SysCoin (SYS) Trade by Alan Masters
Chart signals and indicators can be really useful when determining when a coin is about to breakout. When a new bull run will start. Or simply to get a better idea to understand what might happen next, by looking at candlesticks and chart patterns for example.
One pair of indicators that is really important, volume and momentum. Once a coin hits bottom and bounces, then you see an increase in volume and momentum building up, you can start to prepare as action might be coming soon, and this is what I am seeing by looking at the SysCoin daily and 4 hours charts. Let's take a look:
Daily chart:
- First you can see the red square which is the bottom price that SYS hit after its bull run that started back in December. At that time SYS was trading below the Simple Moving Average (SMA) 20, 50 and 200 lines. Which is a bearish signal. In the past few days, SysCoin broke out and is now trading above the SMA200 (brown) and SMA20 (green) lines. We need to break the SMA50 (blue) line resistance in order to reach for our first target.
- The MACD crossed over and it is trending up strong, with momentum building up and plenty of room left for growth.
- The RSI, DMI and OBV are also bullish and showing potential for more.
- We need a strong close today in order to move to the next level...
4H chart:
- In this chart, you can the SMA lines crossing each other.
- We can also see the possible formation of a pennant or ascending triangle, which are bullish formations.
- The 3 Days and Weekly charts also look beautiful and ready for money in a few days/weeks.
- Low volume allows for plenty of room for growth.
Buy-in: 0.000048 - 0.000056
(1) 0.00006159
(2) 0.00007798
(3) 0.00008964
(4) 0.00010450 (All time high)
Trade strategy: This is a very strong coin. Feel free to hold for long and wait to sell on target.
Stop loss: If you want to use a stop loss you can try 0.000035. If this level is broken and we close below it (on the daily time frame), SysCoin is very likely to go lower. If it is only a hit & miss, hitting the price and bouncing back strong, then you shouldn't worry about it.
Message: Upgrade
This is my upgrade. For me, for you, for myself and for you as well.
This is how we do it in my world.
This is how we ask for something. This is how we manage the energy, for me, this is how the money flows.
What's an upgrade and why would you want one?
An upgrade is the change that happens when a new idea comes in.
It is when you have a belief system, of something old, that isn't working, that won't let you succeed.
The upgrade comes one day for you without knowing, and gets planted like a seed.
Things start to move, you start to wonder what it will be.
And then the time comes, the situation starts to develop. You see lots of in fighting, your belief system is trying to say no.
But you reach the last part, it is the end and you want to keep up.
Life is telling you that it is over but your passion helps you remain strong.
And that's when the new idea shows its flowers and you can see its true form.
You used to believe that you needed money to be happy.
But now you have money, you are happy, and yet you clearly understand that happiness isn't money, being happy means so much more...