Buy/Sell Signals for CM_Williams_Vix_FixИндикатор «Buy/Sell Signals for CM_Williams_Vix_Fix» использует несколько ключевых компонентов для генерации торговых сигналов. Вот пошаговый разбор того, как он работает:
### Шаг 1: Настройка параметров
Пользователь может задать следующие параметры:
- **LookBack Period Standard Deviation High** (`pd`) — период для расчета стандартного отклонения.
- **Bolinger Band Length** (`bbl`) — длина полос Боллинджера.
- **Bollinger Band Standard Devaition Up** (`mult`) — коэффициент для стандартного отклонения при расчете полос Боллинджера.
- **Look Back Period Percentile High** (`lb`) — период для вычисления процентилей.
- **Highest Percentile** (`ph`) — коэффициент для определения верхней границы диапазона на основе процентилей.
- **Lowest Percentile** (`pl`) — коэффициент для определения нижней границы диапазона на основе процентилей.
- **Show High Range** (`hp`) — включение/выключение отображения диапазона на основе процентилей.
- **Show Standard Deviation Line** (`sd`) — включение/выключение отображения линии стандартного отклонения.
### Шаг 2: Расчет Williams VIX Fix (WVF)
Индикатор рассчитывается следующим образом:
\text{WVF} = \left(\frac{\text{highest(close, pd)} - \text{low}}{\text{highest(close, pd)}} \right) \times 100
- `highest(close, pd)` — максимальная цена закрытия за последние `pd` свечей,
- `low` — минимальная цена текущей свечи.
Это выражение показывает, насколько текущая минимальная цена отличается от максимальной цены закрытия за выбранный период.
### Шаг 3: Полосы Боллинджера
Полосы Боллинджера строятся вокруг средней скользящей (SMA):
- Средняя линия (`midLine`) рассчитывается как простое среднее значение WVF за период `bbl`.
- Верхняя полоса (`upperBand`) находится выше средней линии на величину стандартного отклонения, умноженного на коэффициент `mult`.
- Нижняя полоса (`lowerBand`) находится ниже средней линии на ту же величину.
\text{sDev} = \text{mult} \times \sigma_{\text{wvf}}
\sigma_{\text{wvf}} = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N}(\text{wvf}_i - \overline{\text{wvf}})^2}
где $N$ — количество точек данных в периоде `bbl`, $\overline{\text{wvf}}$ — средняя величина WVF за этот период.
### Шаг 4: Определение диапазонов на основе процентилей
Для этого используется максимальное и минимальное значения WVF за последний период `lb`. Затем эти значения корректируются с помощью коэффициентов `ph` и `pl` для получения верхней и нижней границ диапазона.
### Шаг 5: Генерация сигналов
Сигнал на покупку генерируется, когда WVF пересекает снизу вверх нижнюю полосу Боллинджера или нижнюю границу диапазона на основе процентилей.
Сигнал на продажу генерируется, когда WVF пересекает сверху вниз верхнюю полосу Боллинджера или верхнюю границу диапазона на основе процентилей.
### Шаг 6: Визуализация сигналов
На графике появляются стрелки, обозначающие точки входа:
- Зеленые стрелки под свечами показывают сигнал на покупку.
- Красные стрелки над свечами показывают сигнал на продажу.
### Итог
Этот индикатор помогает трейдерам принимать решения о покупке или продаже активов, основываясь на пересечении значений WVF с полосами Боллинджера или диапазонами на основе процентилей. Пользователи могут гибко настраивать параметры для адаптации к различным рыночным условиям.
רצועות וערוצים
Buy/Sell Signals for CM_Williams_Vix_FixThis script in Pine Script is designed to create an indicator that generates buy and sell signals based on the Williams VIX Fix (WVF) indicator. Here’s a brief explanation of how this script works:
Main Components:
Williams VIX Fix (WVF) – This volatility indicator is calculated using the formula:
highest(close, pd)
highest(close, pd)
highest(close, pd)
highest(close, pd)−low
where highest(close, pd) represents the highest closing price over the period pd, and low represents the lowest price over the same period.
