SEALINK on the Move

מאת ‎nazimghani‎
Sealink saw 61 million shares changed hands on Monday 23 November. A very clear sign of buying interest from the big funds. Don't lose the opportunity to enter at 0.16 and sell at 0.20. Cut loss by 0.15.

Good luck!
עסקה פעילה
We have seen the price has gone down slightly after surging on the November 23rd. This is within expectation. Wait to see if it rebounds from 0.155 with an increased volume. If it crosses 0.15 then exit.
Earnings announcement was made last week with losses as predicted but not too bad.
עסקה סגורה: היעד הושג
SEALINK broke out today (30 December) to reach 0.25 day high. It took 25 trading days to finally get the intended break out. Price retraced back to 0.195. We got out at 0.20 as stated in our trading plan.
Nice reward for year end 2020!
sealinkTrend Analysis

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