EURNZD signal [DinhChienFX Corner] V1.0The right screen is never predicting before. Just a the best result at the history for confident to using for Trade.
Risk: 1%.
1. The Long signal is calculate by the RSI indicator crossover 70, wait to Buy when the price corrects and crossunders the Upper Keltner Channel.
2. The Short signal is calculate by the RSI indicator crossunder 30, wait to Sell when the price corrects and crossovers the Lower Keltner Channel.
3. Stoploss and Take Profit is calculated by Plus or Minus the Average True Range indicator from the Price Entry.
4. Report the result at Backtest:
a. The Long-term result: 1/1/2017 - 13 Sep 2020
b. The Mid-tern result (every year):
- From 1/1/2017 to 1/1/2018:
- From 1/1/2018 to 1/1/2019:
- From 1/1/2019 to 1/1/2020:
c. The Short-term result:
- From 1/1/2020 - 13 Sep 2020
The right screen is never predicting before. Just a the best result at the history for confident to using for Trade.
"Use the link below to obtain access to this indicator" or "PM us to obtain access"
RSI cyclic smoothed strategy backtestI added a few lines of code to "when to trade"'s code to see that backtest result of "RSI cyclic smoothed v2".
Daytrader strategies for major currenciesHello,
This technique is for those who want the most simple method that is almost fool-proof. It must be done only during the busiest trading hours, 3 am to 11 am EST. This method doesn't work in sideways markets, only in volatile trending markets.
Ema 3
MA 20
Awesome Oscillator.
Enter Long: when the red 3 EMA has crossed up through the middle band at the same time, the AO should be approaching or crossing it's zero line, going up.
Enter Short: when the red 3 EMA has crossed down through the middle band at the same time, the AO should be approaching or crossing it's zero line, going down.
In this strategy, both the entry and exit happen only during the london session.
Wavetrend strategy with trading session for any time chartHello there
Today I am glad to provide you a strategy based on the wave trend oscillator. If you want to use it as an indicator, just disable long and short to not make any shops.
It works on all time frames.
The way it works its like an RSI .
We have overbought and oversold levels, and together with a channel and length we calculate the wave trend.
And then like in RSI, when we cross those lines we buy or sell depending on which lines we cross.
For risk management, so far its not implemented, but it can be done in many ways.
The only thing I applied is to always close a trade at the end of friday day. At the same time it can be applied the rule to sell when % of equity is lost, or at the end of a trading session like london,neywork and so on.
For any questions or doubts, let me know.
Hope you enjoy it :)
Kitti-PlayBook Stoch RSI + RSI V6.5 1) Strategy Versions develop from Version 4.0
2) Entry and Exit Conditions
Logic :
Entry Long conditions.
Entry When
Case 1 : Fast > Slow and Yesterday Fast < Slow ( 1st day Bullish ) ==> LongC1
Case 2 : %K crossover Stoch Lower Line and Bullish ==> LongC2
Case 3 : %K crossover %D in The Zone between Stoch Lower Line and Stoch Upper Line and Bullish ==> LongC3
Case 4 : %K crossover Stoch Upper Line and Bullish ==> LongC4
Exit When
Case 1 : Fast < Slow and Yesterday Fast > Slow ( 1st day Bearish )
Case 2 : %K cross under Stoch Upper Line
====== System 1 : Trend & Multi positions ========================
LS1 = Case 1 or Case 2 or Case3
Exit SYS1 = Exit Case 1
====== System 2 : Micro Trend ===================================
LS2 = Case2 or Case 4
Exit SYS2 = Exit Case2 or Exit case1
3) Can Adjust Number of Hold Positions
Ruckard TradingLatinoThis strategy tries to mimic TradingLatino strategy.
The current implementation is beta.
Si hablas castellano o espanyol por favor consulta MENSAJE EN CASTELLANO más abajo.
