FVG Radar [Mr_Rakun]The FVG Radar indicator is designed to automatically detect Fair Value Gaps (FVG) on your TradingView chart. It visually highlights bullish and bearish gaps with colored boxes and provides alerts when specific conditions are met.
How It Works
Fair Value Gap (FVG) Detection:
The script identifies gaps based on previous price action. A bullish FVG is recognized when there is a gap below a higher low candle, and a bearish FVG when there is a gap above a lower high candle.
Radar Area:
A yellow “Radar Area” box is drawn on the chart using upper and lower bands defined as a percentage above and below the current price. This area helps you visualize where the price is relative to these bands.
Alerts are triggered based on user-defined conditions:
When price crosses half of the gap (if the "Clear FVG When Price Reaches Half" option is enabled).
When price fully fills the gap (if the option is disabled).
The alert will only be activated after waiting a specified number of bars post-gap formation (as set by the "Wait X Bars After FVG Formation" parameter).
Input Parameters
Radar Upper Band (%):
Sets the upper threshold percentage relative to the current price for the radar area.
Radar Lower Band (%):
Sets the lower threshold percentage relative to the current price for the radar area.
Minimum FVG Size (%):
Determines the minimum size (as a percentage) for a gap to be recognized as a valid FVG.
Clear FVG When Price Reaches Half:
If enabled, the FVG will be cleared when the price reaches the midpoint of the gap. If disabled, the entire gap must be filled before it is cleared.
Wait X Bars After FVG Formation:
Specifies the number of bars to wait after an FVG is detected before triggering an alert. This delay helps to avoid premature alerts.
Bullish and Bearish FVG Colors and Opacity:
Customize the appearance of the FVG boxes for bullish (green) and bearish (red) gaps, including the opacity of these visual elements.
How to Use
Add the Indicator:
Load the FVG Radar indicator on your TradingView chart.
Customize Settings:
Adjust the input parameters based on your trading style and the market’s volatility. The radar area settings help you set your own visual reference for price deviations.
Monitor the Chart:
Watch for the colored boxes that represent FVGs. The boxes will display the size of the gap as a percentage.
Respond to Alerts:
When an alert is triggered after the specified number of bars, it indicates that the price has interacted with the gap. Use this information to guide your trading decisions.
Türkçe --------------------------------------------
FVG Radar göstergesi, TradingView grafiğinizde Fair Value Gap (FVG) – yani adil değer boşluklarını – otomatik olarak tespit etmek için tasarlanmıştır. Bu boşluklar, yükseliş ve düşüş boşluklarını farklı renkli kutularla vurgular ve belirli koşullar sağlandığında uyarılar verir.
Nasıl Çalışır
Fair Value Gap (FVG) Tespiti:
Gösterge, önceki fiyat hareketlerine dayalı olarak boşlukları belirler. Yükseliş boşluğu, düşük seviyenin yukarıdaki mumun altındaki boşlukla oluştuğu durumlarda; düşüş boşluğu ise, yüksek seviyenin aşağıdaki mumun üstünde boşluk oluştuğunda tespit edilir.
Radar Alanı:
Grafikte, mevcut fiyata göre belirlenen üst ve alt yüzde bantlarına dayalı olarak sarı renkte “Radar Alanı” kutusu çizilir. Bu alan, fiyatın bu bantlara göre nerede olduğunu görsel olarak anlamanıza yardımcı olur.
Kullanıcının belirlediği koşullara göre uyarılar verilir:
Fiyat, boşluğun yarısına ulaştığında (eğer "FVG'nin yarısına ulaştığında temizle" seçeneği etkinse).
Fiyat boşluğu tamamen doldurduğunda (seçenek devre dışı bırakıldığında).
Uyarı, boşluk oluşumundan sonra belirlenen bar sayısı kadar bekledikten sonra tetiklenir ("FVG Oluşumundan Sonra X Bar Bekle" parametresi).
Giriş Parametreleri
Radar Upper Band (%):
Mevcut fiyata göre radar alanı için üst eşik yüzdesini ayarlar.
Radar Lower Band (%):
Mevcut fiyata göre radar alanı için alt eşik yüzdesini ayarlar.
Minimum FVG Size (%):
Bir boşluğun geçerli bir FVG olarak tanınabilmesi için gereken minimum boyutu (yüzde olarak) belirler.
FVG'nin yarısına ulaştığında temizle:
Etkinse, fiyat boşluğun orta noktasına ulaştığında boşluk temizlenir. Devre dışı bırakılırsa, boşluğun tamamen doldurulması gerekir.
FVG Oluşumundan Sonra X Bar Bekle:
Bir FVG tespit edildikten sonra uyarı tetiklenmeden önce beklenmesi gereken bar sayısını belirler. Bu gecikme, erken uyarıların önüne geçmeyi amaçlar.
Yükseliş ve Düşüş FVG Renkleri ve Opaklık:
Yükseliş boşlukları (yeşil) ve düşüş boşlukları (kırmızı) için kutuların görünümünü ve opaklığını özelleştirmenize olanak tanır.
Nasıl Kullanılır
Göstergeyi Ekleyin:
FVG Radar göstergesini TradingView grafiğinize ekleyin.
Ayarları Özelleştirin:
Ticaret tarzınıza ve piyasanın oynaklığına göre giriş parametrelerini ayarlayın. Radar alanı ayarları, fiyat sapmalarını kendi görsel referansınızla tanımlamanıza yardımcı olur.
Grafiği İzleyin:
FVG’leri temsil eden renkli kutuları takip edin. Kutular, boşluğun yüzdelik büyüklüğünü gösterecektir.
Uyarılara Tepki Verin:
Belirlenen bar sayısı sonrasında tetiklenen uyarı, fiyatın boşluk ile etkileşime girdiğini gösterir. Bu bilgiyi, ticaret kararlarınızı yönlendirmek için kullanın.
Candlestick analysis
HyperTrend [LuxAlgo]
indicator("HyperTrend ", overlay=true, max_lines_count=500, max_labels_count=500, max_boxes_count=350)
bullcolor = #16e045
bearcolor = #e1320f
gr_customalert = "CUSTOM ALERTS CREATOR"
gr_signal = "MAIN SETTINGS"
gr_Basic_Settings = "BASIC SETTINGS"
gr_Other_Settings = "CLOUD SETTINGS"
gr_signalfilter = "SIGNAL FILTERS"
gr_candle = "CANDLE COLORING"
gr_RiskManage = "RISK MANAGEMENT"
gr_dash = "SMART PANEL"
// Get user input
showSignals = input(true, "Show Signal's", group=gr_signal)
//showSignals = true
sensitivity = input.float(3.1, "Sensitivity", 0.1, step=0.1, group=gr_signal)
STuner = input.int(25, "Signal Tuner(1-25)", minval = 1, maxval = 25, group=gr_signal)
Presets = input.string("All Signals", "Presets", , group=gr_signal)
TextStyle = input.string("Minimal", "Signal Style", , group=gr_signal)
consSignalsFilter = input(false, "Trending Signal Only", group=gr_signalfilter ,inline = "F1")
StrongSignalsOnly = input(false, "Strong Signals Only", group=gr_signalfilter ,inline = "F1")
highVolSignals = input(false, "High Volume Signals only", group=gr_signalfilter ,inline = "F2")
signalsTrendCloud = input(false, "Cloud Signals only", group=gr_signalfilter ,inline = "F2")
ContrarianOnly = input(false, "Contrarian Signals Only ", group=gr_signalfilter ,inline = "F3")
Show_PR = input.bool(true, title="Show PullBack Signals", group = gr_PullBacksignal , inline = "Features1")
MSTuner = input.int(5, "PullBack Tuner(2-30)", minval = 2, maxval = 30, group=gr_PullBacksignal)
TrendMap = input.string(title='Heatmap Mode', defval='Trend Gradient', options= ,group=gr_candle,tooltip="Use to adjust the bar coloring to indicate market sentiment")
momentumCandles = input(false, "No Momentum Candles", group=gr_candle)
LongTrendAverage = input(true, 'Trend Tracer', group = gr_TrendTracer, tooltip='Places A EMA Which have a trend filtering capability Trend Cloud Line (EMA), Will Be Shown On The Chart')
LTAsensitivity = input.int(250, 'Trend Tracer Length', group=gr_TrendTracer)
showTrendCloud = input(true, "Show Trend cloud", group=gr_Other_Settings)
periodTrendCloud = input.string("Smooth", "Trend Cloud Style", , group=gr_Other_Settings)
