Market Structure Volume Distribution [LuxAlgo]The Market Structure Volume Distribution tool allows traders to identify the strength behind breaks of market structure at defined price ranges to measure de correlation of forces between bulls and bears visually and easily.
This tool has three main features: market structure highlighting, grid levels, and volume profile. Each feature is covered more in depth below:
🔹 Market Structure
The basic unit of market structure is a swing point, the period of the swing point is user-defined, so traders can identify longer-term market structures. Price breaking a prior swing point will confirm the occurrence of a market structure.
The tool will plot a line after a market structure is confirmed, by default the lines on bullish MS will be green (indicative of an uptrend), and red in case of bearish MS (indicative of a downtrend).
🔹 Grid Levels
The Grid visually divides the price range contained inside the tool execution window, into equal size rows, the number of rows is user-defined so users can divide the full price range up to 100 rows.
The main objective of this feature is to help identify the execution window and the limits of each row in the volume profile so traders can know in a simple look what BoMS belongs to each row.
There is however another use for the grid, by dividing the range into equal-sized parts, this feature provides automatic support and resistance levels as good as any other.
Grid provides a visual help to know what our execution window is and to associate MS with their rows in the profile. It can provide S/R levels too.
🔹 Volume Profile
The volume profile feature shows in a visually easy way the volume behind each MS aggregated by rows and divided into buy and sell volume to spot the differences in a simple look.
This tool allows users to spot the liquidity associated with the event of a market structure in a specific price range, allowing users to know which price areas where associated with the most trading activity during the occurrence of a market structutre.
🔹 Data Gathering
Execute on all visible range: Activate this to use all visible bars on the calculations. This disables the use of the next parameter "Execute on the last N bars". Default false.
Execute on the last N bars: Use last N bars on the calculations. To use this parameter "Execute on all visible range" must be disabled. Values from 20 to 5000, default 500.
Pivot Length: How many bars will be used to confirm a pivot. The bigger this parameter is the fewer breaks of structure will detect. Values from 1, default 2
🔹 Profile
Profile Rows: Number of rows in the volume profile. Values from 2 to 100, default 10.
Profile Width: Maximum width of the volume profile. Values from 25 to 500, default 200.
Profile Mode: How the volume will be displayed on each row. "TOTAL VOLUME" will aggregate buy & sell volume per row, "BUY&SELL VOLUME" will separate the buy volume from the sell volume on each row. Default BUY&SELL VOLUME.
🔹 Style
Buy Color: This is the color for the buy volume on the profile when the "BUY&SELL VOLUME" mode is activated. Default green.
Sell Color: This is the color for the sell volume on the profile when the "BUY&SELL VOLUME" mode is activated. Default red.
Show dotted grid levels: Show dotted inner grid levels. Default true.
חפש סקריפטים עבור "volume profile"
Money Flow Profile [Angel Algo]Money Flow Profile
This indicator is designed to analyze trading activity and identify key supply and demand zones using volume and money flow data. It is an advanced tool for traders who want to incorporate volume profile analysis into their trading strategy, enhancing their ability to spot potential reversal zones and understand market sentiment.
1. Customizable Lookback Period
Description: Users can specify the number of bars to consider in the volume profile calculation, allowing for flexible analysis over different periods.
Functionality: This setting adjusts the depth of historical data analyzed, enabling traders to tailor the indicator to various trading styles and timeframes.
2. Row Size Configuration
Description: This input determines the number of rows (or price levels) displayed in the volume profile.
Functionality: By adjusting the row size, traders can get a more granular or more generalized view of trading activity at different price levels.
3. Data Source Selection
Options: Volume, Money Flow
Description: Traders can choose between using traditional volume data or money flow for the volume profile calculation.
Functionality: Money flow incorporates both price and volume to give a more comprehensive view of market buying and selling pressure, while volume focuses solely on trading activity.
Money Flow:
4. Color Gradient for Volume Intensity
Description: The script allows setting maximum and minimum colors to create a gradient that visually represents the intensity of trading activity.
Functionality: This visual aid helps traders quickly identify areas of high and low trading activity, enhancing the interpretability of the volume profile.
Advanced Analysis: Supply and Demand Zones
1. Sentiment Analysis-Based Zoning
Description: The script analyzes the volume profile bars above and below the current close price to detect zones with significant buying or selling pressure.
Supply Zones: Identified by analyzing bars above the current close and finding the area with the highest selling pressure, indicated by volume delta.
Demand Zones: Identified by analyzing bars below the current close and finding the area with the highest buying pressure.
2. Volume Delta Calculation
Description: Volume delta, the difference between buy and sell volumes, is used to gauge the strength of buying or selling pressure at each price level.
Functionality: This calculation helps pinpoint the most significant supply and demand zones, providing traders with potential entry and exit points based on market sentiment.
Usage Scenario
This indicator is particularly useful for traders who focus on intraday trading, swing trading, or any strategy that benefits from understanding volume dynamics and sentiment at specific price levels. It allows traders to visually assess which levels are likely to act as resistance or support, based on historical trading activity and current market sentiment.
By integrating both traditional and innovative analytical methods, this Indicator offers a powerful tool for market analysis. Its flexibility and depth provide traders with valuable insights into market dynamics.
Pivot Point Profile [LuxAlgo]The Pivot Point Profile indicator groups and displays data accumulated from previous pivot points, providing a comprehensive method for prioritizing and displaying areas of interest directly given by swing highs and lows.
Users have access to common settings present in other profile-type indicators.
The Pivot Point Profile is particularly helpful in identifying highly active reversal zones that have been visited multiple times by price. Because of this, we could generally expect these areas to serve as future points of interest, often acting as support or resistance when re-visited.
The profile displays data associated with both Pivot Highs and Pivot Lows. Each row consists of pivot high and pivot low counts side-by-side, forming the total width of the row.
By analyzing the row as a whole, we can gain a better understanding of WHERE to look for interactions.
By analyzing the pivot counts independently, we can gain a better understanding of WHAT to expect when returning to these areas.
For example:
If a row in the profile contains entirely Pivot Lows, this could be seen as an indication to look for buyers to hold that level for a continuation upwards. A break of this level could be interpreted as a lack of interest from previous buyers at this level, indicating a further move down.
🔹 Concentrated Areas
Each row in the profile displays the current count of high pivots and low pivots within the selected lookback. The largest count for each pivot direction is identified as a "Concentrated Area (CA)", these CAs are highlighted over the chart with a line displaying the average of all pivots within that CA. The CA Average is the average of all pivot points (in the majority direction) within the given row.
These can hold more importance as potential support/resistance areas.
Note: The CA Threshold can be manually adjusted to highlight all rows based on a user-selected value.
🔹 Calculation
The idea behind the Pivot Point Profile is a new analysis method for pivot points, taking the idea of a volume profile and adapting it to display pivot points instead of volume. By using this data, in theory, we should be able to better prioritize zones to anticipate reversals, as well as identify key levels to watch for buyer & seller interactions to use as confirmations in direction.
The (vertical) width of each row is the product of the script's "Row Size", this is the number of rows that the profile will consist of. With a max of 250, the profile can be decently granular. That being said, A more granular profile will have fewer overlapping pivot points. By decreasing the row size (Using fewer rows in the profile) you will increase the tolerance for grouping pivot points. Potentially leading to a more comprehensive Profile. Inversely, By reducing the tolerance for grouping, you will better visualize only similar highs and lows but may have noisier data to sift through.
The Profile is calculated based on a "Lookback" parameter, using only the lookback amount of previous high and low pivots to calculate the profile. Configuring this parameter alongside "Pivot Length", will allow for great control over the frame of reference of the profile.
Note: This indicator is capable of utilizing the full chart history of pivot points, this can be done by enabling the "Use Full Chart History" setting, this will cause the script will calculate from everything it has access to on your current chart.
🔹 Display
The Pivot Point Profile display can be customized to fit a various range of chart styles and visual needs. The specific settings to adjust these can be located in the "Profile Display" Section of the User Inputs.
Profile Width: Sets the Left to Right Width of the Profile. This is the maximum width that the profile will occupy and will scale to fit within this width.
Profile Offset: Sets the distance of the Profile's Axis from the current chart candle. This moves the entire profile left and right to enable to user to set the distance between the profile and the current candle.
Direction: Changes the display direction of the profile, allowing for "Left", "Right", or "Center" display styles.
🔹 Pivot Point Parameters
Pivot Type: Choose between "Fractal Pivots" or "SMC Structure" to use as the basis for pivots.
Length: Sets the length for the pivot calculations.
🔹 Profile Calculations Parameters
Lookback: Sets the number of pivots to calculate within, in increments of high and low pairs. (Setting this to 1 = 1 Pivot High & 1 Pivot Low)
Use Full Chart History: Disregards the set lookback and instead uses all available chart data to calculate from.
Row Size: Sets the total number of rows to calculate the profile with.
🔹 Profile Display
Profile Width: Sets the max left & right width (in bars) that the profile will occupy.
Profile Offset: Sets the distance of the profile axis from the last chart bar.
Direction: Sets the display direction
🔹 Concentrated Areas
Highlight CAs: Extends the rows left from concentrated areas.
CA Threshold: Manually set the threshold for determining concentrated areas, when disabled, only the largest rows will be displayed.
