GBPIndexGBP Index based on a basket of the following currencies
GBPJPY, 3.4%
GBPCNH, 9.0%
GBPCHF, 3.2%
GBPCAD, 1.4%
GBPAUD, 1.4%
Use this index with a moving average to determine when to go long or short on GBP pairs, except for EURGBP. If index above Moving Average you have the green light to open Long positions. If below Moving Average you have green light to open Short positions.
For EURGBP you would open Long if index is below moving average and open Short when index is above moving average
AUD (דולר אוסטרלי)
Pine Script Tutorial #4Welcome to Pine Script Tutorial #4
This is more complex than the previous 3 tutorials. This one builds upon the first 3 tutorials.
What does this code do?: It plots on a histogram (at the bottom), the difference between closest round number and the close. So for example 84 -close = 16 pips. It shows the 16 pips on the histogram.
First off, it is actually Two studies on this graph, not one. I wanted the histogram at the bottom and round number indicator to overlay on the graph. There is no code within Pine Script that lets you do that within one script.
Secondly, there is no code that lets you spit out number on the graph, that is why I used histogram, initially I wanted it to tell me 16 pips in writing but no way of doing that.
In order to replicate the graph you have to first plot the rounding formula as overlay. Thean take out the overlay and plot te histogram.
I got the rounding formula from one of the coders here and simplified it. Just search round.
Hope this helps,
Feel free to comment.
JPY GBP ROCsRate of change of most volatile JPY and GBP pairs. All pairs ending in JPY are red except GBPJPY (colored yellow --currently most volatile 7/2016). GBPNZD is blue, the other GBP pairs are green, lime and teal. GBPJPY and GBPNZD are my favorite day trading / swing trading pairs. This script allows me to see the action of the most volatile and liquid pairs on one screen. JPY pairs (ex-GBPJPY) are all red so that I see the flow of JPY not so much each pair and its name. Global movement of JPY is what I am after. Same for the coloring of GBP pairs as green expect GBPNZD as blue. ***** EURGBP is plotted as an opposite (with a negative in front of its sma. EURGBP is extremely correlated to GBPNZD, I decided to plot it also.
Pairs Volume FXCM mini accountScript shows the volume of the currency pairs in the FXCM mini account. I set it daily or weekly to see which pair is picking up in activity. My style of currency trading is short holds on the highest volatility. This helps me determine which pairs have the highest volume (or tick activity since there is no true exchange for currency). I use this in conjunction with the other script I wrote, "Pairs Range" which shows which pairs have the highest daily range. This script has a built in 5-sma on each pair. High daily range and high volume is volatility and liquidity. **** This does not include currencies in CHF ****