indicator("Inicio del Día (UTC-5)", overlay=true)
// Definir la zona horaria
utcOffset = -5 * 60 * 60 * 1000 // UTC-5 en milisegundos
// Hora del gráfico
var line lastLine = na
// Obtener la hora actual del gráfico ajustada a UTC-5
currentTimestamp = na(time) ? na : time + utcOffset
// Determinar el inicio del día en función del cierre anterior
var int dayStartTime = na
if (na(dayStartTime) or dayofmonth != dayofmonth )
dayStartTime := currentTimestamp
// Dibujar una línea vertical al inicio de cada día
if (not na(dayStartTime) and dayStartTime != dayStartTime )
// Eliminar la línea anterior si existe
if (not na(lastLine))
lastLine :=, low, dayStartTime, high,, width=2, extend=extend.both)
// Esto asegura que solo se dibuje la línea
אינדיקטורים ואסטרטגיות
EMA Crossover SignalEMA Crossover Signal
Чтобы настроить скринер в TradingView, который будет отображать пары с моментом пересечения EMA 9 и EMA 21, нужно создать кастомный фильтр, используя функцию Pine Script. В стандартном функционале TradingView скринеры не поддерживают сложные условия, такие как пересечение EMA.
Estratégia com Bandas de Bollinger e Sinal de Retorno a mediaRacional do Sistema de Trade com Bandas de Bollinger e Sinal de Retorno
Objetivo: O objetivo deste sistema de trade é identificar oportunidades de compra e venda com base na análise das Bandas de Bollinger e no comportamento do preço em relação à média. O sistema busca aproveitar os momentos de afastamento e retorno à média para gerar sinais de entrada e saída, maximizando ganhos e minimizando riscos.
Liquidity Swings & Sweeps-KawzRelevance:
Liquidity levels & sweeps are crucial for many SMC/ICT setups and can indicate a point at which the price changes direction or may re-trace in an opposite direction to provide additional liquidity for continued move in the original direction. Additionally, liquidity levels may provide targets for setups, as price action will often seek to take out those levels as they main contain many buy/sell stops.
How It Works:
The indicator tracks all swing points, as identified using user-defined strength of the swing. Once a swing is formed that meets the criteria, it is represented by a horizontal line starting at the price of the current swing until the last bar on the chart. While the swing is valid, this line will continue to be extended until the swing is invalid or a new swing is formed. Upon identifying a new swing, the indicator then scans the earlier swings in the same direction looking for a point of greatest liquidity that was taken by the current swing. This level is then denoted by dashed horizontal line, connecting earlier swing point to the current. At the same time any liquidity zones between the two swings are automatically removed from the chart if they had previously been rendered on the chart. If the setting to enable scan for maximum liquidity is enabled, then while looking back, the indicator will look for lowest low or highest high that was taken by the current swing point, which may not be a swing itself, however, is a lowest/highest price point taken (mitigated) by the current swing, which in many cases will be better price then then the one represented by previous swing. If the option to render sweep label is enabled, the sweep line will also be completed by a label, that will score the sweep and a tooltip showing the details of the level swept and the time it took to sweep it. The score explained further in configurability section ranks the strength of the sweep based on time and is complemented by price (difference in price between the two liquidity levels).
A user may configure the strength of the swing using both left/right strength (number of bars) as well as optionally instruct the indicator to seek the lowest/highest price point which may not be previous swing that was taken out by newly formed swing.
From appearance perspective liquidity level colors & line width presenting the liquidity/swing can be configured. There is also an option to render the liquidity sweep label that will generate an icon-based rating of the liquidity sweep and a tooltip that provides details on the scope of the swing, which includes liquidity level swept and when it was formed along with the time it took to sweep the liquidity.
Rating is of sweeps is primarily based on time with a secondary reference to price
💥- Best rating, very strong sweep with an hourly or better liquidity sweep
🔥- Second rating, strong sweep with 15 – 59 minute liquidity sweep, or 5+ minute sweep of 10+ points
✅- Third rating, ok sweep with 5 - 15 minute liquidity sweep, or lower-time-frame sweep of 10+ points
❄️ - Weakest sweep, with liquidity of 5 or less minutes swept
What makes this indicator different:
Designed with high performance in mind, to reduce impact on chart render time.
