Rsi strategy for BTC with (Rsi SPX)
I hope this strategy is just an idea and a starting point, I use the correlation of the Sp500 with the Btc, this does not mean that this correlation will exist forever!. I love Trading view and I'm learning to program, I find correlations very interesting and here is a simple strategy.
This is a trading strategy script written in Pine Script language for use in TradingView. Here is a brief overview of the strategy:
The script uses the RSI (Relative Strength Index) technical indicator with a period of 14 on two securities: the S&P 500 (SPX) and the symbol corresponding to the current chart (presumably Bitcoin, based on the variable name "Btc_1h_fixed"). The RSI is plotted on the chart for both securities.
The script then sets up two trading conditions using the RSI values:
A long entry condition: when the RSI for the current symbol crosses above the RSI for the S&P 500, a long trade is opened using the "strategy.entry" function.
A short entry condition: when the RSI for the current symbol crosses below the RSI for the S&P 500, a short trade is opened using the "strategy.entry" function.
The script also includes a take profit input parameter that allows the user to set a percentage profit target for closing the trade. The take profit is set using the "strategy.exit" function.
Overall, the strategy aims to take advantage of divergences in RSI values between the current symbol and the S&P 500 by opening long or short trades accordingly. The take profit parameter allows the user to set a specific profit target for each trade. However, the script does not include any stop loss or risk management features, which should be considered when implementing the strategy in a real trading scenario.
MVRV Z Score and MVRV Free Float Z-ScoreIMPORTANT: This script needs as much historic data as possible. Please run it on INDEX:BTCUSD , BNC:BLX or another chart of sufficient length.
The MVRV (Market Value to Realised Value Ratio) simply divides bitcoins market cap by bitcoins realized market cap. This was previously impossible on Tradingview but has now been made possible thanks to Coinmetrics providing us with the realized market cap data.
In the free float version, the free float market cap is used instead of the regular market cap.
The MVRV Z-score divides the difference between Market cap and realized market cap by the historic standard deviation of the market cap.
Historically, this has been insanely accurate at detecting bitcoin tops and bottoms:
A Z-Score above 7 means bitcoin is vastly overpriced and at a local top.
A Z-Score below 0.1 means bitcoin is underpriced and at a local bottom.
In the free float version, the free float market cap is used instead of the regular market cap.
The Z-Score, also known as the standard score is hugely popular in a wide range of mathematical and statistical fields and is usually used to measure the number of standard deviations by which the value of a raw score is above or below the mean value of what is being observed or measured.
MVRV Z Score initially created by aweandwonder
MVRV initially created by Murad Mahmudov and David Puell
Macro Score (DFMA) and Donchian Cloud Score StrategyA "macro score", as defined here, is created by giving various weights to different signals and adding them together to get one smooth score. Positive or negative values are assigned to each of the signals depending on if the statement is true or false (e.g. DPO > 0: +1, DPO < 0: -1). This manner of strategy allows for a subset of the available signals to be present at one time as opposed to every technical signal having to be active in order for a long/short signal to trigger.
The DFMA - Democratic Fibonacci Moving Average - is a separate indicator that we have released that takes 10 different Fibonacci MAs (lengths of 3 to 233, at Fibonacci intervals) and averages them to form the DFMA line. This helps by creating a consensus on the trend based on moving averages alone. Crossovers of the DFMA with the various Fib MA lengths as well as a cross of the price source and these lines can provide adequate long and short signals.
This strategy has the signals and weights pre-determined in the code. Heaviest weights have been given to crosses of the DFMA line/Fib MA (233) as well as the crosses of the Fib MA (3)/DFMA. Additionally, there are thresholds for DPO ( Detrended Price Oscillator , above or below 0), CMO ( Chande Momentum Oscillator , above or below 0), Jurik Volatility Bands (above or below 0), and Stoch RSI (above or below 50). These four signals hold a lighter weight than the MA cross signals.
The macro score itself is printed in an underlay as a white line that goes between -10 and 10 for this strategy. In addition to the macro score line, a blue momentum line (sourced by the macro score itself) has been included. A crossover/crossunder of the macro score and the macro momentum line is included into the long/short signal syntax in addition to a threshold for the macro score. Long and short thresholds can be determined by the user in the settings menu.
The Donchian Cloud Score is derived from a set of 5 Donchian channels (upper, lower, and basis plotted) defaulted to lengths of 25, 50, 100, 150, and 200. A set of conditions associated with the channels aims to determine ranging versus trending markets. Weights are given to these conditions accordingly, then tallied up to determine the "cloud score", ranging between -25 and 25. In general, a ranging market is determined by a cloud score between -10 and 10, while a positive trending market has a score higher than 10 and a negative trending market has a score lower than -10. That said, long and short thresholds similar to the macro score itself are included in the user settings and set to a default of 5 or -5. The cloud score is plotted as a line in the underlay with coloration reflecting ranging or trending markets (green color above the long threshold, gray between the thresholds, and red below the short threshold). The cloud score is incorporated into the strategy syntax for long and short positions in that the score must be above or below the set threshold for a trade to be placed. A breakdown for the Donchian scoring is as follows:
- Broke the 25-length DC (DC(25)) upper band in the previous 3 bars - +1 if true, 0 if false
- Broke the DC(50) upper band in the previous 3 bars - +2 if true, 0 if false
- Broke the DC(100) upper band in the previous 3 bars - +3 if true, 0 if false
- Broke the DC(150) upper band in the previous 3 bars - +4 if true, 0 if false
- Broke the DC(200) upper band in the previous 3 bars - +5 if true, 0 if false
- Broke the DC(25) lower band in the previous 3 bars - -1 if true, 0 if false
- Broke the DC(50) lower band in the previous 3 bars - -2 if true, 0 if false
- Broke the DC(100) lower band in the previous 3 bars - -3 if true, 0 if false
- Broke the DC(150) lower band in the previous 3 bars - -4 if true, 0 if false
- Broke the DC(200) lower band in the previous 3 bars - -5 if true, 0 if false
- DC(25) basis line above the DC(50) basis line - +1 if true, -1 if false
- DC(25) basis line above the DC(100) basis line - +1 if true, -1 if false
- DC(25)basis line above the DC(150) basis line - +1 if true, -1 if false
- DC(25) basis line above the DC(200) basis line - +1 if true, -1 if false
- DC(50) basis line above the DC(100) basis line - +1 if true, -1 if false
- DC(50) basis line above the DC(150) basis line - +1 if true, -1 if false
- DC(50) basis line above the DC(200) basis line - +1 if true, -1 if false
- DC(100) basis line above the DC(150) basis line - +1 if true, -1 if false
- DC(100) basis line above the DC(200) basis line - +1 if true, -1 if false
- DC(150) basis line above the DC(200) basis line - +1 if true, -1 if false
Take profit, stop loss, and trailing percentages are also included, found at the bottom of the Input tab under “TT and TTP” as well as “Stop Loss”. Make sure to understand the TP/SL ratio that you desire before use, as the desired hit rate/profitability percentage will be affected accordingly. The option for adding in a trailing stop has also been included, with options to choose between an ATR-based trail or a percentage-based trail. This strategy does NOT guarantee future returns. Apply caution in trading regardless of discretionary or algorithmic. Understand the concepts of risk/reward and the intricacies of each strategy choice before utilizing them in your personal trading.