It's aimed at BTCUSDT pair and 4h timeframe.
max_bars_back=5000 : This is a random number of bars so that the strategy test lasts for one or two years
calc_on_order_fills=false : To wait for the 4h closing is too much. Try to check if it's worth entering a position after closing one. I finally decided not to recheck if it's worth entering after an order is closed. So it is false.
pyramiding=0 : We only want one entry allowed in the same direction. And we don't want the order to scale by error.
initial_capital=1000 : These are 1000 USDT. By using 1% maximum loss per trade and 7% as a default stop loss by using 1000 USDT at 12000 USDT per BTC price you would entry with around 142 USDT which are converted into: 0.010 BTC . The maximum number of decimal for contracts on this BTCUSDT market is 3 decimals. E.g. the minimum might be: 0.001 BTC . So, this minimal 1000 amount ensures us not to entry with less than 0.001 entries which might have happened when using 100 USDT as an initial capital.
slippage=1 : Binance BTCUSDT mintick is: 0.01. Binance slippage: 0.1 % (Let's assume). TV has an integer slippage. It does not have a percentage based slippage. If we assume a 1000 initial capital, the recommended equity is 142 which at 11996 USDT per BTC price means: 0.011 BTC. The 0.1% slippage of: 0.011 BTC would be: 0.000011 . This is way smaller than the mintick. So our slippage is going to be 1. E.g. 1 (slippage) * 0.01 (mintick)
commission_type=strategy.commission.percent and commission_value=0.1 : According to: binance . com / en / fee / schedule in VIP 0 level both maker and taker fees are: 0.1 %.
Jaime Merino is a well known Youtuber focused on crypto trading
His channel TradingLatino
features monday to friday videos where he explains his strategy.
Jaime Merino stance on bots (taken from memory out of a 2020 June video from him):
You know. They can program you a bot and it might work.
But, there are some special situations that the bot would not be able to handle.
And, I, as a human, I would handle it. And the bot wouldn't do it.
My long term target with this strategy script is add as many
special situations as I can to the script
so that it can match Jaime Merino behaviour even in non normal circumstances.
My alternate target is learn Pine script
and enjoy programming with it.
This script might be bigger than other TradingView scripts.
However, please, do not be confused because the current status is beta.
This script has not been tested with real money.
This is NOT an official strategy from Jaime Merino.
This is NOT an official strategy from TradingLatino . net .
It basically uses ADX slope and LazyBear's Squeeze Momentum Indicator
to make its buy and sell decisions.
Fast paced EMA being bigger than slow paced EMA
(on higher timeframe) advices going long.
Fast paced EMA being smaller than slow paced EMA
(on higher timeframe) advices going short.
It finally add many substrats that TradingLatino uses.
__ SETTINGS - Basics
____ SETTINGS - Basics - ADX
(ADX) Smoothing {14}
(ADX) DI Length {14}
(ADX) key level {23}
____ SETTINGS - Basics - LazyBear Squeeze Momentum
(SQZMOM) BB Length {20}
(SQZMOM) BB MultFactor {2.0}
(SQZMOM) KC Length {20}
(SQZMOM) KC MultFactor {1.5}
(SQZMOM) Use TrueRange (KC) {True}
____ SETTINGS - Basics - EMAs
(EMAS) EMA10 - Length {10}
(EMAS) EMA10 - Source {close}
(EMAS) EMA55 - Length {55}
(EMAS) EMA55 - Source {close}
____ SETTINGS - Volume Profile
Lowest and highest VPoC from last three days
is used to know if an entry has a support
VPVR of last 100 4h bars
is also taken into account
(VP) Use number of bars (not VP timeframe): Uses 'Number of bars {100}' setting instead of 'Volume Profile timeframe' setting for calculating session VPoC
(VP) Show tick difference from current price {False}: BETA . Might be useful for actions some day.
(VP) Number of bars {100}: If 'Use number of bars (not VP timeframe)' is turned on this setting is used to calculate session VPoC.
(VP) Volume Profile timeframe {1 day}: If 'Use number of bars (not VP timeframe)' is turned off this setting is used to calculate session VPoC.
(VP) Row width multiplier {0.6}: Adjust how the extra Volume Profile bars are shown in the chart.
(VP) Resistances prices number of decimal digits : Round Volume Profile bars label numbers so that they don't have so many decimals.
(VP) Number of bars for bottom VPOC {18}: 18 bars equals 3 days in suggested timeframe of 4 hours. It's used to calculate lowest session VPoC from previous three days. It's also used as a top VPOC for sells.
(VP) Ignore VPOC bottom advice on long {False}: If turned on it ignores bottom VPOC (or top VPOC on sells) when evaluating if a buy entry is worth it.