CA Averages: Toggles the concentrated area averages for each pivot direction.
Note: CA Averages can be displayed independently without CA Highlights being displayed, and vice versa.
Depth of Market (DOM) [LuxAlgo]The Depth Of Market (DOM) tool allows traders to look under the hood of any market, taking price and volume analysis to the next level. The following features are included: DOM, Time & Sales, Volume Profile, Depth of Market, Imbalances, Buying Pressure, and up to 24 key intraday levels (it really packs a punch).
As a disclaimer, this tool does not use tick data, it is a DOM reconstruction from the provided real-time time series data (price and volume). So the volume you see is from filled orders only, this tool does not show unfilled limit orders.
Traders can enable or disable any of the features at will to avoid being overwhelmed with too much information and to make the tool perform faster.
The features that have the biggest impact on performance are Historical Data Collection, Key Levels (POC & VWAP), Time & Sales, Profile, and Imbalances. Disable these features to improve the indicator computational performance.
This is the simplest form of the tool, a simple DOM or ladder that displays the following columns:
PRICE: Price level
BID: Total number of market sell orders filled or limit buy orders filled.
SELL: Sell market orders
BUY: Buy market orders
ASK: Total number of market buy orders filled or limit sell orders filled.
The DOM only collects historical data from the last 24 hours and real-time data.
Traders can select a reset period for the DOM with two options:
DAILY: Resets at the beginning of each trading day
SESSIONS: Resets twice, as DAILY and 15.5 hours later, to coincide with the start of the RTH session for US tickers.
The DOM has two main modes, it can display price levels as ticks or points. The default is automatic based on the current daily volatility, but traders can manually force one mode or the other if they wish.
For convenience, traders have the option to set the number of lines (price levels), and the size of the text and to display only real-time data.
By default, the top price is set to 0 so that the DOM automatically adjusts the price levels to be displayed, but traders can set the top price manually so that the tool displays only the desired price levels in a fixed manner.
🔹 Volume Profile
As additional features to the basic DOM, traders have access to the volume profile histogram and the total volume per price level.
This helps traders identify at a glance key price areas where volume is accumulating (high volume nodes) or areas where volume is lacking (low volume nodes) - these areas are important to some traders who base their decision-making process on them.
🔹 Imbalances
Other added features are imbalances and buying pressure:
Interlevel Imbalance: volume delta between two different price levels
Intralevel Imbalance: delta between buy and sell volume at the same price level
Buying Pressure Percent: percentage of buy volume compared to total volume
Imbalances can help traders identify areas of interest in the price for possible support or resistance.
🔹 Depth
Depth allows traders to see at a glance how much supply is above the current price level or how much demand is below the current price level.
Above the current price level shows the cumulative ask volume (filled sell limit orders) and below the current price level shows the cumulative bid volume (filled buy limit orders).
The tool includes up to 24 different key intraday levels of particular relevance:
Previous Week Levels
PWH: Previous week high
PWL: Previous week low
PWM: Previous week middle
PWS: Previous week settlement (close)
Previous Day Levels
PDH: Previous day high
PDL: Previous day low
PDM: Previous day middle
PDS: Previous day settlement (close)
Current Day Levels
OPEN: Open of day (or session)
HOD: High of day (or session)
LOD: Low of day (or session)
MOD: Middle of day (or session)
Opening Range
ORH: Open range high
ORL: Open range low
Initial Balance
IBH: Initial balance high
IBL: Initial balance low
+3SD: Volume weighted average price plus 3 standard deviations
+2SD: Volume weighted average price plus 2 standard deviations
+1SD: Volume weighted average price plus 1 standard deviation
VWAP: Volume weighted average price
-1SD: Volume weighted average price minus 1 standard deviation
-2SD: Volume weighted average price minus 2 standard deviations
-3SD: Volume weighted average price minus 3 standard deviations
POC: Point of control
Different traders look at different levels, the key levels shown here are objective and specific areas of interest that traders can act on, providing us with potential areas of support or resistance in the price.
The tool also features a full-time and sales panel with time, price, and size columns, a size filter, and the ability to set the timezone to display time in the trader's local time.
The information shown here is what feeds the DOM and it can be useful in several ways, for example in detecting absorption. If a large number of orders are coming into the market but the price is barely moving, this indicates that there is enough liquidity at these levels to absorb all these orders, so if these orders stop coming into the market, the price may turn around.
Period: Select the anchoring period to start data collection, DAILY will anchor at the start of the trading day, and SESSIONS will start as DAILY and 15.5 hours later (RTH for US tickers).
Mode: Select between AUTO and MANUAL modes for displaying TICKS or POINTS, in AUTO mode the tool will automatically select TICKS for tickers with a daily average volatility below 5000 ticks and POINTS for the rest of the tickers.
Rows: Select the number of price levels to display
Text Size: Select the text size
DOM: Enable/Disable DOM display
Realtime only: Enable/Disable real-time data only, historical data will be collected if disabled
Top Price: Specify the price to be displayed on the top row, set to 0 to enable dynamic DOM
Max updates: Specify how many times the values on the SELL and BUY columns are accumulated until reset.
Profile/Depth size: Maximum size of the histograms on the PROFILE and DEPTH columns.
Profile: Enable/Disable Profile column. High impact on performance.
Volume: Enable/Disable Volume column. Total volume traded at price level.
Interlevel Imbalance: Enable/Disable Interlevel Imbalance column. Total volume delta between the current price level and the price level above. High impact on performance.
Depth: Enable/Disable Depth, showing the cumulative supply above the current price and the cumulative demand below. Impact on performance.
Intralevel Imbalance: Enable/Disable Intralevel Imbalance column. Delta between total buy volume and total sell volume. High impact on performance.
Buying Pressure Percent: Enable/Disable Buy Percent column. Percentage of total buy volume compared to total volume.
Imbalance Threshold %: Threshold for highlighting imbalances. Set to 90 to highlight the top 10% of interlevel imbalances and the top and bottom 10% of intra-level imbalances.
Crypto volume precision: Specify the number of decimals to display on the volume of crypto assets
🔹 Key Levels
Key Levels: Enable/Disable KEY column. Very high performance impact.
Previous Week: Enable/Disable High, Low, Middle, and Close of the previous trading week.
Previous Day: Enable/Disable High, Low, Middle, and Settlement of the previous trading day.
Current Day/Session: Enable/Disable Open, High, Low and Middle of the current period.
Open Range: Enable/Disable High and Low of the first candle of the period.
Initial Balance: Enable/Disable High and Low of the first hour of the period.
VWAP: Enable/Disable Volume-weighted average price of the period with 1, 2, and 3 standard deviations.
POC: Enable/Disable Point of Control (price level with the highest volume traded) of the period.
🔹 Time & Sales
Time & Sales: Enable/Disable time and sales panel.
Timezone offset (hours): Enter your time zone\'s offset (+ or −), including a decimal fraction if needed.
Order Size: Set order size filter. Orders smaller than the value are not displayed.
Hi, I'm makit0 coder of this tool and proud member of the LuxAlgo Opensource team, it's an honor to be part of the LuxAlgo family doing something I love as it's writing opensource code and sharing it with the world. I'd like to thank all of you who use, comment on, and vote for all of our open-source tools, and all of you who give us your support.
And of course thanks to the PineCoders family for all the work in front of and behind the scenes that makes the PineScript community what it is, simply the best.
Peace, Love & PineScript!
Volume Delta Imbalance Index [PhenLabs]📊 Volume Delta Imbalance Index (VDII)
Version: PineScript™ v6
The Volume Delta Imbalance Index is an advanced technical analysis tool that combines volume profile analysis with price movement dynamics to identify significant market imbalances. It features a sophisticated analysis system that weighs recent versus historical volume delta imbalance patterns, providing traders with insights into potential market reversals and trend continuation scenarios.