Bollinger Bands are used to determine levels of overbought and oversold conditions. They are constructed around the moving average (SMA) of the WVF value using standard deviation (SD).
Ranges based on percentiles help identify extreme levels of WVF values to spot entry and exit points.
Buy and sell signals are generated when the WVF crosses the Bollinger Bands lines or reaches the ranges based on percentiles.
Adjustable Parameters:
LookBack Period Standard Deviation High (pd): The lookback period for calculating the highest closing price.
Bolinger Band Length (bbl): The length of the period for constructing the Bollinger Bands.
Bollinger Band Standard Devaition Up (mult): The multiplier for the standard deviation used for the upper Bollinger Band.
Look Back Period Percentile High (lb): The lookback period for calculating maximum and minimum WVF values.
Highest Percentile (ph): The percentile threshold for determining the high level.
Lowest Percentile (pl): The percentile threshold for determining the low level.
Show High Range (hp): Option to display the range based on percentiles.
Show Standard Deviation Line (sd): Option to display the standard deviation line.
Buy Signal: Generated when the WVF crosses above the lower Bollinger Band or falls below the lower boundary of the percentile-based range.
Sell Signal: Generated when the WVF crosses below the upper Bollinger Band or rises above the upper boundary of the percentile-based range.
These signals are displayed as triangles below or above the candles respectively.
The script can be used by traders to analyze market conditions and make buying or selling decisions based on volatility and price behavior.
SMA+BB+PSAR+GOLDEN AND DEATH CROSSSMA 5-8-13-21-34-55-89-144-233-377-610
BB 20-2
PSAR Parabolik SAR, alış satış analizini güçlendiren bir indikatördür. Bu gösterge temelde durdurma ve tersine çevirme sinyalleri için kullanılır. Teknik yatırımcılar trendleri ve geri dönüşleri tespit etmek için bu indikatörden faydalanır.
The Game of MomentumThe horizontal line, which is indicating the risk in that stock. Max risk is till it closes below the horizontal line.
Vortex & ADX DIL'indicateur Vortex se compose de deux lignes qui indiquent une tendance haussière (VI+), généralement représentée en vert, et une tendance baissière (VI-), généralement représentée en rouge. Cet indicateur est spécifiquement utilisé pour déterminer les renversements de tendance et confirmer les tendances et la direction actuelles.
Développé par Etienne Botes et Douglas Siepman, l'indicateur Vortex a été présenté pour la première fois dans l'édition de janvier 2020 du magazine "Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities".
Le calcul de l'indicateur Vortex s'articule autour de quatre parties principales. Nous examinons ces parties plus en détail ci-dessous.
La plage réelle (TR) est la plus grande des valeurs suivantes :
Haut actuel - bas actuel
Haut actuel - clôture précédente
Plus bas actuel - clôture précédente
Les mouvements haussiers et baissiers peuvent être déterminés à l'aide des calculs de lignes de tendance suivants. Il convient également de noter qu'elles sont généralement affichées sous un graphique en chandelier.
VM+ = valeur absolue du plus haut actuel - plus bas précédent
VM- = valeur absolue du plus bas actuel - plus haut précédent
La longueur du paramètre (n) est le résultat de la préférence du trader. Les traders choisissent généralement des paramètres entre 14 et 30 jours. Les calculs pour la longueur du paramètre sont les suivants :
Somme de la fourchette réelle des n dernières périodes (VM+ et VM-)
Somme de la fourchette réelle des n dernières périodes = SUM TRn
Somme des VM+ des n dernières périodes = SUM VMn+
Somme des VM- des n dernières périodes = SOMME VMn-
Création des lignes de tendance VI+ et VI-. Enfin, les traders devront utiliser les formules suivantes pour calculer les deux lignes de tendance de l'indicateur Vortex. En répétant ce processus quotidiennement, les lignes de tendance se formeront.
A retenir et à observer
Il est préférable d'utiliser l'indicateur Vortex avec d'autres indicateurs, outils et modèles de tendances inversées qui aident à soutenir un signal d'inversion.