(VP) Number of bars for VPVR VPOC {100}: Number of bars to calculate the VPVR VPoC. We use 100 as Jaime once used. When the price bounces back to the EMA55 it might just bounce to this VPVR VPoC if its price it's lower than the EMA55 (Sells have inverse algorithm).
____ SETTINGS - ADX Slope
ADX Slope
help us to understand if ADX
has a positive slope, negative slope
or it is rather still.
(ADXSLOPE) ADX cut {23}: If ADX value is greater than this cut (23) then ADX has strength
(ADXSLOPE) ADX minimum steepness entry {45}: ADX slope needs to be 45 degrees to be considered as a positive one.
(ADXSLOPE) ADX minimum steepness exit {45}: ADX slope needs to be -45 degrees to be considered as a negative one.
(ADXSLOPE) ADX steepness periods {3}: In order to avoid false detection the slope is calculated along 3 periods.
____ SETTINGS - Next to EMA55
(NEXTEMA55) EMA10 to EMA55 bounce back percentage {80}: EMA10 might bounce back to EMA55 or maybe to 80% of its complete way to EMA55
(NEXTEMA55) Next to EMA55 percentage {15}: How much next to the EMA55 you need to be to consider it's going to bounce back upwards again.
____ SETTINGS - Stop Loss and Take Profit
You can set a default stop loss or a default take profit.
(STOPTAKE) Stop Loss % {7.0}
(STOPTAKE) Take Profit % {2.0}
____ SETTINGS - Trailing Take Profit
You can customize the default trailing take profit values
(TRAILING) Trailing Take Profit (%) {1.0}: Trailing take profit offset in percentage
(TRAILING) Trailing Take Profit Trigger (%) {2.0}: When 2.0% of benefit is reached then activate the trailing take profit.
(EMAS) Ignore advice based on emas {false}.
(EMAS) Ignore advice based on emas (On closing long signal) {False}: Ignore advice based on emas but only when deciding to close a buy entry.
(SQZMOM) Ignore advice based on SQZMOM {false}: Ignores advice based on SQZMOM indicator.
(ADXSLOPE) Ignore advice based on ADX positive slope {false}
(ADXSLOPE) Ignore advice based on ADX cut (23) {true}
(STOPTAKE) Take Profit? {false}: Enables simple Take Profit.
(STOPTAKE) Stop Loss? {True}: Enables simple Stop Loss.
(TRAILING) Enable Trailing Take Profit (%) {True}: Enables Trailing Take Profit.
____ SETTINGS - Strategy mode
(STRAT) Type Strategy: 'Long and Short', 'Long Only' or 'Short Only'. Default: 'Long and Short'.
____ SETTINGS - Risk Management
(RISKM) Risk Management Type: 'Safe', 'Somewhat safe compound' or 'Unsafe compound'. ' Safe ': Calculations are always done with the initial capital (1000) in mind. The maximum losses per trade/day/week/month are taken into account. ' Somewhat safe compound ': Calculations are done with initial capital (1000) or a higher capital if it increases. The maximum losses per trade/day/week/month are taken into account. ' Unsafe compound ': In each order all the current capital is gambled and only the default stop loss per order is taken into account. That means that the maximum losses per trade/day/week/month are not taken into account. Default : 'Somewhat safe compound'.
(RISKM) Maximum loss per trade % {1.0}.
(RISKM) Maximum loss per day % {6.0}.
(RISKM) Maximum loss per week % {8.0}.
(RISKM) Maximum loss per month % {10.0}.
____ SETTINGS - Decimals
(DECIMAL) Maximum number of decimal for contracts {3}: How small (3 decimals means 0.001) an entry position might be in your exchange.
(PRANGE) Print price is in range {False}: Enable a bottom label that indicates if the price is in range or not.
(PRANGE) Price range periods {5}: How many previous periods are used to calculate the medians
(PRANGE) Price range maximum desviation (%) {0.6} ( > 0 ): Maximum positive desviation for range detection
(PRANGE) Price range minimum desviation (%) {0.6} ( > 0 ): Mininum negative desviation for range detection
EXTRA 2 - SQUEEZE MOMENTUM Desviation indicator
(SQZDIVER) Show degrees {False}: Show degrees of each Squeeze Momentum Divergence lines to the x-axis.
