מחויבות של סוחרים (COT)
Cumulative distribution function - Probability Cumulative distribution function (tScore and zScore)
This script provides the calculation of the cumulative distribution function (i.e., probability). The measure allows you to calculate the chances of a value of interest being above or below a hypothesized value over the measurement period—nothing fancy here, just good old statistics and mathematics. The closer you are to 0 or 1, the more significant your measurement. We’ve included a significance level highlighting feature. The ability to turn price and/or volume off.
We have included both the Z and T statistics. Where the ‘Z’ is looking at the difference of the current value, minus the mean, and divided by the standard deviation. This is usually pretty noisy on a single value, so a smoother is included. Nice shoutout to the Pinecoders Github Page with this function also. The t-statistic is measuring the difference between a short measurement, an extended measurement, and divided by the standard error (sigma/sqrt(n)). Both of these are neatly wrapped into a function, so please feel free to use them in your code. Add a bit of science to your guessing game. For the purists out there, we have chosen to use sigma in the t-statistic because we know the population's behavior (as opposed to the s-measure). We’ve also included two levels of the t-statistic cumulative distribution function if you are using a short sample period below 6.
Finally, because everyone loves choices, we’ve included the ability to measure the probability of:
the current value (Price and volume)
percent change
momentum (change over a period of time)
Acceleration (change of the change)
contribution (amount of the current bar over the sum)
volatility (natural log ratio of today and the previous bar)
Here is a chart example explaining some of the data for the function.
Here are the various options you have the print the different measurements
A comparison of the t-statistic and z-statistic (t-score and z-score)
And the coloring options
COT Net Non-Commercials vs Commercials (Updated MTF Non-Repaint)Hello there,
With this script, you can see CFTC COT Non Commercial and Commercial Positions together.
This way, you can analyze net values greater than 0 and smaller, as well as very dense and very shallow positions of producers and speculators.
Green - Non Commercials - Speculators
Red - Commercials - Producers
This script is multi time-frame and non-repaint script.
Data pulled through Quandl.
And the latest version codes have been used.
As time goes by, I will try to make useful modifications to this scheme.
Noldo CFTC COT Commodities IndicatorHi.
Hello, this script has the same logic as Noldo CFTC COT Forex indicator :
It is the version for the future markets.
Major future assets are the subject.
This script works only on SPGSCI (S&P Goldman Sachs Commodity Index).
You must open SPGSCI :
It only works on 1W graphics.
Because COT data is announced on Tuesday, it will cause repaint every Tuesday.
However, since it is a terminal, this factor is not strong enough to affect your decisions.
For use, you should open the bottom panel, go a little to the right in the history section and enlarge the panel you have opened.
The terminal will take its form in the presentation and provide analysis on the big screen.
COT data are pulled via Quandl.
Noldo CFTC COT Forex IndicatorHello.
I decided to publish the COT Forex Indicator, which I created for convenience, as an open source.
The period DXY is determined by the differences between the two signals on the Pivot Reversal Strategy on the weekly chart.(1W)
Thus, relative period point search is automated.
When the new signal comes, after the closing, the number of bars between the previous bar before the new signal comes both directions.
This elapsed time is our period in which we will look back on relative changes.
If there is no signal, the period remains constant, thereby allowing us to notice excessive changes.
And in this period, COT data exchange and price changes are reflected in the terminal.
The automatic time-keeping of the period and the automatic generation of the relative differences of the terminals according to the period prevents a great loss of time.
Thus, we create one of the strong columns that enable us to make decisions.
The other column is the signals we obtained as a result of technical analysis.
The last column is the economic agenda and data tracking.
That's why I made my decision to share this:
Real life should not be distracted,
should not be drowned in the sea of technical analysis.
COT data is one of the most important and valuable tools that bring us signs of real life,
It should not be forgotten !
A lot of time is lost while doing these analyzes, and I wanted this to be much more practical and tidy!
And we can see if there are factors that will back up our incoming signals.
This script works only on DXY .
You must open DXY.
It only works on 1W graphics.
Because COT data is announced on Tuesday, it will cause repaint every Tuesday.
However, since it is a terminal, this factor is not strong enough to affect your decisions.
For use, you should open the bottom panel, go a little to the right in the history section and enlarge the panel you have opened.
The terminal will take its form in the presentation and provide analysis on the big screen.
COT data are pulled via Quandl.