Profitview/Pineconnector Settings:
If you wish to utilize Profitview’s automation system, find the included “Profitview Settings” under the Input tab of the strategy settings menu. If not, skip this section entirely as it can be left blank. Options will be “OPEN LONG TITLE”, “OPEN SHORT TITLE”, “CLOSE LONG TITLE”, and “CLOSE SHORT TITLE”. If you wished to trade SOL, for example, you would put “SOL LONG”, “SOL SHORT”, “SOL CLOSE LONG”, and “SOL CLOSE SHORT” in these areas. Within your Profitview extension, ensure that your Alerts all match these titles. To set an alert for use with Profitview, go to the “Alerts” tab in TradingView, then create an alert. Make sure that your desired asset and timeframe are currently displayed on your screen when creating the alert. Under the “Condition” option of the alert, select the strategy, then select the expiration time. If using TradingView Premium, this can be open-ended. Otherwise, select your desired expiration time and date. This can be updated whenever desired to ensure the strategy does not expire. Under “Alert actions”, nothing necessarily needs to be selected unless so desired. Leave the “Alert name” option empty. For the “Message”, delete the generated message and replace it with {{strategy.order.alert_message}} and nothing else. If using Pineconnector, follow the same directions for setting up an alert, but use the ",buy,,risk=" syntax as noted in the tooltips.
Kimchi Premium StrategyThis strategy is based on the Korea Premium, also known as the “Kimchi Premium,” which indicates how expensive or cheap the price of Bitcoin in Korean Won on a Bitcoin exchange in South Korea is relative to the price of Bitcoin being traded in USD or Tether. Inverse Kimchi Premium RSI was newly defined to create a strategy with Kimchi Premium. Assuming that the larger the kimchi premium, the greater the individual's purchasing power. In this case, if the Inverse Kimchi Premium RSI falls and closes the candle below the bear level, a short is triggered. Long is the opposite.
This strategy defaults to a combination of the traditional RSI and the Inverse Kimchi Premium RSI. If the user wishes to unlock the Inverse Kimchi Premium RSI combination and only use it as a traditional RSI strategy, the following settings can be used.
Use Combination of Inverse Kimchi Premium RSI: Uncheck
Resolution: Chart (4hr Candle)
Source: Close
Length of RSI: 14
Bull Level: 74
Bear Level: 25
김치프리미엄(김프) 전략은 달러 혹은 테더로 거래되고 있는 비트코인 가격 대비 한국에 있는 비트코인 거래소의 비트코인 원화 가격이 얼마나 비싸고 싼 지를 나타내는 코리아 프리미엄, 일명 "김치 프리미엄" 지표를 기반으로 만들어졌습니다. 김치 프리미엄을 가지고 전략을 만들기위해 Inverse Kimchi Premium RSI를 새롭게 정의하였습니다. 김치 프리미엄이 커질수록 개인의 매수세가 커진다고 가정하고, 이 경우 Inverse Kimchi Premium RSI이 하락하여 Bear Level 아래에서 캔들 마감을 하면 Short을 트리거 합니다. Long은 그 반대입니다.
이 전략은 전통적인 RSI와 Inverse Kimchi Premium RSI을 조합하여 기본값을 설정하였습니다. 유저가 원한다면 Inverse Kimchi Premium RSI의 조합을 해제하고 전통적인 RSI 전략으로만 사용하려면 아래 다음의 설정값을 사용할 수 있습니다.
Use Combination of Inverse Kimchi Premium RSI: 체크 해제
Resolution: Chart (4hr Candle)
Source: Close
Length of RSI: 14
Bull Level: 74
Bear Level: 25
Athena Momentum Squeeze - Short, Lean, and Mean This is a very profitable strategy focusing on 15 minute intervals on the Micro Nasdaq Futures contracts. CME_MINI:MNQH2023
As this contract only keeps positions for on average about an hour risk is managed. At a profit factor of 3.382 with a max drawdown of $123 from January 1st to February 15. Looking back to Dec 2019 still maintains a profit factor of 1.3.
See backtesting:
2019 backtesting:
Based on the classic Lazy Bear Oscillator Squeeze with a number of modifications from ADX, MAs and adding fibonacci levels.
We like keeping strategies simple yet powerful, no completely where you can't understand your own trades.
Our team is always modifying and improving the strategy. Always open to collaborating on improving as there is no perfect strategy.
Exponential Stochastic Strategywhat is Exponential Stochastic?
it is a modified version of the stochastic indicator. This strategy does not include pyramiding, repaint, trailing stop or take profit.
what it does?
It contains an extra input in addition to the stochastic indicator. Thanks to this input, different exponential weights can be given to the outputs and the indicator can be made more sensitive or insensitive. The strategy buys when the indicator leaves the overbought zone, sells when it leaves the oversold zone and always stays in the trade.
how it does it?
it uses this formula:
Thanks to this formula, even if the weights given to the outputs change, the indicator always continues to take a value between 0 and 100.
how to use it ?
With the input named "exp", you can change the sensitivity of the indicator and develop different strategies. other inputs are the same as the stochastic indicator. Increasing the exp value causes the indicator to signal less, decreasing it makes it much more sensitive.
[US30-GOLD] Keltner Channel & Moving Average [2 orders]TREND IDENTIFICATION: Keltner Channels, Moving Average.
- Keltner Channels:
... Keltner Channels long when closes candle crossover Upper 2.
... Keltner Channels short when closes candle crossunder Lower 2.
- Moving average : 50
... MA long when closes candle above MA 50.
... MA short when closes candle below MA 50.
- Open a buy when K crossover D and D > 50.
- Open a sell when K crossunder D and D < 50
* Open 2 positions avoids to miss the first.