(SQZDIVER) Show desviation labels {False}: Whether to show or not desviation labels for the Squeeze Momentum Divergences.
(SQZDIVER) Show desviation lines {False}: Whether to show or not desviation lines for the Squeeze Momentum Divergences.
WARNING: This indicator works not on current bar but on previous bar. So in the worst case it might be VP from 4 hours ago. Don't worry, inside the strategy calculus the correct values are used. It's just that I cannot show the most recent one in the chart.
(VP) Print recent profile {False}: Show Volume Profile indicator
(VP) Avoid label price overlaps {False}: Avoid label prices to overlap on the chart.
(ZIG) Zignaly Alert Type {Email}: 'Email', 'Webhook'. ' Email ': Prepare alert_message variable content to be compatible with zignaly expected email content format. ' Webhook ': Prepare alert_message variable content to be compatible with zignaly expected json content format.
(DEBUG) Enable debug on order comments {False}: If set to true it prepares the order message to match the alert_message variable. It makes easier to debug what would have been sent by email or webhook on each of the times an order is triggered.
BOT MODE: This is the default setting.
PROPER VOLUME PROFILE VIEWING: Click on this strategy settings. Properties tab. Make sure Recalculate 'each time the order was run' is turned off.
NEWBIE USER: (Check PROPER VOLUME PROFILE VIEWING above!) You might want to turn on the 'Print recent profile {False}' setting. Alternatively you can use my alternate realtime study: 'Resistances and supports based on simplified Volume Profile' but, be aware, it might consume one indicator.
ADVANCED USER 1: Turn on the 'Print price is in range {False}' setting and help us to debug this subindicator. Also help us to figure out how to include this value in the strategy.
ADVANCED USER 2: Turn on the all the (SQZDIVER) settings and help us to figure out how to include this value in the strategy.
ADVANCED USER 3: (Check PROPER VOLUME PROFILE VIEWING above!) Turn on the 'Print recent profile {False}' setting and report any problem with it.
JAIME MERINO: Just use the indicator as it comes by default. It should only show BUY signals, SELL signals and their associated closing signals. From time to time you might want to check 'ADVANCED USER 2' instructions to check that there's actually a divergence. Check also 'ADVANCED USER 1' instructions for your amusement.
It's advised that you use this strategy in addition to these two other indicators:
* Squeeze Momentum Indicator
so that your chart matches as close as possible to TradingLatino chart.
This strategy supports Zignaly email integration by default. It also supports Zignaly Webhook integration.
ZIGNALY INTEGRATION - Email integration example
What you would write in your alert message:
ZIGNALY INTEGRATION - Webhook integration example
What you would write in your alert message:
{ {{strategy.order.alert_message}} , "key" : "MYSECRETKEY" }
I have reused and adapted some code from
'Directional Movement Index + ADX & Keylevel Support' study
which it's from TradingView console user.
I have reused and adapted some code from
'3ema' study
which it's from TradingView hunganhnguyen1193 user.
I have reused and adapted some code from
'Squeeze Momentum Indicator ' study
which it's from TradingView LazyBear user.
I have reused and adapted some code from
'Strategy Tester EMA-SMA-RSI-MACD' study
which it's from TradingView fikira user.
I have reused and adapted some code from
'Support Resistance MTF' study
which it's from TradingView LonesomeTheBlue user.
I have reused and adapted some code from
'TF Segmented Linear Regression' study
which it's from TradingView alexgrover user.
I have reused and adapted some code from
"Poor man's volume profile" study
which it's from TradingView IldarAkhmetgaleev user.
Please check the strategy source code for more detailed information
where, among others, I explain all of the substrats
and if they are implemented or not.
Q1. Did I understand wrong any of the Jaime substrats (which I have implemented)?
Q2. The strategy yields quite profit when we should long (EMA10 from 1d timeframe is higher than EMA55 from 1d timeframe.
Why the strategy yields much less profit when we should short (EMA10 from 1d timeframe is lower than EMA55 from 1d timeframe)?
Any idea if you need to do something else rather than just reverse what Jaime does when longing?
FAQ1. Why are you giving this strategy for free?