//ScalpingPlus = input(false, "Fast trend cloud", group=gr_Other_Settings)
//fastTrendCloudLen = input.int(55, "Fast trend cloud", 2, group=gr_Other_Settings)
fastTrendCloudLen = 55
showDashboard = input(true, "Smart Panel", group = gr_dash , inline = "Features1")
locationDashboard = input.string("Bottom Right", "Table Location", , group = gr_dash , tooltip="Smart Panel")
sizeDashboard = input.string("Small", "Table Size", , group = gr_dash , tooltip="Smart Panel")
tpLabels = input(true, "Dynamic Take Profit Lables", group=gr_RiskManage)
ShowTpSlAreas = input(true, "Show take Profit/Stop-loss Area", group=gr_RiskManage)
ShowTrailingSL = input(false, "Show trailing Stop-loss", group=gr_RiskManage)
usePercSL = input(false, "SL/TRAILING", inline="1", group=gr_RiskManage)
percTrailingSL = input.float(1, "", 0, step=0.1, inline="1", group=gr_RiskManage)
useTP1 = input(true, "", inline="1", group=gr_RiskManage)
multTP1 = input.float(1, "TP 1", 0, inline="1", group=gr_RiskManage)
useTP2 = input(true, "", inline="4", group=gr_RiskManage)
multTP2 = input.float(2, "TP 2 ", 0, inline="4", group=gr_RiskManage)
useTP3 = input(true, "", inline="4", group=gr_RiskManage)
multTP3 = input.float(3, "TP 3", 0, inline="4", group=gr_RiskManage)
ShowSwings = input(false, "Show Market Structure ", inline="3", group=gr_RiskManage)
periodSwings = input.int(10, " ", 2, inline="3", group=gr_RiskManage)
//showTS = input(title='Show Trend Shifter', defval=false, group='Contrarian SIGNALS')
length = input.int(50, 'Length', minval=1, group='Contrarian SIGNALS')
SSF = input.int(30, 'Smoothing Factor ', minval=1, group='Contrarian SIGNALS')
CSFSELL = input.int(60, 'OB', minval=1, group='Contrarian SIGNALS' , inline = "SEXY")
CSFBUY = input.int(40, 'OS', minval=1, group='Contrarian SIGNALS', inline = "SEXY")
// showsignals = input(title='Show Signals', defval=false, group='Contrarian SIGNALS')
// Alerts Managemnt
Normalbuy_alert = input.bool(title='Buy Signal ', defval=false, inline = "NB", group=gr_customalert)
Strongbuy_alert = input.bool(title='Strong Buy', defval=false, inline = "NB", group=gr_customalert)
Normalsell_alert = input.bool(title='Sell Signal ', defval=false , inline = "NS", group=gr_customalert)
Strongsell_alert = input.bool(title='Strong Sell', defval=false , inline = "NS", group=gr_customalert)
slalert = input.bool(title='Stop-Loss ', defval=false , inline = "SLTP1", group=gr_customalert)
tp1alert = input.bool(title='Target 1', defval=false , inline = "SLTP1", group=gr_customalert)
tp2alert = input.bool(title='Target 2 ', defval=false , inline = "TP2TP3", group=gr_customalert)
tp3alert = input.bool(title='Target 3', defval=false , inline = "TP2TP3", group=gr_customalert)
bullcrosscloud_alert = input.bool(title='Bullish Cloud', defval=false, inline = "CD", group=gr_customalert)
bearcrosscloud_alert = input.bool(title='Bearish Cloud', defval=false, inline = "CD", group=gr_customalert)
showCons = false
paintCons = false
colorZone = color.white
lbPeriod = 10
lenCons = 5
// Signal Text
SimpleBuy = "Buy"
StrongB = "Strong Buy"
SimpleSell = "Sell"
StrongS = "Strong Sell"
if TextStyle == "Normal"
SimpleBuy := "Buy"
StrongB := "Strong Buy"
SimpleSell:= "Sell"
StrongS := "Strong Sell"
if TextStyle == "Minimal"
SimpleBuy := "Buy"
StrongB := "Strong Buy"
SimpleSell:= "Sell"
StrongS := "Strong Sell"
// Signal Text Color
bullsignalcolor = color.rgb(0, 0, 0)
bearsignalcolor = color.rgb(0, 0, 0)
if TextStyle == "Normal"
bullsignalcolor := color.rgb(0, 0, 0)
bearsignalcolor := color.rgb(0, 0, 0)
if TextStyle == "Minimal"
bullsignalcolor := color.rgb(0, 0, 0)
bearsignalcolor := color.rgb(0, 0, 0)
src = close
RSII = ta.ema(ta.rsi(src, length), SSF)
TR = math.abs(RSII - RSII )
wwalpha = 1 / length
WWMA = 0.0
WWMA := wwalpha * TR + (1 - wwalpha) * nz(WWMA )
ATRRSI = 0.0
ATRRSI := wwalpha * WWMA + (1 - wwalpha) * nz(ATRRSI )
TsFast = ta.ema(ta.rsi(src, length), SSF)
TsUP = TsFast + ATRRSI * 4.236
TsDN = TsFast - ATRRSI * 4.236
TsSlow = 0.0
TsSlow := TsUP < nz(TsSlow ) ? TsUP : TsFast > nz(TsSlow ) and TsFast < nz(TsSlow ) ? TsDN : TsDN > nz(TsSlow ) ? TsDN : TsFast < nz(TsSlow ) and TsFast > nz(TsSlow ) ? TsUP : nz(TsSlow )
Colorh = TsFast > 55 ? color.rgb(255, 0, 0) : TsFast < 45 ? color.rgb(0, 255, 8) : #ffffff
//QQF = plot(TsFast, 'TS FAST', color=color.new(color.maroon, 100), linewidth=2, display=display.none, editable = false)
//QQS = plot(TsSlow, 'TS SLOW', color=color.new(color.white, 100), linewidth=2, display=display.none , editable = false)
//plot(TsFast, color=Colorh, linewidth=2, style=plot.style_area, histbase=50)
//BearLimit = hline(60, color=color.gray, linestyle=hline.style_dashed)
//BullLimt = hline(40, color=color.gray, linestyle=hline.style_dashed)
bulllim = 45
bearlim = 55
BullSignalr = ta.crossover(TsFast, TsSlow) and TsFast < bulllim
BearSignallr = ta.crossunder(TsFast, TsSlow) and TsFast > bearlim
// Trap Detector
// Functions
wavetrend(src, chlLen, avgLen) =>
esa = ta.ema(src, chlLen)
d = ta.ema(math.abs(src - esa), chlLen)
ci = (src - esa) / (0.015 * d)
wt1 = ta.ema(ci, avgLen)
wt2 = ta.sma(wt1, 3)
f_top_fractal(src) => src < src and src < src and src > src and src > src
f_bot_fractal(src) => src > src and src > src and src < src and src < src
f_fractalize (src) => f_top_fractal(src) ? 1 : f_bot_fractal(src) ? -1 : 0
f_findDivs(src, topLimit, botLimit) =>
fractalTop = f_fractalize(src) > 0 and src >= topLimit ? src : na
fractalBot = f_fractalize(src) < 0 and src <= botLimit ? src : na
highPrev = ta.valuewhen(fractalTop, src , 0)
highPrice = ta.valuewhen(fractalTop, high , 0)
lowPrev = ta.valuewhen(fractalBot, src , 0)
lowPrice = ta.valuewhen(fractalBot, low , 0)
bearSignal = fractalTop and high > highPrice and src < highPrev
bullSignal = fractalBot and low < lowPrice and src > lowPrev
// Get components
= wavetrend(close, 5*MSTuner, 10*MSTuner)
= f_findDivs(wt2, 10, -35)
= f_findDivs(wt2, 40, -70)
wtDivBull = wtDivBull1 or wtDivBull2
wtDivBear = wtDivBear1 or wtDivBear2
plotshape(ta.crossover(wt1, wt2) and Show_PR and wt2 <= -60, "PullBack Buy" , shape.circle, location.belowbar, color.new(bullcolor,60), size=size.tiny)
plotshape(ta.crossunder(wt1, wt2) and Show_PR and wt2 >= 60, "PullBack Sell", shape.circle, location.abovebar, color.new(bearcolor,60), size=size.tiny)
rsi = ta.rsi(close ,14)
// Functions
f_chartTfInMinutes() =>
float _resInMinutes = timeframe.multiplier * (
timeframe.isseconds ? 1. / 60 :
timeframe.isminutes ? 1. :
timeframe.isdaily ? 60. * 24 :
timeframe.isweekly ? 60. * 24 * 7 :
timeframe.ismonthly ? 60. * 24 * 30.4375 : na)
atr(len) =>
tr = ta.tr
atr = 0.0
atr := nz(atr + (tr - atr ) / len, tr)
supertrend(src, factor, len) =>
atr = ta.atr(len)
upperBand = src + factor * atr
lowerBand = src - factor * atr
prevLowerBand = nz(lowerBand )
prevUpperBand = nz(upperBand )
lowerBand := lowerBand > prevLowerBand or close < prevLowerBand ? lowerBand : prevLowerBand
upperBand := upperBand < prevUpperBand or close > prevUpperBand ? upperBand : prevUpperBand
int direction = na
float superTrend = na
prevSuperTrend = superTrend
if prevSuperTrend == prevUpperBand
direction := close > upperBand ? 1 : -1
direction := close < lowerBand ? -1 : 1
superTrend := direction == 1 ? lowerBand : direction == -1 ? upperBand : na
hh = ta.highest(len)
ll = ta.lowest (len)
trend = 0
trend := close > hh ? 1 : close < ll ? -1 : nz(trend )
