The "Global M2 Money Supply" indicator is designed to visualize the aggregated M2 money supply across multiple countries and regions worldwide, expressed in trillions of USD. The M2 money supply typically includes cash, checking deposits, and easily convertible near-money assets, providing a broad measure of the money available in an economy. This indicator overlays the data on a chart with a customizable time offset, allowing users to shift the data forward or backward in time for comparative analysis.
Global Coverage: Incorporates M2 money supply data from major economies across multiple regions, including North America, Europe (EU and non-EU), Asia, the Pacific, Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa.
Currency Conversion: Converts local M2 values to USD using real-time or historical exchange rates for consistency.
Time Offset: Allows users to shift the M2 data by a configurable number of days (ranging from -1000 to +1000 days) to align with other chart data or analyze historical trends.
Visualization: Plots the total global M2 money supply as a yellow line on the right scale of the chart, with a linewidth of 2 for clear visibility.