TradingLatino and his fellow enthusiasts taught me this strategy. Now I'm giving back to them.
FAQ2. Seriously! Why are you giving this strategy for free?
I'm confident his strategy might be improved a lot. By keeping it to myself I would avoid other people contributions to improve it.
Now that everyone can contribute this is a win-win.
FAQ3. How can I connect this strategy to my Exchange account?
It seems that you can attach alerts to strategies.
You might want to combine it with a paying account which enable Webhook URLs to work.
I don't know how all of this works right now so I cannot give you advice on it.
You will have to do your own research on this subject. But, be careful. Automating trades, if not done properly,
might end on you automating losses.
FAQ4. I have just found that this strategy by default gives more than 3.97% of 'maximum series of losses'. That's unacceptable according to my risk management policy.
You might want to reduce default stop loss setting from 7% to something like 5% till you are ok with the 'maximum series of losses'.
FAQ5. Where can I learn more about your work on this strategy?
Check the source code. You might find unused strategies. Either because there's not a substantial increases on earnings. Or maybe because they have not been implemented yet.
FAQ6. How much leverage is applied in this strategy?
No leverage.
FAQ7. Any difference with original Jaime Merino strategy?
Most of the times Jaime defines an stop loss at the price entry. That's not the case here. The default stop loss is 7% (but, don't be confused it only means losing 1% of your investment thanks to risk management). There's also a trailing take profit that triggers at 2% profit with a 1% trailing.
FAQ8. Why this strategy return is so small?
The strategy should be improved a lot. And, well, backtesting in this platform is not guaranteed to return theoric results comparable to real-life returns. That's why I'm personally forward testing this strategy to verify it.
En primer lugar se agradece feedback para mejorar la estrategia.
Si eres un usuario avanzado y quieres colaborar en mejorar el script no dudes en comentar abajo.
Ten en cuenta que aunque toda esta descripción tenga que estar en inglés no es obligatorio que el comentario esté en inglés.
¡Pero Jaime!
¡Tu da mun!
Scalper v1A trend following strategy which uses regression to estimate buying and selling, the regression is done using oscillators and filters. This strategy can be used to scalp if you can wait till the candle is fully painted and you have a good sense of market.
Trade at your own risk no one can guarantee a 100% strike rate!
Coppock Curve StrategyThis strategy makes use of a not widely known technical indicator called "Coppock Curve".
The indicator is derived by taking a weighted moving average of the rate-of-change (ROC) of a market index such as the S&P 500 or a trading equivalent such as the S&P 500 SPDR ETF. For more info: (
This strategy uses $SPY Coppock curve as a proxy to generate buy signals on other ETF's and stocks.
Buy signals are generated when the Coppock Curve crosses above zero, and sell signals are generated when it crosses below.
An optional, trailing stop loss is available, with default settings to 100% so that it does not currently affect the buy and sell signals solely generated by the Coppock Curve. But you may find adding a Trailing stop loss may improve results on certain ETF's/Stocks.
You may also change the symbol for which signals are generated for, default is $SPY.
The published example shows using this strategy on a leverage ETF $TQQQ w/ starting capital of 10k, w/ 10k per trade. Try it on other stocks such as $AAPL, $AMZN $NFLX ect... I have found it to be an effective strategy that has a favorable risk to reward profile.
Any questions, please let me know!
Simple and efficient swing RSI systemHello there,
I am glad to bring you another simple and efficient algorithm.
Its made purely from RSI which can be used directly or inversed. Its suited for swing trading 15 min chart or more minimum.
Can be adapted to all types of financial markets.
Rules for entry are easy : First we have the stop loss and take profits levels. Based on SL , we have the risk % of our equity, where the minimum lot we can trade its setted on 0.1 lots , can be modified tho.
For entries, we have the overbought and oversold levels.
Whenever we cross one of them we enter the trade . We close the trade whenever we reach sl/tp or inverse crosses.
Although its has a low win rate, its a very good system to catch big trends, so there you can recover all the small losses that you had in a untrend market .
Aswell it requires a lot of patience, since a position can be kept for weeks, even months.
Hope you enjoyed it .
NZDJPY signal [DinhChienFX Corner] Ver 1.0The right screen is never predicting before. Just a the best result at the history for confident to using for Trade.