Macro Score - Dem. Fib. McGinley DynamicsA "macro score", as defined here, is created by giving various weights to different signals and adding them together to get one smooth score. Positive or negative values are assigned to each of the signals depending on if the statement is true or false (e.g. DPO > 0: +1, DPO < 0: -1). This manner of strategy allows for a subset of the available signals to be present at one time as opposed to every technical signal having to be active in order for a long/short signal to trigger.
The DFMG - Democratic Fibonacci McGinley Dynamic - is a separate indicator that we have released that takes 10 different Fibonacci McGinley Dynamics (lengths of 3 to 233, at Fibonacci intervals) and averages them to form the DFMG line. This helps by creating a consensus on the trend based on these dynamic lines alone. Crossovers of the DFMG with the various McGinley lengths as well as a cross of the price source and these lines can provide adequate long and short signals.
This strategy has the signals and weights pre-determined in the code. Heaviest weights have been given to crosses of the DFMG line/McGinley(233) as well as the crosses of the McGinley(3)/DFMG. Additionally, there are thresholds for DPO ( Detrended Price Oscillator , above or below 0), CMO ( Chande Momentum Oscillator , above or below 0), Jurik Volatility Bands (above or below 0), and Stoch RSI (above or below 50). These four signals hold a lighter weight than the McGinley cross signals.
The macro score itself is printed in an underlay as a white line that goes between -10 and 10 for this strategy. In addition to the macro score line, a green momentum line (sourced by the macro score itself) has been included. A crossover/crossunder of the macro score and the macro momentum line is included into the long/short signal syntax in addition to long and short thresholds for the macro score, defaulted to 5 and -5 respectively.
Take profit, stop loss, and trailing percentages are also included, found at the bottom of the Input tab under “TT and TTP” as well as “Stop Loss”. Make sure to understand the TP/SL ratio that you desire before use, as the desired hit rate/profitability percentage will be affected accordingly. The option for adding in a trailing stop has also been included, with options to choose between an ATR-based trail or a percentage-based trail.
This strategy does NOT guarantee future returns. Apply caution in trading regardless of discretionary or algorithmic. Understand the concepts of risk/reward and the intricacies of each strategy choice before utilizing them in your personal trading.
Profitview/Pineconnector Settings:
If you wish to utilize Profitview’s automation system, find the included “Profitview Settings” under the Input tab of the strategy settings menu. If not, skip this section entirely as it can be left blank. Options will be “OPEN LONG TITLE”, “OPEN SHORT TITLE”, “CLOSE LONG TITLE”, and “CLOSE SHORT TITLE”. If you wished to trade SOL, for example, you would put “SOL LONG”, “SOL SHORT”, “SOL CLOSE LONG”, and “SOL CLOSE SHORT” in these areas. Within your Profitview extension, ensure that your Alerts all match these titles. To set an alert for use with Profitview, go to the “Alerts” tab in TradingView, then create an alert. Make sure that your desired asset and timeframe are currently displayed on your screen when creating the alert. Under the “Condition” option of the alert, select the strategy, then select the expiration time. If using TradingView Premium, this can be open-ended. Otherwise, select your desired expiration time and date. This can be updated whenever desired to ensure the strategy does not expire. Under “Alert actions”, nothing necessarily needs to be selected unless so desired. Leave the “Alert name” option empty. For the “Message”, delete the generated message and replace it with {{strategy.order.alert_message}} and nothing else. If using Pineconnector, follow the same directions for setting up an alert, but use the " ,buy, ,risk=" syntax as noted in the tooltips.
Default Properties for AVAX 20M:
DPO - 35 , uncentered
CMO - 25, open
K/D - 3/3
RSI Stoch Length - 3
Stoch Length - 4
Stoch Source - open
JVB Length - 14
JVB Smoothing - 2
DFMG source - close
Macro Length - 14
TP % - 1.5%
TTP % - 0.005%
SL % - 1.8%, no trail
TTP OSC SuperTrendThis strategy instead of following the trend of the price it follows the trend of an oscillator.
You can follow the trend of RSI or CCI.
We use SuperTrend applied to either oscillator for entering a long.
Position can close from
- using a stop loss percentage parameter
- or when entering downtrend
- or when using TP% when the target is achieved
- Use the SuperTrend multiplier to match the oscillator behaviour, CCI moves less, so I use 1.5 multiplier. With RSI I use 3
- I find this strategy works great to do swing trades during bull markets. When backtesting BTCUSDT it outperforms buy and hold before the beginning of the bear market.
- Try RSI 7 instead of RSI 14 for faster response
It supports separated payloads for each alert type:
1- Deal open
2- TP% reached
3- SL%
4- Downtrend deal close
TradePro's 2 EMA + Stoch RSI + ATR StrategySaw TradePro's "NEW BEST HIGHEST PROFITING STRATEGY WITH CRAZY RESULTS - 2 EMA+ Stochastic RSI+ ATR", and was curious on the back testing results. This strategy is an attempt to recreate it.
This strategy uses 50 / 200 EMAs, Stochastic RSI and ATR.
Long Entry Criteria:
- 50 EMA > 200 EMA
- Price closes below 50 EMA
- Stochastic RSI has gone into oversold < 20
- Stochastic RSI crosses up while making higher low from previous cross up
Short Entry Criteria:
- 50 EMA < 200 EMA
- Price closes above 50 EMA
- Stochastic RSI has gone into overbought > 80
- Stochastic RSI crosses down while making lower high from previous cross down
Stop-loss is set to ATR stop-loss
Take Profit is 2x the risk
All parameters are configurable.
Fair Value Strategy UltimateThis is a strategy using an index's (SPX, NDX, RUT) Fair Value derived from Net Liquidity.
Net Liquidity function is simply: Fed Balance Sheet - Treasury General Account - Reverse Repo Balance
Formula for calculating the fair value of and Index using Net Liquidity looks like this: net_liquidity/1000000000/scalar - subtractor
The Index Fair Value is then subtracted from the Index value which creates an oscillating diff value.
When diff is greater than the overbought threshold, Index is considered overbought and we go short/sell.
When diff is less than the oversold signal, Index is considered oversold and we cover/buy.
The net liquidity values I calculate outside of TradingView. If you'd like the strategy to work for future dates, you'll need to update the reference to my NetLiquidityLibrary , which I update daily.
Index: SPX, NDX, RUT
Strategy: Short Only, Long Only, Long/Short
Inverse (bool): check if using an inverse ETF to go long instead of short.