Les tendances haussières, ou signaux d'achat, se produisent lorsque la ligne VI+ est inférieure à la ligne VI- et qu'elle se croise ensuite au-dessus de la ligne VI- pour former la ligne de tendance supérieure.
Les tendances baissières, ou signaux de vente, se produisent lorsque la ligne VI- est inférieure à la ligne VI+ et qu'elle se croise ensuite au-dessus de la ligne VI+ pour former la ligne de tendance supérieure.
En règle générale, c'est la ligne de tendance supérieure qui détermine la position d'un titre (tendance haussière ou baissière).
Les traders doivent être vigilants lorsqu'ils utilisent l'indicateur Vortex, car les croisements VI+ et VI- peuvent parfois entraîner le déclenchement d'un certain nombre de faux signaux d'achat ou de vente. C'est particulièrement le cas lorsque l'action des prix est agitée et n'est pas compensée par des indicateurs ou des outils de lissage. Pour remédier à ce problème, de nombreux traders ont trouvé utile d'ajuster les périodes utilisées afin de réduire le nombre de faux signaux. Si c'est votre cas, essayez de modifier les paramètres de votre indicateur et d'ajuster la période pour voir si vous obtenez un meilleur résultat.
L'indicateur Vortex est basé sur deux lignes de tendance, VI+ et VI-, qui indiquent respectivement une tendance haussière et une tendance baissière sur le marché actuel. Cet indicateur peut aider à déterminer les renversements de tendance et à confirmer les tendances et la direction actuelles, en mettant en évidence la position des lignes de tendance l'une par rapport à l'autre.
Average Directional Index (ADX)
See for detail.
Je mettrai à jour le script par la suite
Trend Direction with Trend Name_BacNQTrendline
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Multi Function 5MAMulti Function 5MA has covered about all the functions that you would generally want to MA.
The functions that can be displayed with this indicator are as follows.
1 Up to 5 MA and Signal lines can be displayed as desired.
2 MA lines change color according to the following conditions. Fixed color can also be selected
1. Up/Down with the source of calculation (e.g., closing price)
2. Up/Down with the Signal
3. MA line up or down
3 MA and Signal lines can be selected from the following 6 types
1.SMA (Simple Moving Average)
2.EMA (Exponential Moving Average)
3.RMA (Running Moving Average)
4.WMA (Weighted Moving Average)
5.HMA (Hull Moving Average)
6.LSMA (Least Squares Moving Average)
4 The following can be set individually for both MA and Signal lines
3.Offset value
5 Ribbon backgrounds can be displayed on MA lines with the following information
1.4 Ribbons can be displayed simultaneously for MA1/2 MA2/3 MA3/4 MA4/5
2.Ribbon color can be set individually for all four ribbons
3.Ribbon color changes depending on MAs Condition. Fixed colors can also be set and selected.
6 BB (Bollinger Bands) and KC (Keltner Channels) can be set for MAs as follows
1.BB and KC can be set for the same MA or for different MA
2.Up to 3 BB line and 3 KC line can be displayed each
3.Standard deviation period and sigma value for BB and ATR value and multiplier for KC can be set
4.Colors can be set for each BB line and KC line
5.Background can be displayed in any range for both BB and KC
7 MA, Signal, Ribbon, BB, KC, and background can all be set individually for color, density, and thickness
SUPRA BERSERKER CAPITAL CA & NFLEste indicador combina herramientas técnicas avanzadas para identificar tendencias clave, niveles dinámicos de soporte y resistencia, así como oportunidades de trading basadas en acción del precio. Diseñado para traders que buscan precisión en su análisis, incluye las siguientes características:
1. Medias Móviles Exponenciales (EMAs):
Dos EMAs ajustables (100 y 200 períodos) para identificar la dirección principal de la tendencia.
Configuraciones personalizables de color y fuente para adaptarse a tus necesidades.
2. VWMA (Media Ponderada por Volumen):
Una VWMA de 250 períodos que actúa como indicador principal para determinar la dirección general del mercado, ponderando el volumen de cada vela para una visión más precisa.
Opciones de desplazamiento y ajustes de color para una mejor visualización en el gráfico.
