shib swing ~

מאת ‎Eloquent‎
this is on the riskier side, but our system is picking up some strong demand right here in this local region.

few of us caught this entire run, but very few of us got out at the top.

when the majority chases green, that is when we, sell our bags to them.

no hard feelings, it's all part of the game.


if i'm right about this sub-wave 4, then shib has one last leg to go to about 0.00016.

target = 0.00015
העסקה בוטלה באופן ידני
stock market and dxy look scary, im out of my leveraged position for now. better to be safe during a situation like this.

Elliott WaveshibshibashibinushibusdSHIBUSDT

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