Scalar (float)
Subtractor (int)
Overbought Threshold (int)
Oversold Threshold (int)
Start After Date: When the strategy should start trading
Close Date: Day to close open trades. I just like it to get complete results rather than the strategy ending with open trades.
Optimal Parameters:
I've optimized the parameters for each index using the python backtesting library and they are as follows =>
Scalar: 1.1
Subtractor: 1425
OB Threshold: 0
OS Threshold: -175
Scalar: 0.5
Subtractor: 250
OB Threshold: 0
OS Threshold: -25
Scalar: 3.2
Subtractor: 50
OB Threshold: 25
OS Threshold: -25
Strategy Myth-Busting #5 - POKI+GTREND+ADX - [MYN]This is part of a new series we are calling "Strategy Myth-Busting" where we take open public manual trading strategies and automate them. The goal is to not only validate the authenticity of the claims but to provide an automated version for traders who wish to trade autonomously.
Our fifth one we are automating is one of the strategies from "The Best 3 Buy And Sell Indicators on Tradingview + Confirmation Indicators ( The Golden Ones ))" from "Online Trading Signals (Scalping Channel)". No formal backtesting was done by them and resuructo messaged me asking if we could validate their claims.
Originally, we mimic verbatim the settings Online Trading Signals was using however weren't getting promising results. So before we stopped there we thought we might want to see if this could be improved on. So we adjusted the Renko Assignment modifier from ATR to Traditional and adjusted the value to be higher from 30 to 47. We also decided to try adding another signal confirmation to eliminate some of the ranged market conditions so we choose our favorite, ADX . Also, given we are using this on a higher time-frame we adjusted the G-Channel Trend detection source from close to OHLC4 to get better average price action indication and more accurate trend direction.
This strategy uses a combination of 2 open-source public indicators:
poki buy and sell Take profit and stop loss by RafaelZioni
G-Channel Trend Detection by jaggedsoft
Trading Rules
15m - 4h timeframe. We saw best results at the recommended 1 hour timeframe.
Long Entry:
When POKI triggers a buy signal
When G-Channel Trend Detection is in an upward trend (Green)
ADX Is above 25
Short Entry:
When POKI triggers a sell signal
When G-Channel Trend Detection is in an downward trend (red)
ADX Is above 25
If you know of or have a strategy you want to see myth-busted or just have an idea for one, please feel free to message me.
PSAR BBPT ZLSMA BTC 1minLong entry:
PSAR gives buy signal
BBPT prints green histogram
ZLSMA is below the price
ZLSMA has uptrend
SL is smaller than the max SL
Optional Sessions and EMA filters
Short entry
PSAR gives sell signal
BBPT prints red histogram
ZLSMA is above the price
ZLSMA has downtrend
SL is smaller than the max SL
Optional Sessions and EMA filters
Placed below ZLSMA + offset on long
Placed above ZLSMA + offset on short
1x the SL by default
Takes no profit by default, 50% is also a good setting
2x the SL by default
Take out all remaining position size.
If price reaches TP1, the SL is set to the entry price.
Bull Trend Filtered StochRSI (BTFS)Ride Bull Trends Via Stochastic with Special Rules for Heavy Bullish Bias
TLDR: Long Only Trend Indicator Where you are always entered Long if the stochastic is over the lower band line and the price is above the Donchian Chanel high. Exit when Stochastic RSI is below the lower band.
Filter = Trend/Bullish indicator is Donchian of ema(high) this is set as the highest ema(high, 6) in the last 30 candles. this can be adjusted to fit the market as desired.
**indicator prints green background when the filter condition is satisfied***
Entry Exit = enter when the Stoch RSI is above the given lower trend band. This value is set at 35 but can be adjusted according to risk tolerance and market conditions.
this indicator allows a trader to be present during bullish/parabolic trends by only triggering if the close is > than the highest 6 candle average high over the last 30 candles. This filter requires the market to be in a generally bullish posture. If the market is in this condition the stochastic RSI indicator value offers a good gauge of price action and only goes significantly down if price trends below the average range of the rsi period. This filters out noise and keeps a trader from over trading on inconsequential corrections while responding fairly quickly to changes in general trend direction. the response is fast enough to produce an unprofitable amount of false signals if the bull market filter is not implemented. However when used in combination the signals return desirable results in bull trending markets.
Hope this Helps. Happy Trades.
-Snarky Puppy
Ichimoku Cloud and ADX with Trailing Stop Loss (by Coinrule)The Ichimoku Cloud is a collection of technical indicators that show support and resistance levels, as well as momentum and trend direction. It does this by taking multiple averages and plotting them on a chart. It also uses these figures to compute a “cloud” that attempts to forecast where the price may find support or resistance in the future.
The Ichimoku Cloud was developed by Goichi Hosoda, a Japanese journalist, and published in the late 1960s. It provides more data points than the standard candlestick chart. While it seems complicated at first glance, those familiar with how to read the charts often find it easy to understand with well-defined trading signals.
The Ichimoku Cloud is composed of five lines or calculations, two of which comprise a cloud where the difference between the two lines is shaded in.
The lines include a nine-period average, a 26-period average, an average of those two averages, a 52-period average, and a lagging closing price line.
The cloud is a key part of the indicator. When the price is below the cloud, the trend is down. When the price is above the cloud, the trend is up.
The above trend signals are strengthened if the cloud is moving in the same direction as the price. For example, during an uptrend, the top of the cloud is moving up, or during a downtrend, the bottom of the cloud is moving down.
DMI is simple to interpret. When +DI > - DI, it means the price is trending up. On the other hand, when -DI > +DI, the trend is weak or moving on the downside. The ADX does not give an indication of the direction but about the strength of the trend.
Typically values of ADX above 25 mean that the trend is steeply moving up or down, based on the -DI and +DI positioning. This script aims to capture swings in the DMI, and thus, in the trend of the asset, using a contrarian approach.
Trading on high values of ADX, the strategy tries to spot extremely oversold and overbought conditions. Values of ADX above 45 may suggest that the trend has overextended and is maybe about to reverse.
This strategy combines the Ichimoku Cloud with the ADX indicator to better enter trades.
Long orders are placed when these basic signals are triggered.
Long Position:
Tenkan-Sen is above the Kijun-Sen
Chikou-Span is above the close of 26 bars ago
Close is above the Kumo Cloud
MACD line crosses over the signal line
-DI is greater than +DI
ADX is greater than 45
Close Position:
3% increase trailing
3% decrease trailing
The script is backtested from December 2022 and provides good returns.
