Trend Line Regression

This is a fast trend line regressor based on least squares regression.

(1) Supports setting regression from the Nth candle
(2) Supports the minimum and maximum regression candle interval length
(3) Supports finding the optimal regression region based on the length step among the minimum and maximum regression region lengths
(4) Supports displaying the optimal regression level
(5) The size of the regression region is 0.5 times the standard deviation by default
(6) You can filter the trend line by setting minimum trend line regression level
(6) Please properly set the parameters to avoid calculation timeout



(1) 支持从第N根蜡烛开始设置回归
(2) 支持最小和最大的回归蜡烛区间长度
(3) 支持在最小和最大回归区间长度的基础上寻找最佳回归区域
(4) 支持显示最佳回归水平
(5) 回归区域的大小默认为标准差的0.5倍
(6) 可以通过设置最小趋势线回归等级来过滤趋势线
(6) 请正确设置参数以避免计算超时


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