Risk: 1%.
1. The Long signal is calculate by the Close of candle crossing up The Keltner Channel Upper.
2. The Short {Sell] signal is calculate by the Close of candle crossing down The Keltner Channel Lower.
3. Reset the Up/Down confirm at Entry.
4. Don''t entry when occurs the Reversal Candle (over 80% the Heigh of Keltner Channel).
a. Not filter the Candel is over 80%.
b. Filter the Candel is over 80% for Not Entry.
5. Stoploss and Take Profit is calculated by Plus or Minus from the Price Entry.
6. Report the result at Backtest:
a. The Long-term result:
b. The Mid-tern result (every year):
- From 1/1/2017 to 1/1/2018:
- From 1/1/2018 to 1/1/2019:
- From 1/1/2019 to 1/1/2020:
c. The Short-term result:
- From 1/1/2020 to 5 Sep 2020
The right screen is never predicting before. Just a the best result at the history for confident to using for Trade.
Thanks for watching .
EURUSD signal [DinhChienFX Corner] Ver 3.0* Signals are tested successfully for 3.5 years with a steady win rate year on year until now.
Risk: 1%.
* Backtest time: 3.5 years / Premium, varies between currency pairs (Cryto default backtest time is shorter since the market is open both Saturday and Sunday: about 2 years).
The price rule of EURUSD in 20,000 past H1 candles past:
- Upterm (Long): Buy
+ When the price crossing up (Crossover) the Upper line gives 1 point.
- Downterm (Short): Sell
+ When the price crossing down (Crossunder) the Lower line gives 1 point.
- 2 or more points (> = 2), the entry conditions are met
- The entry point for the highest winning rate: when the price adjusts to the Upper / Lower line, the order price is at the closing price of the adjustment candle.
- When the above conditions are met, the Indicator shows a Buy / Sell signal according to the trend.
- Maximum risk / reward winning ratio: 1 / 1.05
- Stoploss: Calculated from the entry point + - actual fluctuation with the formula ATR (20) * risk ratio (risk).
- Profit: Calculated from the entry point + - actual fluctuation by the formula ATR (20) * reward ratio (reward).
- Profit: So the product has a stable profit of over 30% / year.
- Should backtest 3 Years (long term), every Year (medium term) and quarterly or 6 months (short term). If each year the success rate is always over 50%, it can be used for real trade.
Weighted Price Oscillator (STRATEGY)Weighted Price Oscillator is an unique indicator that shows the relationship between two custom variables that trigger signals upon specific conditions. When WPO (short for weighted price oscillator) crosses over the signal or zero line, it creates a buy signal and conversely below the signal or zero line, it generates a take profit signal. All of which are provided that the specific conditions are met.
Inside the script's options, the following options are: signal sensitivity, enable signal background color, and take profit percentage. The signal sensitivity allows you to adjust the script's trigger sensitivity, so that the script can fire signals appropriate for a specific timeframe. Enabling signal background color will provide a visual on the oscillator when a buy or take profit signal is being created. And lastly, the take profit percentage option is for configuring the trade size percentage of which you want to take profit with.
PM me for access.
Combo Backtest 123 Reversal & Future Lines of Demarcation This is combo strategies for get a cumulative signal.
First strategy
This System was created from the Book "How I Tripled My Money In The
Futures Market" by Ulf Jensen, Page 183. This is reverse type of strategies.
The strategy buys at market, if close price is higher than the previous close
during 2 days and the meaning of 9-days Stochastic Slow Oscillator is lower than 50.
The strategy sells at market, if close price is lower than the previous close price
during 2 days and the meaning of 9-days Stochastic Fast Oscillator is higher than 50.
Second strategy
An FLD is a line that is plotted on the same scale as the price and is in fact the
price itself displaced to the right (into the future) by (approximately) half the
wavelength of the cycle for which the FLD is plotted. There are three FLD's that can be
plotted for each cycle:
An FLD based on the median price.
An FLD based on the high price.
An FLD based on the low price.
- For purpose educate only
- This script to change bars colors.
EURUSD 5min london session strategyHey, today I bring you another strategy that I pull up together.
Its a KISS system ( keep it stupid simple )
We have 2 ma of 5 lenght each, one applied to the high and the other to low. With this we create a channel.