trendScalper(show, len1, len2, len3, colorBull, colorBear, colorBarBull, colorBarBear) =>
avgOC = math.avg(open, close)
ha_o = 0.0, ha_o := na(ha_o ) ? avgOC : (ha_o + ohlc4 ) / 2
ema1 = ta.ema(ha_o, len1), ema2 = ta.ema(ha_o, len2), ema3 = ta.ema(ha_o, len3)
ris1 = ema1 > ema1 , ris2 = ema2 > ema2 , ris3 = ema3 > ema3
fal1 = ema1 < ema1 , fal2 = ema2 < ema2 , fal3 = ema3 < ema3
colorEma1 = ris1 ? colorBull : fal1 ? colorBear : na, colorEma2 = ris2 ? colorBull : fal2 ? colorBear : na, colorEma3 = ris3 ? colorBull : fal3 ? colorBear : na
fillEma1 = avgOC > ema1 ? colorBull : avgOC < ema1 ? colorBear : na, fillEma2 = ema1 > ema2 ? colorBull : ema1 < ema2 ? colorBear : na, fillEma3 = ema2 > ema3 ? colorBull : ema2 < ema3 ? colorBear : na
colorBar = close < ema1 and close < ema2 ? colorBarBear : colorBarBull
candlesMom() =>
= ta.macd(close, 2, 4, 3)
(macd > 10 and macd > macd ) or (macd < 10 and macd < macd )
trailingSL(buy, sell, factor, len, usePerc, perc) =>
atr = atr(len)
upperBand = high + (usePerc ? high * (perc / 100) : factor * atr)
lowerBand = low - (usePerc ? low * (perc / 100) : factor * atr)
prevLowerBand = nz(lowerBand )
prevUpperBand = nz(upperBand )
lowerBand := lowerBand > prevLowerBand or buy ? lowerBand : prevLowerBand
upperBand := upperBand < prevUpperBand or sell ? upperBand : prevUpperBand
int direction = na
float stop = na
prevSuperTrend = stop
if prevSuperTrend == prevUpperBand
direction := buy ? 1 : -1
direction := sell ? -1 : 1
stop := direction == 1 ? lowerBand : direction == -1 ? upperBand : na
add_to_zz(zz, val, bi) =>
array.unshift(zz, bi)
array.unshift(zz, val)
if array.size(zz) > 12
update_zz(zz, val, bi, dir) =>
if array.size(zz) == 0
add_to_zz(zz, val, bi)
if dir == 1 and val > array.get(zz, 0) or dir == -1 and val < array.get(zz, 0)
array.set(zz, 0, val)
array.set(zz, 1, bi)
// Get components
vosc = ta.obv - ta.ema(ta.obv, 20)
bs = ta.ema(nz(math.abs((open - close) / (high - low) * 100)), 3)
ema = ta.ema(close, 200)
emaBull = close > ema
equal_tf(res) => str.tonumber(res) == f_chartTfInMinutes()
higher_tf(res) => str.tonumber(res) > f_chartTfInMinutes()
too_small_tf(res) => (timeframe.isweekly and res=="1") or (timeframe.ismonthly and str.tonumber(res) < 10)
securityNoRep(sym, res, src) =>
bool bull = na
bull := equal_tf(res) ? src : bull
bull := higher_tf(res) ? request.security(sym, res, src, barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) : bull
bull_array = request.security_lower_tf(syminfo.tickerid, higher_tf(res) ? str.tostring(f_chartTfInMinutes()) : too_small_tf(res) ? (timeframe.isweekly ? "3" : "10") : res, src)
if array.size(bull_array) > 1 and not equal_tf(res) and not higher_tf(res)
bull := array.pop(bull_array)
TF1Bull = securityNoRep(syminfo.tickerid, "1" , emaBull)
TF3Bull = securityNoRep(syminfo.tickerid, "3" , emaBull)
TF5Bull = securityNoRep(syminfo.tickerid, "5" , emaBull)
TF10Bull = securityNoRep(syminfo.tickerid, "10" , emaBull)
TF15Bull = securityNoRep(syminfo.tickerid, "15" , emaBull)
TF30Bull = securityNoRep(syminfo.tickerid, "30" , emaBull)
TF60Bull = securityNoRep(syminfo.tickerid, "60" , emaBull)
TF120Bull = securityNoRep(syminfo.tickerid, "120" , emaBull)
TF240Bull = securityNoRep(syminfo.tickerid, "240" , emaBull)
TF720Bull = securityNoRep(syminfo.tickerid, "720" , emaBull)
TFDBull = securityNoRep(syminfo.tickerid, "1440", emaBull)
ema150 = ta.ema(close, 150)
ema250 = ta.ema(close, 250)
hma55 = ta.hma(close, 55 )
= ta.macd(close, 12, 26, 9)
supertrend = supertrend(close, sensitivity, STuner)
maintrend = dchannel(30)
confBull = (ta.crossover (close, supertrend) or (ta.crossover (close, supertrend) and maintrend < 0)) and macd > 0 and macd > macd and ema150 > ema250 and hma55 > hma55 and maintrend > 0
confBear = (ta.crossunder(close, supertrend) or (ta.crossunder(close, supertrend) and maintrend > 0)) and macd < 0 and macd < macd and ema150 < ema250 and hma55 < hma55 and maintrend < 0
trendcloud = supertrend(ohlc4, periodTrendCloud == "Swing" ? 7 : 4, 10)
hma = periodTrendCloud == "Scalping+" ? ta.hma(close, fastTrendCloudLen) : na
none = close > 0
= ta.dmi(14, 14)
consFilter = adx > 20
ContBear = TsFast > CSFSELL
ContBull = TsFast < CSFBUY
StrongFilter = ta.ema(close, 200)
//volFilter = (ta.ema(volume, 25) - ta.ema(volume, 26)) / ta.ema(volume, 26) > 0
volFilter = (ta.ema(volume, 15) - ta.ema(volume, 20)) / ta.ema(volume, 25) > 0
trendFilter = trendcloud
bull = (Presets == "All Signals" ? ta.crossover (close, supertrend) : confBull and not confBull ) and Presets != "Trend Scalper" and (StrongSignalsOnly ? close > StrongFilter : none) and (ContrarianOnly ? ContBull : none) and (consSignalsFilter ? consFilter : none) and (highVolSignals ? volFilter : none) and (signalsTrendCloud ? (periodTrendCloud == "Smooth" ? ema150 > ema250 : close > trendFilter) : none)
bear = (Presets == "All Signals" ? ta.crossunder(close, supertrend) : confBear and not confBear ) and Presets != "Trend Scalper" and (StrongSignalsOnly ? close < StrongFilter : none) and (ContrarianOnly ? ContBear : none) and (consSignalsFilter ? consFilter : none) and (highVolSignals ? volFilter : none) and (signalsTrendCloud ? (periodTrendCloud == "Smooth" ? ema150 < ema250 : close < trendFilter) : none)
countBull = ta.barssince(bull)
countBear = ta.barssince(bear)
trigger = nz(countBull, bar_index) < nz(countBear, bar_index) ? 1 : 0
= trendScalper(Presets == "Trend Scalper" ? true : false, 5, 9, 21, bullcolor, bearcolor, bullcolor, bearcolor)
trailingStop = trailingSL(bull, bear, 2.2, 14, usePercSL, percTrailingSL)
float _ph = ta.highestbars(high, periodSwings) == 0 ? high : na
float _pl = ta.lowestbars (low, periodSwings) == 0 ? low : na
var _dir = 0, dir_ = _pl and na(_ph) ? -1 : _dir, _dir := _ph and na(_pl) ? 1 : dir_, dirChg = ta.change(_dir)
var zz = array.new_float(0), zzOld = array.copy(zz)
float zzLive = _ph or _pl ? (dirChg ? add_to_zz(zz, _dir == 1 ? _ph : _pl, bar_index) : update_zz(zz, _dir == 1 ? _ph : _pl, bar_index, _dir)) : na
float hb_ = ta.highestbars(lbPeriod) == 0 ? high : na
float lb_ = ta.lowestbars (lbPeriod) == 0 ? low : na
var int dir = 0
float zz_ = na
float pp = na
var int consCnt = 0
var float condHi = na
var float condLo = na
float H_ = ta.highest(lenCons)
float L_ = ta.lowest (lenCons)
var line lineUp = na
var line lineDn = na
bool breakUp = false
bool breakDn = false
var float pvh1_price = array.new_float(1000, na)
var int pvh1_time = array.new_int (1000, na)
var float pvl1_price = array.new_float(1000, na)
var int pvl1_time = array.new_int (1000, na)
var float pvh2_price = array.new_float(1000, na)
var int pvh2_time = array.new_int (1000, na)
var float pvl2_price = array.new_float(1000, na)
var int pvl2_time = array.new_int (1000, na)
var float htcmrll_price = na
var int htcmrll_time = na
var float ltcmrhh_price = na
var int ltcmrhh_time = na
var box long_boxes = array.new_box()
var box short_boxes = array.new_box()
var float temp_pv_0 = na
var float temp_pv_1 = na
var float temp_pv_2 = na
bool pvh = high < high and high > high
bool pvl = low > low and low < low
int pv1_time = bar_index
float pv1_high = high
float pv1_low = low
var buyBars = array.new_box(365, na)
for i = 0 to 364
box.delete(array.get(buyBars, i))
var sellBars = array.new_box(365, na)
for i = 0 to 364
box.delete(array.get(sellBars, i))
// Colors
green = bullcolor, green50 = color.new(green, 50), green20 = color.new(green, 80)