General kind request:
Authors who know the technical broad expression of the security function or have an idea about its creation, please reach me.
Best regards.
Open Interest Market Facilitation IndexOriginal script from ChartChampions :
Let's start.
This script was created by using Open Interest instead of Volume in the Market Facilitation Index.
Thus, it can make a difference in the Future and CFD Markets.
If your financial instrument is not from these markets, that is, if Open Interest is not used, you can choose Volume.
You can set "FUTURES" and "OTHERS" from the menu.
If you use the Open Interest (FUTURES) option in the menu on 1W bars and defined Future markets, it will not repaint.
This is the best use for Open Interests, as data is extracted from Quandl and CFTC COT reports are published once a week.
Color Change Rules :
In my version :
Green Bars = Green
Fade Bars = Orange
Fake Bars = Blue
Squat Bars = Red
To show the difference in the presentation, both the Futures option using Open Interest and the Others option using Volume were published to compare.
You can observe the difference.
Best regards.
Accumulation/Distribution Open Interest Money Flow Hi, this script is the version of Accumulation / Distribution Money Flow (ADMF) that uses Open Interes ts in the required markets instead of Volume.
Can be set from the menu. (Futures/Others)
NOTE: I only modified this script.
The original script belongs to cl8DH.
Original of the script:
I think it will make a difference in the future and commodity markets.
Since the system uses CFTC data, use only for 1W timeframe.
With my best regards..
DXY COT Commercial Net PositionsThis script was created due to the lack of position of US Dollar Index Futures (DXY).
It is designed to perform a much more liquid and inclusive position analysis.
As the exponential ratios do not mean anything to positions, weights are used as multipliers instead of exponential functions.
Swedish Krona (SEK) Futures are not directly quoted in Quandl, therefore weighted in Euro / dollar parity.
By perceiving these positions as inverse correlations, you can also identify where the world economy is doing well.
COT Commercial Net Positions are calculated as (Short - Long) because of Commercials act according to the reverse of the market.
In this way, you can follow up normally instead of reverse correlation.
Because except in extreme cases, in which case capitals usually shift to Gold.
This is not the case, since there is no capital inflow to other currencies, it is not a strong sell position to the dollar index.
When there is a shift in bonds, we see the effect of the dollar in general.
I created for the Dollar Index in order not to deviate from the concept.
I wanted to share it with everyone as I thought that you have important clues about how investors take positions.
Modified currency weights :
Euro : % 61.8
Japanese Yen : % 13.6
British Pound : %11.9
Canadian Dollar : % 9.1
Swiss Franc : % 3.6
NOTE : You can use it for all instruments except crypto coins, especially US Dollar Index (DXY).
Since the COT data is taken, it will not repaint in 1 week (1W) timeframe.
The log can also be repaint according to the time of data publication.
It will repaint in lower time frames.
I hope it will help your analysis and your scripts,regards.
CoT Absolute Percent-Buschi
I'm often asked to provide an alternate view on the CoT data. For example, the indicator "Commercial index" is an oscillator from 0 to 100, but oftentimes it can be helpful to look at the absolute position. So, here the absolute position of certain parts of the CoT report are given, alongside with the percentage of a given time frame to put them in place.
The inputs are:
CoT Part Number ('1' for Commercials Short, '2' for Commercials Long, '3' for Commercials Netto, '4' for Large Speculators Short, '5' for Large Speculators Long, '6' for Large Speculators Netto, '7' for Small Speculators Short, '8' for Small Speculators Long, '9' for Small Speculators Netto, '10' for Open Interest)
Review Period (in years, just used for the percentage)
Percent Line 1, 2, 3, 4 (just to provide some lines which can be altered as required)
DISCLAIMER: I'm aware of Pine Script's ability to provide options as inputs (which would be much nicer for the CoT Parts). Alas, it is only available since version 3, and I noticed that for some reason the CoT data is not correctly adjusted to last Tuesday when using higher versions than 1. If someone knows a solution, please contact me.
Ich werde oft gefragt, eine alternative Sicht auf die CoT-Daten zu geben. Der Indikator "Commercial Index" zum Beispiel schwankt als Oszillator zwischen 0 und 100, aber oft kann der Blick auf die absolute Positionierung hilfreich sein. Also werden hier die Absolutpositionen verschiedene CoT-Bestandteile wiedergegeben, zusammen mit einer prozentualen Einteilung über eine vorgegebene Zeitspanne, um sie einordnen zu können.
