
XAG/GBP Mid- to Long-term View

מאת ‎TABaracus‎
First chart published on Trading View - comments welcome but go easy :-)

Long-term view on silver / British Pound: Bullish for the next 6-18 months

QE and virus uncertainty weigh on global economic outlook so traditional safe havens remain attractive. With gold having reached its ATH recently, I believe silver offers more upside potential in the mid- to long-term, with a possible re-test of its ATH by end 2022.

As the UK struggles to hold on to the limited progress made against COVID-19 and hope of a comprehensive EU trade deal by the end of 2020 begins to fade, mid-term downside potential for Sterling could be positive for XAG/GBP.

Target buy range £17.70 - £18.64

NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE - just my humble opinion
Fundamental AnalysisTrend Analysis

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