red = bearcolor, red50 = color.new(red, 50), red20 = color.new(red, 80)
silver = #B2B5BE, silver50 = color.new(silver, 50), silver20 = color.new(silver, 80)
// Plots
atrBand = usePercSL ? (trigger ? low : high) * (percTrailingSL / 100) : ta.atr(14) * 2.2
atrStop = trigger ? low - atrBand : high + atrBand
lastTrade(src) => ta.valuewhen(bull or bear, src, 0)
entry_y = lastTrade(close)
stop_y = lastTrade(atrStop)
tp1_y = (entry_y-lastTrade(atrStop))*multTP1 + entry_y
tp2_y = (entry_y-lastTrade(atrStop))*multTP2 + entry_y
tp3_y = (entry_y-lastTrade(atrStop))*multTP3 + entry_y
labelTpSl(cond, y, txt, color) =>
label labelTpSl = ShowTpSlAreas and cond ? label.new(bar_index + 1, y, txt, xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, color, label.style_label_left, color.white, size.normal) : na
label.delete(labelTpSl )
labelTpSl(none, entry_y, "Entry : " + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(entry_y)), color.orange)
labelTpSl(none, stop_y , "Stop loss : " + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(atrStop)), bearcolor)
labelTpSl(useTP1 and multTP1 != 0, tp1_y, "TP 1 : " + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(tp1_y)), bullcolor)
labelTpSl(useTP2 and multTP2 != 0, tp2_y, "TP 2 : " + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(tp2_y)), bullcolor)
labelTpSl(useTP3 and multTP3 != 0, tp3_y, "TP 3 : " + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(tp3_y)), bullcolor)
lineTpSl(cond, y, color, style) =>
line lineTpSl = ShowTpSlAreas and cond ? line.new(bar_index - (trigger ? countBull : countBear), y, bar_index + 1, y, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, color, style) : na
line.delete(lineTpSl )
lineTpSl(none, entry_y, color.orange, line.style_dashed)
lineTpSl(none, stop_y , bearcolor , line.style_solid )
lineTpSl(useTP1 and multTP1 != 0, tp1_y, bullcolor, line.style_dotted)
lineTpSl(useTP2 and multTP2 != 0, tp2_y, bullcolor, line.style_dotted)
lineTpSl(useTP3 and multTP3 != 0, tp3_y, bullcolor, line.style_dotted)
buy = showSignals and bull ? label.new(bar_index, low , close > StrongFilter ? StrongB : SimpleBuy , xloc.bar_index, yloc.belowbar, bullcolor, label.style_label_up , bullsignalcolor, size.normal) : na
sell = showSignals and bear ? label.new(bar_index, high, close < StrongFilter ? StrongS : SimpleSell , xloc.bar_index, yloc.abovebar, bearcolor , label.style_label_down, bearsignalcolor, size.normal) : na
tpLabels(tp) =>
tp1Bull = ta.crossover (rsi, 70), tp2Bull = ta.crossover (rsi, 75), tp3Bull = ta.crossover (rsi, 80)
tp1Bear = ta.crossunder(rsi, 30), tp2Bear = ta.crossunder(rsi, 25), tp3Bear = ta.crossunder(rsi, 20)
tp1Bull := tp1Bull and (nz(ta.barssince(tp1Bull) , 9999) > countBull), tp2Bull := tp2Bull and (ta.barssince(tp1Bull) <= countBull), tp2Bull := tp2Bull and (nz(ta.barssince(tp2Bull) , 9999) > countBull), tp3Bull := tp3Bull and (ta.barssince(tp2Bull) <= countBull), tp3Bull := tp3Bull and (nz(ta.barssince(tp3Bull) , 9999) > countBull)
tp1Bear := tp1Bear and (nz(ta.barssince(tp1Bear) , 9999) > countBear), tp2Bear := tp2Bear and (ta.barssince(tp1Bear) <= countBear), tp2Bear := tp2Bear and (nz(ta.barssince(tp2Bear) , 9999) > countBear), tp3Bear := tp3Bear and (ta.barssince(tp2Bear) <= countBear), tp3Bear := tp3Bear and (nz(ta.barssince(tp3Bear) , 9999) > countBear)
if Presets != "Trend Scalper" and tpLabels
trigger ? (tp == 1 ? tp1Bull : tp == 2 ? tp2Bull : tp3Bull) : (tp == 1 ? tp1Bear : tp == 2 ? tp2Bear : tp3Bear)
plotshape(tpLabels(1), "", shape.xcross, location.abovebar, trigger ? green : na , 0, "TP 1", trigger ? green : na , false)
plotshape(tpLabels(2), "", shape.xcross, location.abovebar, trigger ? green : na , 0, "TP 2", trigger ? green : na , false)
plotshape(tpLabels(3), "", shape.xcross, location.abovebar, trigger ? green : na , 0, "TP 3", trigger ? green : na , false)
plotshape(tpLabels(1), "", shape.xcross, location.belowbar, trigger ? na : red, 0, "TP 1", trigger ? na : red, false)
plotshape(tpLabels(2), "", shape.xcross, location.belowbar, trigger ? na : red, 0, "TP 2", trigger ? na : red, false)
plotshape(tpLabels(3), "", shape.xcross, location.belowbar, trigger ? na : red, 0, "TP 3", trigger ? na : red, false)
var label zzLabel = na
if array.size(zz) > 12 and ShowSwings
if array.get(zz, 0) != array.get(zzOld, 0) or array.get(zz, 1) != array.get(zzOld, 1)
if array.get(zz, 2) == array.get(zzOld, 2) and array.get(zz, 3) == array.get(zzOld, 3)
zzLabel := label.new(math.round(array.get(zz, 1)), array.get(zz, 0), _dir == 1 ? array.get(zz, 0) > array.get(zz, 4) ? ((array.get(zz, 4) < array.get(zz, 8)) ? "High" : "HH") : "LH" : array.get(zz, 0) < array.get(zz, 4) ? ((array.get(zz, 4) > array.get(zz, 8)) ? "Low" : "LL") : "HL", xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, color.new(color.white, 100), _dir == 1 ? label.style_label_down : label.style_label_up, _dir == 1 ? bullcolor : bearcolor)
if showCons and barstate.isconfirmed
dir := hb_ and na(lb_) ? 1 : lb_ and na(hb_) ? -1 : dir
if hb_ and lb_
if dir == 1
zz_ := hb_
zz_ := lb_
zz_ := hb_ ? hb_ : lb_ ? lb_ : na
for x = 0 to 1000
if na(close) or dir != dir
if zz_
if na(pp)
pp := zz_
if dir == 1 and zz_ > pp
pp := zz_
if dir == -1 and zz_ < pp
pp := zz_
if pp != pp
if consCnt > lenCons
if pp > condHi
breakUp := true
if pp < condLo
breakDn := true
if consCnt > 0 and pp <= condHi and pp >= condLo
consCnt += 1
consCnt := 0
consCnt += 1
if consCnt >= lenCons
if consCnt == lenCons
condHi := H_
condLo := L_
condHi := math.max(condHi, high)
condLo := math.min(condLo, low )
lineUp := line.new(bar_index, condHi , bar_index - consCnt, condHi , color=bearcolor , style=line.style_dashed)
lineDn := line.new(bar_index, condLo , bar_index - consCnt, condLo , color=color.lime, style=line.style_dashed)
fill(plot(condHi, "", na, 1, plot.style_stepline, editable=false), plot(condLo, "", na, 1, plot.style_stepline, editable=false), paintCons and consCnt > lenCons ? colorZone : na, "", false)
buy_col = color.new(#0ac20a,0)
sell_col = color.new(#fd1605,0)
text_col = color.new(#FFFFFF,0)
// -------- Bearish trend (blue) color selection --------
getSellColor(count) =>
if count == 1
if count == 2
if count == 3
if count == 4
if count == 5
if count == 6
if count == 7
if count == 8
if count == 9
if count == 10
if count == 11
if count == 12
if count == 13
// -------- Bullish trend (blue) color selection --------
getBuyColor(count) =>
if count == 1
if count == 2
if count == 3
if count == 4
if count == 5
if count == 6
if count == 7
if count == 8
if count == 9
if count == 10
if count == 11
if count == 12
if count == 13
// -------- Calculate bearish trend sequence --------
buySetup = 0
buySetup := close < close ? buySetup == 13 ? 1 : buySetup + 1 : 0
// -------- Calculate bullish trend sequence --------
sellSetup = 0
sellSetup := close > close ? sellSetup == 13 ? 1 : sellSetup + 1 : 0
// -------- Paint bars --------
barColour = buySetup >= 1 ? getBuyColor(buySetup) : sellSetup >= 1 ? getSellColor(sellSetup) : na
// Candle Coloring
// Input
FastteyLength = 12
SjlowLeyLength = 26
srrrc = close
signalXLength = 9
// Data reference
= ta.macd(srrrc, FastteyLength, SjlowLeyLength, signalXLength)
// 4 level of green
greenHigh = #eeff00
greenMidHigh = #c7ca00
greenMidLow = #ddb500
greenLow = #8635ff
// Yellow
yellowLow = #8635ff
// 4 level of red
redHigh = color.rgb(255, 255, 255)
redMidHigh = #cecece
redMidLow = #dbdbdb