Only keeps valid liquidity levels & sweeps on the chart
Automatically removes previously taken liquidity levels
Ranks liquidity sweeps to indicate strength of the sweep
PIP Algorithm
# **Script Overview (For Non-Coders)**
1. **Purpose**
- The script tries to capture the essential “shape” of price movement by selecting a limited number of “key points” (anchors) from the latest bars.
- After selecting these anchors, it draws straight lines between them, effectively simplifying the price chart into a smaller set of points without losing major swings.
2. **How It Works, Step by Step**
1. We look back a certain number of bars (e.g., 50).
2. We start by drawing a straight line from the **oldest** bar in that range to the **newest** bar—just two points.
3. Next, we find the bar whose price is *farthest away* from that straight line. That becomes a new anchor point.
4. We “snap” (pin) the line to go exactly through that new anchor. Then we re-draw (re-interpolate) the entire line from the first anchor to the last, in segments.
5. We repeat the process (adding more anchors) until we reach the desired number of points. Each time, we choose the biggest gap between our line and the actual price, then re-draw the entire shape.
6. Finally, we connect these anchors on the chart with red lines, visually simplifying the price curve.
3. **Why It’s Useful**
- It highlights the most *important* bends or swings in the price over the chosen window.
- Instead of plotting every single bar, it condenses the information down to the “key turning points.”
4. **Key Takeaway**
- You’ll see a small number of red line segments connecting the **most significant** points in the price data.
- This is especially helpful if you want a simplified view of recent price action without minor fluctuations.
## **Detailed Logic Explanation**
# **Script Breakdown (For Coders)**
indicator(title="PIP Algorithm", overlay=true)
// 1. Inputs
length =, title="Lookback Length")
num_points =, title="Number of PIP Points (≥ 3)")
// 2. Helper Functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// reInterpSubrange(...):
// Given two “anchor” indices in `linesArr`, linearly interpolate
// the array values in between so that the subrange forms a straight line
// from linesArr to linesArr .
reInterpSubrange(linesArr, segmentLeft, segmentRight) =>
float leftVal = array.get(linesArr, segmentLeft)
float rightVal = array.get(linesArr, segmentRight)
int segmentLen = segmentRight - segmentLeft
if segmentLen > 1
for i = segmentLeft + 1 to segmentRight - 1
float ratio = (i - segmentLeft) / segmentLen
float interpVal = leftVal + (rightVal - leftVal) * ratio
array.set(linesArr, i, interpVal)
// reInterpolateAllSegments(...):
// For the entire “linesArr,” re-interpolate each subrange between
// consecutive breakpoints in `lineBreaksArr`.
// This ensures the line is globally correct after each new anchor insertion.
reInterpolateAllSegments(linesArr, lineBreaksArr) =>
array.sort(lineBreaksArr, order.asc)
for i = 0 to array.size(lineBreaksArr) - 2
int leftEdge = array.get(lineBreaksArr, i)
int rightEdge = array.get(lineBreaksArr, i + 1)
reInterpSubrange(linesArr, leftEdge, rightEdge)
// getMaxDistanceIndex(...):
// Return the index (bar) that is farthest from the current “linesArr.”
// We skip any indices already in `lineBreaksArr`.
getMaxDistanceIndex(linesArr, closeArr, lineBreaksArr) =>
float maxDist = -1.0
int maxIdx = -1
int sizeData = array.size(linesArr)
for i = 1 to sizeData - 2
bool isBreak = false
for b = 0 to array.size(lineBreaksArr) - 1
if i == array.get(lineBreaksArr, b)
isBreak := true
if not isBreak
float dist = math.abs(array.get(linesArr, i) - array.get(closeArr, i))
if dist > maxDist
maxDist := dist
maxIdx := i
// snapAndReinterpolate(...):
// "Snap" a chosen index to its actual close price, then re-interpolate the entire line again.
