FVG Instantaneous Mitigation Signals [LuxAlgo]

// This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
// © LuxAlgo

indicator("FVG Instantaneous Mitigation Signals [LuxAlgo]", "LuxAlgo - FVG Instantaneous Mitigation Signals", overlay = true, max_boxes_count = 500, max_lines_count = 500, max_labels_count = 500)
filterWidth = input.float(0., 'FVG Width Filter', minval = 0, step = .1)

showTp = input(false, 'TP Area', inline = 'tp', group = 'TP/SL')
tpMult = input.float(4., 'Multiplier', minval = 0, inline = 'tp', group = 'TP/SL')
tpCss = input(, 80), '', inline = 'tp', group = 'TP/SL')

showSl = input(false, 'SL Area', inline = 'sl', group = 'TP/SL')
slMult = input.float(2., 'Multiplier', minval = 0, inline = 'sl', group = 'TP/SL')
slCss = input(, 80), '', inline = 'sl', group = 'TP/SL')

//Trailing Stop
tsReset = input.string('Every Signals', 'Reset Trailing Stop'
, options = ['Every Signals', 'Inverse Signals']
, group = 'Trailing Stop')

tsMult = input(3., 'Multiplier'
, group = 'Trailing Stop')

showBull = input(true, 'Bullish IMFVG', inline = 'bull', group = 'Style')
bullCss = input(color.teal, '', inline = 'bull', group = 'Style')
bullAvg = input(true, 'Average', inline = 'bull', group = 'Style')

showBear = input(true, 'Bearish IMFVG', inline = 'bear', group = 'Style')
bearCss = input(#f23645, '', inline = 'bear', group = 'Style')
bearAvg = input(true, 'Average', inline = 'bear', group = 'Style')

n = bar_index
atr = nz(ta.atr(200))

tpsl(condition, opposite_condition, level, islong)=>
var box tp_area = na
var box sl_area = na
var reached = false

if condition
if islong
if showTp
tp_area :=, level + atr * tpMult, n, level, na, bgcolor = tpCss)
if showSl
sl_area :=, level, n, level - atr * slMult, na, bgcolor = slCss)
if showTp
tp_area :=, level, n, level - atr * tpMult, na, bgcolor = tpCss)
if showSl
sl_area :=, level + atr * slMult, n, level, na, bgcolor = slCss)

reached := false

else if opposite_condition
reached := true

if not reached

if islong
if high > tp_area.get_top() or low < sl_area.get_bottom()
reached := true
if low < tp_area.get_bottom() or high > sl_area.get_top()
reached := true


trailing_stop(trigger, trend, mult)=>
var float ts = na
var reached = false

if trigger
ts := switch trend
1 => close - atr * mult
0 => close + atr * mult

reached := false
ts := switch trend
1 => close - ts > atr * mult ? close - atr * mult : ts
0 => ts - close > atr * mult ? close + atr * mult : ts

if close < ts and trend == 1
reached := true
else if close > ts and trend == 0
reached := true

[ts, reached]

filter(a, b)=> a - b > atr * filterWidth

var line bull_line = na
var bool bull_lvl_reached = na
var line bear_line = na
var bool bear_lvl_reached = na

var os = 0

//Bullish Signals
bull = low[3] > high[1] and close[2] < low[3] and close > low[3] and filter(low[3], high[1]) and showBull

//Set bullish tpsl zones
if bull
//Imbalance area, low[3], n, high[1], na, bgcolor =, 50))
avg = math.avg(low[3], high[1])

//Imbalance area average
if bullAvg
bull_line :=, avg, n, avg, color = bullCss, style = line.style_dashed)

//Label, low, '▲', color = color(na), textcolor = bullCss, style = label.style_label_up, size = size.small)

os := 1
bull_lvl_reached := false

//Bearish Signals
bear = low[1] > high[3] and close[2] > high[3] and close < high[3] and filter(low[1], high[3]) and showBear

//Set bearish tpsl zones
if bear
//Imbalance area, low[1], n, high[3], na, bgcolor =, 50))
avg = math.avg(low[1], high[3])

//Imbalance area average
if bearAvg
bear_line :=, avg, n, avg, color = bearCss, style = line.style_dashed)

//Label, high, '▼', color = color(na), textcolor = bearCss, style = label.style_label_down, size = size.small)

os := 0
bear_lvl_reached := false

//Extend average imabalance areas
if not bull_lvl_reached
if not bear_lvl_reached

//Test if reached
if close < bull_line.get_y2()
bull_lvl_reached := true

if close > bear_line.get_y2()
bear_lvl_reached := true

bull_reached = tpsl(bull, bear, math.avg(low[3], high[1]), true)
bear_reached = tpsl(bear, bull, math.avg(low[1], high[3]), false)

//Trailing Stop
ts_reset = tsReset == 'Every Signals' ? bull or bear : os != os[1]
[ts, ts_reached] = trailing_stop(ts_reset, os, tsMult)

barcolor(ts_reached ? na : os == 1 and not bull_reached ? bullCss : os == 0 and not bear_reached ? bearCss : na)

plot(ts, 'Trailing Stop', ts_reached or bull or bear ? na : os ? bullCss : bearCss)

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