Points of Innovation:
Custom volume delta calculation incorporating price and volume relationships
Adaptive smoothing system based on market volatility
Multi-component analysis combining flow, acceleration, and strength metrics
Real-time volume profile integration with historical context
🔧 Core Components
Volume Profile Analysis: Dynamic volume delta imbalance distribution assessment
Flow Imbalance Detection: Buy/sell pressure evaluation
Strength Analysis: Composite market strength measurement
Acceleration Framework: Volume movement dynamics
Statistical Bands: Adaptive threshold system
🚨 Key Features 🚨
The indicator provides comprehensive analysis through:
Volume Delta: Up to date volume imbalance measurement
Market Structure: Support/resistance level identification
Flow Analysis: Buy/sell pressure visualization
Acceleration Signals: Movement momentum detection
Adaptive Bands: Dynamic overbought/oversold levels
📈 Visualization
Color-coded Columns: Shows direction and strength of imbalance
Signal Lines: Strong buy/sell level indicators
Statistical Bands: Shows normal trading ranges
Gradient Fills: Indicates extreme market conditions
Dynamic Opacity: Reflects trend strength
📌 Usage Guidelines
The indicator offers several customization options:
Basic Settings:
Lookback Period: Analysis timeframe adjustment
Sensitivity Level: Signal response calibration
History Depth: Historical context range
Memory Setting: Recent vs. historical data weight
Visual Settings:
Color Scheme: Bullish/bearish signal colors
Signal Levels: Strong buy/sell thresholds
Band Display: Statistical range visualization
✅ Best Use Cases / Things To Look For:
Wait for establishment in the initial trend when the VDII comes back towards zero and the color of the volume becomes more faint
Once this is established and the VDII pushes through to the other side look for small retracements above the zero line on the VDII leading you to believe it is a likely area for price to retrace and continue in its prior direction
Make sure you see the volume bars become more faint in color to give yo further confluence price will continue in its priorly established direction
⚠️ Limitations
Requires sufficient volume data
Most effective in liquid markets
Historical depth affects calculation speed
Possible lag in highly volatile conditions
What Makes This Unique
Composite Volume Analysis: Combines multiple volume metrics
Adaptive Calculation: Adjusts to market volatility
Profile Integration: Incorporates volume profile analysis
Multi-component Scoring: Weighted analysis system
Memory-efficient Design: Optimized for real-time analysis
🔧 How It Works
The indicator processes market data through four main components:
1. Volume Profile Analysis:
Creates dynamic volume delta distribution profiles
Weights recent versus historical data
Identifies significant price levels
2. Flow Imbalance Detection:
Analyzes buying versus selling pressure
Calculates normalized flow ratios
Determines market bias
3. Strength Analysis:
Measures composite market strength
Incorporates volume-weighted movements
Provides trend strength indication
4. Final Score Calculation:
Combines all components with weighted importance
Applies volatility-based smoothing
Generates final signal output
5. VDII Potential Reversal Confluences
Bars between signal confluence is default set to 10 but you can change it to whatever you’d prefer
Signals are a compiled look at the indicator as a whole determining where it think reversals or retracements are likely
💡 Note:
The indicator performs best in markets with consistent volume and clear trending or ranging conditions. Its sophisticated volume analysis provides valuable insights into market dynamics beyond traditional price-based indicators.
Dollar Volume DivergenceOverview
The Dollar Volume Profile and Divergence Indicator is a comprehensive tool designed to analyze both standard volume and dollar volume activity in the market. It visualizes dollar volume (calculated as close * volume) and highlights divergences between dollar volume and standard volume, providing insights into underlying market dynamics that aren't immediately visible with traditional volume analysis.
Key Features
Dollar Volume Profile:
Plots dollar volume as a histogram.
Highlights high-dollar volume bars in green (indicating significant trading activity).
Includes an optional average dollar volume line to show trends over time.
Volume-Divergence Analysis:
Calculates the difference (divergence) between dollar volume and standard volume.
Displays positive divergence (dollar volume > standard volume) in green and negative divergence (dollar volume < standard volume) in red.
Supports both histogram and boolean point visualization for divergence, offering flexibility in how the data is displayed.
Customizable Visualization:
Users can toggle between a Histogram or Boolean Points for divergence visualization.
Option to enable or disable the dollar volume profile and its average line.
Adjustable length parameter to fine-tune sensitivity for averages and divergences.
Use Cases
Volume Confirmation: Analyze whether dollar volume aligns with standard volume to confirm strong price movements.
Divergence Detection: Identify areas where dollar volume and standard volume deviate, which may signal potential reversals or exhaustion in a trend.
Market Strength Analysis: Assess the intensity of trading activity at specific price levels to determine key areas of interest.
How It Works
Dollar Volume Calculation:
Dollar volume is derived by multiplying the close price by the volume for each bar.
A moving average of dollar volume is used to determine relative activity levels.
Divergence Calculation:
The script calculates the difference between dollar volume and standard volume.
Positive values indicate that dollar volume exceeds standard volume, suggesting institutional or larger-scale trades.
Negative values highlight areas of lower dollar volume compared to standard volume.
The Dollar Volume Profile is displayed as a histogram, with high-dollar volume bars highlighted.
Divergences are overlaid as either a histogram or triangle markers, depending on user preference.
Average lines (optional) provide smoother trends for both dollar volume and divergence.
Customization Options
Length: Adjusts the period for moving average calculations.
Plot Style: Choose between Histogram or Boolean Points for divergence visualization.
Toggle Visibility: Enable or disable the Dollar Volume Profile and its average line for a cleaner chart.
Why Use This Indicator?
This indicator bridges the gap between traditional volume analysis and dollar volume analysis, offering deeper insights into market behavior. By combining these metrics, traders can detect nuanced patterns, validate trends, and identify divergences that may signal market turning points or continuation.
Best Practices
Use this indicator in conjunction with price action and other technical indicators for confirmation.
Look for divergences in high-dollar volume areas to detect potential trend reversals.
Analyze the interaction between the dollar volume profile and divergence histogram for a comprehensive view of market activity.
Important Notice:
Trading financial markets involves significant risk and may not be suitable for all investors. The use of technical indicators like this one does not guarantee profitable results. This indicator should not be used as a standalone analysis tool. It is essential to combine it with other forms of analysis, such as fundamental analysis, risk management strategies, and awareness of current market conditions. Always conduct thorough research or consult with a qualified financial advisor before making trading decisions. Past performance is not indicative of future results.
Trading financial instruments involves substantial risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not indicative of future results. This indicator is provided for informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice. Always conduct your own research and consult with a licensed financial professional before making any trading decisions.
Note: The effectiveness of any technical indicator can vary based on market conditions and individual trading styles. It's crucial to test indicators thoroughly using historical data and possibly paper trading before applying them in live trading scenarios.
Dashboard MTF profile volume Indicator Description
This indicator, titled "Swing Points and Liquidity & Profile Volume," combines multiple features to provide a comprehensive market analysis:
Volume Profile: Displays buy and sell volumes across multiple timeframes (1 minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 1 hour, 4 hours, 1 day).
Volume Moving Averages: Plots two moving averages (short and long) to analyze volume trends.
Dashboard: A summary dashboard shows buy and sell volumes for each timeframe, with distinct colors for better visualization.
Swing Points: Identifies liquidity levels and swing points to help pinpoint key entry and exit zones.
How to Use
1. Indicator Installation
Go to TradingView.
Open the Pine Script Editor.
Copy and paste the provided code.
Click on "Add to Chart."
2. Indicator Settings
The indicator offers several customizable parameters:
Display Volume (1 minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 1 hour, 4 hours, 1 day): Enable or disable volume display for each timeframe.
Short Moving Average Length (MA): Set the short moving average period (default: 5).
Long Moving Average Length (MA): Set the long moving average period (default: 14).
Dashboard Position: Choose where to display the dashboard (bottom-right, bottom-left, top-right, top-left).
Text Color: Customize the text color in the dashboard.
Text Size: Choose text size (small, normal, large).
3. Using the Indicator
Volume Analysis
The dashboard displays buy (Buy Volume) and sell (Sell Volume) volumes for each timeframe.
Buy Volume: Volume of trades where the closing price is higher than the opening price (aggressive buying).
Sell Volume: Volume of trades where the closing price is equal to or lower than the opening price (aggressive selling).
Volumes are displayed in real-time and update with each new candle.
Volume Moving Averages
Two moving averages are plotted on the chart:
MA Volume (Short): Short moving average (blue) to identify short-term volume trends.
MA Volume (Long): Long moving average (red) to identify long-term volume trends.
Use these moving averages to spot accumulation or distribution periods.
Swing Points and Liquidity
Swing points are identified based on price levels where volumes are highest.
These levels can act as support/resistance zones or liquidity areas to plan entries and exits.
Usage Guidelines
1. Entering a Position
Buy (Long):
When Buy Volume is significantly higher than Sell Volume across multiple timeframes.
When the short moving average (blue) crosses above the long moving average (red).
Sell (Short):
When Sell Volume is significantly higher than Buy Volume across multiple timeframes.
When the short moving average (blue) crosses below the long moving average (red).
2. Exiting a Position
Use liquidity levels (swing points) to set profit targets or stop-loss levels.
Monitor volume changes to anticipate trend reversals.
3. Risk Management
Use stop-loss orders to limit losses.
Avoid trading during low-volume periods to reduce false signals.
Compliance with Trading View Guidelines
Intellectual Property:
The code is provided for educational and personal use. You may modify and use it but cannot resell or distribute it as your own work.
Responsible Use:
Trading View encourages responsible use of indicators. Test the indicator on a demo account before using it in live trading.
The code is fully transparent and can be reviewed in the Pine Script Editor. You may modify it to suit your needs.
Practical Examples
Scenario 1: Bullish Trend
Buy Volume is high on 1-hour and 4-hour time frames.
The short moving average (blue) is above the long moving average (red).
Action: Open a long position (Buy) and set a stop-loss below the last swing low.
Scenario 2: Bearish Trend
Sell Volume is high on 1-hour and 4-hour time frames.
The short moving average (blue) is below the long moving average (red).
Action: Open a short position (Sell) and set a stop-loss above the last swing high.
WhalenatorThis custom TradingView indicator combines multiple analytic techniques to help identify potential market trends, areas of support and resistance, and zones of heightened trading activity. It incorporates a SuperTrend-like line based on ATR, Keltner Channels for volatility-based price envelopes, and dynamic order blocks derived from significant volume and pivot points. Additionally, it highlights “whale” activities—periods of exceptionally large volume—along with an estimated volume profile level and approximate bid/ask volume distribution. Together, these features aim to offer traders a more comprehensive view of price structure, volatility, and institutional participation.