3. Filtro Gaussiano y GMA (Gaussian Moving Average):
Un filtro Gaussiano avanzado que suaviza los datos de precios para destacar la tendencia predominante.
La media móvil Gaussiana cambia de color según la relación entre el precio de cierre y su valor, proporcionando una guía visual clara de la dirección del mercado.
Incluye límites superiores e inferiores basados en el ATR para identificar zonas de alta volatilidad.
Beneficios clave para la estrategia:
Identificación de Soportes Técnicos: Utiliza la combinación de EMAs y VWMA para detectar áreas de interés crítico donde podrían darse rebotes o rupturas.
Confirmación de Volumen y Dirección: La VWMA junto con el filtro Gaussiano validan la fortaleza de una tendencia y ayudan a identificar si el volumen está alineado con el movimiento.
Análisis Visual Intuitivo: Cambios de color en el filtro Gaussiano y límites de volatilidad facilitan decisiones rápidas y fundamentadas.
Este indicador es ideal para estrategias intradiarias o de swing trading en índices como el US30 o el S&P 500, alineado con nuestra filosofía de análisis técnico en Berserker Capital. ¡Optimízalo según tu estilo y comparte tus resultados con la comunidad!
ICT + RSI + EMA Strategy with Buy/Sell SignalsKey Changes:
Plotchar for Debugging: We use plotchar to visualize whether the long and short conditions are being met. These will print an upward arrow (↑) for buy signals and a downward arrow (↓) for sell signals right on the bars.
Buy condition: If the condition is true, a green arrow (↑) will appear below the bar.
Sell condition: If the condition is true, a red arrow (↓) will appear above the bar.
This allows us to visually confirm whether the conditions are being met and help debug if the signals aren't showing up.
Simplified Entry Conditions: To help identify whether the signals are too strict, the entry conditions are kept the same, but with plotchar, you can now track when they are met. If you still don't see signals, you can simplify the conditions further for testing (e.g., only using the EMA and RSI without ICT components initially).
Debugging: The plotchar will display arrows on the chart where the conditions are true, allowing you to see if the logic for generating the signals is working.
Next Steps:
Check the Debug Arrows: Once you add this script, look for the ↑ (buy) and ↓ (sell) arrows on the chart. If you don't see them, it means the conditions might not be met frequently. You can tweak the logic accordingly.
Look at the Debug Values: If the arrows are too rare, you can adjust the logic by reducing the strictness of the conditions. For example, temporarily remove the FVG or market structure conditions to see if the basic RSI and EMA signals are working.
Adjust the Conditions: If the signals are still not showing, you may need to relax the conditions (e.g., using different RSI thresholds or simpler price actions).
The key modification here is the use of plotchar to visually debug whether the buy and sell conditions are being met.
If this works, you can remove the plotchar and keep only the plotshape for the final signals.
Let me know if this helps or if you need further clarification!
AI indicatorThis script is a trading indicator designed for future trading signals on the TradingView platform. It uses a combination of the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and a Simple Moving Average (SMA) to generate buy and sell signals. Here's a breakdown of its components and logic:
1. Inputs
The script includes configurable inputs to make it adaptable for different market conditions:
RSI Length: Determines the number of periods for calculating RSI. Default is 14.
RSI Overbought Level: Signals when RSI is above this level (default 70), indicating potential overbought conditions.
RSI Oversold Level: Signals when RSI is below this level (default 30), indicating potential oversold conditions.
Moving Average Length: Defines the SMA length used to confirm price trends (default 50).
2. Indicators Used
RSI (Relative Strength Index):
Measures the speed and change of price movements.
A value above 70 typically indicates overbought conditions.
A value below 30 typically indicates oversold conditions.
SMA (Simple Moving Average):
Used to smooth price data and identify trends.
Price above the SMA suggests an uptrend, while price below suggests a downtrend.
3. Buy and Sell Signal Logic
Buy Condition:
The RSI value is below the oversold level (e.g., 30), indicating the market might be undervalued.
The current price is above the SMA, confirming an uptrend.
Sell Condition:
The RSI value is above the overbought level (e.g., 70), indicating the market might be overvalued.
