Short for wave-c

This is in continuation of my previous idea in which wave-a was capitalized. Now is the time to capitalize on wave-c.

C = A gives:
453.60 (end of A) - (470-436 i.e. A) = 419..6

So, short at 446.5 (CMP spot)
SL 450.6 (2 of B started here)
Target: 419.6
העסקה בוטלה באופן ידני
Stopped out at 450.6

What this actually means is: the A-B-C we anticipated to end at 453.6 was actually 'a of A' and that C is still pending. Even if the stop is hit technically, I had kept the position open and then closed it at 447 (presumably the B). We have a new strategy to short around 458 levels. More on that in next idea.

I would urge the readers to comment so that I can improve on these items and improve application of Elliott Wave as well.

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