOT setup in LOG Scale is to determine if my application of Fibonacci with BTCUSD is to be used in similar fashion on LINKUSDT and ADAUSDT. Keep in mind, ALL my charts are setup in LOG SCALE. However, that does not necessarily mean all FIB's will be setup in LOG SCALE. It depends on if we are in a period of Long Term Distribution; a period of Accumulation or a period of Re-Accumulation.

If you are at all familiar with the methods of Long Term Wave/Trend Analysis by Richard D. Wyckoff, you likely know a Period of Accumulation is in Phase A through Phases C; a Period of Re-Accumulation is in Phase D and multiple times in Phase E; and a Period of Long Term Distribution begins with a Buying Climax at the end of a Long Term Bull Trend and comes to a close with a Selling Climax in Phase A of an Accumulation Schematic. It depends on what wave/trend period we are experiencing on a chart in LOG scale that determines if the FIB's setup for the chart will or will not also be setup in LOG Scale. I will elaborate on this more on another platform in the future.

I'm currently doing a FIB "STUDY" for LINKUSDT and ADAUSDT to determine if my application of Fibonacci to LINKUSDT and ADAUSDT will be the same or very similar to the way I apply Fibonacci to BTCUSD.

A "NEW" Video publication is completed and currently uploading for LINKUSDT. Once it has uploaded, I will need to give it a title and add a few remarks in the description before posting it LIVE to TradingView. This may take another 7 to 10 minutes.
Technical IndicatorsTrend AnalysisWave Analysis

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