If the candle close above or below the channel we got a signal. Then we can optionally verify with the RSI to increase our chances.
At the same time, this system, only trades during the london session ( can be changed), and it has 2 rules, preferably no more than 5 trades / day, and no more than 2% risk of equity lost .
We also have a TP/SL system made of pips.
Enjoy it.
Simple and efficient 1h strategyThis strategy is made from a crossover of 2 ema : 4 and 8 in this case, together with a RSI of lenght 10 applied to hl2
The strategy is simple : we enter when we have a cross between the 2 ma's and rsi at the same time is in ascending or descending position crossing the middle line of 50.
For exit we have : at the end of a session( we trade only between london and newyork in this case, so we exit newyork), or through a tp/sl pip point system.
Hope you enjoy it.
MACD Strategy KMACK Rev 1.1Hull smoothed 45/10 macd
Please note that the macd/rsi values do not print unless the current day is Monday-Friday and the market will be open.
14 period hull smoothed rsi marks the rsi value at each macd reversal and will not signal a long position above 70 or a short position below 30
Macd and rsi will only display on the current day and will only display the last 2 hours
Lit candles occur after 0920 nyse time
Alerts or entries will only fire after 0931 nyse time
Entry signal will confirm with the 5 minute candle.
Long entry requires the current 5 minute candle to close>=hlc3
Short entry requires the current 5 minute candle to close<=hlc3
Buy/sell alerts will only fire in the last 10 seconds of the realtime (current) bar
Select bias
Modify macd lookback period(s)
Rsi crossing into the power region (60)
Rsi crossing into the weakness region (40)
Current strategy exits position upon signal opposite to selected bias, this is for simplicity.
There are currently no add-on strat signals but the alerts/lit candles will fire
Successful trades average >55% with an average profit factor of 3%
Net profit averages 3%
Max drawdown averages below 0.25%
Added order size input
Added show/hide strat signals. Still lights the bars green/red. Make sure your bar color setting in tv is set to a transparent color so you can see the bright reds and greens.
Added a couple lines of code that fire the alert/strat if macd reverses and the corresponding 5min candle does not agree and the following candle does agree. Added an average of 1.5% winning trades.
Message me for free trial access
Ema-Weighted-GainStrategy Inputs: Capital=$10,000, Pyramiding=3, Default Quantity=1
Please note that the strategy buys when the WMA (Blue line) cross under zero and sell above it, your experience is very important in using this indicator. Do not follow the buy/sell signals. Read the plot as I explain in the Uses Section and make your own conclusion on how to use it.
This Strategy uses multiple Ema’s to calculate Weighted HPR's.
I have calculated the weight numbers based on Fibonacci.
NOTE!! (Please Do not take those uses to be 100% Guaranteed. User your experience and judgment to decide your trade).
Zoom out to see all the arrows
White line (MA)
Blue line (WMA)
Ride Trends,
1-Downtrend: short
a-MA IS going down
b-Entry: WMA cross above or near the MA (White Arrows).
a-MA is going up
b-Entry: WMA goes below MA or Near it(Green Arrows).
Trend Reversal
1-buy entry.
WMA at zero, or very close to it, in pullback (Yellow Arrows).
2-short entry
WMA at zero, or very close to it, in a bounce (Orange Arrows).
Divergence as explained in the Red Arrows.
Red Arrows= Divergence
Green Arrows= Buy entry (The stock is in uptrend)
Yellow Arrows= Buy entry (the stock is in downtrend and could reverse)
White arrows= short entry (the stock is in downtrend)
Orange arrows=short entry (the stock in uptrend and can reverse)
If you are interested, send a private message
VWAP and RSI strategyThis strategy combines VWAP and RSI indicators
1. EMA50 > EMA 200
2. if current close > vwap session value and close>open
3. check if RSI3 is dipped below 10 for any of last 10 candles (as defined rsi_buy_level)
1. RSI3 crossing down 90 level (as defined in rsi_sell_level)
1. default is set to 5%
you need to add EMA 50 , EMA 200 and VWAP (session) indicators to the chart to see how these signals are generated
This strategy is tested on SPY and QQQ index stocks on hourly chart.
for educational purposes only
Combo Backtest 123 Reversal & Fisher Transform Indicator This is combo strategies for get a cumulative signal.