This custom TradingView indicator integrates multiple trading concepts into a single, visually descriptive tool. Its primary goal is to help traders identify directional bias, volatility levels, significant volume events, and potential support/resistance zones on a price chart. Below are the main components and their functionalities:
SuperTrend-Like Line (Trend Bias):
At the core of the indicator is a trend-following line inspired by the SuperTrend concept, which uses Average True Range (ATR) to adaptively set trailing stop levels. By comparing price to these levels, the line attempts to indicate when the market is in an uptrend (price above the line) or a downtrend (price below the line). The shifting levels can provide a dynamic sense of direction and help traders stay with the predominant trend until it shifts.
Keltner Channels (Volatility and Range):
Keltner Channels, based on an exponential moving average and Average True Range, form volatility-based envelopes around price. They help traders visualize whether price is extended (touching or moving outside the upper/lower band) or trading within a stable range. This can be useful in identifying low-volatility consolidations and high-volatility breakouts.
Dynamic Order Blocks (Approximations of Supply/Demand Zones):
By detecting pivot highs and lows under conditions of significant volume, the indicator approximates "order blocks." Order blocks are areas where institutional buying or selling may have occurred, potentially acting as future support or resistance zones. Although these approximations are not perfect, they offer a visual cue to areas on the chart where price might react strongly if revisited.
Volume Profile Proxy and Whale Detection:
The indicator highlights price levels associated with recent maximum volume activity, providing a rough "volume profile" reference. Such levels often become key points of price interaction.
"Whale" detection logic attempts to identify bars where exceptionally large volume occurs (beyond a defined threshold). By tracking these "whale bars," traders can infer where heavy participation—often from large traders or institutions—may influence market direction or create zones of interest.
Approximate Bid/Ask Volume and Dollar Volume Tracking:
The script estimates whether volume within each bar leans more towards the bid or the ask side, aiming to understand which participant (buyers or sellers) might have been more aggressive. Additionally, it calculates dollar volume (close price multiplied by volume) and provides an average to gauge the relative participation strength over time.
Labeling and Visual Aids:
Dynamic labels display Whale Frequency (the ratio of bars with exceptionally large volume), average dollar volume, and approximate ask/bid volume metrics. This gives traders at-a-glance insights into current market conditions, participation, and sentiment.
Multifaceted Analysis:
By combining trend, volatility, volume, and order block logic in one place, the indicator saves chart space and simplifies the analytical process. Traders gain a holistic view without flipping between multiple separate tools.
Adaptable to Market Conditions:
The use of ATR and Keltner Channels adapts to changing volatility conditions. The SuperTrend-like line helps keep traders aligned with the prevailing trend, avoiding constant whipsaws in choppy markets.
Volume-Based Insights:
Integrating whale detection and a crude volume profile proxy helps traders understand where large players might be interacting. This perspective can highlight critical levels that might not be evident from price action alone.
Convenient Visual Cues and Labels:
The indicator provides quick reference points and textual information about the underlying volume dynamics, making decision-making potentially faster and more informed.
Heuristic and Approximate Nature:
Many of the indicator’s features, like the "order blocks," "whale detection," and the approximate bid/ask volume, rely on heuristics and assumptions that may not always be accurate. Without actual Level II data or true volume profiles, the insights are best considered as supplementary, not definitive signals.
Lagging Components:
Indicators that rely on past data, like ATR-based trends or moving averages for Keltner Channels, inherently lag behind price. This can cause delayed signals, particularly in fast-moving markets, potentially missing some early opportunities or late in confirming market reversals.
No Guaranteed Predictive Power:
As with any technical tool, it does not forecast the future with certainty. Strong volume at a certain level or a bullish SuperTrend reading does not guarantee price will continue in that direction. Market conditions can change unexpectedly, and false signals will occur.
Complexity and Overreliance Risk:
With multiple signals combined, there’s a risk of information overload. Traders might feel compelled to rely too heavily on this one tool. Without complementary analysis (fundamentals, news, or additional technical confirmation), overreliance on the indicator could lead to misguided trades.
This integrated indicator offers a comprehensive visual guide to market structure, volatility, and activity. Its strength lies in providing a multi-dimensional viewpoint in a single tool. However, traders should remain aware of its approximations, inherent lags, and the potential for conflicting signals. Sound risk management, position sizing, and the use of complementary analysis methods remain essential for trading success.
Risks Associated with Trading:
No indicator can guarantee profitable trades or accurately predict future price movements. Market conditions are inherently unpredictable, and reliance on any single tool or combination of tools carries the risk of financial loss. Traders should practice sound risk management, including the use of stop losses and position sizing, and should not trade with funds they cannot afford to lose. Ultimately, decisions should be guided by a thorough trading plan and possibly supplemented with other forms of market analysis or professional advice.
Risks and Important Considerations:
• Not a Standalone Tool:
• This indicator should not be used in isolation. It is essential to incorporate additional technical analysis tools, fundamental analysis, and market context when making trading decisions.
• Relying solely on this indicator may lead to incomplete assessments of market conditions.
• Market Volatility and False Signals:
• Financial markets can be highly volatile, and indicators based on historical data may not accurately predict future movements.
• The indicator may produce false signals due to sudden market changes, low liquidity, or atypical trading activity.
• Risk Management:
• Always employ robust risk management strategies, including setting stop-loss orders, diversifying your portfolio, and not over-leveraging positions.
• Understand that no indicator guarantees success, and losses are a natural part of trading.
• Emotional Discipline:
• Avoid making impulsive decisions based on indicator signals alone.
• Emotional trading can lead to significant financial losses; maintain discipline and adhere to a well-thought-out trading plan.
• Continuous Learning and Adaptation:
• Stay informed about market news, economic indicators, and global events that may impact trading conditions.
• Continuously evaluate and adjust your trading strategies as market dynamics evolve.
• Consultation with Professionals:
• Consider seeking advice from financial advisors or professional traders to understand better how this indicator can fit into your overall trading strategy.
• Professional guidance can provide personalized insights based on your financial goals and risk tolerance.
Trading financial instruments involves substantial risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not indicative of future results. This indicator is provided for informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice. Always conduct your own research and consult with a licensed financial professional before making any trading decisions.
Note: The effectiveness of any technical indicator can vary based on market conditions and individual trading styles. It's crucial to test indicators thoroughly using historical data and possibly paper trading before applying them in live trading scenarios.
Range Sentiment Profile [LuxAlgo]The Range Sentiment Profile indicator is inspired from the volume profile and aims to indicate the degree of bullish/bearish variations within equidistant price areas inside the most recent price range.
The most bullish/bearish price areas are highlighted through lines extending over the entire range.
Length: Most recent bars used for the calculation of the indicator.
Rows: Number of price areas the price range is divided into.
Use Intrabar: Use intrabar data to compute the range sentiment profile.
Timeframe: Intrabar data timeframe.
This tool can be used to easily determine if a certain price area contain more significant bullish or bearish price variations. This is done by obtaining an estimate of the accumulation of all the close to open variations occurring within a specific profile area.
A blue range background indicates a majority of bullish variations within each area while an orange background indicates a majority of bearish variations within each area.
Users can easily identify the areas with the most bullish/bearish price variations by looking at the bullish/bearish maximums.
It can be of interest to see where profile bins might have no length, these can indicate price areas with price variations with alternating signs (bullish variations are followed by a bearish sign) and similar body. They can also indicate a majority of either bullish or bearish variations alongside a minority of more significant opposite variations.
These areas can also provide support/resistance, as such price entering these areas could reverse.
Users can obtain more precise results by allowing the profile to use intrabar data. This will change the calculation of the profile, see the details section for more information.
The Range Sentiment Profile's design is similar to the way a volume profile is constructed.
First the maximum/minimum values over the most recent Length bars are obtained, these define the calculation range of the profile.
The range is divided into Rows equidistant areas. We then see if price lied within a specific area, if it's the case we accumulate the difference between the closing and opening price for that specific area.
Let d = close - open . The length of the bin associated to a specific area is determined as follows:
length = Width / 100 * Area / Max
Where Area is the accumulated d within the area, and Max the maximum value between the absolute value of each accumulated d of all areas.
The percentage visible on each bin is determined as 100 multiplied by the accumulated d within the area divided by the total absolute value of d over the entire range.
🔹 Intrabar Calculation
When using intrabar data the range sentiment profile is calculated differently.
For a specific area and candle within the interval, the accumulated close to open difference is accumulated only if the intrabar candle of the user selected timeframe lies within the area.
This can return more precise results compared to the standard method, at the cost of a higher computation time.
Wave Consolidation [LuxAlgo]The Wave Consolidation indicator uses market profiles to highlight consolidation zones based on upward and downward moves determined when a Higher-High or Lower-Low is created.
Users can control the amount of consolidation zones to display and the sensitivity of the swing point detection used to return those zones.
These zones are intended as areas of interest to traders where price has seen historical interactions, which can be interpreted as support and resistance. By identifying these areas of interest before the price returns to them, traders are able to anticipate and prepare for various scenarios and respond dynamically to the behavior of the market, as seen below.
Rejection: A quick move away from the zone may indicate that the area is either overvalued or undervalued, leading to a fast movement in the opposite direction.