snapAndReinterpolate(linesArr, closeArr, lineBreaksArr, idxToSnap) =>
if idxToSnap >= 0
float snapVal = array.get(closeArr, idxToSnap)
array.set(linesArr, idxToSnap, snapVal)
reInterpolateAllSegments(linesArr, lineBreaksArr)
// 3. Global Arrays and Flags
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// We store final data globally, then use them outside the barstate.islast scope to draw lines.
var float finalCloseData = array.new_float()
var float finalLines = array.new_float()
var int finalLineBreaks = array.new_int()
var bool didCompute = false
var line pipLines = array.new_line()
// 4. Main Logic (Runs Once at the End of the Current Bar)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if barstate.islast
// A) Prepare closeData in forward order (index 0 = oldest bar, index length-1 = newest)
float closeData = array.new_float()
for i = 0 to length - 1
array.push(closeData, close )
// B) Initialize linesArr with a simple linear interpolation from the first to the last point
float linesArr = array.new_float()
float firstClose = array.get(closeData, 0)
float lastClose = array.get(closeData, length - 1)
for i = 0 to length - 1
float ratio = (length > 1) ? (i / float(length - 1)) : 0.0
float val = firstClose + (lastClose - firstClose) * ratio
array.push(linesArr, val)
// C) Initialize lineBreaks with two anchors: 0 (oldest) and length-1 (newest)
int lineBreaks = array.new_int()
array.push(lineBreaks, 0)
array.push(lineBreaks, length - 1)
// D) Iteratively insert new breakpoints, always re-interpolating globally
int iterationsNeeded = math.max(num_points - 2, 0)
for _iteration = 1 to iterationsNeeded
// 1) Re-interpolate entire shape, so it's globally up to date
reInterpolateAllSegments(linesArr, lineBreaks)
// 2) Find the bar with the largest vertical distance to this line
int maxDistIdx = getMaxDistanceIndex(linesArr, closeData, lineBreaks)
if maxDistIdx == -1
// 3) Insert that bar index into lineBreaks and snap it
array.push(lineBreaks, maxDistIdx)
array.sort(lineBreaks, order.asc)
snapAndReinterpolate(linesArr, closeData, lineBreaks, maxDistIdx)
// E) Save results into global arrays for line drawing outside barstate.islast
for i = 0 to array.size(closeData) - 1
array.push(finalCloseData, array.get(closeData, i))
array.push(finalLines, array.get(linesArr, i))
for b = 0 to array.size(lineBreaks) - 1
array.push(finalLineBreaks, array.get(lineBreaks, b))
didCompute := true
// 5. Drawing the Lines in Global Scope
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// We cannot create lines inside barstate.islast, so we do it outside.
if didCompute
// Connect each pair of anchors with red lines
if array.size(finalLineBreaks) > 1
for i = 0 to array.size(finalLineBreaks) - 2
int idxLeft = array.get(finalLineBreaks, i)
int idxRight = array.get(finalLineBreaks, i + 1)
float x1 = bar_index - (length - 1) + idxLeft
float x2 = bar_index - (length - 1) + idxRight
float y1 = array.get(finalCloseData, idxLeft)
float y2 = array.get(finalCloseData, idxRight)
line ln =, y1, x2, y2, extend=extend.none)
line.set_width(ln, 2)
array.push(pipLines, ln)
1. **Data Collection**
- We collect the **most recent** `length` bars in `closeData`. Index 0 is the oldest bar in that window, index `length-1` is the newest bar.
2. **Initial Straight Line**
- We create an array called `linesArr` that starts as a simple linear interpolation from `closeData ` (the oldest bar’s close) to `closeData ` (the newest bar’s close).
3. **Line Breaks**
- We store “anchor points” in `lineBreaks`, initially ` `. These are the start and end of our segment.
4. **Global Re-Interpolation**
- Each time we want to add a new anchor, we **re-draw** (linear interpolation) for *every* subrange ` [lineBreaks , lineBreaks ]`, ensuring we have a globally consistent line.
- This avoids the “local subrange only” approach, which can cause clustering near existing anchors.