redLow = #8635ff
// Default color
candleBody = yellowLow
// Ranging trend
if histX > 0
if histX > histX and histX > 0
candleBody := greenLow
if histX < 0
if histX < histX and histX < 0
candleBody := redLow
// Bullish trend
if MacdX > 0 and histX > 0
candleBody := greenMidLow
if histX > histX and MacdX > 0 and histX > 0
candleBody := greenMidHigh
if histX > histX and MacdX > 0 and histX > 0
candleBody := greenHigh
// Bearish trend
if MacdX < 0 and histX < 0
candleBody := redMidLow
if histX < histX and MacdX < 0 and histX < 0
candleBody := redMidHigh
if histX < histX and MacdX < 0 and histX < 0
candleBody := redHigh
//barcolor(TrendMap == 'RSI Gradient' ? barColour : na, title='Bar colors (heatmap)',editable=false)
barcolor(momentumCandles and candlesMom() ? color.rgb(187, 187, 187) : TrendMap == 'Signal Based' ? (Presets == "Trend Scalper" ? colorBar : na(countBull) and na(countBear) ? color.gray : trigger ? bullcolor : bearcolor) : TrendMap == 'RSI Gradient' ? barColour : TrendMap == 'Trend Gradient' ? candleBody : na , editable=false)
//plotcandle(open, high, low, close , color = momentumCandles and candlesMom() ? color.rgb(187, 187, 187) : TrendMap == 'Signal Based' ? (Presets == "Trend Scalper" ? colorBar : na(countBull) and na(countBear) ? color.gray : trigger ? bullcolor : bearcolor) : TrendMap == 'RSI Gradient' ? barColour : TrendMap == 'Trend Gradient' ? candleBody : na , editable=false , wickcolor = momentumCandles and candlesMom() ? color.rgb(187, 187, 187) : TrendMap == 'Signal Based' ? (Presets == "Trend Scalper" ? colorBar : na(countBull) and na(countBear) ? color.gray : trigger ? bullcolor : bearcolor) : TrendMap == 'RSI Gradient' ? barColour : TrendMap == 'Trend Gradient' ? candleBody : na , editable=false , bordercolor = momentumCandles and candlesMom() ? color.rgb(187, 187, 187) : TrendMap == 'Signal Based' ? (Presets == "Trend Scalper" ? colorBar : na(countBull) and na(countBear) ? color.gray : trigger ? bullcolor : bearcolor) : TrendMap == 'RSI Gradient' ? barColour : TrendMap == 'Trend Gradient' ? candleBody : na , editable=false , editable = false)
fill(plot(showTrendCloud and periodTrendCloud == "Smooth" ? ema150 : na, "", na, editable=false), plot(showTrendCloud and periodTrendCloud == "Smooth" ? ema250 : na, "", na, editable=false), ema150 > ema250 ? color.new(bullcolor, 70) : ema150 < ema250 ? color.new(bearcolor, 70) : na)
plot(ShowTrailingSL and trigger and nz(ta.barssince(low < trailingStop), bar_index) > countBull ? trailingStop : na, "", green, 1, plot.style_linebr, editable=false)
plot(ShowTrailingSL and not trigger and nz(ta.barssince(high > trailingStop), bar_index) > countBear ? trailingStop : na, "", red , 1, plot.style_linebr, editable=false)
p0 = plot(avgOC, "", na , editable=false)
p1 = plot(ema5 , "", colorEma5 , editable=false)
p2 = plot(ema9 , "", colorEma9 , editable=false)
p3 = plot(ema21, "", colorEma21, editable=false)
plot(LongTrendAverage ? ta.ema(close, LTAsensitivity) : na, 'Trend Tracer', linewidth=2, color=close > ta.ema(close, LTAsensitivity) ? color.new(bullcolor, 45) : color.new(bearcolor, 45))
fill(p0, p1, fillEma5 )
fill(p1, p2, fillEma9 )
fill(p2, p3, fillEma21)
fill(plot(showTrendCloud and periodTrendCloud != "Smooth" and periodTrendCloud != "Scalping+" and trendcloud != 0 and close > trendcloud ? trendcloud : na, "", bullcolor, 1, plot.style_linebr, editable=false), p0, color.new(bullcolor, 90))
fill(plot(showTrendCloud and periodTrendCloud != "Smooth" and periodTrendCloud != "Scalping+" and trendcloud != 0 and close < trendcloud ? trendcloud : na, "", bearcolor , 1, plot.style_linebr, editable=false), p0, color.new(bearcolor , 90))
fill(plot(hma, "", hma > hma ? green : hma < hma ? red : na, editable=false), plot(hma , "", hma > hma ? green : hma < hma ? red : na, editable=false), hma > hma ? green : hma < hma ? red : na)
// Money Moves
// Get user input
indicatorTF = "Chart"
// Functions
sqz(bbLen, bbMult, kcLen, kcMult, source) =>
upperBB = ta.sma(source, bbLen) + ta.stdev(source, bbLen) * bbMult
lowerBB = ta.sma(source, bbLen) - ta.stdev(source, bbLen) * bbMult
upperKC = ta.sma(source, kcLen) + ta.sma(ta.tr, kcLen) * kcMult
lowerKC = ta.sma(source, kcLen) - ta.sma(ta.tr, kcLen) * kcMult
sqzOn = lowerBB > lowerKC and upperBB < upperKC
sqzOff = lowerBB < lowerKC and upperBB > upperKC
qqe(rsiLen, rsiSmooth, factor, source, bbLen, bbMult) =>
rsiMa = ta.ema(ta.rsi(source, rsiLen), rsiSmooth)
delta = ta.ema(ta.ema(math.abs(ta.mom(rsiMa, 1)), rsiLen * 2 - 1), rsiLen * 2 - 1) * factor
longBand = 0.0, longBand := rsiMa > longBand and rsiMa > longBand ? math.max(longBand , rsiMa - delta) : rsiMa - delta
shortBand = 0.0, shortBand := rsiMa < shortBand and rsiMa < shortBand ? math.min(shortBand , rsiMa + delta) : rsiMa + delta
cross1 = ta.cross(rsiMa, shortBand )
cross2 = ta.cross(rsiMa, longBand )
trend = 0.0, trend := cross1 ? 1 : cross2 ? -1 : nz(trend , 1)
fastDelta = trend == 1 ? longBand : shortBand
_hist = rsiMa - 50
_line = fastDelta - 50
= ta.bb(_line, bbLen, bbMult)
// Get components
cond(_offset) =>
top = ta.highest(high, 10)
bot = ta.lowest(low, 10)
osc = ta.ema(hlc3, 5) - ta.ema(ohlc4, 20)
oscRis = osc > osc
oscFal = osc < osc
oscA0 = osc > 0
oscB0 = osc < 0
oscTop = oscFal and oscRis
oscBot = oscRis and oscFal
bullR = oscB0 and oscBot and ((osc > ta.valuewhen(oscB0 and oscBot, osc, 1) and bot < ta.valuewhen(oscB0 and oscBot, bot, 1)))
bearR = oscA0 and oscTop and ((osc < ta.valuewhen(oscA0 and oscTop, osc, 1) and top > ta.valuewhen(oscA0 and oscTop, top, 1)))
bullH = oscB0 and oscBot and ((osc < ta.valuewhen(oscB0 and oscBot, osc, 1) and bot > ta.valuewhen(oscB0 and oscBot, bot, 1)))
bearH = oscA0 and oscTop and ((osc > ta.valuewhen(oscA0 and oscTop, osc, 1) and top < ta.valuewhen(oscA0 and oscTop, top, 1)))
= sqz(20, 2, 20, 2, close)
= qqe(6, 6, 3, close, 50, 0.001)
= qqe(6, 5, 1.618, close, 50, 1)
= ta.dmi(14, 14)
[osc , oscRis , oscFal , oscA0 , oscB0 , oscTop , oscBot , bullR , bearR , bullH , bearH , sqzOn , sqzOff , _hist1 , upper1 , lower1 , _hist2 , _line2 , tvr ]
tf = indicatorTF == "Chart" ? timeframe.period : indicatorTF == "1 minute" ? "1" : indicatorTF == "3 minutes" ? "3" : indicatorTF == "5 minutes" ? "5" : indicatorTF == "10 minutes" ? "10" : indicatorTF == "15 minutes" ? "15" : indicatorTF == "30 minutes" ? "30" : indicatorTF == "45 minutes" ? "45" : indicatorTF == "1 hour" ? "60" : indicatorTF == "2 hours" ? "120" : indicatorTF == "3 hours" ? "180" : indicatorTF == "4 hours" ? "240" : indicatorTF == "12 hours" ? "720" : indicatorTF == "1 day" ? "1D" : indicatorTF == "1 week" ? "1W" : indicatorTF == "1 month" ? "1M" : na
= request.security(syminfo.tickerid, tf, cond(indicatorTF != "Chart" and barstate.isrealtime ? 1 : 0))
colorTVR = tvr < 15 ? #F6525F : tvr > 15 and tvr < 25 ? #B2B5BE : #66BB6A
// Plots
//plot(Presets == "Money Moves TrendVR" ? tvr : na, "", colorTVR, editable=false)
TrendText = "Trending"
if tvr < 15 and tvr < 25
TrendText := "No trend"
if tvr > 15 and tvr < 25
TrendText := "Ranging"
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Volatitiry
//Calculates Volatility for Dashboard
atrr = 3 * ta.atr(10)
stdAtr = 2 * ta.stdev(atrr, 20)
smaAtr = ta.sma(atrr, 20)
topAtrDev = smaAtr + stdAtr
bottomAtrDev = smaAtr - stdAtr
calcDev = (atrr - bottomAtrDev) / (topAtrDev - bottomAtrDev)
percentVol = 40 * calcDev + 30
AvrLength = 21
PercentFilter = 144