A trading fee of 0.1% is also taken into account and is aligned to the base fee applied on Binance.
APIBridge Advanced RSI + EMAUsing Pinescript, we will use charts of Cash/Future to trade in Options. Note this strategy works well with even the free version of TradingView.
The Relative Strength Index ( RSI ). Is a momentum oscillator that measures the speed and change of price movements. The RSI oscillates between zero and 100. Increasing RSI shows increasing bullish momentum. Decreasing RSI shows increasing bearish momentum. We take RSI upper bound as 80 to indicate bullish momentum and RSI lower bound as 20 to indicate bearish momentum.
Since this strategy uses underlying data (cash/future) to place trades in Options, please ignore the backtest of this strategy given by TradingView. TradingView does not provide options data but this strategy bypasses it.
Strategy Premise
The Relative Strength Index ( RSI ) is a momentum oscillator that measures the speed and change of price movements. The RSI oscillates between zero and 100. Increasing RSI shows increasing bullish momentum. Decreasing RSI shows increasing bearish momentum. We take RSI upper bound as 80 to indicate bullish momentum and RSI lower bound as 20 to indicate bearish momentum.
apibridge rsi + ema options / futures / commodity algo strategy logic
Long Entry: When RSI crosses over oversold level and fast ema crosses over slow ema , send LE .
Long Exit: When price hit Stop loss or Target .If SL/ TGT is not hit and reverse signal is sent by strategy then exit the Long
Short Entry : When RSI crosses under overbought level and fast ema crosses under slow ema , send SE
Short Exit : When price hit Stop loss or Target. If SL/ TGT is not hit and reverse signal is sent by strategy then exit Short
TradingView Parameters
1. Start Date(Mandatory) : The strategy does not take trade before this date
2. End Date(Mandatory) : The strategy does not take trade after this trade
3.RSI Length(Mandatory): Number of bars used to calculated RSI .
4.Fast Ema Length(Mandatory): Length for fast ema
5.Slow Ema Length(Mandatory): Length for slow ema
6.Source for rsi and ema calculation(Mandatory): Source to use for rsi and ema like close , open , high , low , hl2 etc
7.Overbought(Mandatory): To specify upper band of RSI .
8.Oversold(Mandatory): For specifying lower band of RSI .
9.plot ema or rsi (Mandatory) : Due to difference in scales of rsi and ema , strategy can only plot one of both precisely (the strategy logic which is based on both esi and ema is unaffected by this choice)
10.Quantity: We use this to specify the trade quantity (for Nifty min 75)
11.Custom Stop Loss in Points: Movement in chart price against the momentum which will trigger exit in options positions
12.Custom Target in Points: Movement in chart price against the momentum which will trigger exit in options positions
13.Base symbol: This is the base instrument symbol like NIFTY or BANK NIFTY .
14.Strike distance from ATM: Our default strike selection is considered as first ATM option (with nearest distance, only 100s are considered ). This strike
distance allows to calculate ATM options which are at fixed distance.
15.Expiry: Expiry of option. Weekly and monthly both expiry are allowed.
16.Instrument: For index instrument will be OPTIDX, for stock instrument will be OPTSTK
17.Strategy Tag: The Strategy of Nifty options configured in Api bridge.
Super 8 - 30M BTCWelcome to Super 8, the ultimate automatic trading script for Pine!
This bad boy is designed to go both long and short, and it's equipped with all the tools you need to maximize your profits. Whether you're looking to take profit, set a trailing stop, or protect yourself with a stop loss, Super 8 has you covered.
But that's not all! Super 8 is also loaded with 8 powerful indicators to help you make informed decisions. We've got the EMA, ADX, SAR, MACD, VOLUME, BOLLINGER BANDS, DONCHIAN, and ATR all working together to give you the best possible trading experience.
And if you want to take it to the next level, Super 8 also has a feature that lets you use stepped entries in normal mode or incremental 1,2,3,... to improve your average price. Plus, if you're using trailing stop, you can activate the Backtest precision to use lower timeframes.
But what's in a name? Super 8 is called that because it's just that... super! It's tailored specifically for the OKX:BTCUSDT.P pair, so you know you're getting the best possible results. it's highly adjustable and can be used with any other pair. So no matter what market you're trading in, Super 8 has got you covered.
So if you want to level up your trading game, give Super 8 a try. You won't be disappointed.
Certain Risks of Live Algorithmic Trading:
Backtesting Cannot Assure Actual Results.
The relevant market might fail or behave unexpectedly.
Your broker may experience failures in its infrastructure, fail to execute your orders in a correct or timely fashion or reject your orders.
The system you use for generating trading orders, communicating those orders to your broker, and receiving queries and trading results from your broker may fail.
Time lag at various point in live trading might cause unexpected behavior.
The systems of third parties in addition to those of the provider from which we obtain various services, your broker, and the applicable securities market may fail or malfunction.
ATR_RSI_Strategy v2 with no repaint [liwei666]🎲 Overview
🎯 this is a optimized version based on ATR_RSI_Strategy with no-repaint.
Sharpe ratio: 1.4, trade times: 116 ,
you can get same backtesting result with the correct settings.
🎲 Strategy Logic
🎯 the core logic is quite simple, use ATR and RSI and SMA
1. when price is in high volatility ( atr_value > atr_ma);
2. wait for a break signal (rsi_value > rsi_buy or rsi_value < rsi_sell);
3. entry Long or Short,use trailing stop-loss to max security and percent TP to keep profit.
🎲 Settings
🎯 there are 7 input properties in script, but I only finetune 4 of them ( bold field below ),
you may change other parameter to get better result by yourself.
atr_length: length to get atr value
atr_ma_length : length of smoothing atr value
atr_ma_norm_min : atr_ma normalized min value, filter high volatility ranges
atr_ma_norm_max : atr_ma normalized max value, filter high volatility ranges
rsi_length : length to get rsi value
rsi_entry: 50 +/- rsi_entry to get entry threshold
trailing_percent: trailing stop-loss percent
🎲 Usage
🎯 the commission set to 0.05% , part of exchange the commission is less than 0.05% in reality,
but I will still use 0.05% in my next script.
🎯 this script use 50% of equity to size positions follow general script position,
you can adjust the value to fix size or 100% of equity to compare result with other strategy,
but I still suggest you use 5-10% of equity for each strategy in reality.
🎯any questions please comment below. if there are any words violate House Rule, please tell me below and i will revise immediately
don't want be hiddened again 😂😂
Additionally, I plan to publish 20 profitable strategies in 2023;
let‘s witness it together!