5. **Finding the Largest Distance**
- After re-drawing, we compute the vertical distance for each bar `i` that isn’t already a line break. The bar with the biggest distance from the line is chosen as the next anchor (`maxDistIdx`).
6. **Snapping and Re-Interpolate**
- We “snap” that bar’s line value to the actual close, i.e. `linesArr = closeData `. Then we globally re-draw all segments again.
7. **Repeat**
- We repeat these insertions until we have the desired number of points (`num_points`).
8. **Drawing**
- Finally, we connect each consecutive pair of anchor points (`lineBreaks`) with a `` call, coloring them red.
- We offset the line’s `x` coordinate so that the anchor at index 0 lines up with `bar_index - (length - 1)`, and the anchor at index `length-1` lines up with `bar_index` (the current bar).
You get a simplified representation of the price with a small set of line segments capturing the largest “jumps” or swings. By re-drawing the entire line after each insertion, the anchors tend to distribute more *evenly* across the data, mitigating the issue where anchors bunch up near each other.
Enjoy experimenting with different `length` and `num_points` to see how the simplified lines change!
MACD with Signals Teknik cikgu meg develope by @AvacuraFX.
histogram diplot (hijau) buy dan (merah) sell.
Turtle Soup - SR BREAKS AND RETEST | Dante123456PS
Kindly read the desciption through;
First and foremost i would like to credit the following : @fluxchart for the open souce script on ICT TURTLE SOUP indicator as well as @ChartPrime for the open source Support and Resistance breaks and retest indicator.This indicator combines the 2 and also adds the Bollinger Bands for added entries refinement.
Here is how to use them:
The ICT Turtle Soup strategy is a trading approach that capitalizes on false breakouts near key liquidity levels, aiming to identify potential market reversals. It provides traders with visual cues and signals to facilitate its application.
Understanding the ICT Turtle Soup Strategy
The strategy focuses on liquidity areas—zones with a high concentration of buy or sell orders, typically found at recent highs and lows. A false breakout, or liquidity sweep, occurs when the price briefly moves beyond these levels, triggering stop-loss orders, before reversing direction. Identifying such movements can signal potential entry points for trades.
Features of ICT Turtle Soup Indicator
This indicator offers several functionalities to assist traders:
Liquidity Zone Identification: Automatically marks higher timeframe liquidity zones, highlighting areas where false breakouts are likely to occur.
Market Structure Analysis: Assesses the current market structure to determine trends and potential reversal points.
Entry and Exit Signals: Provides buy and sell signals based on detected liquidity grabs and market structure shifts.
Take-Profit (TP) and Stop-Loss (SL) Levels: Calculates TP and SL levels using the Average True Range (ATR), allowing for dynamic risk management.
Backtesting Dashboard: Includes a dashboard to evaluate the performance of the strategy over historical data.
Alerts: Offers customizable alerts for buy, sell, TP, and SL signals to keep traders informed in real-time.
Identify Liquidity Zones: The indicator will highlight potential liquidity zones on the chart, based on higher timeframe analysis.
Monitor for Signals: Watch for buy or sell signals generated when the price performs a liquidity grab and a market structure shift is detected.
Execute Trades: Upon receiving a signal, consider entering a trade in the indicated direction. Use the suggested TP and SL levels for risk management.
Backtesting: Utilize the backtesting dashboard to assess the strategy's performance with your chosen settings, enabling data-driven adjustments.
Timeframes: For optimal results, it's recommended to use the indicator on timeframes such as 15-minute, 30-minute, or 1-hour charts, with higher timeframe liquidity zones identified on 1-hour or 4-hour charts.
Market Conditions: The strategy is particularly effective in markets prone to false breakouts. However, it's essential to be cautious in highly volatile or illiquid markets where false signals may occur
The Support and Resistance (High Volume Boxes) is a tool designed to help traders identify key support and resistance levels by analyzing pivot points and volume data. It visually represents these levels using dynamically colored boxes, providing insights into potential price reversals and key zones for trading opportunities.
Key Features:
Dynamic Support and Resistance Boxes: The indicator plots boxes based on pivot points and volume thresholds. The color intensity of these boxes varies with volume, reflecting the strength of the support or resistance. Green boxes indicate support levels with positive volume, while red boxes denote resistance levels with negative volume.