Breakthrough: Moving beyond a zone could indicate acceptance at that specific price, potentially signaling a shift in momentum or the start of a new trend. In a strong major trend, zones created from smaller trends could be used as price targets for taking profit and managing risk.
Consolidation: Holding these zones might suggest a market in balance at these levels, this could lead to opportunities for range-bound trading.
Below is an example of the Rejection and Consolidation scenarios described above.
Note: By analyzing the tests and retests of these zones, traders can also gain further insight into where participants are interacting in the market.
The full process for acquiring and managing these zones is described in the sub-sections below.
🔹 Creation
By only considering market movements creating a higher-high or lower-low, we can identify meaningful, directional, moves which can then be used to calculate zones.
Once a move is identified, the script calculates a volume profile spanning the length of the given move.
The width of the zones is determined starting from the POC of the profile and expanding outwards until the value of the profile's row falls below the profile's average.
Note: By increasing the "Multiplier" Input, Users can increase the threshold the script uses to determine zone width in multiples of Standard Deviations above the Average.
While this area is similar to a VP Value Area, it is not intended to replicate a value zone. The calculation is not concerned with capturing any % of the total profile's volume within the zone and only analyzes based on a fixed inclusion threshold.
🔹 Management
To keep clutter to a minimum, If a new zone overlaps a recently created zone, the zones are grouped as one. This is especially helpful in areas where prices are ranging, creating multiple zones in a very similar area.
Zones before management:
Zones after management:
🔹 Deletion
Just because a zone is crossed, does not make it immediately unimportant!
Once a Zone is mitigated (crossed in the opposite direction of its bias) it is reduced to a single dotted line representing the outer threshold for the zone. These lines are important to watch, as the price will often retest a break. For this reason, they will stay on the chart until the next swing point is detected when they will finally be deleted for good.
Below is an example of activity around a broken zone before it is deleted.
Below is the same example 2bBars later , once the new swing is confirmed, the dotted lines are deleted and new zones are created.
Notice how the newly formed resistance zone is in the same area where we noticed sellers previously.
🔹 Structure
Display Structure: Determines if swing structures are displayed.
Structure Length: Sets Length for structure identification.
🔹 Zones
Volume-Based Calculations: Opt to use a "Volume" based Profile Calculation instead of the default "Price Action" based Calculation.
Display Count: Sets the specific number of bullish and bearish zones to display on the chart.
Multiplier: Sets the multiplier to use for the value cut-off for determining zone boundaries.
🔹 Style
Display Average Lines: Toggles on/off the average (mid) lines for the zones.
Volume Footprint Voids [BigBeluga]Volume Footprint Voids is a unique tool that uses lower timeframe calculation to plot different styles of single candle POC.
This indicator is very powerful for scalping and finding very precise entry and exits, spotting potential trapped traders, and more.
Unlike many other volume profiles, this aims to plot single candle profiles as well as their own footprints.
The script includes the following settings:
Windows: Plotting style and calculations
Coloring modes
Display modes
lower-timeframe calculations
In the image above we can see how the script calculates each level position that will serve as a calculation process to see how much volume/closes there are within the levels.
In the image above, we can have a more clear example of how we count each candle close.
We use the prior screenshot as an example, after setting each level we will use the lower-timeframe input to measure the amount of closes within the ranges.
Depending on the lot size, the box will be larger or smaller, usually the POC will always have the highest box size.
NOTE: Size is the starting point, always from the low of the candle.
To find more voids, select a closer LTF to the current one you're using.
To find fewer voids, select a timeframe away from your current one.
Due to Pine Script limitations, we are only able to plot a certain amount of footprints, and we can't plot the whole history chart.
POC will be the largest block displayed, indicating the time point of control
Gray areas are closes above the average
Black are Void or imbalance that price will fill in the future, like FVG
The image above shows an incorrect size input that will lead to bad calculations, while on the other side, a correct size input that will lead to a clear vision and better calculation.
The "▲▼" Mode will display delta buyers and delta sellers coloring with voids as black.
It also offers a gradient mode for a beautier visualization
The "Total Volume" mode will display the net volume within the lot size (closes within the levels).
This is useful to spot possible highest net volume within the same highest lot size.
The "POC + Gaps" will show both POC and Gaps as the highest block while all the rest will be considered as the smaller block.
This is useful to see where the highest lot were and if there are higher or lower imbalances within the candle
The last option "Gaps" will simply display the gaps as the highest block, while the POC as the lowest block.
This is useful to have a better view of the gaps areas
This is one of the most basic examples of how this script can be used. POC at the bottom creating a strong support area as price holds and creates higher voids gap that price fills while rising.
Users have full control over the script, from colors to choosing the lower-timeframe inputs to disabling the lot size.
Market Profile Visible RangeSup TV, 2 important points .
1) surprisingly, it's the first MP Visible Range script on TV;
2) This one doesn't use any bagging/binning*, instead each row represents the time spent on the actual minimal price steps (aka ticks).
The script will be further extended with usual market profile related functionally in future updates. At this point we have:
- Profile itself (each row represents how many bars touch the given price);
- Mode of the profile (called POC)**;
* Still it will be introduced in future when I will find / design the proper aggregating technique. It is vital for processing very wide price ranges (for example, 500 days on ES futures).
** The script correctly calculates POC by finding all the modes in the data & choosing the closest one to data's midrange.
For this kind of technical instrument finally it was more convenient to use Pine Script 5 (btw it's my first Pine 5).
Basically this script is a side-effect of another R&D I'm doing, the stuff is useful tho so let's go.
By choosing length we both specify the amount of data to be processed & the profile's location screen-wise. It's pretty cool and & useful, on my screen it's always almost touching the left side and still always visible.
The code is heavily commented in order to be understood fast, nothing fantastic, just a lil patience required this time.
Market & volume profiles are well known concepts, lotta info available, the most important point of all that is that MP is just another way of visualizing data that lets you notice things you don't usually notice on sequential charts. From my side I can only add that it's better to use your own brain for thinking and reconsidering using volume profile in all the cases, especially on decentralized markets (unless you're aggregating ALL the volume data from everywhere, including options, OTC etc).
Here is it, for you
VolumeProfileLibrary "VolumeProfile"
Analyzes volume and price and calculates a volume profile, in particular the Point Of Control and Value Area values.
new(rowSizeInTicks, valueAreaCoverage, startTime)
Constructor method that creates a new Volume Profile
rowSizeInTicks (float) : Internal row size (aka resolution) of the volume profile. Useful for most futures contracts would be '1 / syminfo.mintick'. Default '4'.
valueAreaCoverage (int) : Percentage of total volume that is considered the Value Area. Default '70'
startTime (int) : Start time (unix timestamp in milliseconds) of the Volume Profile. Default 'time'.
Returns: VolumeProfile object
method calculatePOC(vp)
Calculates current Point Of Control of the VP
Namespace types: VolumeProfile
vp (VolumeProfile)
Returns: void
method calculateVA(vp)
Calculates current Value Area High and Low of the VP
Namespace types: VolumeProfile
vp (VolumeProfile)
Returns: void
method update(vp, h, l, v, t)
Processes new chart data and sorts volume into rows. Then calls calculatePOC() and calculateVA() to update the VP. Parameters are usually the output of request.security_lower_tf.
Namespace types: VolumeProfile
vp (VolumeProfile)
h (array) : Array of highs
l (array) : Array of lows
v (array) : Array of volumes
t (array) : Array of candle times
Returns: void
method setSessionHigh(vp, h)
Sets the high of the session the VP is tracking
Namespace types: VolumeProfile
vp (VolumeProfile)
h (float)
Returns: void
method setSessionLow(vp, l)
Sets the low of the session the VP is tracking
Namespace types: VolumeProfile
vp (VolumeProfile)
l (float)
Returns: void
method getPOC(vp)
Gets the current Point Of Control
Namespace types: VolumeProfile
vp (VolumeProfile)
Returns: Point Of Control (float)
method getVAH(vp)
Gets the current Value Area High
Namespace types: VolumeProfile
vp (VolumeProfile)
Returns: Value Area High (float)
method getVAL(vp)
Gets the current Value Area Low
Namespace types: VolumeProfile
vp (VolumeProfile)
Returns: Value Area Low (float)
rowSizeInTicks (series float)
valueAreaCoverage (series int)
startTime (series int)
valueAreaHigh (series float)
pointOfControl (series float)
valueAreaLow (series float)
sessionHigh (series float)
sessionLow (series float)
volumeByRow (map)
totalVolume (series float)
pocRow (series float)
pocVol (series float)
Magnifying Glass (LTF Candles) by SiddWolf█ OVERVIEW
This indicator displays The Lower TimeFrame Candles in current chart, Like Zooming in on the Candle to see it's Lower TimeFrame Structure. It plots intrabar OHLC data inside a Label along with the volume structure of LTF candle in an eloquent format.
Just apply it to the chart, Hover the mouse on the Label and ta-da you have a Lower Timeframe OHLC candles on your screen. Move the indicator to the top and shrink it all the way up, because all the useful data is inside the label.
Inside the label: The OHLC ltf candles are pretty straightforward. Volume strength of ltf candles is shown at bottom and Volume Profile on the left. Read the Details below for more information.