Hope this strategy will be usefull for you :)
enjoy! 🚀🚀🚀
DRM StrategyOne of the ways I go when I develop strategies is by reducing the number of parameters and removing fixed parameters and levels.
In this strategy, I'm trying to create an RSI indicator with a dynamic length.
Length is computed based on the correlation between Price and its momentum.
You can set min and max values for the RSI, and if the correlation is close to 1, we'll be at a min RSI value. When it's -1, we'll be at the max level.
I got this idea from Sofien Kaabar's book.
The strategy is super simple, and there might be much room for improvement.
Performance on the deep backtesting is not excellent, so I think the strategy needs some filters for regimes, etc.
Thanks to @MUQWISHI for helping me code it.
Please remember that past performance may not indicate future results.
Due to various factors, including changing market conditions, the strategy may no longer perform as well as in historical backtesting.
This post and the script don’t provide any financial advice.
RSI and MA with Trailing Stop Loss and Take Profit (by Coinrule)The relative strength index is a momentum indicator used in technical analysis. It measures the speed and magnitude of a coin's recent price changes to evaluate overvalued or undervalued conditions in the price of that coin. The RSI is displayed as an oscillator (a line graph essentially) on a scale of zero to 100. When the RSI reaches oversold levels, it can provide a signal to go long. When the RSI reaches overbought levels, it can mark a good exit point or alternatively, an entry for a short position. Traditionally, an RSI reading of 70 or above indicates an overbought situation. A reading of 30 or below indicates an oversold condition.
A moving average (MA) calculates the average of a selected range of prices, usually closing prices, by the number of periods in that range. Essentially it is used to help smooth out price data by creating a constantly updated average price.
The Strategy enters and closes trades when the following conditions are met:
Entry Conditions:
RSI is greater than 50
MA9 is greater than MA50
RSI increases by 5
Exit Conditions:
Price increases by 1% trailing
Price decreases by 2% trailing
This strategy is back-tested from 1 January 2022 to simulate how the strategy would work in a bear market. The strategy provides good returns.
The strategy assumes each order is using 30% of the available coins to make the results more realistic and to simulate you only ran this strategy on 30% of your holdings. A trading fee of 0.1% is also taken into account and is aligned to the base fee applied on Binance.
Macro Score - DFMA-BasedA "macro score", as defined here, is created by giving various weights to different signals and adding them together to get one smooth score. Positive or negative values are assigned to each of the signals depending on if the statement is true or false (e.g. DPO > 0: +1, DPO < 0: -1). This manner of strategy allows for a subset of the available signals to be present at one time as opposed to every technical signal having to be active in order for a long/short signal to trigger.
The DFMA - Democratic Fibonacci Moving Average - is a separate indicator that we have released that takes 10 different Fibonacci MAs (lengths of 3 to 233, at Fibonacci intervals) and averages them to form the DFMA line. This helps by creating a consensus on the trend based on moving averages alone. Crossovers of the DFMA with the various Fib MA lengths as well as a cross of the price source and these lines can provide adequate long and short signals.
This strategy has the signals and weights pre-determined in the code. Heaviest weights have been given to crosses of the DFMA line/Fib MA (233) as well as the crosses of the Fib MA (3)/DFMA. Additionally, there are thresholds for DPO ( Detrended Price Oscillator , above or below 0), CMO ( Chande Momentum Oscillator , above or below 0), Jurik Volatility Bands (above or below 0), and Stoch RSI (above or below 50). These foursignals hold a lighter weight than the MA cross signals.
The macro score itself is printed in an underlay as a white line that goes between -10 and 10 for this strategy. In addition to the macro score line, a blue momentum line (sourced by the macro score itself) has been included. A crossover/crossunder of the macro score and the macro momentum line is included into the long/short signal syntax in addition to a threshold for the macro score (-5/5).
Take profit, stop loss, and trailing percentages are also included, found at the bottom of the Input tab under “TT and TTP” as well as “Stop Loss”. Make sure to understand the TP/SL ratio that you desire before use, as the desired hit rate/profitability percentage will be affected accordingly. This strategy does NOT guarantee future returns. Apply caution in trading regardless of discretionary or algorithmic. Understand the concepts of risk/reward and the intricacies of each strategy choice before utilizing them in your personal trading.
Profitview Settings:
If you wish to utilize Profitview’s automation system, find the included “Profitview Settings” under the Input tab of the strategy settings menu. If not, skip this section entirely as it can be left blank. Options will be “OPEN LONG TITLE”, “OPEN SHORT TITLE”, “CLOSE LONG TITLE”, and “CLOSE SHORT TITLE”. If you wished to trade SOL, for example, you would put “SOL LONG”, “SOL SHORT”, “SOL CLOSE LONG”, and “SOL CLOSE SHORT” in these areas. Within your Profitview extension, ensure that your Alerts all match these titles. To set an alert for use with Profitview, go to the “Alerts” tab in TradingView, then create an alert. Make sure that your desired asset and timeframe are currently displayed on your screen when creating the alert. Under the “Condition” option of the alert, select the strategy, then select the expiration time. If using TradingView Premium, this can be open-ended. Otherwise, select your desired expiration time and date. This can be updated whenever desired to ensure the strategy does not expire. Under “Alert actions”, nothing necessarily needs to be selected unless so desired. Leave the “Alert name” option empty. For the “Message”, delete the generated message and replace it with {{strategy.order.alert_message}} and nothing else.
Default Properties, for AVAX 20M:
DPO - 40, uncentered
CMO - 25, open
K/D - 3/3
RSI Stoch Length - 3
Stoch Length - 4
Stoch Source - open
JVB Length - 25
JVB Smoothing - 2
DFMA source - close
Macro Length - 13
TP % - 1.5%
TTP % - 0.005%
SL % - 2%
MACD + RSI + ADX Strategy (ChatGPT-powered) by TradeSmartThis is a trading strategy made by TradeSmart, using the recommendations given by ChatGPT . As an experiment, we asked ChatGPT on which indicators are the most popular for trading. We used all of the recommendations given, and added more. We ended up with a strategy that performs surprisingly well on many crypto and forex assets. See below for exact details on what logic was implemented and how you can change the parameters of the strategy.
The strategy is a Christmas special , this is how we would like to thank the support of our followers.
The strategy has performed well on Forex, tested on 43 1-hour pairs and turned a profit in 21 cases. Also it has been tested on 51 crypto pairs using the 1-hour timeframe, and turned a profit in 45 cases with a Profit Factor over 1.4 in the top-5 cases. Tests were conducted without commission or slippage, unlike the presented result which uses 0.01% commission and 5 tick slippage.