Hold Signals: Green diamonds (◆) appear when support holds, signaling potential buy opportunities. Red diamonds (◆) appear when resistance holds, indicating potential sell opportunities.
Breakout Labels: Labels such as "Break Sup" and "Break Res" are displayed when support or resistance levels are broken, highlighting significant market movements.
Using the Indicator:
Configure Settings: Adjust the following parameters to suit your trading preferences:
Lookback Period: Determines the number of bars to consider for pivot points.
Delta Volume Filter Length: Sets the length of the volume filter for accurate analysis; higher values filter out low-volume boxes.
Adjust Box Width: Modifies the width of the support and resistance boxes; higher values result in thinner boxes.
Incorporating the Indicator into Your Trading Strategy:
Identify Key Levels: Use the colored boxes to spot strong support and resistance zones, which can serve as entry or exit points.
Monitor Hold Signals: Pay attention to the diamond symbols indicating when support or resistance holds, as they suggest potential buying or selling opportunities.
Watch for Breakouts: Observe breakout labels to identify significant market movements and adjust your trading strategy accordingly.
By integrating this indicator into your trading routine, you can enhance your ability to recognize critical market levels and make more informed decisions. It's essential to combine this tool with other analyses and risk management practices to optimize your trading performance.
Use both the indicators as well as the Bollinger Band to execute better trades, i have just twerked the script a little bit,
EMA & SMA Cross (Anjaneya)EMA & SMA Crossover Strategy
The EMA & SMA Crossover Strategy is a reliable and intuitive trading tool designed to identify trend reversals and generate actionable buy and sell signals. This indicator utilizes two widely recognized moving averages, the Exponential Moving Average (EMA) and the Simple Moving Average (SMA), to analyze market trends and determine potential entry and exit points. Its simplicity and effectiveness make it suitable for traders across all experience levels.
This indicator allows users to customize the lengths of both the EMA and SMA to adapt to various trading styles and market conditions. It plots the moving averages directly on the price chart, making it easy to visualize trends and crossovers. Signals for buy and sell opportunities are clearly displayed on the chart with labels, providing real-time insights. The indicator is compatible with any financial instrument or time frame, offering broad utility in trading stocks, forex, commodities, or cryptocurrencies.
How It Works
The EMA & SMA Crossover Strategy calculates and plots the EMA and SMA based on the user-defined settings. The EMA reacts more quickly to recent price changes, making it ideal for detecting short-term trends, while the SMA offers a more stable view of the overall market direction. When the EMA crosses above the SMA, it signals a potential upward trend, while a crossover below indicates a downward trend. These crossovers serve as the basis for generating buy and sell signals, which are visually marked on the chart for clarity.
Use Cases
This indicator is effective for identifying and following market trends, allowing traders to align their strategies with prevailing momentum. It also helps detect potential trend reversals early, enabling timely entries and exits. Additionally, the indicator is a valuable tool for backtesting, allowing traders to experiment with different EMA and SMA lengths to optimize their strategies for specific markets or time frames.
Instructions for Use
To use the EMA & SMA Crossover Strategy, add the indicator to your chart and customize the settings for the EMA and SMA lengths according to your trading approach. Monitor the plotted moving averages and watch for crossover signals to identify buy or sell opportunities. For best results, consider combining this indicator with other analytical tools, such as volume analysis or momentum oscillators, to strengthen your decision-making.
The EMA & SMA Crossover Strategy is intended for educational and informational purposes only. It is not a guaranteed method for making profits and should not be used as a standalone trading strategy. Always perform thorough backtesting and apply proper risk management practices before trading in live markets. Trading involves significant risk, and past performance is not indicative of future results.
Quantuan Research - AlphaFree alpha for you folks. This is my Hanukkah/Christmas gift for you folks.
Enjoy, best regards;
- Quantuan Research
Trends Strategy with TP/SL and Fibonacci 1A Trend Strategy in trading XAUUSD (gold) focuses on identifying and capitalizing on the market's prevailing directional momentum. Gold is a highly liquid asset and often moves in significant trends due to its sensitivity to global economic conditions, inflation expectations, interest rates, and geopolitical events. A trend-following strategy aims to ride these movements, either upward (bullish trend) or downward (bearish trend), maximizing profit potential while minimizing risks.
