Looking like a pin bar reversal

Sell if the current candle becomes a reverse pin bar.
Kumo breakout is looking unlikely since the future kumo is still red and CS is finding resistance at the kijun, I am looking for the cs to follow kijun down.
העסקה בוטלה באופן ידני
I have taken decent profits waiting for pullback and will buy back in.
I am back in this trade on the pullback but I would recommend waiting for the price to break down through kijun before entering again but if we break the cloud to the downside there could be a long way to go with this trade.
עסקה סגורה: היעד הושג
It was a good trade in the end but reversed straight back up into the cloud which is why I take profits on large candles and look to reenter on the pullback.
I should also mention again that I use this method as I like to get in and out of trades as fast as possible as I dont use a stop loss.
Question now becomes will it break out to the upside, we have a green kumo forming but the current candle again looks like it might be another reverse pin bar so there may be another short trade very soon.
I missed the breakout to the upside due to work but Im in now with a small profit, ill let this trade run for a while and watch the candles but I dont expect it to go too high.
This pin bar reversal trade happens often when we are expecting a kumo breakout, it has caught me many times where I expected a breakout and it went the other way fast.
Every time I have seen a pin bar reversal right before breakout it is a clear sign no breakout will happen. This time I was ready for it.
Huge lesson for anyone trading ichimoku!.

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