In the settings, you will find the option to change the UI and can play around with Lower TimeFrame Settings.
First of all, I would like to thank the @TradingView team for providing the function to get access to the lower timeframe data. It is because of them that this magical indicator came into existence.
Magnifying Glass indicator displays a Candle's Lower TimeFrame data in Higher timeframe chart. It displays the LTF candles inside a label. It also shows the Volume structure of the lower timeframe candles. Range percentage shown at the bottom is the percentage change between high and low of the current timeframe candle. LTF candle's timeframe is also shown at the bottom on the label.
This indicator is gonna be most useful to the price action traders, which is like every profitable trader.
How this indicator works:
I didn't find any better way to display ltf candles other than labels. Labels are not build for such a complex behaviour, it's a workaround to display this important information.
It gets the lower timeframe information of the candle and uses emojis to display information. The area that is shown, is the range of the current timeframe candle. Range is a difference between high and low of the candle. Range percentage is also shown at the bottom in the label.
I've divided the range area into 20 parts because there are limitation to display data in the labels. Then the code checks out, in what area does the ltf candle body or wick lies, then displays the information using emojis.
The code uses matrix elements for each block and relies heavily on string manipulation. But what I've found most difficult, is managing to fit everything correctly and beautifully so that the view doesn't break.
Volume Structure:
Strength of the Lower TimeFrame Candles is shown at the bottom inside the label. The Higher Volume is shown with the dark shade color and Lower Volume is shown with the light shade. The volume of candles are also ranked, with 1 being the highest volume, so you can see which candle have the maximum to minimum volume. This is pretty important to make a price action analysis of the lower timeframe candles.
Inside the label on the left side you will see the volume profile. As the volume on the bottom shows the strength of each ltf candles, Volume profile on the left shows strength in a particular zone. The Darker the color, the higher the volume in the zone. The Highest volume on the left represents Point of Control (Volume Profile POC) of the candle.
Lower TimeFrame Settings:
There is a limitation for the lowest timeframe you can show for a chart, because there is only so much data you can fit inside a label. A label can show upto 20 blocks of emojis (candle blocks) per row. Magnifying Glass utilizes this behaviour of labels. 16 blocks are used to display ltf candles, 1 for volume profile and two for Open and Close Highlighter.
So for any chart timeframe, ltf candles can be 16th part of htf candle. So 4 hours chart can show as low as 15 minutes of ltf data. I didn't provide the open settings for changing the lower timeframe, as it would give errors in a lot of ways. You can change the timeframe for each chart time from the settings provided.
Like I mentioned earlier, this indicator is a workaround to display ltf candles inside a label. This indicator does not work well on smaller screens. So if you are not able to see the label, zoom out on your browser a bit. Move the indicator to either top or bottom of all indicators and shrink it's space because all details are inside the label.
This indicator provides you an edge, on top of your existing trading strategy. How you use Magnifying Glass is entirely dependent on your strategy.
I use this indicator to get a broad picture, before getting into a trade. For example I see a Doji or Engulfing or any other famous candlestick pattern on important levels, I hover the mouse on Magnifying Glass, to look for the price action the ltf candles have been through, to make that pattern. I also use it with my "Wick Pressure" indicator, to check price action at wick zones. Whenever I see price touching important supply and demand zones, I check last few candles to read chart like a beautiful price action story.
Also volume is pretty important too. This is what makes Magnifying Glass even better than actual lower timeframe candles. The increasing volume along with up/down trend price shows upward/downward momentum. The sudden burst (peak) in the volume suggests volume climax.
Volume profile on the left can be interpreted as the strength/weakness zones inside a candle. The low volume in a price zone suggests weakness and High volume suggests strength. The Highest volume on the left act as POC for that candle.
Before making any trade, I read the structure of last three or four candles to get the complete price action picture.
█ Conclusion
Magnifying Glass is a well crafted indicator that can be used to track lower timeframe price action. This indicator gives you an edge with the Multi Timeframe Analysis, which I believe is the most important aspect of profitable trading.
~ @SiddWolf
VP and POCThis code is credited to juliangonzaconde. Have taken his help to modify his beautiful creation.
Volume profile is a key study when comes to understanding the auction trading process. Volume Profiles will show you exactly how much volume, as well as relative volume, occurred at each price as well as the exact number of contracts for the entire session. It is a visualization tool to understand the high activity zone and low activity zone.
Volume profile measures the confidence of the traders in the market. From short term trading perspective monitoring the developing volume profile in realtime make more sense to track current market participation behavior to take better trading decisions.
Hope this helps you in trading on daily timeframe.
Happy Trading.
Volume Footprint POC for Every CandleCalculating and plotting the Point of Control (POC) for every candle on a volume footprint chart can provide valuable insights for traders. Here are some interpretations and uses of this information:
1. Identify Key Price Levels
Highest Traded Volume: The POC represents the price level with the highest traded volume for each candle. This level often acts as a significant support or resistance level.
Confluence Zones: When multiple POCs align at similar price levels over several candles, it indicates strong support or resistance zones.
2. Gauge Market Sentiment
Buyer and Seller Activity: High volume at certain price levels can indicate where buyers and sellers are most active. A rising POC suggests stronger buying activity, while a falling POC suggests stronger selling activity.
Volume Profile: Analyzing the volume profile helps in understanding the distribution of traded volume across different price levels, providing insights into market sentiment and potential reversals.
3. Spot Trends and Reversals
Trend Continuation: Consistent upward or downward shifts in POC levels can indicate a trend continuation. Traders can use this information to stay in trending positions.
Reversal Signals: A sudden change in the POC direction may signal a potential reversal. This can be used to take profits or enter new positions.
4. Intraday Trading Strategies
Short-Term Trading: Intraday traders can use the POC to make informed decisions on entry and exit points. For example, buying near the POC during an uptrend or selling near the POC during a downtrend.
Scalping Opportunities: High-frequency traders can use shifts in the POC to scalp small profits from price movements around these key levels.
5. Volume-Based Indicators
Confirmation of Other Indicators: The POC can be used in conjunction with other technical indicators (e.g., moving averages, RSI) to confirm signals and improve trading accuracy.
Support and Resistance: Combining the POC with traditional support and resistance levels can provide a more comprehensive view of the market dynamics.
In summary, the Point of Control (POC) is a valuable tool for traders to understand market behavior, identify key levels, and make more informed trading decisions. If you have specific questions or need further details on how to use this information in your trading strategy, feel free to ask! 😊
MM Day Trader LevelsAs an intraday trader, there are certain key levels that I care about for short-term price action on every single chart. When I first began day trading, each morning I would painstakingly mark those key levels off on the charts I planned to trade each day. Depending on the number of charts I was watching, this would take up quite a bit of my time that I felt would have been much better spent doing other things. It also meant that those levels would often be left behind, and on later days I might be trading a symbol and get confused when a line appeared and I'd be paying attention to it only to later discover that it wasn't from prior day, but from some other day in the past when I had marked it off.
I looked all over TradingView to find indicators that did this automatically for me, and I found a lot of them. One by one I tried them, and inevitably I would always find that something was wrong with them. Often they didn't have all of the levels I wanted (so I would have to combine multiple indicators), but more often I found that the levels would be incorrect, or they would be buggy and not appear consistently, or they would not appear at the right time, or they would not work on futures! The list of problems went on and on. And the biggest issue I found was that nobody knew how to get session volume profile in an indicator.
So, over the course of a few years I figured out how to solve all of those problems and now I'm thrilled to present this free indicator for everyone like me who trades intraday and wants a clean consistent way to see the prior day levels that they care about automatically on every single chart (even futures). The levels the indicator provides are:
Yesterday High & Low
Value Area High & Low & Point of Control
Today's Open
Yesterday's Close (aka "Settlement" on futures)
Premarket High & Low (non-futures only)
Overnight High & Low (futures only)
These levels are extremely important, and I expect price to be reactive to them, so each level has a shaded background behind it so that the levels stand out against other lines you may have on your chart. I try to keep configuration as simple as possible, but there are configuration options that allow you to:
Hide any of the levels
Change the color for the levels
Shade the value area (or not)
Change the label text, size, type (basic label or plain text) and location (how far to the right of last candle to place the label
Adjust session volume profile value area volume & number of rows
The biggest advantage to this indicator over others on TradingView is how it handles session volume profile. When it comes to futures, TradingView does differentiate between regular trading hours and "electronic" trading hours on the charts, but their timeframes for those sessions are unusual, and they do not provide any programmatic way to differentiate between them. So, I created a whole new library for dealing with futures sessions that is fully integrated into both my Session Volume Profile library and this indicator, allowing me to bring you the best and only custom indicator available on TradingView that provides you with true regular session volume profile information across every type of symbol, including futures.
I'm incredibly proud of everything I've been able to provide with this indicator, and even more thrilled to say that I'm proud of how the indicator has been implemented. Once again releasing this indicator and all associated code for free and open source. I encourage you to take a look at the source code to see how it all works, take advantage of the free underlying libraries I created to make all of this possible: Session Library and Session Volume Profile Library.
Volume Positive & Negative Levels [ChartPrime]Volume Positive & Negative Levels
The Volume Positive & Negative Levels indicator by ChartPrime is designed to provide traders with a clear visualization of volume activity across different price levels. By plotting volume levels as histograms, this tool helps identify significant areas of buying (positive volume) and selling (negative volume) pressure, enhancing the ability to spot potential support and resistance zones.
