• I added a small up/down arrow beside the DV, total volume and DV% values when their value has increased since the previous bar.
For the volume delta arrow to appear, DV+ must rise or DV– must fall, which means the polarity of the two DV values must be the same.
The direction of the arrow for increasing total volume or DV% is determined by the polarity of the bar,
so a ▼ arrow will appear next to the total volume if it has risen and the bar is a down bar.
You can disable the small arrows if you want.
• One condition was added to the set of marker conditions: "Total volume rises" (which means it is higher than the previous bar's value).
• I have refactored the conditions functionality to handle more than ten conditions. This changes the numbering of conditions, which now start at 1 rather than 0.
• A comma separator is now required between the condition numbers, so you must now enter them using this syntax: "1,4,6,8". Spaces and letters are ignored.