The Eingaben lauten:
CoT Part Number ('1' Commercials Short, '2' Commercials Long, '3' Commercials Netto, '4' Large Speculators Short, '5' Large Speculators Long, '6' Large Speculators Netto, '7' Snall Speculators Short, '8' Small Speculators Long, '9' Small Speculators Netto, '10' Open Interest)
Review Period (Zeitintervall in Jahren, um die Prozentlinien zeichnen zu können)
Percent Line 1, 2, 3, 4 (um die Prozentlinien zur Verfügung zu stellen, die dann beliebig geändert werden können)
DISCLAIMER: Ich weiß über die Möglichkeit Bescheid, ab Pine Script Version 3 Optionen als Eingaben benutzen zu können (was deutlich angenehmer für die CoT-Bestandteile wäre). Leider habe ich gemerkt, dass die CoT-Daten bei Versionen über 1 leider nicht korrekt auf letzten Dienstag adjustiert werden, keine Ahnung warum. Falls jemand eine Lösung kennt, bitte kontaktieren.
Commercial Movement Index-BuschiEnglish
Inspired by the book "The Commitments of Traders Bible" by Stephen Briese, this indicator is a follow-up of my already published "Commercial Index-Buschi".
Here, the Commercial Index isn't shown in values from 0 to 100, but in how far the value changed from a given timeframe (default Movement Reference: 6 weeks). Therefore it ranges from 100 (bullish move from the Commercials during the last weeks) to -100 (bearish move).
Inspiriert durch das Buch "The Commitments of Traders Bible" by Stephen Briese, ist dieser Indikator eine Weiterentwicklung meines bereits veröffentlichten Skriptes "Commercial Index-Buschi".
Hier wird der Commercial Index nicht in Werten von 0 bis 100 angezeigt, sondern in wieweit er sich innerhalb eines vorgegebenen Zeitfensters (Standard: Movement Reference: 6 Wochen) verändert hat. Daher schwankt er zwischen 100 (bullishe Bewegung der Commercials innerhalb der letzten Wochen) und -100 (bearishe Bewegung).
Open Interest Stochastic Money Flow IndexThis is the improved version of Stochastic Money Flow Index script that uses Open Interest instead of volume in Future markets.
I think it will make a difference especially in Future and CFD markets.
Since the system will pull data from Quandl, CFTC reports may cause repaint when disclosed.
So if you use it during the weekly time frame (1W), it will definitely not repaint.
You can also use the volume by selecting "Others" from the menu.This option applies to each instrument, you can use it on any financial instrument with or without COT data.
Bitcoin is included in the "Futures" option.
In Futures, you can observe the difference of Open Interest's success by comparing, since it counts exchanges between the two parties singularly, it reacts more firmly to speculative movements.
This script also includes alerts and bar color options, you can use from the menu.
It is also suitable for mutable variables.This script was freed from the integer loads.You can modify it in any adaptive or fractional period.
I hope it will help your analyzes, regards .
COT Commercial Positions (Updated)
This script aims to look at the markets from a manufacturer's point of view.
Producers or large enterprises gradually sell their goods as the price increases.
Because both the amount of product and position in their hands is too high, otherwise they can not find buyers, and they have to make a safe profit.
Therefore, I have shown short positions in green and long positions in red.
Blue is the net position formed by subtracting long positions from short positions.
This script is created with the latest Quandl data number codes.
Please let me know if you see a missing or a code update.
I recommend using it in a weekly (1W) time frame.
CAUTION : Since Bitcoin producer positions are very sparse, speculative long positions have been preferred in Bitcoin.
If you're looking for Bitcoin,
select Bitcoin from the menu.
Open Interest Exponential Ease of MovementModified Ease of Movement :
* Open Interests used on Futures instead of Volume (Includes Bitcoin)
* Exponential Moving Average used instead of Simple Moving Average
* Division Number cancelled. (Division Number gives wrong signals inside strong trends.)
NOTE : This code is open source under the MIT License. If you have any improvements or corrections to suggest, please send me a pull request via the github repository github.com
Stay tuned. Best regards !
Open Interest Money Flow Index (OIMFI)CAUTION : This system was inspired from seiglerj' s "Money Flow Index " script. Open Interests are used instead of volume.
What is the Money Flow Index ( MFI )?
