periodTooltip = 'Select the anchoring period to start data collection, DAILY will anchor at the start of the trading day, SESSIONS will start as DAILY and 15.5 hours later (RTH for US tickers).' tickModeTooltip = 'Select between AUTO and MANUAL modes for displaying TICKS or POINTS, in AUTO mode the tool will automatically select TICKS for tickers with a daily average volatility below 5000 ticks and POINTS for the rest of the tickers.' sizeTooltip = 'Select the number of price levels to display' textSizeTooltip = 'Select the text size'
domTooltip = 'Enable/Disable DOM display' realtimeOnlyTooltip = 'Enable/Disable real-time data only, historical data will be collected if disabled' topPriceTooltip = 'Specify the price to be displayed on the top row, set to 0 to enable dynamic DOM' maxIterationsTooltip = 'Specify how many times the values on the SELL and BUY columns are accumulated until reset.' profileSizeTooltip = 'Maximum size of the histograms on the PROFILE and DEPTH columns.'
profileTooltip = 'Enable/Disable Profile column. High impact on performance.' volumeTooltip = 'Enable/Disable Volume column. Total volume traded at price level.' interLevelImbalanceTooltip = 'Enable/Disable Interlevel Imbalance column. Total volume delta between the current price level and the price level above. High impact on performance.' depthTooltip = 'Enable/Disable Depth, showing the cumulative supply above the current price and the cumulative demand below. Impact on performance.' intraLevelImbalanceTooltip = 'Enable/Disable Intralevel Imbalance column. Delta between total buy volume and total sell volume. High impact on performance.' buyingPressurePercentTooltip= 'Enable/Disable Buy Percent column. Percentage of total buy volume compared to total volume.' imbalanceThresholdTooltip = 'Threshold for highlighting imbalances. Set to 90 to highlight the top 10% of interlevel imbalances and the top and bottom 10% of intralevel imbalances.' cryptoPrecisionTooltip = 'Specify the number of decimals to display on the volume of crypto assets'
keyLevelsTooltip = 'Enable/Disable KEY column. Very high performance impact.' previousWeekKeyLevelsTooltip= 'Enable/Disable High, Low, Middle and Close of the previous trading week.' previousDayKeyLevelsTooltip = 'Enable/Disable High, Low, Middle and Settlement of the previous trading day.' rangeKeyLevelsTooltip = 'Enable/Disable Open, High, Low and Middle of the current period.' openRangeKeyLevelsTooltip = 'Enable/Disable High and Low of the first candle of the period.' initialBalanceKeyLevelsTooltip = 'Enable/Disable High and Low of the first hour of the period.' vwapKeyLevelsTooltip = 'Enable/Disable Volume-weighted average price of the period with 1, 2 and 3 standard deviations.' profileKeyLevelsTooltip = 'Enable/Disable Point of Control (price level with the highest volume traded) of the period.'
timeAndSalesTooltip = 'Enable/Disable time and sales panel.' hoursOffsetTooltip = 'Enter your time zone\'s offset (+ or −), including a decimal fraction if needed.' orderSizeTooltip = 'Set order size filter. Orders smaller than the value are not displayed.'
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //DATA STRUCTURES & VARIABLES //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{ // type wrapper for the 10 maps that conform a DOM // Field totalVolume total volume per price level // Field sellVolume sell volume per price level // Field buyVolume buy volume per price level // Field currentSellVolume sell volume per price level, resets volume after `maxIterationsInput` updates // Field currentBuyVolume buy volume per price level, resets volume after `maxIterationsInput` updates // Field currentSellVolumeIterations number of iterations per price level for currentSellVolume map // Field currentBuyVolumeIterations number of iterations per price level for currentBuyVolume map // Field interLevelImbalance total volume delta between each level and level above // Field intraLevelImbalance delta between buy and sell volume per level // Field keyLevels store a tag at each key level price type Dom varip map<float,float> totalVolume varip map<float,float> sellVolume varip map<float,float> buyVolume varip map<float,float> currentSellVolume varip map<float,float> currentBuyVolume varip map<float,float> currentSellVolumeIterations varip map<float,float> currentBuyVolumeIterations varip map<float,float> interLevelImbalance varip map<float,float> intraLevelImbalance varip map<float,string> keyLevels
// type wrapper for each element of the Time & Sales panel // Field timeNow current execution time // Field price current execution price // Field size current volume delta // Field colorNow current display color type timeAndSales varip int timeNow varip float price varip float size varip color colorNow
