

Library "UtilityLibrary"
A collection of custom utility functions used in my scripts.

  Gets the number of milliseconds per bar.
  Returns: (int) The number of milliseconds per bar.

  Checks if the current bar is the actual realtime bar.
  Returns: (bool) `true` when the current bar is the actual realtime bar, `false` otherwise.

  Checks if the current bar is the last replay bar.
  Returns: (bool) `true` when the current bar is the last replay bar, `false` otherwise.

  Checks how much of the current bar has elapsed.
  Returns: (float) Between 0 and 1.

  Checks if a number is even.
    number (float): (float) The number to evaluate.
  Returns: (bool) `true` when the number is even, `false` when the number is odd.

  Gets the sign of a float.
    number (float): (float) The number to evaluate.
  Returns: (int) 1 or -1, unlike math.sign() which returns 0 if the number is 0.

atan2(y, x)
  Derives an angle in radians from the XY coordinate.
    y (float): (float) Y coordinate.
    x (float): (float) X coordinate.
  Returns: (float) Between -π and π.

clamp(number, min, max)
  Ensures a value is between the `min` and `max` thresholds.
    number (float): (float) The number to clamp.
    min (float): (float) The minimum threshold (0 by default).
    max (float): (float) The maximum threshold (1 by default).
  Returns: (float) Between `min` and `max`.

  Removes gamma from normalized sRGB channel values.
    value (float): (float) The normalized channel value [0, 1].
  Returns: (float) Channel value with gamma removed.

  Adds gamma into normalized linear RGB channel values.
    value (float): (float) The normalized channel value [0, 1].
  Returns: (float) Channel value with gamma added.

  Extracts XYZ-D65 channels from sRGB colors.
    Color (color): (color) The sRGB color to process.
  Returns: (float tuple) [x, y, z]

xyz_to_rgb(x, y, z)
  Converts XYZ-D65 channels to sRGB channels.
    x (float): (float) The X channel value.
    y (float): (float) The Y channel value.
    z (float): (float) The Z channel value.
  Returns: (int tuple) [r, g, b]

  Extracts OKLAB-D65 channels from sRGB colors.
    Color (color): (color) The sRGB color to process.
  Returns: (float tuple) [l, a, b]

oklab_to_rgb(l, a, b)
  Converts OKLAB-D65 channels to sRGB channels.
    l (float): (float) The L channel value.
    a (float): (float) The A channel value.
    b (float): (float) The B channel value.
  Returns: (int tuple) [r, g, b]

  Extracts OKLCH channels from sRGB colors.
    Color (color): (color) The sRGB color to process.
  Returns: (float tuple) [l, c, h]

oklch_to_rgb(l, c, h)
  Converts OKLCH channels to sRGB channels.
    l (float): (float) The L channel value.
    c (float): (float) The C channel value.
    h (float): (float) The H channel value.
  Returns: (float tuple) [r, g, b]

hues(l1, h1, l2, h2, dist)
  Ensures the hue angles are set correctly for linearly interpolating OKLCH.
    l1 (float): (float) The first L channel value.
    h1 (float): (float) The first H channel value.
    l2 (float): (float) The second L channel value.
    h2 (float): (float) The second H channel value.
    dist (string): (string) The preferred angular distance to use. Options: `min` or `max` (`min` by default).
  Returns: (float tuple) [h1, h2]

lerp(a, b, t)
  Linearly interpolates between two values.
    a (float): (float) The starting point (first value).
    b (float): (float) The ending point (second value).
    t (float): (float) The interpolation factor [0, 1].
  Returns: (float) Between `a` and `b`.

smoothstep(t, precise)
  A non-linear (smooth) interpolation between 0 and 1.
    t (float): (float) The interpolation factor [0, 1].
    precise (bool): (bool) Sets if the calc should be precise or efficient (`true` by default).
  Returns: (float) Between 0 and 1.

