BLUF: I HAVE NO CLUE…SEP-OCT Pullback, Santa Run, Melt-Up or Melt-Down…its a typical sideways market where lines are unpredictable due to “Uncertainty and Incompetence” TBD…Please folks keep a reserve (Portfolio: 50/50 Risk On/Off)
Most People/Investors operate/think at the level of “What-They-See,” but the “Real Power-Hierarchies” operate in between what we see and believe…you cannot see them/it! Technology has made the most ignorant relevant i.e. the Fed along w/the zombies. The Central Bank Wizards and political environments could not look more stupid, even if the Special Operations trained them to combat stupidity.
Does debt matter in this low rate environment? How do you kill Zombie Corporates in a ZIRP environment? (Head shot.. always a head shot.)
Market interest rates, in some sense, tell us how productive investments truly are at a point in time. All of the problems listed above are manifestations of an economy that is not producing sufficient total return…how bout the rest of the world? The laws of physics distribute the problem to many areas of the economy, simultaneously. (Tverberg)
Our debt-based financial system needs growth to continue. It is not a Ponzi scheme, but it has the same problem with not being sustainable without growth. The inability of the financial system to continue without growth becomes a separate risk factor to the economy, greatly magnifying the effect of even a slight long-term slowdown. The need for growth is the reason why central banks are working so hard to get economies to grow again.
If it was Easy, We Would Not Be Doing This…The Only Easy Day was Yesterday! Cheers! Fall is here…FirePits and Cold Beer!