harmonics SPY Bear Market

מאת ‎srcontrol11‎
Financial Side

Lets face it, the hail marry last week with the FED NOS money, the rose garden speech at the close of Friday (nice chess move Trump), the back and forth on the Presidents Cabinet including the VP not knowing what the hell they are doing the attack killing two American troops in Iraq (<--who missed that one last week). I don't see it. This surge on Friday is how should I put it......Fake News. There isn't really any upside to the stocks right now, and even if one of the laundry lists of things negatively effecting it were to somehow disappear there is just another problem right behind it. All major markets are going to keep the rippling effect of this financial crisis compounded by the virus and oil war. This is not a time to go long imo. If you are bullish sit on the sidelines and wait for things to settle. Selling puts and taking assignment on the way down is another strategy if you want to get long on some stock for cheap but also capitalizing on some premium in the event the underlying doesn't go lower. So either ride the wave on the way down. Stay out and wait for things to blow over. Or you can buy on the way down and HOPE that things don't get too bad to where we hit some serious levels of concern. I personally am trading the wave and am no way shape or form long my any means UNLESS it is LEAPS in stocks that are at bargain right now.

Sociological/natural side
We are approaching some interesting times. This isn't going to end quickly and things may get weird in the US in the near future. Remember that you are responsible for your financial future not the government anyone on this website or your neighbor. So use sound judgement keep your situational awareness keyed in on where the hysteria is driving the market (play the game, because the market will last irrationally longer than you can last rationally), the language used by our leaders (the more they change it the less they actually act like they know and right now none of them can stay on the same page) and your hygiene. The facts are that this Flu string is just another in our long history of fighting epidemics/pandemics. The are naturally designed to kill us. PERIOD. Mother natures way of balancing life. We tend to beat her with our advancements in the medical field, yet on occasion there is a strand of something biological that we cant beat. Here we are. How we act as a civilization will dictate whether or not we stay afloat managing our supplies sharing and helping one another during this...or a real season of the Walking Dead.

Deep Rabbit Hole Read for entertainment purposes only.....or not?

Going all the way back to 1957 China has been the originator of virus' that have effected mankind on a global level; Cold War Era. What could be the cause of this? What sort of geographic climate sets China apart from the rest of the world that sets it up to be a breeding ground for such deadly virus'? Could there be another answer other than natural? Manufactured maybe? Why during this COVID-19 pandemic we're not hearing much from Russia or N.Korea? How is China supposedly making a recovery so quickly? Are we really getting the true information? Remember, Chinese stocks are very risky to play and we all know why. So why ITF would we believe anything that they say? What if this was an attack? A chess move so far in advance that no one is seeing the play? Could all these virus' before be failed attempts? Could this be an attempt to weaken the western nations enough that once the "objective" of the virus was complete that the next stage of a WW event could take place. Sort of a Blitzkrieg used by Nazi Germany in WWII? A "masked" biological warfare attack camouflaged as some sort of "pandemic"? Whats the average age of our Presidents and VPs, our House of representatives, congressmen, and pretty much any other leadership position in the country including private sector? Who does the COVID-19 effect the most? <---sounds like the start of war movie or scary show.

Just something to consider on all above topics.

Chart PatternsHarmonic Patterns

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