ease(t, n, v, x1, y1, x2, y2)
  A customizable non-linear interpolation between 0 and 1.
    t (float): (float) The interpolation factor [0, 1].
    n (float): (float) The degree of ease [0≤] (1 by default).
    v (string): (string) The easing variant type: `in-out`, `in`, or `out` (`in-out` by default).
    x1 (float): (float) Optional X coordinate of starting point [0, 1] (0 by default).
    y1 (float): (float) Optional Y coordinate of starting point [0, 1] (0 by default).
    x2 (float): (float) Optional X coordinate of ending point [0, 1] (1 by default).
    y2 (float): (float) Optional Y coordinate of ending point [0, 1] (1 by default).
  Returns: (float) Between 0 and 1.

mix(color1, color2, blend, space, dist)
  Linearly interpolates between two colors.
    color1 (color): (color) The first color.
    color2 (color): (color) The second color.
    blend (float): (float) The interpolation factor [0, 1].
    space (string): (string) The color space to use for interpolating. Options: `rgb`, `oklab`, and `oklch` (`rgb` by default).
    dist (string): (string) The anglular distance to use for the hue change when the color space is set to `oklch`. Options: `min` and `max` (`min` by default).
  Returns: (color) Blend of `color1` and `color2`.
הערות שחרור

fade(Color, Alpha)
  Linearly interpolates a colors transparency.
    Color (color): (color) The color to process.
    Alpha (float): (float) The interpolation factor [0, 1], where `0` is fully transparent and `1` is the original transparency value (0.5 by default).
  Returns: (color) The same RGB color with an interpolated A channel.
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  Converts a `bar_index` into a `bar_time`.
    Bar_Index (int): (int) The `bar_index`.
  Returns: (int) `bar_time` of `bar_index`

source(s, o, h, l, c)
  Calculates a source value. Most useful when a script uses `` or `request.security_lower_tf`.
    s (string): (string) The desired source. Options: `open`, `high`, `low`, `close`, `hl2`, `hlc3`, `ohlc4`, `hlcc4`, `min`, or `max`.
    o (float): (float) The opening value.
    h (float): (float) The highest value.
    l (float): (float) The lowest value.
    c (float): (float) The closing value.
  Returns: (foat) The specified source, or 0 if the result is `na`.
הערות שחרור

method is_transparent(Color)
  Method for determining if a color is invisible.
  Namespace types: series color, simple color, input color, const color
    Color (color): (color) Color to evaluate.
  Returns: (bool) `true` when the color is transparent, `false` otherwise.

inv_lerp(a, b, v)
  Normalizes a value between two other values (inverse lerp).
    a (float): (float) Starting value.
    b (float): (float) Ending value.
    v (float): (float) Current value.
  Returns: (float) Value between 0 and 1.

remap(iMin, iMax, oMin, oMax, v)
  Linearly interpolates between two values given a non-normalized value.
    iMin (float): (float) Input minimum (where to start interpolating).
    iMax (float): (float) Input maximum (where to stop interpolating).
    oMin (float): (float) Output minimum (lowest output value).
    oMax (float): (float) Output maximum (highest output value).
    v (float): (float) Current value.
  Returns: (float) Value between `oMin` and `oMax`

cubic_bezier(t, p0, p1, p2, p3)
  A non-linear (smooth) approximated interpolation between 0 and 1 derived from the 4 points of a Cubic Bézier Curve. Note: oddly shaped curves may produce unexpected results. Further, because the interpolation is being approximated within a bifurcation loop, calling the function with each chart update may be inefficient. While useful, minimizing calls to this function is recommended.
    t (float): (float) Interpolation factor [0, 1].
    p0 (point): (point) Starting point ((0,0) by default).
    p1 (point): (point) First control point ((0.25,1) by default).
    p2 (point): (point) Second control point ((0,1) by default).
    p3 (point): (point) Ending point ((1,1) by default).
  Returns: (float) Value between 0 and 1.

  Coordinates for a 2D point.
    x (series float): (float) X coordinate of point.
    y (series float): (float) Y coordinate of point.
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bar_index_to_time() to index_to_time()

  Converts a `bar_time` offset into a `bar_index` equivalent.
    number_of_milliseconds (int): (int) The `bar_time` offset in milliseconds.
  Returns: (int) Offset converted to number of bars.

כתב ויתור

המידע והפרסומים אינם אמורים להיות, ואינם מהווים, עצות פיננסיות, השקעות, מסחר או סוגים אחרים של עצות או המלצות שסופקו או מאושרים על ידי TradingView. קרא עוד בתנאים וההגבלות.