The current price is below the SMA, confirming a downtrend.
These conditions ensure that trades align with market trends, reducing false signals.
4. Visual Features
Buy Signals: Displayed as green labels (plotshape) below the price bars when the buy condition is met.
Sell Signals: Displayed as red labels (plotshape) above the price bars when the sell condition is met.
Moving Average Line: A blue line (plot) added to the chart to visualize the SMA trend.
5. How It Works
When the buy condition is true (RSI < 30 and price > SMA), a green label appears below the corresponding price bar.
When the sell condition is true (RSI > 70 and price < SMA), a red label appears above the corresponding price bar.
The blue SMA line helps to visualize the overall trend and acts as confirmation for signals.
6. Advantages
Combines Momentum and Trend Analysis:
RSI identifies overbought/oversold conditions.
SMA confirms whether the market is trending up or down.
Simple Yet Effective:
Reduces noise by using well-established indicators.
Easy to interpret for beginners and experienced traders alike.
Parameters like RSI length, oversold/overbought levels, and SMA length can be adjusted to fit different assets or timeframes.
7. Limitations
Lagging Indicator: SMA is a lagging indicator, so it may not capture rapid market reversals quickly.
Not Foolproof: No trading indicator can guarantee 100% accuracy. False signals can occur in choppy or sideways markets.
Needs Volume Confirmation: The script does not consider trading volume, which could enhance signal reliability.
8. How to Use It
Copy the script into TradingView's Pine Editor.
Save and add it to your chart.
Adjust the RSI and SMA parameters to suit your preferred asset and timeframe.
Look for buy signals (green labels) in uptrends and sell signals (red labels) in downtrends.
Comprehensive RSI, MACD & Stochastic Table
RSI, MACD, and Stochastic Multi-Asset Indicator for TradingView
The RSI, MACD, and Stochastic Multi-Asset Indicator is a comprehensive tool designed for traders who want to analyze multiple assets simultaneously while utilizing some of the most popular technical indicators. This indicator is tailored for all market types—whether you're trading cryptocurrencies, stocks, forex, or commodities—and provides a consolidated dashboard for faster and more informed decision-making.
This tool combines Relative Strength Index (RSI), Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD), and Stochastic Oscillator, three of the most effective momentum and trend-following indicators. It provides a visual, color-coded table for quick insights and alerts for significant buy or sell opportunities.
What Does This Indicator Do?
This indicator performs the following key functions:
1. Multi-Asset Analysis: Analyze two assets side by side, allowing you to monitor their momentum, trends, and overbought/oversold conditions simultaneously.
2. Combines Three Powerful Indicators:
RSI: Tracks market momentum and identifies overbought/oversold zones.
MACD: Highlights trend direction and momentum shifts.
Stochastic Oscillator: Provides insights into overbought/oversold zones with smoothing for better accuracy.
3. Color-Coded Dashboard: Displays all indicator values in an easy-to-read table with color coding for quick identification of market conditions.
4. Real-Time Alerts: Generates alerts when strong bullish or bearish conditions are met across multiple indicators.
Key Features
1. Customizable Inputs
You can adjust RSI periods, MACD parameters, Stochastic settings, and timeframes to suit your trading style.
Analyze default or custom assets (e.g., BTC/USDT, ETH/USDT).
2. Multi-Timeframe Support
Use this indicator on any timeframe (e.g., 1-minute, 1-hour, daily) to suit your trading strategy.
3. Comprehensive Dashboard
Displays values for RSI, MACD, and Stochastic for two assets in one clean, compact table.
Automatically highlights overbought (red), oversold (green), and neutral (gray) conditions.
4. Buy/Sell Signals
Plots buy/sell signals on the chart when all indicators align in strong bullish or bearish zones.
Strong Buy: RSI above 50, Stochastic %K above 80, and MACD histogram positive.
Strong Sell: RSI below 50, Stochastic %K below 20, and MACD histogram negative.
5. Real-Time Alerts
Alerts notify you when a strong buy or sell condition is detected, so you don't miss critical trading opportunities.
Who Is This Indicator For?