xAavrVolume = ta.rma(volume, AvrLength)
nResLess = volume * 100 / xAavrVolume < PercentFilter ? 0 : volume
nRes = nResLess
clr = close < open ? color.red : color.green
//plot(nRes, color=clr, style=plot.style_columns, title='Volume Filter', transp=20)
VolitiText = "Inactive"
if nRes
VolitiText := "Active"
ema69 = ta.ema(close, 9)
totalSentTxt = ema69 > ema69 ? 'Bullish' : ema69 < ema69 ? 'Bearish' : 'Flat'
// INputs
tz_incr = 0
use_exchange = false
//Session A
NYSes = true
NYTxt = 'New York'
NYTime = '1300-2200'
//Session B
LDSes = true
sesb_txt = 'London'
sesb_ses = '0700-1600'
//Session C
show_sesc = true
sesc_txt = 'Tokyo'
sesc_ses = '0000-0900'
//Session D
show_sesd = true
sesd_txt = 'Sydney'
sesd_ses = '2100-0600'
tff = timeframe.period
var tz = use_exchange ? syminfo.timezone :
str.format('UTC{0}{1}', tz_incr >= 0 ? '+' : '-', math.abs(tz_incr))
is_sesa = math.sign(nz(time(tff, NYTime, tz)))
is_sesb = math.sign(nz(time(tff, sesb_ses, tz)))
is_sesc = math.sign(nz(time(tff, sesc_ses, tz)))
is_sesd = math.sign(nz(time(tff, sesd_ses, tz)))
SessionText = "Default"
//Session a = Newyork
//Session b = London
//Session c = Tokyo
//Session d = Sydney
if is_sesd
SessionText := sesd_txt
if is_sesc
SessionText := sesc_txt
if is_sesb
SessionText := sesb_txt
if is_sesa
SessionText := NYTxt
if is_sesd and is_sesc
SessionText := "Sydney/Tokyo"
if is_sesb and is_sesc
SessionText := "Tokyo/London"
if is_sesb and is_sesa
SessionText := "London/Newyork"
if is_sesa and is_sesd
SessionText := "Newyork/Sydney"
//Overlays color.green : color.red
var dashboard_loc = locationDashboard == "Top Right" ? position.top_right : locationDashboard == "Middle Right" ? position.middle_right : locationDashboard == "Bottom Right" ? position.bottom_right : locationDashboard == "Top Center" ? position.top_center : locationDashboard == "Middle Center" ? position.middle_center : locationDashboard == "Bottom Center" ? position.bottom_center : locationDashboard == "Top Left" ? position.top_left : locationDashboard == "Middle Left" ? position.middle_left : position.bottom_left
var dashboard_size = sizeDashboard == "Large" ? size.large : sizeDashboard == "Normal" ? size.normal : sizeDashboard == "Small" ? size.small : size.tiny
var dashboard = showDashboard ? table.new(dashboard_loc, 3, 7, color.rgb(30, 34, 45 , 60), #3d384300, 2, color.rgb(30, 34, 45 , 60), 1) : na
dashboard_cell(column, row, txt, signal=false) => table.cell(dashboard, column, row, txt, 0, 0, signal ? #000000 : color.white, text_size=dashboard_size)
dashboard_cell_bg(column, row, col) => table.cell_set_bgcolor(dashboard, column, row, col)
if barstate.islast and showDashboard
// MTF Trend
dashboard_cell(0, 0 , "MTF")
dashboard_cell(0, 2 , "M5") , dashboard_cell_bg(0, 2 , TF5Bull ? color.green : color.red)
dashboard_cell(0, 3 , "M15") , dashboard_cell_bg(0, 3 , TF15Bull ? color.green : color.red)
dashboard_cell(0, 4 , "M30") , dashboard_cell_bg(0, 4 , TF30Bull ? color.green : color.red)
dashboard_cell(0, 5 , "1H") , dashboard_cell_bg(0, 5 , TF60Bull ? color.green : color.red)
dashboard_cell(0, 6 , "4H") , dashboard_cell_bg(0, 6 , TF240Bull ? color.green : color.red)
// Middel part
dashboard_cell(1, 0 , " MONEYHACKSRWANDA STRATEGY ")
dashboard_cell(1, 2 , "🔥 Market State ")
dashboard_cell(1, 3 , "⚠️ Volatility ")
dashboard_cell(1, 4 , "🏦 Institutional Activity ")
dashboard_cell(1, 5 , "🕒 Current Session (UTC) ")
dashboard_cell(1, 6 , "🌊 Trend Pressure ")
// End part
dashboard_cell(2, 0 , "")
dashboard_cell(2, 2 , TrendText)
dashboard_cell(2, 3 , str.tostring(percentVol, '##.##') + '%')
dashboard_cell(2, 4 , VolitiText)
dashboard_cell(2, 5 , SessionText)
dashboard_cell(2, 6 , totalSentTxt)
// Alerts
f_sl_crossed() =>
ret = false
stop = ShowTrailingSL ? trailingStop : stop_y
crossBull = low >= stop and low < stop and ta.barssince(low >= stop and low < stop ) >= countBull - 1
crossBear = high <= stop and high > stop and ta.barssince(high <= stop and high > stop ) >= countBear - 1
ret := trigger ? crossBull : crossBear
f_tp_crossed(tp) =>
ret = false
profit = tp
crossBull = high <= profit and high > profit and ta.barssince(high <= profit and high > profit ) >= countBull - 1
crossBear = low >= profit and low < profit and ta.barssince(low >= profit and low < profit ) >= countBear - 1
ret := trigger ? crossBull : crossBear
alert01 = (bull and close <= StrongFilter) or (bear and close >= StrongFilter)
alert02 = bull or bear
alert03 = (bull and close > StrongFilter) or (bear and close < StrongFilter)
alert04 = bull and close <= StrongFilter
alert06 = bear and close >= StrongFilter
alert07 = bull and close > StrongFilter
alert08 = bear and close < StrongFilter
alert09 = f_sl_crossed()
alert11 = f_tp_crossed(tp1_y)
alert12 = f_tp_crossed(tp2_y)
alert13 = f_tp_crossed(tp3_y)
alert14 = periodTrendCloud == "Smooth" ? ta.crossunder(ema150, ema250) : (close < trendcloud) and (close > trendcloud)
alert15 = periodTrendCloud == "Smooth" ? ta.crossover (ema150, ema250) : (close > trendcloud) and (close < trendcloud)
//alerts(sym) =>
// if alert01 or alert02 or alert03 or alert04 or alert05 or alert06 or alert07 or alert08 or alert09 or alert10 or alert11 or alert12 or alert13 or alert14 or alert15
// alert("NEW ALERT", alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
// Signal Alerts
if alert04 and Normalbuy_alert
alert('Buy Signal Alert !!!' , alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
if alert07 and Strongbuy_alert
alert('Strong Buy Signal Alert !!!', alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
if (bear and close >= StrongFilter) and Normalsell_alert
alert('Sell Signal Alert !!!', alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
if (bear and close < StrongFilter) and Strongsell_alert
alert('Strong Sell Signal Alert !!!', alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
// Risk Management Alerts
if alert09 and slalert
alert('SL Alert !!!', alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
if alert11 and tp1alert
alert('Target 1 Alert !!!', alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
if alert12 and tp2alert
alert('Target 2 Alert !!!', alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
if alert13 and tp3alert
alert('Target 3 Alert !!!', alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
// Cloud Alert
if alert15 and bullcrosscloud_alert
alert('Cloud Turned Bullish !!!', alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
if alert14 and bearcrosscloud_alert
alert('Cloud Turned Bearish !!!', alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
alertcondition(alert01, "Any Signal Contrarian Buy / Contrarian sell", "Buy or Sell")
alertcondition(alert04, "Contrarian Buy alert", "Buy")
alertcondition(alert06, "Contrarian Sell alert", "Sell")
Dynamic 50% Indicator of the selected range!This is a indicator which shows you the 50% level of the selected timeframe range. This is a good tool because price tends to bounce of of 50% levels.
Introducing the 50% Range Level Indicator, designed for traders who seek accuracy and strategic insights in their market analysis. This tool calculates and visually displays the midpoint (50% level) of any selected price range, helping you identify key equilibrium zones where price action often reacts.
Why Use This Indicator?
Key Market Equilibrium – The 50% level is a crucial reference point where price often consolidates, reverses, or gathers momentum.
