
CRUDE OIL (WTI/USD) – Week 5 – Bulls losing fuel.

financialflagship מעודכן   
WTI ended the week where it started as we are in consolidation territory.
For the coming week we anticipate that the price will further depreciate, but it’s still uncertain, as we can expect that anytime the bulls may have a last-ditch try with the intention to push the price up and break the top before starting a bigger bearish move that would act as a correction.
Trade with care.

Best regards,
Financial Flagship

Disclaimer: The analysis provided is purely informative and it should not be used as financial advice. Remember that you need a plan before you start trading; so, take this knowledge and use it as a guidebook that will ultimately help you understand the market and easily predict your next move.
העסקה בוטלה באופן ידני:
Price moved against our expectation.

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