This indicator is perfect for:
Day Traders who need real-time insights across multiple assets.
Swing Traders who want to identify mid-term trends and momentum shifts.
Crypto, Stock, and Forex Traders looking for a consolidated tool that works across all asset classes.
How It Works
1. RSI (Relative Strength Index):
Tracks momentum by measuring the speed and change of price movements.
Overbought: RSI > 70 (Red).
Oversold: RSI < 30 (Green).
2. MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence):
Combines two exponential moving averages (EMA) to track momentum and trend direction.
Positive Histogram: Bullish momentum.
Negative Histogram: Bearish momentum.
3. Stochastic Oscillator:
Tracks price relative to its high-low range over a specific period.
Overbought: %K > 80.
Oversold: %K < 20.
4. Table View:
Displays indicator values for both assets in an intuitive table format.
Highlights critical zones with color coding.
5. Alerts:
Alerts are triggered when:
RSI, MACD, and Stochastic align in strong bullish or bearish conditions.
These conditions are based on customizable thresholds.
How to Use the Indicator
1. Add the Indicator to Your Chart:
After publishing, search for the indicator by its name in TradingView's Indicators tab.
2. Customize Inputs:
Adjust settings for RSI periods, MACD parameters, and Stochastic smoothing to suit your strategy.
3. Interpret the Table:
Check the table for highlighted zones (red for overbought, green for oversold).
Look for bullish or bearish signals in the "Signal" column.
4. Act on Alerts:
Use the real-time alerts to take action when strong conditions are met.
Example Use Cases
1. Crypto Day Trading:
Monitor BTC/USDT and ETH/USDT simultaneously for strong bullish or bearish conditions.
Receive alerts when RSI, MACD, and Stochastic align for a potential reversal.
2. Swing Trading Stocks:
Track a stock (e.g., AAPL) and its sector ETF (e.g., QQQ) to find momentum-based opportunities.
3. Forex Scalping:
Identify overbought/oversold conditions across multiple currency pairs.
The RSI, MACD, and Stochastic Multi-Asset Indicator simplifies your trading workflow by consolidating multiple technical indicators into one powerful tool. With real-time insights, color-coded visuals, and customizable alerts, this indicator is designed to help you stay ahead in any market.
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced trader, this indicator provides everything you need to make confident trading decisions. Add it to your TradingView chart today and take your analysis to the next level!
Make sure to leave your feedback and suggestions so I can continue improving the tool for the community. Happy trading!
EU Stock Market Time Zone with Vertical Lines//@version=5
indicator("EU Stock Market Time Zone with Vertical Lines", overlay=true)
// Define the start and end times of the EU stock market
euMarketOpen = timestamp("GMT+1", year, month, dayofmonth, 09, 00) // 9:00 AM CET
euMarketClose = timestamp("GMT+1", year, month, dayofmonth, 17, 30) // 5:30 PM CET
// Check if the current time is within the EU market hours
isEUmarketOpen = (time >= euMarketOpen and time <= euMarketClose)
// Draw vertical dotted lines during the EU market hours
var lineColor =, 0)
if (isEUmarketOpen and na(time )), y1=na, x2=na, y2=na, xloc=xloc.bar_time, extend=extend.both, color=lineColor, style=line.style_dotted, width=1)
// Plot a horizontal line to mark EU market hours
plot(isEUmarketOpen ? close : na, style=plot.style_linebr,, linewidth=2, title="EU Market Hours")
NOG50TRADERSAlways be conservative when you get the NOG50T Long signal always wait a pullback in Discount price! when you see NOG50T Short Signal always wait A pullback in expensive price. never chase market. (Manasse IRADUKUNDA CEO)
Investing Zone"Investing Zone" designed to highlight specific market conditions. It calculates the Relative Strength Index (RSI) over a period of 2 and identifies when the RSI value drops below 15, signaling a potential oversold condition. Additionally, it calculates the Exponential Moving Average (EMA) over a period of 14 and checks if the closing price is below the EMA, indicating a bearish trend.