The Money Flow Index ( MFI ) is a technical oscillator that uses price and volume for identifying overbought or oversold conditions in an asset. It can also be used to spot divergences which warn of a trend change in price. The oscillator moves between 0 and 100.
Unlike conventional oscillators such as the Relative Strength Index ( RSI ), the Money Flow Index incorporates both price and volume data, as opposed to just price. For this reason, some analysts call MFI the volume-weighted RSI .
What Does the Money Flow Index ( MFI ) Tell You?
One of the primary ways to use the Money Flow Index is when there is a divergence. A divergence is when the oscillator is moving in the opposite direction of price. This is a signal of a potential reversal in the prevailing price trend.
For example, a very high Money Flow Index that begins to fall below a reading of 80 while the underlying security continues to climb is a price reversal signal to the downside. Conversely, a very low MFI reading that climbs above a reading of 20 while the underlying security continues to sell off is a price reversal signal to the upside.
Traders also watch for larger divergences using multiple waves in the price and MFI . For example, a stock peaks at $10, pulls back to $8, and then rallies to $12. The price has made two successive highs, at $10 and $12. If MFI makes a lower higher when the price reaches $12, the indicator is not confirming the new high. This could foreshadow a decline in price.
The overbought and oversold levels are also used to signal possible trading opportunities. Moves below 10 and above 90 are rare. Traders watch for the MFI to move back above 10 to signal a long trade, and to drop below 90 to signal a short trade.
Other moves out of overbought or oversold territory can also be useful. For example, when an asset is in an uptrend, a drop below 20 (or even 30) and then a rally back above it could indicate a pullback is over and the price uptrend is resuming. The same goes for a downtrend. A short-term rally could push the MFI up to 70 or 80, but when it drops back below that could be the time to enter a short trade in preparation for another drop .
Reference : www.investopedia.com
** Since each instrument in the list has its own unique contract data, you must first enter its name to display it. I recommend you to select OANDA from the markets. Finally, when the COT reports are issued, it may repaints. However, this repaint is usually close to closing or after close .(When COT reports are so sharp ) So use this script only 1W ( 1 week ) or 1 M ( 1 month ) timeframe.
** This data is taken to Tradingview with the help of Quandl. This is a very low possibility, but the system will not work if there is a malfunction.
*** Working with all futures (Including : Bitcoin )
*** If you dont work with "Futures" , you can select "Others" from switchable menu and use volume for all instruments.
*** New generation elegant design used : Adaptive coloring Overbought - Oversold Levels according to the closing price.
NOTE : This code is open source under the MIT License. If you have any improvements or corrections to suggest, please send me a pull request via the github repository github.com
Stay tuned. Best wishes !
Weiss Wave Open Interest BarsFirstly :
LazyBear ' s "Weiss Wave " codes are used for open interests.
Original Weiss Wave Volume :
Let's start :
Open Interest vs. Volume: An Overview
Volume and open interest are two key measurements that describe the liquidity and activity of contracts In the options and futures markets. However, their meanings and applications are different. Volume refers to the number of contracts traded in a given period, while open interest denotes the number of active contracts.
Trading volume measures the number of options or futures contracts being exchanged between buyers and sellers, identifying the level of activity for that particular contract. For every buyer, there is a seller, and the transaction itself counts toward the daily volume.
Open Interest
Open interest indicates the number of options or futures contracts that are held by traders and investors in active positions. These positions have not been closed out, expired, or exercised. Open interest decreases when holders and writers of options (or buyers and sellers of futures) close out their positions. To close out positions, they must take offsetting positions or exercise their options. Open interest increases once again when investors and traders open new long positions or writers/sellers take on new short positions. Open interest also increases when new options or futures contracts are created.
Options or futures contract trading volume can only increase while open interest can either increase or decrease. While trading volume indicates the number of contracts that have been bought or sold, open interest identifies the number of contracts that are currently held.
Reference : www.investopedia.com
*** Worked to define all futures . You can look them in codes (between line : 13 to line 94 )
** CAUTION 1 : Since each instrument in the list has its own unique contract data, you must first enter its name to display it. I recommend you to select OANDA from the markets. Finally, when the COT reports are issued, it may repaints. However, this repaint is usually close to closing or after close .(When COT reports are so sharp ) So use this script only 1W ( 1 week ) or 1 M ( 1 month ) timeframe.
** CAUTION 2 : This data is taken to Tradingview with the help of Quandl. This is a tremendous possibility, but the system will not work if there is a malfunction.