// Function helper function to create a Dom object // Returns Dom ID newDom() =><float,float>(),<float,float>(),<float,float>(),<float,float>(),<float,float>(),<float,float>(),<float,float>(),<float,float>(),<float,float>(),<float,string>())
// variable storage for Dom UDT varip Dom dom = newDom() // variable storage for timeAndSales UDTs varip array<timeAndSales> timeSales =<timeAndSales>() // variable current DOM top price level varip float domTopLevel = 0 // variable current DOM bottom price level varip float domBottomLevel = 0 // variable check if current market price is out of current DOM bounds varip bool domExtremeLevel = false // variable current market price at current iteration varip float currentPrice = 0 // variable current market price one iteration ago varip float lastPrice = 0 // variable check to execute code only once per period varip bool notExecutedOnCurrentPeriod = true // variable check if current bar is a new period var newPeriod = false // variable check if script is in tick or point mode var tickMode = true // variable minimum tick to use var parsedMintick = 1. // variable fixed max map size var maxLimitMap = 50000 // variable mask for crypto volume format var cryptoPrecision = '0.' // variable milliseconds in one hour var hourMilliseconds = 1000 * 60 * 60 // variable milliseconds in 24 hours var dayMilliseconds = hourMilliseconds * 24 // variable milliseconds offset from `hoursOffsetInput` var offsetMilliseconds = int(hoursOffsetInput * hourMilliseconds) // variable table to display the DOM var table domTable =, 17, sizeInput + 1)
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //USER-DEFINED FUNCTIONS //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{ // Function helper function to clear all storages (DOM maps & time&sales array) // Returns void clearDom() => dom.totalVolume.clear() dom.sellVolume.clear() dom.buyVolume.clear() dom.currentSellVolume.clear() dom.currentBuyVolume.clear() dom.currentSellVolumeIterations.clear() dom.currentBuyVolumeIterations.clear() dom.interLevelImbalance.clear() dom.intraLevelImbalance.clear() dom.keyLevels.clear() timeSales.clear()
// Function helper function to remove first element from storage if maps reach their max limit // Returns void checkDom() => if dom.totalVolume.size() == maxLimitMap key = dom.totalVolume.keys().first() dom.totalVolume.remove(key) dom.sellVolume.remove(key) dom.buyVolume.remove(key) dom.currentSellVolume.remove(key) dom.currentBuyVolume.remove(key) dom.currentSellVolumeIterations.remove(key) dom.currentBuyVolumeIterations.remove(key) dom.interLevelImbalance.remove(key) dom.intraLevelImbalance.remove(key) dom.keyLevels.remove(key)
// Function helper function to remove first element of a map if it reaches max limit // param m_ap map to check // Returns void checkMapLimit(m_ap) => if m_ap.size() == maxLimitMap key = m_ap.keys().first() m_ap.remove(key)
// Function helper function to round float values per `tickMode` variable // param value value to be rounded // Returns float round(float value) => tickMode ? math.round_to_mintick(value) : int(value)
// Function get open, high, low and middle resetting calculations when the parameter is true // param resetPeriod condition to reset calculations // Returns tuple (4 floats) getRangeLevels(bool resetPeriod) => var periodOpen = 0. var periodHigh = low var periodLow = high var periodMiddle = 0.
if resetPeriod periodOpen := open periodHigh := high periodLow := low
// Function get high and low at `resetPeriod` or up to one hour after that // param resetPeriod condition to reset calculations // param initialBalance condition to get values from first hour after `resetPeriod` // Returns tuple (2 floats) getHighLowLevels(bool resetPeriod,bool initialBalance) => var periodHigh = high var periodLow = low var periodOpenTime = time
if resetPeriod periodOpenTime := time periodHigh := high periodLow := low
if initialBalance and time < (periodOpenTime + hourMilliseconds) periodHigh := high > periodHigh ? high : periodHigh periodLow := low < periodLow ? low : periodLow
// Function get vwap levels (vwap and bands at 1, 2 & 3 standard deviations) from `resetPeriod` // param resetPeriod condition to reset the calculations // Returns tuple (7 floats) getVWAPLevels(bool resetPeriod) => [vwap,plus1SD,minus1SD] = ta.vwap(hlc3,resetPeriod,1) [vwapNoUse1,plus2SD,minus2SD] = ta.vwap(hlc3,resetPeriod,2) [vwapNoUse2,plus3SD,minus3SD] = ta.vwap(hlc3,resetPeriod,3)
// Function get point of control (price level with max volume traded) // Returns float getPOC() => dom.totalVolume.size() > 0 ? dom.totalVolume.keys().get(dom.totalVolume.values().indexof(dom.totalVolume.values().max())) : 0.