Custom Range Selection – Simply select your desired price range, and the indicator will dynamically plot the midpoint.
Enhance Your Trading Strategy – Use it for support & resistance confirmation, retracement analysis, or confluence with other indicators.
Works on All Timeframes & Assets – Suitable for stocks, forex, crypto, and indices.
Gain an Edge in the Market
Whether you’re a day trader, swing trader, or long-term investor, the 50% Range Level Indicator can enhance your technical analysis and decision-making.
Volumized Order Blocks | Flux Charts (CXT TEST)-- CXT TEST
This AI-powered TradingView script analyzes market trends and provides insights based on various indicators. It helps traders identify potential opportunities by detecting patterns and signals in price movements. The script adapts to changing market conditions, offering dynamic adjustments for better decision-making. Users can customize parameters to align with their preferred trading strategies. Designed for versatility, it works across different assets and timeframes.
-- Credits to flux charts
Themp StrategyThis is my Trade strategy setup base on SMC
my Setup
SMC + IDM + Order block + Fair value gap + Imbalance candle
POC-Candle - EMA -ATR - Long Shadow - 50per Candle* For those who have paid for Soli trader Strategies
- Display the POC of each candle
- EMA indicator
- Donchian Channel indicator
- Identify 50% candles
- Identify candles with long shadows
- Candles with high volume compared to the past candles
- Display spike movement candles (ATR)
tg : @mk8813
Opposite Delta Candle Highlighter with EMAs & Delta Boxes**Description:**
This indicator is designed to enhance market analysis by highlighting **candles with opposite-colored delta**, plotting **Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs)**, and displaying **delta volume as small boxes below the chart**.
🔹 **Key Features:**
✅ **Opposite Delta Candle Highlighting** – Candles where delta volume contradicts the price direction are highlighted with a **yellow background** and a **blue triangle** above the bar.
✅ **Three Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs)** – Includes **EMA (9, 21, 50)** to help identify trends and dynamic support/resistance levels.
✅ **Delta Volume Display** – Instead of large volume columns, delta is plotted as **small square boxes below the chart**, ensuring clear visibility without overlapping price candles.
✅ **Optimized for Lower Timeframes** – The indicator **automatically selects an appropriate lower timeframe** for more precise delta calculations.
🔹 **How It Works:**
- **Green Candle + Red Delta** → Opposite delta signal (Bearish Sign).
- **Red Candle + Green Delta** → Opposite delta signal (Bullish Sign).
- **Delta bars below the chart** indicate the strength of buying/selling pressure.
- **EMAs help identify the market trend** and potential trade entry zones.
🔹 **Use Cases:**
✔ **Scalping & Day Trading** – Identify potential reversals and trend continuation setups.
✔ **Volume Analysis** – Understand market participation and possible absorption.
✔ **Trend Confirmation** – Use EMAs to confirm trend direction alongside delta volume.
📌 *Best used with lower timeframes (1m, 5m, 15m) for detailed volume analysis.*
🚀 **Enhance your trading with real-time delta insights and price action analysis!**
FVG Reversal Sentinel🔵 FVG Reversal Sentinel – Multi-Timeframe Fair Value Gap Indicator
The FVG Reversal Sentinel is a powerful TradingView indicator designed to help traders identify and track Fair Value Gaps (FVGs) across multiple timeframes, all within a single chart.
This tool allows you to select up to five separate timeframes, ensuring you never miss key market shifts, whether you are scalping, day trading, or swing trading. You can use this indicator in any asset (Cryptos, Futures, Indices, Forex Pairs, etc.).
🔵 - Key Features -
Multi-Timeframe FVG Tracking – Select and display up to five different timeframes on one chart, providing a comprehensive view of market structure.
Customizable Colors – Adjust bullish and bearish FVG colors to match your chart theme for a seamless trading experience.
Enhanced Market Context – Quickly identify key liquidity zones and refine your entries and exits with precision.
Hide the lower timeframes FVGs to get a clear view in a custom timeframe.
Show or hide mitigated FVGs to declutter the chart.
FVGs boxes are going to be displayed only when the candle bar closes
FVGs are going to be mitigated only when the body of the candle closes above or below the FVG area.
No repainting
Whether you're looking to fine-tune your entries or gain a broader market perspective, the FVG Reversal Sentinel indicator ensures you have the tools to stay ahead of price action and capitalize on market inefficiencies.
🔵 - Customization-
You can change the indicator settings as you see fit to achieve the best results for your use case.
This indicator provides the ability to select up to 5 timeframes. These timeframes are based on the trader's timeframes including any custom timeframes.
Select the desired timeframe from the options list.
Add the label text you would like to show for the selected timeframe.
Check or uncheck the box to display or hide the timeframe from your chart.
Length of boxes: allows you to select the length of the box that is going to be displayed for the FVGs.
Delete boxes after fill?: allows you to show or hide mitigated FVGs on your chart.
Hide FVGs lower than enabled timeframes?: allows you to show or hide lower timeframe FVGs on your chart. Example - You are in a 15 minutes timeframe chart, if you choose to hide lower timeframe FVGs you will not be able to see 5 minutes FVG defined in your Timeframes Settings, only 15 minutes or higher timeframe FVGs will be displayed on your chart.
Bullish FVG box color: the color and opacity of the box for the bullish FVGs.
Bearish FVG box color: the color and opacity of the box for the bearish FVGs.
Bullish FVG labels color: the color for bullish labels.
Bearish FVG labels color: the color for bearish labels.
Labels size: the size of the text displayed in the labels.
Labels position: the position of the label inside the FVGs boxes (right, left or center).
Border width: the width of the border (the thickness).
Bullish FVG border color: the color and the opacity of the bullish box border.
Bearish FVG border color: the color and the opacity of the bearish box border.
🔵 - How to use the indicator -
Just add the indicator in your chart and click in the settings option to customize it.
Make sure you select the desired timeframes and set the colors and opacity for the FVGs boxes.
This indicator can be used in many trading strategies, such as:
These strategies are based on the use of FVGs, this tool can help you analyze the market and make the right decision.
🔵 - How was the indicator designed? -
I have spent a lot of time testing other open source indicators from the community. All of these indicators do a great job, but they have a problem, they not only mitigate FVGs when a candle closes above or below the FVG, they also mitigate FVGs when the candle closes exactly to the tick (not above or below the FVG). This is a problem for many strategies that rely on FVGs mitigation.
What makes this indicator different is that it focuses on just mitigating imbalances at the right time for these strategies.
I have taken ideas and some pieces of code from many community indicator developers, such as:
... and many other people, to whom I thank for their valuable work and have allowed me to create this tool by making modifications to their source code.
🔵 - Disclaimer -
This tool is intended solely for informational and educational purposes and should not be regarded as financial, investment, or trading advice. It's not designed to predict market movements or offer specific recommendations. Users should be aware that past performance is not indicative of future results and should not rely on any indicator for financial decisions.
Hidden Order BlockThe Hidden Order Block Indicator helps traders identify bullish and bearish order blocks that align with market structure. It highlights key price zones where institutional activity may occur, assisting traders in making informed decisions.
🔥 Key Features:
✔ Bullish & Bearish Order Blocks – Marks potential institutional trading areas
✔ Trend-Based Analysis – Works effectively when used with trend confirmation
✔ Compatible Markets – Suitable for Forex, Crypto, and Stocks
✔ Timeframe Optimization – Designed for M30 and higher timeframes
✔ Flexible Trading Styles – Can be incorporated into scalping, swing trading, and intraday strategies
🔹 Technical Note: This script is designed to enhance market structure understanding and should be used with additional confluence for better decision-making.
Ultimate iFVG SuiteThis is a combined indicator of:
ICT Killzones + Pivots by tradeforopp
Marks FVGs by MarkTools
and my own custom indicator that automatically marks out the 50% of the daily range from the high and low at the 6pmEST open to current time. Dynamically updating as the day progresses.
This line is a solid yellow line with no way to customize it because I am too lazy to adjust the code.
Only works on the 30s - M15 timeframes
DİNAMİK BEAR VS BULL POWER 2025Bu indikatör şu özelliklere sahiptir:
Dinamik Hesaplama:
Belirtilen periyot içindeki fiyat hareketlerini analiz eder
Yüzdesel değişimleri kullanarak boğa ve ayı güçlerini hesaplar
RSI bazlı momentum faktörü ile değerleri düzeltir
Ani değişimleri yumuşatmak için hareketli ortalama kullanır
Daha stabil sinyaller üretir
Yeşil çizgi: Boğa gücü
Kırmızı çizgi: Ayı gücü
Sağ üst köşede güncel değerleri gösteren tablo
Değerler 0-100 arasında değişir
Ani geçişler yerine kademeli değişim gösterir
Zero Lag VIDYA PPO Signal ConfirmationBuy and Sell Signals:
Bullish Signal: PPO crosses above its signal line.