Some of the top performers were:
The strategy was implemented using the following logic:
Entry strategy:
Long entry:
Price should be above the Simple Moving Average (SMA)
There should be a cross up on the MACD (indicated by the color switch on the histogram, red to green)
RSI should be above the 50 level
Volume is above the selected volume-based Exponential Moving Average (EMA)
ADX should also agree to this position: below 50 and over 20, and above the Regularized Moving Average (REMA)
Short entry:
Price should be under the Simple Moving Average (SMA)
There should be a cross down on the MACD (indicated by the color switch on the histogram, red to green)
RSI should be below the 50 level
Volume is above the selected volume-based Exponential Moving Average (EMA)
ADX should also agree to this position: below 50 and over 20, and above the Regularized Moving Average (REMA)
Exit strategy:
Stop Loss will be placed based on ATR value (with 1.5 Risk)
Take profit level will be placed with a 2.5 Risk/Reward Ratio
Open positions will be closed early based on the Squeeze Momentum (Long: change to red, Short: change to green)
NOTE! : The position sizes used in the example is with 'Risk Percentage (current)', according which the position size will be determined such
that the potential loss is equal to % of the current available capital. This means that in most of the cases, the positions are calculated using leverage.
Parameters of every indicator used in the strategy can be tuned in the strategy settings as follows:
Plot settings:
Plot Signals: true by default, Show all Long and Short signals on the signal candle
Allow early TP/SL plots: false by default, Checking this option will result in the TP and SL lines to be plotted also on the signal candle rather than just the entry candle. Consider this only when manual trading, since backtest entries does not happen on the signal candle.
Entry Signal:
Fast Length: 12 by default
Slow Length: 26 by default
Source: hlcc4 by default
Signal Smoothing: 9 by default
Oscillator MA Type: EMA by default
Signal Line MA Type: EMA by default
Exit Strategy:
ATR Based Stop Loss: true by default
ATR Length (of the SL): 14 by default
ATR Smoothing (of the SL): EMA by default
Candle Low/High Based Stop Loss: false by default, recent lowest or highest point (depending on long/short position) will be used to calculate stop loss value. Set 'Base Risk Multiplier' to 1 if you would like to use the calculated value as is. Setting it to a different value will count as an additional multiplier. Please select only one active stop loss. Default value (if nothing or multiple stop losses are selected) is the 'ATR Based Stop Loss'.
Candle Lookback (of the SL): 10 by default
Base Risk Multiplier: 1.5 by default, the stop loss will be placed at this risk level (meaning in case of ATR SL that the ATR value will be multiplied by this factor and the SL will be placed that value away from the entry level)
Risk to Reward Ratio: 2.5 by default, the take profit level will be placed such as this Risk/Reward ratio is met
Force Exit based on Squeeze Momentum: true by default, a Long position will be closed when Squeeze Momentum turns red inside an open position and a Short position will be closed when Squeeze Momentum turns green inside an open position
BB Length: 20 by default
BB Mult Factor: 1.0 by default
KC Length: 20 by default
KC Mult Factor: 1.5 by default
Use True Range (KC): Yes by default
Base Setups:
Allow Long Entries: true by default
Allow Short Entries: true by default
Order Size: 1.5 by default
Order Type: Risk Percentage (current) by default, allows adjustment on how the position size is calculated: Cash: only the set cash ammount will be used for each trade Contract(s): the adjusted number of contracts will be used for each trade Capital Percentage: a % of the current available capital will be used for each trade Risk Percentage (current): position size will be determined such that the potential loss is equal to % of the current available capital Risk Percentage (initial): position size will be determined such that the potential loss is equal to % of the initial capital
Trend Filter:
Use long trend filter: true by default, only enter long if price is above Long MA
Show long trend filter: true by default, plot the selected MA on the chart
MA Type (Long): SMA by default
MA Length (Long): 100 by default
MA Source (Long): close by default
Use short trend filter: true by default, only enter long if price is under Short MA
Show short trend filter: false by default, plot the selected MA on the chart
MA Type (Short): SMA by default
MA Length (Short): 100 by default
MA Source (Short): close by default
Simple RSI Limiter:
Limit using Simple RSI: true by default, if set to 'Normal', only enter long when Simple RSI is lower then Long Boundary, and only enter short when Simple RSI is higher then Short Boundary. If set to 'Reverse', only enter long when Simple RSI is higher then Long Boundary, and only enter short when Simple RSI is lower then Short Boundary.
Simple RSI Limiter Type:
RSI Length: 14 by default
RSI Source: hl2 by default
Simple RSI Long Boundary: 50 by default
Simple RSI Short Boundary: 50 by default
ADX Limiter:
Use ADX Limiter: true by default, only enter into any position (long/short) if ADX value is higher than the Low Boundary and lower than the High Boundary.
ADX Length: 5 by default
DI Length: 5 by default
High Boundary: 50 by default
Low Boundary: 20 by default
Use MA based calculation: Yes by default, if 'Yes', only enter into position (long/short) if ADX value is higher than MA (ADX as source).
MA Type: REMA by default
MA Length: 5 by default
Volume Filter:
Only enter trades where volume is higher then the volume-based MA: true by default, a set type of MA will be calculated with the volume as source, and set length
MA Type: EMA by default
MA Length: 10 by default
Session Limiter:
Show session plots: false by default, show crypto market sessions on chart: Sidney (red), Tokyo (orange), London (yellow), New York (green)
Use session limiter: false by default, if enabled, trades will only happen in the ticked sessions below.
Sidney session: false by default, session between: 15:00 - 00:00 (EST)
Tokyo session: false by default, session between: 19:00 - 04:00 (EST)
London session: false by default, session between: 03:00 - 11:00 (EST)
New York session: false by default, session between: 08:00 - 17:00 (EST)
Date Range:
Limit Between Dates: false by default
Start Date: Jul 01 2021 00:00:00 by default
End Date: Dec 31 2022 00:00:00 by default
Trading Time:
Limit Trading Time: false by default, tick this together with the options below to enable limiting based on day and time
Valid Trading Days Global: 1234567 by default, if the Limit Trading Time is on, trades will only happen on days that are present in this field. If any of the not global Valid Trading Days is used, this field will be neglected. Values represent days: Sunday (1), Monday (2), ..., Friday (6), Saturday(7) To trade on all days use: 123457
(1) Valid Trading Days: false, 1234567 by default, values represent days: Sunday (1), Monday (2), ..., Friday (6), Saturday(7) The script will trade on days that are present in this field. Please make sure that this field and also (1) Valid Trading Hours Between is checked
(1) Valid Trading Hours Between: false, 0930-1600 by default, hours between which the trades can happen. The time is always in the exchange's timezone
Fine-tuning is highly recommended when using other asset/timeframe combinations.