Key Features:
⯁ Lookback Period:
- The `lookbackPeriod` parameter, set to 500 bars, determines the range over which the volume analysis is conducted, ensuring a comprehensive view of the market’s volume activity. The maximum lookback period is 500 bars or the bars currently visible on the chart, whichever is smaller.
⯁ Dynamic Volume Calculation:
- Volume is calculated dynamically based on the price action, with positive volume indicating buying pressure (close > open) and negative volume indicating selling pressure (close < open).
⯁ Color Coding for Clarity:
- Positive Volume: Represented with a distinct color (`#ad9a2c`), making it easy to identify areas of buying interest.
- Negative Volume: Highlighted with another color (`#ad2cad`), simplifying the detection of selling pressure.
Volume Threshold and Bins:
- The indicator allows users to set a volume threshold (`volume_level`) to highlight significant volume levels, with the default set at 70.
- The number of bins (`numBins`) defines the granularity of the volume profile, with a higher number providing more detail.
⯁ Volume Profile Visualization:
- The volume profile is plotted as a histogram, with the height of each bar proportional to the volume at that price level. This visualization helps in quickly assessing the strength of volume at various price points.
⯁ Interactive Labels and Threshold Indicators:
- Labels: The indicator uses labels to mark significant volume levels, providing quick reference points for traders.
- Threshold Lines: Lines are drawn at specified volume thresholds, with colors and widths dynamically adjusted based on the volume levels.
⯁ User Inputs:
- Volume Threshold (`volume_level`): Sets the minimum volume required to highlight significant levels.
- Number of Bins (`numBins`): Determines the resolution of the volume profile.
- Line Width (`line_withd`): Specifies the width of the lines used in the visualization.
The Volume Positive & Negative Levels indicator is a powerful tool for traders looking to gain deeper insights into market dynamics. By providing a clear visual representation of volume activity across different price levels, it helps traders identify key support and resistance zones, spot trends, and make more informed trading decisions. Whether you are a day trader or a swing trader, this indicator enhances your ability to analyze volume data effectively, improving your overall trading strategy.
Profile Any Indicator [Kioseff Trading]Create a visible-range profile for almost any indicator!
This script "Profile Any Indicator" allows you to create a visible-range profile for *almost* any indicator hosted on TradingView.
Therefore, the only requirement:
1. Indicator must have a retrievable plot value.
Should your indicator have a retrievable plot value (most indicators do), you can use this script to create a visible-range profile of its values!
Consequently, the profile's always oriented to the left-most or right-most side of your chart - updating as you scroll left or right.
The image above shows me using the indicator to create a profile for MACD. I am largely zoomed out and the profile has adjusted to chart orientation.
Let's zoom in and see what happens!
The indicator adjusted to my chart positioning and created a new visible-range profile! No manual adjustments are required (:
1. Load the indicator you'd like to profile on the chart.
The image above shows me applying the OBV indicator to the chart. Additionally, the "Profile Any Indicator" script is also loaded on the chart, instructing me to add an indicator to its settings.
2. From the settings for "Profile Any indicator", locate the "Indicator" setting and select the indicator you would like to profile.
The image above shows me selecting the OBV indicator in the settings for "Profile Any Indicator".
Once steps 1 and 2 are complete you'll have a visible-range profile for the selected indicator on your chart!
The image above shows the completion of the process.
3. Merge the indicator pane or select to plot the selected indicator in the current pane.
From here, you can select to plot the value of the selected indicator in the current pane or merge the selected indicator's pane (which must stay on the chart) with the pane designated to the "Profile Any Indicator" script.
The image above shows the two panes merged.
The image above shows the two panes separate. Alternatively, in the settings for "Profile Any Indicator", I selected to plot OBV in its pane.
You can select to populate the visible-range profile on the right of the chart!
Additionally, you can modify the POC line, value area %, and, essentially, any parameter you'd find for a volume-profile-like indicator!
Thanks for checking this out (:
Supertrend Advance Pullback StrategyHandbook for the Supertrend Advance Strategy
1. Introduction
Purpose of the Handbook:
The main purpose of this handbook is to serve as a comprehensive guide for traders and investors who are looking to explore and harness the potential of the Supertrend Advance Strategy. In the rapidly changing financial market, having the right tools and strategies at one's disposal is crucial. Whether you're a beginner hoping to dive into the world of trading or a seasoned investor aiming to optimize and diversify your portfolio, this handbook offers the insights and methodologies you need. By the end of this guide, readers should have a clear understanding of how the Supertrend Advance Strategy works, its benefits, potential pitfalls, and practical application in various trading scenarios.
Overview of the Supertrend Advance Pullback Strategy:
At its core, the Supertrend Advance Strategy is an evolution of the popular Supertrend Indicator. Designed to generate buy and sell signals in trending markets, the Supertrend Indicator has been a favorite tool for many traders around the world. The Advance Strategy, however, builds upon this foundation by introducing enhanced mechanisms, filters, and methodologies to increase precision and reduce false signals.
1. Basic Concept:
The Supertrend Advance Strategy relies on a combination of price action and volatility to determine the potential trend direction. By assessing the average true range (ATR) in conjunction with specific price points, this strategy aims to highlight the potential starting and ending points of market trends.
2. Methodology:
Unlike the traditional Supertrend Indicator, which primarily focuses on closing prices and ATR, the Advance Strategy integrates other critical market variables, such as volume, momentum oscillators, and perhaps even fundamental data, to validate its signals. This multidimensional approach ensures that the generated signals are more reliable and are less prone to market noise.
3. Benefits:
One of the main benefits of the Supertrend Advance Strategy is its ability to filter out false breakouts and minor price fluctuations, which can often lead to premature exits or entries in the market. By waiting for a confluence of factors to align, traders using this advanced strategy can increase their chances of entering or exiting trades at optimal points.
4. Practical Applications:
The Supertrend Advance Strategy can be applied across various timeframes, from intraday trading to swing trading and even long-term investment scenarios. Furthermore, its flexible nature allows it to be tailored to different asset classes, be it stocks, commodities, forex, or cryptocurrencies.
In the subsequent sections of this handbook, we will delve deeper into the intricacies of this strategy, offering step-by-step guidelines on its application, case studies, and tips for maximizing its efficacy in the volatile world of trading.
As you journey through this handbook, we encourage you to approach the Supertrend Advance Strategy with an open mind, testing and tweaking it as per your personal trading style and risk appetite. The ultimate goal is not just to provide you with a new tool but to empower you with a holistic strategy that can enhance your trading endeavors.
2. Getting Started
Navigating the financial markets can be a daunting task without the right tools. This section is dedicated to helping you set up the Supertrend Advance Strategy on one of the most popular charting platforms, TradingView. By following the steps below, you'll be able to integrate this strategy into your charts and start leveraging its insights in no time.
Setting up on TradingView:
TradingView is a web-based platform that offers a wide range of charting tools, social networking, and market data. Before you can apply the Supertrend Advance Strategy, you'll first need a TradingView account. If you haven't set one up yet, here's how:
1. Account Creation:
• Visit TradingView's official website.
• Click on the "Join for free" or "Sign up" button.
• Follow the registration process, providing the necessary details and setting up your login credentials.
2. Navigating the Dashboard:
• Once logged in, you'll be taken to your dashboard. Here, you'll see a variety of tools, including watchlists, alerts, and the main charting window.
• To begin charting, type in the name or ticker of the asset you're interested in the search bar at the top.
3. Configuring Chart Settings:
• Before integrating the Supertrend Advance Strategy, familiarize yourself with the chart settings. This can be accessed by clicking the 'gear' icon on the top right of the chart window.
• Adjust the chart type, time intervals, and other display settings to your preference.
Integrating the Strategy into a Chart:
Now that you're set up on TradingView, it's time to integrate the Supertrend Advance Strategy.
1. Accessing the Pine Script Editor:
• Located at the top-center of your screen, you'll find the "Pine Editor" tab. Click on it.
• This is where custom strategies and indicators are scripted or imported.
2. Loading the Supertrend Advance Strategy Script:
• Depending on whether you have the script or need to find it, there are two paths:
• If you have the script: Copy the Supertrend Advance Strategy script, and then paste it into the Pine Editor.
• If searching for the script: Click on the “Indicators” icon (looks like a flame) at the top of your screen, and then type “Supertrend Advance Strategy” in the search bar. If available, it will show up in the list. Simply click to add it to your chart.
3. Applying the Strategy:
• After pasting or selecting the Supertrend Advance Strategy in the Pine Editor, click on the “Add to Chart” button located at the top of the editor. This will overlay the strategy onto your main chart window.
4. Configuring Strategy Settings:
• Once the strategy is on your chart, you'll notice a small settings ('gear') icon next to its name in the top-left of the chart window. Click on this to access settings.
• Here, you can adjust various parameters of the Supertrend Advance Strategy to better fit your trading style or the specific asset you're analyzing.
5. Interpreting Signals:
• With the strategy applied, you'll now see buy/sell signals represented on your chart. Take time to familiarize yourself with how these look and behave over various timeframes and market conditions.
3. Strategy Overview
What is the Supertrend Advance Strategy?
