Turning point for Lululemon now

Why it was founded?
Founder Chip Wilson heard people talking about yoga 3 times at 3 different places, that thing will become a trend. #principleofthree

Why it will become success?
a. unique, low cost and sticky marketing technique - community marketing (Yoga teacher=brand ambassador)
b. good quality cloth technique - seamless sewing machine from Japan
c. Combine of two unique items - Athlete + style; healthy lifestyle that is getting trendy nowadays, and people needs style when doing exercise.

<<Technical Chart>>

Technically, it broke out from range 40-80, climbing up on the uptrend channel, and it is forming a reversal (look like M shape reversal?).

However, Mar 2020, it fell sharply due to pandemic, Mar 2021, it has rebounded strongly within a month.

Will it
A) continue to renounce and reject the M reversal?, or
B) unable to break resistance and trend down?

Trend Analysis

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