Kioseff Trading - AI-Optimized RSIAI-Optimized RSI
Introducing AI-Optimized RSI: a streamlined solution for traders of any skill level seeking to rapidly test and optimize RSI. Capable of analyzing thousands of strategies, this tool cuts through the complexity to identify the most profitable, reliable, or efficient approaches.
Paired with TradingView's native backtesting capabilities, the AI-Optimized RSI learns from historical performance data. Set up is easy for all skill levels, and it makes fine-tuning trading alerts and RSI straightforward.
Purpose : Uncover optimal RSI settings and entry levels with precision. Say goodbye to random guesses and arbitrary indicator use—this tool provides clear direction based on data.
Target Performance : You set the goal, and AI-RSI seeks it out, whether it's maximizing profits, efficient trading, or achieving the highest win rate.
AI-Powered : With intelligent AI recommendations, the tool dynamically fine-tunes your RSI approach, steering you towards ideal strategy performance.
Rapid Testing : Evaluate thousands of RSI strategies.
Dual Direction : Perfect both long and short RSI strategies with equal finesse.
Deep Insights : Access detailed metrics including profit factor, PnL, win rate, trade counts, and more, all within a comprehensive strategy script.
Instant Alerts : Set alerts and trade.
Full Customization : Test and optimize all RSI settings, including cross levels, profit targets and stop losses.
Simulated Execution : Explore the impact of limit orders and other trade types through simulation.
Integrative Capability : Combine your own custom indicators or others from the TradingView community for a personalized optimization experience.
Flexible Timeframes : Set your optimization and backtesting to any date range.
Key Settings
The image above shows explanations for a list of key settings for the optimizer.
Direction : This setting controls trade direction: Long or Short.
Entry Condition : Define RSI entry: Select whether to trigger trades on RSI crossunders or crossovers.
RSI Lengths Range : Choose the range of RSI periods to test and find the best one.The AI will find the best RSI period for you.
RSI Cross Range : Set the range for RSI levels where crosses trigger trade signals. The AI will find the best level for you.
Combinations : Select how many RSI strategies to compare.
Optimization Type : Choose the goal for optimization and the AI: profit, win rate, or efficiency.
Profit Target : Set your profit target with this setting.
Stop Loss : Decide your maximum allowable loss (stop loss) per trade.
Limit Order : Specify whether to include limit orders in the strategy.
Stop Type : Choose your stop strategy: a fixed stop loss or a trailing stop.
How to: Find the best RSI for trading
It's important to remember that merely having the AI-Optimized RSI on your chart doesn't automatically provide you with the best strategy. You need to follow the AI's guidance through an iterative process to discover the optimal RSI settings and strategy.
1.Starting Your Strategy Setup
Begin by deciding your goals for each trade: your profit target and stop loss. You'll also choose how to manage your stops – whether they stay put (fixed) or move with the price (trailing), and whether you want to exit trades at a specific price (limit orders). Keep the initial settings for RSI lengths and cross ranges at their default to give the tool a broad testing field. The AI's guidance will refine these settings to pinpoint the most effective ones through a process of comprehensive testing.
The image above shows our chart prior to any optimization efforts.
Note: the settings shown above in the key settings section will be used to start our demonstration.
2. Follow AI’s suggestions
Optimization Prompt: After loading your strategy, the indicator will prompt you to change the RSI length range and RSI level range to a better performing range.
Continue changing the RSI length range and RSI level range to match the indicator's suggestions until "Best Found" is displayed!
The image above shows results after we applied the tool’s suggestions. New suggestions have appeared, and we will continue to apply them.
Continue to adjust settings as recommended by the optimizer. If no better options are found, the optimizer will suggest increasing the number of combinations. Repeat this process until the optimizer indicates that the optimal setting has been identified.
Success! With the "Best Found" notification, an optimized RSI is now active. The AI will keep refining the strategy based on ongoing performance, ensuring continuous optimization.
AI Mode
AI Mode incorporates Heuristic-Based Adaptive Learning to fine-tune trading strategies in a continuous manner. This feature consists of two main components:
Heuristic-Based Decision Making: The algorithm evaluates multiple RSI-based trading strategies using specific metrics such as Profit and Loss (PNL), Win Rate, and Most Efficient Profit. These metrics act as heuristics to assist the algorithm in identifying suitable strategies for trade execution.
Online Learning: The algorithm updates the performance evaluations of each strategy based on incoming market data. This enables the system to adapt to current market conditions.
Incorporating both heuristic-based decision-making and online learning, this feature aims to provide a framework for trading strategy optimization.
AI Mode Aggressiveness:
Description: The "AI Mode Aggressiveness" setting allows you to fine-tune the AI's trading behavior. This setting ranges from “Low” to “High”, with “High” indicating a more assertive trading approach.
Functionality: This feature filters trading strategies based on a proprietary evaluation method. A higher setting narrows down the strategies that the AI will consider, leaning towards more aggressive trading. Conversely, a lower setting allows for a more conservative approach by broadening the pool of potential strategies.
Adaptive Learning Aggressiveness:
Description: When Adaptive Learning is enabled, the "Adaptive Learning Aggressiveness" setting controls how dynamically the AI adapts to market conditions using selected performance metrics.
Functionality: This setting impacts the AI's responsiveness to shifts in strategy performance. By adjusting this setting, you can control how quickly the AI moves away from strategies that may have been historically successful but are currently underperforming, towards strategies that are showing current promise.
Trading system optimization is immensely advantageous when executed with prudence.
Technical-oriented, mechanical trading systems work when a valid correlation is methodical to the extent that an objective, precisely-defined ruleset can consistently exploit it. If no such correlation exists, or a technical-oriented system is erroneously designed to exploit an illusory correlation (absent predictive utility), the trading system will fail.
Evaluate results practically and test parameters rigorously after discovery. Simply mining the best-performing parameters and immediately trading them is unlikely a winning strategy. Put as much effort into testing strong-performing parameters and building an accompanying system as you would any other trading strategy. Automated optimization involves curve fitting - it's the responsibility of the trader to validate a replicable sequence or correlation and the trading system that exploits it.