The indicator combines these two conditions, and if both are true, it highlights the chart background in green with a transparency level of 85. This visual cue helps traders identify potential "investing zones" where the market might be oversold in a downtrend, suggesting areas of interest for further analysis or potential buying opportunities.
Bot de Trading Avancé avec Scalping et Indicateurs VisuelsCe script permet d'afficher clairement les points d'achat et de vente sur le graphique, facilitant ainsi les décisions de trading. Vous pouvez ajuster les paramètres et les styles en fonction de vos préférences. Assurez-vous de tester ce script dans un environnement de démonstration avant de l'utiliser en temps réel.
Dirección del Mercado y Bloques de Ordendireccion del mercado
Apareceran etiquetas que indican si la tendencia es alcista o bajista en los mercados de tiempo diari H4 y H1
zonas de liquidez
Lineas horizontales en el grafico resaltan los maximos y minimos de las ultimas 50 velas
EMA 50 200 BandThis indicator displays the Exponential Moving Averages (EMA) with periods of 50 and 200 and visually highlights the areas between the two lines. The color coding helps to quickly identify trends:
Green: EMA 50 is above EMA 200 (bullish signal).
Red: EMA 50 is below EMA 200 (bearish signal).
This tool is especially useful for trend analysis and can act as a filter for buy and sell signals. It is suitable for day trading or swing trading across various timeframes.
mVWAp and PDL PDH bar coloringBars are colored based on where they close relatively to PDL PDH and mVWAP
FON60DK by leventsahThe strategy generates buy and sell signals using the Tillson T3 and TOTT (Twin Optimized Trend Tracker) indicators. Additionally, the Williams %R indicator is used to filter the signals. Below is an explanation of the main components of the code:
1. Input Parameters:
Tillson T3 and TOTT parameters: Separate parameters are defined for both buy (AL) and sell (SAT) conditions. These parameters control the sensitivity and behavior of the indicators.
Williams %R period: The period for the Williams %R indicator is set to determine overbought and oversold levels.
2. Tillson T3 Calculation:
The Tillson T3 indicator is a smoothed moving average that uses an exponential moving average (EMA) with additional smoothing. The formula calculates a weighted average of multiple EMAs to produce a smoother line.
The t3 function computes the Tillson T3 value based on the close price and the input parameters.
3. TOTT Calculation (Twin Optimized Trend Tracker):
The TOTT indicator is a trend-following tool that adjusts its sensitivity based on market conditions. It uses a combination of price action and a volatility coefficient to determine trend direction.
The Var_Func function calculates the TOTT value, which is then used to derive the OTT (Optimized Trend Tracker) levels for both buy and sell conditions.
4. Williams %R Calculation:
Williams %R is a momentum oscillator that measures overbought and oversold levels. It is calculated using the highest high and lowest low over a specified period.
5. Buy and Sell Conditions:
Buy Condition: A buy signal is generated when the Tillson T3 value crosses above the TOTT upper band (OTTup) and the Williams %R is above -20 (indicating an oversold condition).
Sell Condition: A sell signal is generated when the Tillson T3 value crosses below the TOTT lower band (OTTdnS) and the Williams %R is above -70 (used to close long positions).
6. Strategy Execution:
The strategy.entry function is used to open a long position when the buy condition is met.
The strategy.close function is used to close the long position when the sell condition is met.
7. Visualization:
The bars on the chart are colored green when a long position is open.
The Tillson T3, TOTT upper band (OTTup), and TOTT lower band (OTTdn) are plotted on the chart for both buy and sell conditions.
8. Plots:
The Tillson T3 values for buy and sell conditions are plotted in blue.
The TOTT upper and lower bands are plotted in green and red, respectively, for both buy and sell conditions.
This strategy combines trend-following indicators (Tillson T3 and TOTT) with a momentum oscillator (Williams %R) to generate buy and sell signals. The use of separate parameters for buy and sell conditions allows for fine-tuning the strategy based on market behavior. The visual elements, such as colored bars and plotted indicators, help traders quickly identify signals and trends on the chart.
RSI + BB (All Combined)RSI + BB (All Combined)
В скрипте представлены полосы боллинджера + стохастик RSI