Best regards.
Open Interest Rank-BuschiEnglish:
One part of the "Commitment of Traders-Report" is the Open Interest which is shown in this indicator (source: Quandl database).
Unlike my also published indicator "Open Interest-Buschi", the values here are not absolute but in a ranking system from 0 to 100 with individual time frames-
The following futures are included:
30-year Bonds (ZB)
10-year Notes ( ZN )
Soybeans (ZS)
Soybean Meal (ZM)
Soybean Oil (ZL)
Corn ( ZC )
Soft Red Winter Wheat (ZW)
Hard Red Winter Wheat (KE)
Lean Hogs (HE)
Live Cattle ( LE )
Gold ( GC )
Silver (SI)
Copper (HG)
Crude Oil ( CL )
Heating Oil (HO)
RBOB Gasoline ( RB )
Natural Gas ( NG )
Australian Dollar (A6)
British Pound (B6)
Canadian Dollar (D6)
Euro (E6)
Japanese Yen (J6)
Swiss Franc (S6)
Sugar ( SB )
Coffee (KC)
Cocoa ( CC )
Cotton ( CT )
S&P 500 E-Mini (ES)
Russell 2000 E-Mini (RTY)
Dow Jones Industrial Mini (YM)
Nasdaq 100 E-Mini (NQ)
Platin (PL)
Palladium (PA)
Aluminium (AUP)
Steel ( HRC )
Ethanol (AEZ)
Brent Crude Oil (J26)
Rice (ZR)
Oat (ZO)
Milk (DL)
Orange Juice (JO)
Lumber (LS)
Feeder Cattle (GF)
S&P 500 ( SP )
Dow Jones Industrial Average Index (DJIA)
New Zealand Dollar (N6)
Ein Bestandteil des "Commitment of Traders-Report" ist das Open Interest, das in diesem Indikator dargestellt wird (Quelle: Quandl Datenbank).
Anders als in meinem ebenfalls veröffentlichten Indikator "Open Interest-Buschi" werden hier nicht die absoluten Werte dargestellt, sondern in einem Ranking-System von 0 bis 100 mit individuellen Zeitrahmen.
Folgende Futures sind enthalten:
30-jährige US-Staatsanleihen (ZB)
10-jährige US-Staatsanleihen ( ZN )
Sojabohnen-Mehl (ZM)
Sojabohnen-Öl (ZL)
Mais( ZC )
Soft Red Winter-Weizen (ZW)
Hard Red Winter-Weizen (KE)
Magerschweine (HE)
Lebendrinder ( LE )
Gold ( GC )
Silber (SI)
Rohöl ( CL )
Heizöl (HO)
Benzin ( RB )
Erdgas ( NG )
Australischer Dollar (A6)
Britisches Pfund (B6)
Kanadischer Dollar (D6)
Euro (E6)
Japanischer Yen (J6)
Schweizer Franken (S6)
Zucker ( SB )
Kaffee (KC)
Kakao ( CC )
Baumwolle ( CT )
S&P 500 E-Mini (ES)
Russell 2000 E-Mini (RTY)
Dow Jones Industrial Mini (YM)
Nasdaq 100 E-Mini (NQ)
Platin (PL)
Palladium (PA)
Aluminium (AUP)
Stahl ( HRC )
Ethanol (AEZ)
Brent Rohöl (J26)
Reis (ZR)
Hafer (ZO)
Milch (DL)
Orangensaft (JO)
Holz (LS)
Mastrinder (GF)
S&P 500 ( SP )
Dow Jones Industrial Average Index (DJIA)
Neuseeland Dollar (N6)
Open Interest-Buschi
One part of the "Commitment of Traders-Report" is the Open Interest which is shown in this indicator (source: Quandl database).
