
Trend Gradient Moving Average

This moving average uses a gradient function which calculates the number of advances/declines of the moving average to change the intensity of the colors, meaning a longer trend in either direction will show a stronger color. You can choose 3 colors to build the gradient: a bullish, bearish & neutral/transition color. The number of steps chosen will change the speed of color change, with a lower number of steps meaning a faster transition and viceversa.

Furthermore, you can choose between many different types of moving averages:
-SMA (Simple Moving Average)
-EMA (Exponential Moving Average)
-RMA (Rolling Moving Average)
-WMA (Weighted Moving Average)
-HMA (Hull Moving Average)
-VWMA (Volume Weighted Moving Average)
-TMA (Triangular Moving Average)

הערות שחרור
Updated Script to Pinescript V5

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