First strategy
This System was created from the Book "How I Tripled My Money In The
Futures Market" by Ulf Jensen, Page 183. This is reverse type of strategies.
The strategy buys at market, if close price is higher than the previous close
during 2 days and the meaning of 9-days Stochastic Slow Oscillator is lower than 50.
The strategy sells at market, if close price is lower than the previous close price
during 2 days and the meaning of 9-days Stochastic Fast Oscillator is higher than 50.
Second strategy
Market prices do not have a Gaussian probability density function
as many traders think. Their probability curve is not bell-shaped.
But trader can create a nearly Gaussian PDF for prices by normalizing
them or creating a normalized indicator such as the relative strength
index and applying the Fisher transform. Such a transformed output
creates the peak swings as relatively rare events.
Fisher transform formula is: y = 0.5 * ln ((1+x)/(1-x))
The sharp turning points of these peak swings clearly and unambiguously
identify price reversals in a timely manner.
- For purpose educate only
- This script to change bars colors.
Daytrade strategy RSI CCI EMA 4/8This strategy is designed for daytrade charts.
Its made from
EMA 4 / EMA 8 to check for crosses
RSI levels for overbough/oversold
CCI levels
For entry, we check first if the ema 4 crossed ema 8
Secondly we confirm by checking the level of RSI level
Finally we confirm with CCI level
If all of them are on the same page we enter.
For exit we have a fixed pip points system for TP/SL
Full strategy AllinOne with risk management MACD RSI PSAR ATR MAHey, I am glad to present you one of the strategies where I put a lot of time in it.
This strategy can be adapted to all type of timecharts like scalping, daytrading or swing.
The context is the next one :
First we have the ATR to calculate our TP/SL points. At the same time we have another rule once we enter(we enter based on % risk from total equity, in this example 1%, at the same time, lowest ammount for this example is 0.1 lots, but can be modified to 0.01), so we can exit both by tp/sl points, or by losing 1% of our equity or winning 1% of our total equity. It's dinamic.
The strategy is made from
Trend direction :
First confirmation point :
Crossover between 10EMA and Bollinger bands middle point
Second confirmation
MACD histogram
Third confirmation
RSI overbought/oversold levels
For entries : we check trend with psar, then once ema cross bb middle point, we confirm together with rsi level for overbought/oversold and macd histogram ( > 0 or <0).
We exit, when we have opposite sign, like from buy to sell or sell to buy, or when we reach tp/sl points, or when we reach % basaed equity points.
It can be changed to be fixed lots, or fixed tp/sl , you just have to uncomment the size from entries, and tp/sl lines.
At the same time, it has the possibility if one desires, to trade only concrete forex session like european, asian and so on for intraday trading.
Hope you enjoy it.
Let me know how it goes.
M4x Rainbow strategyReal Grid Trend Multiplier & SMA
"M4x Rainbow" is a Grid Trend Multiplier bot, who is following an adjustable SMA.
"M4x Rainbow" is not bound on FIFO, each trade get's his own exit.
It is set for Pyramiding=0, which can be changed in the "Strategy" line
Fees are set equal to Binance numbers at 0.1%, about...
!!! Pin to existing scale !!!
Or switch the main Indicator off.
Adjustable Settings:
- Profit % per Step (0-1000%)
- SMA lenght (0-4000)
Alerts: (one Alert is one step)
- longRain
- shortRAIN
The coloring of the lines is:
green = linestate is LONG
blue = linestate is WAIT
yellow = linestate is SHORT
!!! Tested only on 1 Minute Chart !!!
Give it a try and let me know.
...have fun ;-)
TSS Strategy TESTThis is strategy for backtesting TSSPRO script and has all settings from this indicator.
Strategy has setup for 100$ initial capital and 100% entering to each position and 0.04% exchange comission plus take-profit and stop-loss and TSS script settings.
I also have settings for 15min timeframe for BTC & ETH with annually profit ~200-300% (no leverage. i.e. x1).
You can also specify in settings:
+Take profit
+Start & end time
Annually Profit Strategy statistics for Binance BTCUSDT 4H (no leverage. i.e. x1)
2020(august) +134%
2019 +93%
2018 +135%
PM me if you want to test it.