The following futures are included:
30-year Bonds (ZB)
10-year Notes (ZN)
Soybeans (ZS)
Soybean Meal (ZM)
Soybean Oil (ZL)
Corn (ZC)
Soft Red Winter Wheat (ZW)
Hard Red Winter Wheat(KE)
Lean Hogs (HE)
Live Cattle (LE)
Gold (GC)
Silver (SI)
Copper (HG)
Crude Oil (CL)
Heating Oil (HO)
RBOB Gasoline (RB)
Natural Gas (NG)
Australian Dollar (A6)
British Pound (B6)
Canadian Dollar (D6)
Euro (E6)
Japanese Yen (J6)
Swiss Franc (S6)
Sugar (SB)
Coffee (KC)
Cocoa (CC)
Cotton (CT)
S&P 500 E-Mini (ES)
Russell 2000 E-Mini (RTY)
Dow Jones Industrial Mini (YM)
Nasdaq 100 E-Mini (NQ)
Platin (PL)
Palladium (PA)
Aluminium (AUP)
Steel (HRC)
Ethanol (AEZ)
Brent Crude Oil (J26)
Rice (ZR)
Oat (ZO)
Milk (DL)
Orange Juice (JO)
Lumber (LS)
Feeder Cattle (GF)
S&P 500 (SP)
Dow Jones Industrial Average Index (DJIA)
New Zealand Dollar (N6)
Ein Bestandteil des "Commitment of Traders-Report" ist das Open Interest, das in diesem Indikator dargestellt wird (Quelle: Quandl Datenbank).
Folgende Futures sind enthalten:
30-jährige US-Staatsanleihen (ZB)
10-jährige US-Staatsanleihen (ZN)
Sojabohnen-Mehl (ZM)
Sojabohnen-Öl (ZL)
Soft Red Winter-Weizen (ZW)
Hard Red Winter-Weizen (KE)
Magerschweine (HE)
Lebendrinder (LE)
Gold (GC)
Silber (SI)
Rohöl (CL)
Heizöl (HO)
Benzin (RB)
Erdgas (NG)
Australischer Dollar (A6)
Britisches Pfund (B6)
Kanadischer Dollar (D6)
Euro (E6)
Japanischer Yen (J6)
Schweizer Franken (S6)
Zucker (SB)
Kaffee (KC)
Kakao (CC)
Baumwolle (CT)
S&P 500 E-Mini (ES)
Russell 2000 E-Mini (RTY)
Dow Jones Industrial Mini (YM)
Nasdaq 100 E-Mini (NQ)
Platin (PL)
Palladium (PA)
Aluminium (AUP)
Stahl (HRC)
Ethanol (AEZ)
Brent Rohöl (J26)
Reis (ZR)
Hafer (ZO)
Milch (DL)
Orangensaft (JO)
Holz (LS)
Mastrinder (GF)
S&P 500 (SP)
Dow Jones Industrial Average Index (DJIA)
Neuseeland Dollar (N6)
Commercial / Open Interest-Buschi
Another view the Commitment of Traders (CoT) data
Since the Commercials are often a good indicator for future market movements, I tampered a little bit with their positioning (long or short) in relation to the open interest to visualize some kind of "commercial buying (long) or selling (short) power". It's definitely nothing more than work in progress, but I decided to publish it anyway. Critical comments are mostly welcome.
Ein weiterer Blick auf die Commitment of Traders (CoT) Daten
Da die Commercials häufig ein guter Indikator für zukünftige Marktbewegungen sind, habe ich ein wenig mit ihrer Positionierung (long oder short) im Verhältnis zum Open Interest herumgebastelt, um eine Art von "kommerzieller Kauf- (long) oder Verkaufs-Kraft" abzubilden. Es ist momentan noch im absoluten Teststadium, aber ich habe mich dazu entschlossen, es trotzdem zu veröffentlichen. Kritische Anmerkungen sind sehr willkommen.
CoT 5y Z-Score (Long/Short)Long vs Short COT indicator
Using the legacy reports due to column mismatch between diss aggregated reports and the TTF reports.
Still needs more work
CoT Non-Commercial Legacy(Long v Short)Long vs Short COT indicator
Using the legacy reports due to column mismatch between diss aggregated reports and the TTF reports.
Still needs more work
COT total by categoriesWill plot the sum of all positions (total) for selected categories
-plot sum by num_contracts/percent
-plot sum of all spreads positions across all categories
COT disaggregatedCFTC COT data is exported by quandl.com to tradingview
How to use this script:
Select and load CFTC COT data for the commodity ticker in the chart
Will by default take current ticker, or allow to avvverride it with another
Traders' categories are those for commodities , not financial futs
Select And Configure :
-categories to be plotted
-by num_contracts/percent
-plot "Tot Spreads %" selection (only when also "Show as % of OI" selected)
will plot the total of spreads positions across all categories
This script supercedes my other "MY_ CFTC GC/SI/CL (Disaggregated)" script
Just changed name