Key Components of a Trend Strategy for XAUUSD:
Trend Identification:
Use technical indicators such as moving averages (e.g., EMA, SMA) or trendlines to determine the direction of the trend.
A bullish trend is characterized by higher highs and higher lows, while a bearish trend features lower highs and lower lows.
Example: Employ the 50 EMA and 200 EMA Crossover to confirm trend direction. When the 50 EMA crosses above the 200 EMA, it indicates a bullish trend, and vice versa for a bearish trend.
Entry Points:
Enter trades in the direction of the trend. For a bullish trend, buy on pullbacks to support levels or moving averages. For a bearish trend, sell on pullbacks to resistance levels.
Indicators like the RSI (Relative Strength Index) or Stochastic Oscillator can help identify overbought or oversold conditions, providing better entry points.
Exit Points:
Use predefined take-profit and stop-loss levels to manage trades effectively.
For take-profit, set targets at major resistance levels for long positions or support levels for short positions.
For stop-loss, use levels slightly below the recent swing low in a bullish trend or above the recent swing high in a bearish trend.
Confirmation Indicators:
Incorporate additional indicators like the MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) or ADX (Average Directional Index) to confirm trend strength.
The ADX value above 25 suggests a strong trend, while values below 20 indicate a weak or range-bound market.
Risk Management:
Use proper position sizing, typically risking no more than 1-2% of your account per trade.
Avoid over-leveraging, as XAUUSD is highly volatile, which can lead to large price swings.
Trend Continuation and Reversal Monitoring:
Watch for signs of trend exhaustion or reversal using candlestick patterns (e.g., Doji, Engulfing) or divergence on indicators like RSI or MACD.
When the trend weakens, adjust your positions or exit trades to lock in profits.
Trends Strategy with TP/SL and FibonacciA Trend Strategy in trading XAUUSD (gold) focuses on identifying and capitalizing on the market's prevailing directional momentum. Gold is a highly liquid asset and often moves in significant trends due to its sensitivity to global economic conditions, inflation expectations, interest rates, and geopolitical events. A trend-following strategy aims to ride these movements, either upward (bullish trend) or downward (bearish trend), maximizing profit potential while minimizing risks.
Key Components of a Trend Strategy for XAUUSD:
Trend Identification:
Use technical indicators such as moving averages (e.g., EMA, SMA) or trendlines to determine the direction of the trend.
A bullish trend is characterized by higher highs and higher lows, while a bearish trend features lower highs and lower lows.
Example: Employ the 50 EMA and 200 EMA Crossover to confirm trend direction. When the 50 EMA crosses above the 200 EMA, it indicates a bullish trend, and vice versa for a bearish trend.
Entry Points:
Enter trades in the direction of the trend. For a bullish trend, buy on pullbacks to support levels or moving averages. For a bearish trend, sell on pullbacks to resistance levels.
Indicators like the RSI (Relative Strength Index) or Stochastic Oscillator can help identify overbought or oversold conditions, providing better entry points.
Exit Points:
Use predefined take-profit and stop-loss levels to manage trades effectively.
For take-profit, set targets at major resistance levels for long positions or support levels for short positions.
For stop-loss, use levels slightly below the recent swing low in a bullish trend or above the recent swing high in a bearish trend.
Confirmation Indicators:
Incorporate additional indicators like the MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) or ADX (Average Directional Index) to confirm trend strength.
The ADX value above 25 suggests a strong trend, while values below 20 indicate a weak or range-bound market.
Risk Management:
Use proper position sizing, typically risking no more than 1-2% of your account per trade.
Avoid over-leveraging, as XAUUSD is highly volatile, which can lead to large price swings.
Trend Continuation and Reversal Monitoring:
Watch for signs of trend exhaustion or reversal using candlestick patterns (e.g., Doji, Engulfing) or divergence on indicators like RSI or MACD.
