Benny's true sexy lesson in counter trend....

Now, looky looky here.

We see price has blasted through recent outside returns/ structure, and I'm starting to form a bearish bias on the hourly. The most recent pop affords us an opportunity to hop on the way down.

What was frustrating was, I couldn't get my stops above the recent swing without blowing up my maximum risk on the trade. I elected to employ a 2 ATR stop above the tip of structure at the left leg of the Double top where RSI originally went overbought. I will roll my fib targets if we go higher.

Benny Manieri
עסקה פעילה
Currently short
עסקה פעילה
We broke structure to the upside, so I'm adjusting targets by rolling my fibs. This increases win percentage but frigs up the original forecasted risk/reward profile.

Target one is at the .382 retracement, about 103.952.
Target two is now at the .618 retracement, about 103.414
עסקה סגורה: הגיע לסטופ
Hit our stops. Name of the game folks. Until next time.....

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