Finally the election is tomorrow no more ads and annoying phone calls I already voted I hope you do to. I believe we see a squeeze trying to get to 390 everyone is pumped for a Christmas rally so be careful out there bears, bulls need to show up. Looking for a 377 pullback to continue the rally up, don’t be surprised if you see gap up tomorrow and Wednesday to get over the resistance areas. Thursday is CPI pre-market also 6 FED members talking on the same day.
I know I said I was going to make a video on the mental side of trading I had issues Saturday and Sunday I literally talked to myself for a total of a hour and a half I’m very upset with TV and there media player.
Main thing I wanted to say was there is no code to break with the market every trade is a 50 50 chance so have your plan on how much you are willing to lose and what profit you want I always say creat a personal profit margin that you want if it’s 40% and you hit it sell some and keep some runners.
Our brain is our enemy it try’s to avoid pain at all cost when a trade goes negative you tell yourself it’s okay it will comeback but it never does if you are averaging down it’s going to blow your account up I know it sometimes works but it doesn’t work all of the time. I’ve been adding to winners every 5% it goes up instead of adding to losers and it is hard because my brain is telling me not to but the account says different.
If 90% of people fail in trading then what are the 10% doing. Keep it simple don’t keep changing strategies find yourself as a trader I don’t like trading over 5k it makes me nervous so I trade under that to stay in control of the size. Use the 3 bullet system take your first shot, if need be you still have 2 more to help. Base hitting compounding accounts stay alive.
I recommend listening to TRADING IN THE ZONE by Mark Douglas and a new book that just came out THE BEST LOSER WINS by Tom Hougaard also his channel has a lot of good info. DM me if you seriously want to talk about trading we can set something up over the weekend I love to help and teach it helps me to
As always trade what’s in front of you good luck
Trend Analysis

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