When the trend weakens, adjust your positions or exit trades to lock in profits.
Ar_Upgraded_MACD [AriVestHub]
This indicator is an improved version of the MACD. In the simple and default mode of the MACD, there are numerous peaks and troughs. In this version, by applying custom settings, you can draw horizontal lines such that the desired number of peaks and troughs are between the regions. This helps to ignore the peaks and troughs that have smaller fluctuations compared to the others. Doing this manually is almost impossible. After drawing these lines, you can base the entry and exit signals on the peaks and troughs that have the greatest movement and size, as there will be a higher chance of a reversal from those regions.
Key Features
Identification of Key Peaks and Troughs: The script identifies and marks key peaks and troughs.
Customizable Settings: You can adjust the number of horizontal lines and how they are drawn based on your personal needs.
This script is a useful tool for traders looking to identify peak and trough patterns in the MACD. By highlighting these patterns, traders can make more informed trading decisions.
MyLibraryLibrary "MyLibrary"
TODO: add library description here
TODO: add function description here
x (float) : TODO: add parameter x description here
Returns: TODO: add what function returns
First AI generator IndicatorI generated this on It's just a roughly generated code. I will further study and refine it.
Bitcoin Pi Cycle Period IndicatorBitcoin Pi Cycle Period Indicator
This indicator tracks potential market tops and bottoms in Bitcoin using the Pi Cycle concept. It uses two simple moving averages (SMA): a short-term (111-period) and a long-term (350-period) moving average, with the long-term moving average multiplied by 2. When the short-term SMA crosses above the long-term SMA, it signals a potential market top (Pi Cycle Top), while a cross below signals a potential market bottom (Pi Cycle Bottom).
Moving Averages: Customizable long and short-period SMAs.
Visuals: Displays the moving averages and Pi Cycle signals directly on the chart.
Alerts: Set up alerts for Pi Cycle Tops and Bottoms to monitor potential market reversal points.
Crypto Master Alert System
### **Crypto Master Alert System**
The **Crypto Master Alert System** is a comprehensive trading indicator designed for cryptocurrency traders. This script provides **Buy** and **Sell** alerts based on a combination of popular technical indicators, making it an excellent tool for identifying potential market entry and exit points. The script leverages multiple proven indicators to enhance decision-making and simplify chart analysis.
### **Features**
- **Buy Alerts**: Triggered when bullish conditions are detected based on EMA crossovers, RSI oversold levels, and MACD signals.
- **Sell Alerts**: Triggered when bearish conditions are detected using EMA crossovers, RSI overbought levels, and MACD signals.
- **Customizable Settings**: Adjust parameters for EMA, RSI, MACD, Bollinger Bands, and more to suit your trading strategy.
- **Clean Chart Visualization**: Includes EMA plots, RSI overbought/oversold lines, and Bollinger Band levels for better market understanding.
### **How It Works**
1. **EMA Crossover**: Detects when the fast EMA crosses above or below the slow EMA, indicating potential trend changes.
2. **RSI Levels**: Confirms overbought or oversold conditions to support trend signals.
3. **MACD Signal Line**: Adds a momentum-based confirmation to enhance signal accuracy.
4. **Bollinger Bands**: Provides additional context for volatility and price movement.
### **Why Use This Indicator?**
This indicator integrates multiple technical tools into a single script, helping traders save time while improving the reliability of signals. It is suitable for day trading, swing trading, or scalping strategies in the volatile crypto market.
### **Customization**
Users can fine-tune the indicator’s parameters to match their preferred trading style:
- Adjust EMA lengths for trend sensitivity.
- Modify RSI and MACD settings for better momentum detection.
- Configure Bollinger Bands for your risk tolerance.
### **Disclaimer**
This script is not financial advice and is provided for educational purposes only. Always perform additional analysis and use risk management strategies before trading.
EMA Ribbon [Oriventi]Description:
The EMA Ribbon Indicator provides a visual representation of multiple Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs) directly on the price chart. This tool is designed to help traders identify trends and potential buy/sell opportunities with ease. The indicator includes the following features:
Customizable EMAs: Includes 9 EMAs with adjustable lengths (default: 21, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 200).