// Function check if script must enable tick mode in auto mode // Returns bool enableTickMode() => ticks = int(ta.atr(10) / syminfo.mintick) + 1 averageTicks =,'1D',ticks,lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on) averageTicks <= 5000
// Function get close, high and low from last week // Returns tuple (3 floats) getPreviousWeekLevels() =>,'1W',[close[1],high[1],low[1]],lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)
// Function get close, high and low from last day // Returns tuple (3 floats) getPreviousDayLevels() =>,'1D',[close[1],high[1],low[1]],lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)
// Function adds `tag` to the current data at the key `level` on the keyLevels map // param level price level (map key) // param tag string (map value) // Returns void addKeyLevel(float level,string tag) => parsedTag = ''
if not na(dom.keyLevels.get(level)) parsedTag := dom.keyLevels.get(level) + EN_SPACE
parsedTag := parsedTag + tag dom.keyLevels.put(level,parsedTag)
// Function gather and store all enabled key levels // Returns void gatherKeyLevels() => dom.keyLevels.clear()
var previousWeekSettlement = 0. var previousWeekHigh = 0. var previousWeekLow = 0. var previousWeekMid = 0.
if profileKeyLevelsInput POC = getPOC() addKeyLevel(POC,POC_CONSTANT)
// Function get volume delta between script iterations // Returns float getVolumeDelta() => varip delta = 0. varip lastVolume = volume delta := volume - lastVolume lastVolume := volume
barstate.isnew ? volume : delta
// Function get price delta (ticks) between script iterations // Returns float getTickDelta() => (currentPrice - lastPrice) / parsedMintick
// Function get price direction (+1 bullish / -1 bearish) // Returns float getPriceDirection() => varip priceDirection = 0. tickDelta = getTickDelta()
if tickDelta != 0 priceDirection := math.sign(tickDelta)
// Function calculate and storage total volume delta between price level and level above, for current level and the level below // param level level to do the calculations // Returns void getInterLevelImbalance(float level) => interLevelImbalanceAbove = math.abs(dom.totalVolume.get(level) - nz(dom.totalVolume.get(level + parsedMintick))) checkMapLimit(dom.interLevelImbalance) dom.interLevelImbalance.put(level,interLevelImbalanceAbove)
// Function calculate and storage delta between buy and sell volume // param name level to do the calculations // Returns void getIntraLevelImbalance(float level) => intraLevelImbalance = dom.buyVolume.get(level) - dom.sellVolume.get(level) dom.intraLevelImbalance.put(level,intraLevelImbalance)
// Function gather and store data from historical bars // Returns void gatherHistoricalData() => size = int((high - low) / parsedMintick) + 1 volumePerLevel = syminfo.type == 'crypto' ? (volume / size) : int(volume / size) bullBar = close >= open volumeMap = bullBar ? dom.buyVolume : dom.sellVolume parsedHigh = round(high) parsedLow = round(low) reParsedMintick = round(parsedMintick) for price0 = parsedHigh to parsedLow by reParsedMintick price = round(price0) checkDom() dom.totalVolume.put(price,nz(dom.totalVolume.get(price))+volumePerLevel) volumeMap.put(price,nz(volumeMap.get(price))+volumePerLevel)
if interLevelImbalanceInput getInterLevelImbalance(price)
if intraLevelImbalanceInput getIntraLevelImbalance(price)
// Function gather and store data from historical bars // Returns void gatherRealTimeData() => delta = getVolumeDelta()
if delta > 0 direction = getPriceDirection() if domInput checkDom() volumeMap = direction < 0 ? dom.sellVolume : dom.buyVolume currentVolumeMap = direction < 0 ? dom.currentSellVolume : dom.currentBuyVolume currentVolumeIterationsMap = direction < 0 ? dom.currentSellVolumeIterations : dom.currentBuyVolumeIterations
if interLevelImbalanceInput getInterLevelImbalance(currentPrice)
if intraLevelImbalanceInput getIntraLevelImbalance(currentPrice)
if timeAndSalesInput and delta >= orderSizeInput if timeSales.size() >= sizeInput timeSales.pop() timeSales.unshift( + offsetMilliseconds,currentPrice,delta,direction < 0 ? RED : GREEN))
// Function helper function to plot table headers (cells) // param column table column // param row table row // param data data to display // param background cell background // Returns void headerCell(column,row,data,background = #000000) => table.cell(domTable,column,row,data,text_color=color.white,text_halign=text.align_center,text_size = textSizeInput,bgcolor = background)
// Function helper function to plot table data (cells) in monospace text // param column table column // param row table row // param data data to display // param textColor text color // param background cell background // param align text align // Returns void monospaceCell(column,row,data,textColor = color.white,backgroundColor = #000000, align = text.align_right) => domTable.cell(column,row,data,text_color = textColor, bgcolor = backgroundColor, text_halign = align, text_font_family = font.family_monospace, text_size = textSizeInput)
// Function helper function to plot table data (cells) // param column table column // param row table row // param data data to display // param textColor text color defaultCell(column,row,data,textColor = color.white) => domTable.cell(column,row,data,text_color = textColor, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = textSizeInput)
// Function draw all enabled header cells // Returns void drawHeaders() => domTable.set_bgcolor(#000000) domTable.set_frame_color(color.silver) domTable.set_frame_width(3)
if domInput if profileInput headerCell(0,0,'PROFILE') if volumeInput headerCell(1,0,'VOL') if interLevelImbalanceInput headerCell(2,0,'I Δ') if depthInput headerCell(3,0,'DEPTH') if keyLevelsInput headerCell(4,0,'KEY') headerCell(5,0,'PRICE') headerCell(6,0,'BID') headerCell(7,0,EM_SPACE+'SELL') headerCell(8,0,'BUY'+EM_SPACE) headerCell(9,0,'ASK') if intraLevelImbalanceInput headerCell(10,0,'L Δ') if buyingPressurePercentInput headerCell(11,0,'B %') defaultCell(5,1,'Waiting for realtime data...')
