Genesis Matrix Momentum Indicator

The Genesis Matrix (GMMI = Genesis Matrix Momentum Indicator) is primarily a momentum indicator that can be very well combined with other indicators to easily detect possible trend changes.

This is a translation/interpretation for TradingView from the original Metatrader 4 code which is Open-Source and was developed by "realjumper". More information here:

The 5-15 Genesis Strategy and Genesis Summary PDF:

EMA is configured as follows:

Length: 5
Source: hlc3
Offset: 2

Create a buy alert:
- Condition: GMMI and "All blue"
- Options: Once Per Bar

Create a sell alert:
- Condition: GMMI and "All red"
- Options: Once Per Bar

Version 3 changes:
- Bug fixes
- Fixed T3 signal (trend reversal instead of closing above/under trend)
- Input variables added (You could play around with periods of CCI and T3 by setting it to 12 for example.)
- Converted to PineScript v4
- Added alarm conditions

Happy Trading 📈😎

Important: We have neither invented this indicator nor added anything in the logic to it. This is just a script translation.

Note1: TVI (first line) only works on a ticker with provided volume!
Note2: The original system uses Heikin Ashi candles, but please be aware that this may alter the alertcondition and probably falsify the actual outcome.
Note3: We do not recommend using a single indicator as a basis for your trading decisions.

To find out more about how to gain access to this indicator, please use the provided information below or just message me.

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