Bearish Signal: PPO crosses below its signal line.
indicator('JAI SHREE RAM', overlay=true)
// Get user input
NXALGO = input.float(2.5, "NXALGO (0.5 - 12)", 0.5, 12, step=0.05, group = 'Settings')
maj = input(true, title='TP Points', inline = 'overlayLine1', group = 'Settings')
suppRes = input.bool(false, "Support & Resistance",group = 'Settings')
breaks = input.bool(true, "Breaks",group = 'Settings')
// === Additional Filter Parameters ===
rsiLength = input.int(5, "RSI Length", minval=1, group='Filters')
rsiOverbought = input.int(80, "RSI Overbought", minval=50, maxval=100, group='Filters')
rsiOversold = input.int(20, "RSI Oversold", minval=0, maxval=50, group='Filters')
// Functions
strend(_src, factor, atrLen) =>
atratX = ta.atr(atrLen)
upperBandX = _src + factor * atratX
lowerBandX = _src - factor * atratX
prevLowerBandX = nz(lowerBandX )
prevUpperBandX = nz(upperBandX )
lowerBandX := lowerBandX > prevLowerBandX or close < prevLowerBandX ? lowerBandX : prevLowerBandX
upperBandX := upperBandX < prevUpperBandX or close > prevUpperBandX ? upperBandX : prevUpperBandX
int directionX = na
float superTrendX = na
prevSuperTrendX = superTrendX
if na(atratX )
directionX := 1
else if prevSuperTrendX == prevUpperBandX
directionX := close > upperBandX ? -1 : 1
directionX := close < lowerBandX ? 1 : -1
superTrendX := directionX == -1 ? lowerBandX : upperBandX
// === Technical Indicators ===
// Moving Averages
ema1 = ta.ema(high, 9)
ema2 = ta.ema(high, 12)
ema3 = ta.ema(high, 15)
ema4 = ta.ema(high, 18)
sma1 = ta.sma(close, 5)
sma9 = ta.sma(close, 13)
// RSI
rsix = ta.rsi(close, rsiLength)
// Supertrend
= strend(close, NXALGO, 11)
// Keltner Channels
= ta.kc(close, 80, 10.5)
= ta.kc(close, 80, 9.5)
= ta.kc(close, 80, 8)
= ta.kc(close, 80, 3)
// Pivot Points
barsL = 10
barsR = 10
pivotHigh = fixnan(ta.pivothigh(barsL, barsR) )
pivotLow = fixnan(ta.pivotlow(barsL, barsR) )
// Strong TP Points //
maj_qual = 13
maj_len = 40
min_qual = 5
min_len = 5
min = false
selll = 0.0
buyy = 0.0
lele(qual, len) =>
bindex = 0.0
sindex = 0.0
bindex := nz(bindex , 0)
sindex := nz(sindex , 0)
ret = 0
if close > close
bindex += 1
if close < close
sindex += 1
if bindex > qual and close < open and high >= ta.highest(high, len)
bindex := 0
ret := -1
if sindex > qual and close > open and low <= ta.lowest(low, len)
sindex := 0
ret := 1
return_1 = ret
major = lele(maj_qual, maj_len)
minor = lele(min_qual, min_len)
if minor == -1 and min == true
selll := 1
if major == -1 and maj == true
selll := 2
if major == -1 and maj == true and minor == -1 and min == true
selll := 3
if minor == 1 and min == true
buyy := 1
if major == 1 and maj == true
buyy := 2
if major == 1 and maj == true and minor == 1 and min == true
buyy := 3
plotshape(selll == 2, style=shape.xcross, location=location.abovebar,size = size.tiny)
plotshape(buyy == 2, style=shape.xcross, location=location.belowbar, size = size.tiny)
// Signal Labels
NX1 = low - (ta.atr(30) * 2), y1B = low - ta.atr(30)
NX2 = high + (ta.atr(30) * 2), y2B = high + ta.atr(30)
// Support/Resistance
plot(pivotHigh, "Resistance", not suppRes or ta.change(pivotHigh) ? na : color.red, 2, offset=-(barsR + 1), editable=false)
plot(pivotLow, "Support", not suppRes or ta.change(pivotLow) ? na : color.green, 2, offset=-(barsR + 1), editable=false)
// Buy Signal Conditions
bullNX = ta.crossover(close, strend) and close >= sma9 and rsix < rsiOverbought and pivotHigh
bearNX = ta.crossunder(close, strend) and close <= sma9 and rsix > rsiOversold and pivotLow
NXbuy = bullNX ? label.new(bar_index, NX1, "JAY SHREE RAM", xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #2BE300, label.style_label_up, color.white) : na
NXsell = bearNX ? label.new(bar_index, NX2, "JAY SHREE RAM", xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #e30000, label.style_label_down, color.white) : na
Black Red Candles/Sticks/BarsThis script is a Pine Script™ v5 indicator designed to overlay red candles with custom-colored candles that have black bodies, wicks, and borders. It works by:
Checking if the current candle is "red" (i.e. when the close is lower than the open).
Using the plotcandle() function to replot only those red candles.
Setting the fill, wick, and border colors to black for the replotted candles.
Leaving non-red candles unaltered by plotting them as na.
In effect, red candles on the chart are replaced with a consistent black-colored representation, providing a unique visual style. Users may also disable the default candles for a cleaner display.
Key Level Alerts v1.0Improving upon the functionality of the Spaceman BTC Key levels indicator, this script that paints key levels on the chart based on past candle data and allows the user to determine which levels are shown and which levels trigger alerts. Alerts can be set to occur on any timeframe and can trigger as price crosses the key level or at the end of the bar if price crossed in the scope of the bar. The following levels can be set:
Daily Open
Previous day high/low/mid
Asia 2 hour opening range
London 1 hour opening range
Monday high/low
Weekly open
Previous week high/low/mid
Monthly open
Previous month high/low/mid
Quarterly open
Previous quarter high/low/mid
Yearly open
Yearly high/low/mid
The inputs screen allows the user to set the color of each of indicator, whether the level is displayed on the chart, and whether or not it should trigger an alert if price crosses the level. Alerts are set using the following options when creating the alert:
Conditions: Key Level Alerts v1.0 (1X Bar), Any Alert() function call
The Any alert() function call setting will activate alerts for any of the levels selected in the alerts section of the inputs screen.
Emondsta 0DTE Trading Indicatorbasically this indicator is for day traders , will tell you when to buy puts an calls but also tell you when to cut your loss.
RG - Volume Spike DetectorRG - Volume Spike Detector is a comprehensive volume analysis tool designed to help traders identify significant volume activity across different tickers on TradingView. This indicator not only detects overall volume spikes and percentage changes but also approximates and analyzes buying and selling volume separately, providing valuable insights into market dynamics. With customizable parameters, visual cues, and built-in alerts, it's suitable for traders of all levels looking to monitor volume-based market movements.
Volume Spike Detection:
Identifies when total volume exceeds a user-defined multiple of its moving average (default: 2x).
Separate detection for buying and selling volume spikes based on their respective moving averages.
Volume Change Analysis:
Calculates and displays the percentage change in total volume from the previous bar.
Highlights significant increases (>50%) or decreases (<-50%) with alert options.
Buy/Sell Volume Approximation:
Estimates buying and selling volume using price movement and range:
Up bars: Buying volume ≈ volume * (close - low)/(high - low)
Down bars: Selling volume ≈ volume * (close - low)/(high - low)
Handles edge cases (e.g., high = low) to ensure accurate calculations.
Ideal For
Day traders monitoring sudden volume surges
Swing traders analyzing volume trends
Market analysts studying buying vs. selling pressure
This indicator empowers traders with a robust tool to track volume dynamics, offering both visual clarity and actionable alerts for informed decision-making.
Good for counting waves drops reversal understanding the cycles reversal points peaks valleys
Highlight Specific Minute BarsThis is a simple way to view Goldbach Time, per the suggestion of @hopiplaka1
Any two minutes may be selected, however Hopi suggests 23 and 35.
Takes as input two user defined minutes and allows user to color each independently. Limits the painting to a user-set number of days back. Also, sets the forward projection to a user-set number of hours.
Elliott Wave with Fibonacci & Volume (±10% Buffer, ADX Fixed)주로 단타용 인데 모니터링 중입니다.
후행성 지표인지 아닌지 지켜보고 있어요
Strategy: Break Candle By jorhtrading esta estrategia va de la mano de las tomas de liquidez, tienen que buscar maximos o minimos que el precio liquidez y metersr al lado contrario segun la indicacion que de el indicador, cabe destacar que falto agregarle los fvg (deben agregarlo a parte ), es en tiempo real y debe usarse en 1 min y 2 min viendo ambas temporalidades. si da las doble confirmaciones tanto en 1 min y 2 min alli essta una entrada de potencial alto.
ICT Balanced Price Range - Double FVG with VolumeThis is an FVG indicator combined with volume to identify moments when a sudden volume spike creates a price gap.
Additionally, I've added the ICT Balanced Price Range, which occurs when two opposing FVGs form a connected gap. This gap has a high probability of reversal and is one of the key signs of liquidity sweeps.
Unlike other FVG indicators that filter FVGs based on ATR, average price, or range, I believe such methods lead to overfitting and may not work across multiple pairs with a single setting. Instead, I only filter FVGs when there are consecutive overlapping FVGs.
The indicator includes full functionality:
Candle color customization
FVG line color customization
FVG fill color customization
BPR color customization
Adjustable average volume and volume threshold
Highlighting candles with abnormal volume
Enjoy and make sure to backtest thoroughly before using!