if timeAndSalesInput if domInput headerCell(13,0,HAIR_SPACE,color.silver) headerCell(13,1,'',color.silver) headerCell(14,0,'TIME') headerCell(15,0,'PRICE') headerCell(16,0,'SIZE') defaultCell(14,1,'Waiting for realtime data...')
// Function get a string from a repeated `character` `size` times // param size size of the string // param character character forming the string // Returns string profile(size, string character = '█') => baseString = str.tostring(<string>(math.round(math.max(1,size)),character)) str.replace_all(str.substring(baseString,1,str.length(baseString)-1),', ','')
// Function helper function to obtain the table row from a price level // param price price level // Returns int domRow(price) => math.round((domTopLevel - price)/parsedMintick)
// Function parse data to string with format // param data data to parse // param format format to use // Returns string parseData(data,format = format.volume) => na(data) or data == 0 ? EM_SPACE : syminfo.type == 'crypto' and format != format.mintick ? str.tostring(data,cryptoPrecision) : str.tostring(data,format)
// Function draw all enabled data (cells) into the table // Returns void drawTable() => // prepare arrays for drawing depth histogram sellVolumeDepth =<float>() buyVolumeDepth =<float>()
if depthInput for level0 = domTopLevel to domBottomLevel by parsedMintick level = round(level0) sellVolumeDepth.push(nz(dom.sellVolume.get(level))) buyVolumeDepth.push(nz(dom.buyVolume.get(level)))
// main loop for level0 = domTopLevel to domBottomLevel by parsedMintick level = round(level0) row = domRow(level) + 1
// only execute if dom is enabled if domInput if profileInput profile = profile(dom.totalVolume.get(level)*profileSizeInput/dom.totalVolume.values().max()) monospaceCell(0,row,profile,profileColorInput)
if volumeInput monospaceCell(1,row,parseData(dom.totalVolume.get(level)))
if interLevelImbalanceInput interLevelImbalance = dom.interLevelImbalance.get(level) interLevelImbalanceColor = interLevelImbalance > dom.interLevelImbalance.values().percentile_nearest_rank(imbalanceThresholdInput) ? imbalanceColorInput : BLACK monospaceCell(2,row,parseData(interLevelImbalance),backgroundColor = interLevelImbalanceColor)
if depthInput and currentPrice <= domTopLevel and currentPrice >= domBottomLevel currentPriceIndex = domRow(currentPrice) value = .0 if level < currentPrice value := sellVolumeDepth.slice(currentPriceIndex,row).sum() if level > currentPrice value := buyVolumeDepth.slice(row - 1,currentPriceIndex + 1).sum() depth = level != currentPrice ? profile(value*profileSizeInput/maxDepth) : '' monospaceCell(3,row,depth,textColor = level < currentPrice ? depthDemandColorInput : depthSupplyColorInput)
if keyLevelsInput monospaceCell(4,row,dom.keyLevels.get(level))
if level == currentPrice monospaceCell(7,row,parseData(dom.currentSellVolume.get(level)),getPriceDirection() < 0 ? WHITE : RED, getPriceDirection() < 0 ? RED : BLACK, text.align_center) monospaceCell(8,row,parseData(dom.currentBuyVolume.get(level)), getPriceDirection() < 0 ? BLUE : WHITE, getPriceDirection() < 0 ? BLACK : GREEN, text.align_center) else defaultCell(7,row,parseData(dom.currentSellVolume.get(level)),RED) defaultCell(8,row,parseData(dom.currentBuyVolume.get(level)),BLUE)