Color-Coded Trend Signals: green for possible bullish trends and red indicates a potential bearish trend
EMA Ribbon Visualization: Gradually transparent ribbons for clarity and to distinguish individual EMA lines.
Highlighting the Key EMA (200): A bold blue line to emphasize the long-term trend.
This indicator is ideal for traders who rely on trend-following strategies or want a quick overview of the market's directional bias. Customize the EMA lengths to suit your trading style and timeframe preferences.
How to Use:
Observe the EMA ribbons' alignment to gauge trend strength and direction.
Use the color coding (green or red) to identify potential buy or sell signals.
Combine with other indicators or price action for confirmation.
Enjoy enhanced trend analysis with the EMA Ribbon Indicator!
fvg+support and ristence + ema Indicator Description: EMA with OB, FVG, Alerts, and Support/Resistance
This script combines multiple technical analysis tools into a single indicator to provide traders with enhanced market insights. Here's what it offers:
Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs):
Supports dynamic input lengths for EMA 20, EMA 50, EMA 100, and EMA 200.
Plots EMAs on the chart with distinct colors for quick visualization of trends.
Order Block (OB) Identification:
Automatically detects bullish and bearish order blocks based on user-defined parameters, including periods and threshold percentage.
Provides visual markers (triangle shapes) to highlight significant order blocks on the chart.
Offers flexibility to use candle bodies or wicks for OB calculations.
Fair Value Gap (FVG) Detection:
Identifies "UP" and "DOWN" fair value gaps with customizable lookback periods.
Plots boxes and lines to highlight gaps, with optional midpoint (CE) lines for added precision.
Configurable colors, styles, and behavior for filled gap management.
Support and Resistance:
Automatically detects pivot highs and lows to plot dynamic support and resistance levels.
Highlights potential reversal zones for better decision-making.
The indicator is equipped with built-in alerts to notify users of significant events, such as order block formations or FVG appearances.
Use Cases:
Trend Analysis: Use EMAs to identify the current market trend and potential crossover opportunities.
Order Flow Insights: Recognize critical order blocks where institutional traders may enter or exit.
Gap Trading: Spot fair value gaps to understand price inefficiencies and potential filling zones.
Reversal Zones: Leverage support and resistance levels to anticipate market turning points.
Yacare 3-21
Este indicador tiene las siguientes características:
1. Dos medias móviles simples (SMA):
- SMA de 3 períodos (línea rápida)
- SMA de 21 períodos (línea lenta)
2. Identificación de tendencias:
- Alcista: cuando SMA3 > SMA21
- Bajista: cuando SMA3 < SMA21
- Lateral: cuando la diferencia entre ambas SMAs es menor al 1%
3. Señales visuales:
- Las líneas cambian de color según la tendencia
- Flechas en los cruces de las medias móviles
- Una etiqueta que muestra el tipo de tendencia actual
Para usar este indicador en TradingView:
1. Abre el editor de Pine Script
2. Copia y pega el código
3. Guarda y añade al gráfico
Volatility Indicator//@version=5
indicator("Volatility Indicator", overlay=false)
// Input for ATR period
atrPeriod =, title="ATR Period", minval=1)
// Calculate ATR
atr = ta.atr(atrPeriod)
// Color logic for ATR
atrColor = atr > atr ? :
// Plot ATR
plot(atr, color=atrColor, title="ATR", linewidth=2)
// Add a horizontal line to observe average volatility
avgAtr = ta.sma(atr, atrPeriod)
hline(input.float(1.0, title="Average ATR (Static for Display)", tooltip="This is a static placeholder for visual purposes only"), "Average ATR",, linestyle=hline.style_dotted)
// Background shading for high or low volatility zones
highVolatilityThreshold = input.float(1.5, title="High Volatility Threshold (Multiplier)")
lowVolatilityThreshold = input.float(0.5, title="Low Volatility Threshold (Multiplier)")
bgcolor(atr > avgAtr * highVolatilityThreshold ?, 90) :
atr < avgAtr * lowVolatilityThreshold ?, 90) : na,
title="Volatility Zones")