if intraLevelImbalanceInput intraLevelImbalance = dom.intraLevelImbalance.get(level) imbalanceBeyondThreshold = false if intraLevelImbalance > 0 imbalanceBeyondThreshold := intraLevelImbalance > dom.intraLevelImbalance.values().percentile_nearest_rank(imbalanceThresholdInput) if intraLevelImbalance < 0 imbalanceBeyondThreshold := intraLevelImbalance < dom.intraLevelImbalance.values().percentile_nearest_rank(100 - imbalanceThresholdInput) intraLevelImbalanceColor = imbalanceBeyondThreshold ? imbalanceColorInput : BLACK monospaceCell(10,row,parseData(intraLevelImbalance),backgroundColor = intraLevelImbalanceColor)
if buyingPressurePercentInput defaultCell(11,row,parseData(math.round(dom.buyVolume.get(level)*100/dom.totalVolume.get(level))))
// only execute if time & sales is enabled if timeAndSalesInput if domInput monospaceCell(13,row,'',backgroundColor = color.silver) index = domRow(level)
if index < timeSales.size() monospaceCell(14,row,str.format('{0,time,HH:mm:ss SSS}',timeSales.get(index).timeNow),,50)) monospaceCell(15,row,EM_SPACE+parseData(timeSales.get(index).price,format.mintick),timeSales.get(index).colorNow) monospaceCell(16,row,parseData(timeSales.get(index).size))
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //MUTABLE VARIABLES & EXECUTION //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{ // variable define execution window on the last 24 hours executionWindow = timenow - dayMilliseconds * 1 // variable check if current bar is inside the execution window insideExecutionWindow = time >= executionWindow
if insideExecutionWindow
// execute on the first bar of the execution window if not insideExecutionWindow[1] tickMode := tickModeInput == AUTO ? enableTickMode() : manualModeInput == TICKS ? true : false parsedMintick := tickMode ? syminfo.mintick : 1
// execute only on the first iteration of the new period if newPeriod and notExecutedOnCurrentPeriod clearDom() notExecutedOnCurrentPeriod := false
// execute once at the next bar after the new period bar if barstate.isconfirmed and newPeriod[1] notExecutedOnCurrentPeriod := true
// execute once per bar if don and key levels are enabled if barstate.isconfirmed and domInput and keyLevelsInput gatherKeyLevels()
// execute only on historical bars if dom is enabled and real time only is not enabled if barstate.ishistory and domInput and not realtimeOnlyInput gatherHistoricalData()
// execute only once before the first real time bar if barstate.islastconfirmedhistory drawHeaders()
if syminfo.type == 'crypto' cryptoPrecision := cryptoPrecision + profile(cryptoPrecisionInput,'0')
// execute only on real time bars if barstate.isrealtime gatherRealTimeData() domExtremeLevel := currentPrice >= domTopLevel or currentPrice <= domBottomLevel
// draw all enabled info on the table drawTable() //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
סקריפט קוד פתוח
ברוח TradingView אמיתית, היוצר של הסקריפט הזה הפך אותו לקוד פתוח, כך שסוחרים יכולים לבדוק ולאמת את הפונקציונליות שלו. כל הכבוד למחבר! למרות שאתה יכול להשתמש בו בחינם, זכור שפרסום מחדש של הקוד כפוף לכללי הבית שלנו.
לגישה מהירה לגרף, הוסף את הסקריפט הזה למועדפים שלך - למד עוד כאן.
המידע והפרסומים אינם אמורים להיות, ואינם מהווים, עצות פיננסיות, השקעות, מסחר או סוגים אחרים של עצות או המלצות שסופקו או מאושרים על ידי TradingView. קרא עוד בתנאים וההגבלות.
ברוח TradingView אמיתית, היוצר של הסקריפט הזה הפך אותו לקוד פתוח, כך שסוחרים יכולים לבדוק ולאמת את הפונקציונליות שלו. כל הכבוד למחבר! למרות שאתה יכול להשתמש בו בחינם, זכור שפרסום מחדש של הקוד כפוף לכללי הבית שלנו.
לגישה מהירה לגרף, הוסף את הסקריפט הזה למועדפים שלך - למד עוד כאן.
המידע והפרסומים אינם אמורים להיות, ואינם מהווים, עצות פיננסיות, השקעות, מסחר או סוגים אחרים של עצות או המלצות שסופקו או מאושרים על ידי TradingView. קרא עוד בתנאים וההגבלות.