The Supertrend Advance Strategy is a refined version of the classic Supertrend Indicator, which was developed to aid traders in spotting market trends. The strategy utilizes a combination of data points, including average true range (ATR) and price momentum, to generate buy and sell signals.
In essence, the Supertrend Advance Strategy can be visualized as a line that moves with the price. When the price is above the Supertrend line, it indicates an uptrend and suggests a potential buy position. Conversely, when the price is below the Supertrend line, it hints at a downtrend, suggesting a potential selling point.
Strategy Goals and Objectives:
1. Trend Identification: At the core of the Supertrend Advance Strategy is the goal to efficiently and consistently identify prevailing market trends. By recognizing these trends, traders can position themselves to capitalize on price movements in their favor.
2. Reducing Noise: Financial markets are often inundated with 'noise' - short-term price fluctuations that can mislead traders. The Supertrend Advance Strategy aims to filter out this noise, allowing for clearer decision-making.
3. Enhancing Risk Management: With clear buy and sell signals, traders can set more precise stop-loss and take-profit points. This leads to better risk management and potentially improved profitability.
4. Versatility: While primarily used for trend identification, the strategy can be integrated with other technical tools and indicators to create a comprehensive trading system.
Type of Assets/Markets to Apply the Strategy:
1. Equities: The Supertrend Advance Strategy is highly popular among stock traders. Its ability to capture long-term trends makes it particularly useful for those trading individual stocks or equity indices.
2. Forex: Given the 24-hour nature of the Forex market and its propensity for trends, the Supertrend Advance Strategy is a valuable tool for currency traders.
3. Commodities: Whether it's gold, oil, or agricultural products, commodities often move in extended trends. The strategy can help in identifying and capitalizing on these movements.
4. Cryptocurrencies: The volatile nature of cryptocurrencies means they can have pronounced trends. The Supertrend Advance Strategy can aid crypto traders in navigating these often tumultuous waters.
5. Futures & Options: Traders and investors in derivative markets can utilize the strategy to make more informed decisions about contract entries and exits.
It's important to note that while the Supertrend Advance Strategy can be applied across various assets and markets, its effectiveness might vary based on market conditions, timeframe, and the specific characteristics of the asset in question. As always, it's recommended to use the strategy in conjunction with other analytical tools and to backtest its effectiveness in specific scenarios before committing to trades.
4. Input Settings
Understanding and correctly configuring input settings is crucial for optimizing the Supertrend Advance Strategy for any specific market or asset. These settings, when tweaked correctly, can drastically impact the strategy's performance.
Grouping Inputs:
Before diving into individual input settings, it's important to group similar inputs. Grouping can simplify the user interface, making it easier to adjust settings related to a specific function or indicator.
Strategy Choice:
This input allows traders to select from various strategies that incorporate the Supertrend indicator. Options might include "Supertrend with RSI," "Supertrend with MACD," etc. By choosing a strategy, the associated input settings for that strategy become available.
Supertrend Settings:
1. Multiplier: Typically, a default value of 3 is used. This multiplier is used in the ATR calculation. Increasing it makes the Supertrend line further from prices, while decreasing it brings the line closer.
2. Period: The number of bars used in the ATR calculation. A common default is 7.
EMA Settings (Exponential Moving Average):
1. Period: Defines the number of previous bars used to calculate the EMA. Common periods are 9, 21, 50, and 200.
2. Source: Allows traders to choose which price (Open, Close, High, Low) to use in the EMA calculation.
RSI Settings (Relative Strength Index):
1. Length: Determines how many periods are used for RSI calculation. The standard setting is 14.
2. Overbought Level: The threshold at which the asset is considered overbought, typically set at 70.
3. Oversold Level: The threshold at which the asset is considered oversold, often at 30.
MACD Settings (Moving Average Convergence Divergence):
1. Short Period: The shorter EMA, usually set to 12.
2. Long Period: The longer EMA, commonly set to 26.
3. Signal Period: Defines the EMA of the MACD line, typically set at 9.
CCI Settings (Commodity Channel Index):
1. Period: The number of bars used in the CCI calculation, often set to 20.
2. Overbought Level: Typically set at +100, denoting overbought conditions.
3. Oversold Level: Usually set at -100, indicating oversold conditions.
SL/TP Settings (Stop Loss/Take Profit):
1. SL Multiplier: Defines the multiplier for the average true range (ATR) to set the stop loss.
2. TP Multiplier: Defines the multiplier for the average true range (ATR) to set the take profit.
Filtering Conditions:
This section allows traders to set conditions to filter out certain signals. For example, one might only want to take buy signals when the RSI is below 30, ensuring they buy during oversold conditions.
Trade Direction and Backtest Period:
1. Trade Direction: Allows traders to specify whether they want to take long trades, short trades, or both.
2. Backtest Period: Specifies the time range for backtesting the strategy. Traders can choose from options like 'Last 6 months,' 'Last 1 year,' etc.
It's essential to remember that while default settings are provided for many of these tools, optimal settings can vary based on the market, timeframe, and trading style. Always backtest new settings on historical data to gauge their potential efficacy.
5. Understanding Strategy Conditions
Developing an understanding of the conditions set within a trading strategy is essential for traders to maximize its potential. Here, we delve deep into the logic behind these conditions, using the Supertrend Advance Strategy as our focal point.
Basic Logic Behind Conditions:
Every strategy is built around a set of conditions that provide buy or sell signals. The conditions are based on mathematical or statistical methods and are rooted in the study of historical price data. The fundamental idea is to recognize patterns or behaviors that have been profitable in the past and might be profitable in the future.
Buy and Sell Conditions:
1. Buy Conditions: Usually formulated around bullish signals or indicators suggesting upward price momentum.
2. Sell Conditions: Centered on bearish signals or indicators indicating downward price momentum.
Simple Strategy:
The simple strategy could involve using just the Supertrend indicator. Here:
• Buy: When price closes above the Supertrend line.
• Sell: When price closes below the Supertrend line.
Pullback Strategy:
This strategy capitalizes on price retracements:
• Buy: When the price retraces to the Supertrend line after a bullish signal and is supported by another bullish indicator.
• Sell: When the price retraces to the Supertrend line after a bearish signal and is confirmed by another bearish indicator.
Indicators Used:
EMA (Exponential Moving Average):
• Logic: EMA gives more weight to recent prices, making it more responsive to current price movements. A shorter-period EMA crossing above a longer-period EMA can be a bullish sign, while the opposite is bearish.
RSI (Relative Strength Index):
• Logic: RSI measures the magnitude of recent price changes to analyze overbought or oversold conditions. Values above 70 are typically considered overbought, and values below 30 are considered oversold.
MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence):
• Logic: MACD assesses the relationship between two EMAs of a security’s price. The MACD line crossing above the signal line can be a bullish signal, while crossing below can be bearish.
CCI (Commodity Channel Index):
• Logic: CCI compares a security's average price change with its average price variation. A CCI value above +100 may mean the price is overbought, while below -100 might signify an oversold condition.
And others...
As the strategy expands or contracts, more indicators might be added or removed. The crucial point is to understand the core logic behind each, ensuring they align with the strategy's objectives.
Logic Behind Each Indicator:
1. EMA: Emphasizes recent price movements; provides dynamic support and resistance levels.
2. RSI: Indicates overbought and oversold conditions based on recent price changes.
3. MACD: Showcases momentum and direction of a trend by comparing two EMAs.
4. CCI: Measures the difference between a security's price change and its average price change.
Understanding strategy conditions is not just about knowing when to buy or sell but also about comprehending the underlying market dynamics that those conditions represent. As you familiarize yourself with each condition and indicator, you'll be better prepared to adapt and evolve with the ever-changing financial markets.
6. Trade Execution and Management
Trade execution and management are crucial aspects of any trading strategy. Efficient execution can significantly impact profitability, while effective management can preserve capital during adverse market conditions. In this section, we'll explore the nuances of position entry, exit strategies, and various Stop Loss (SL) and Take Profit (TP) methodologies within the Supertrend Advance Strategy.
Position Entry:
Effective trade entry revolves around:
1. Timing: Enter at a point where the risk-reward ratio is favorable. This often corresponds to confirmatory signals from multiple indicators.
2. Volume Analysis: Ensure there's adequate volume to support the movement. Volume can validate the strength of a signal.
3. Confirmation: Use multiple indicators or chart patterns to confirm the entry point. For instance, a buy signal from the Supertrend indicator can be confirmed with a bullish MACD crossover.
Position Exit Strategies:
A successful exit strategy will lock in profits and minimize losses. Here are some strategies:
1. Fixed Time Exit: Exiting after a predetermined period.
2. Percentage-based Profit Target: Exiting after a certain percentage gain.
3. Indicator-based Exit: Exiting when an indicator gives an opposing signal.
Percentage-based SL/TP:
• Stop Loss (SL): Set a fixed percentage below the entry price to limit potential losses.
• Example: A 2% SL on an entry at $100 would trigger a sell at $98.
• Take Profit (TP): Set a fixed percentage above the entry price to lock in gains.
• Example: A 5% TP on an entry at $100 would trigger a sell at $105.
Supertrend-based SL/TP:
• Stop Loss (SL): Position the SL at the Supertrend line. If the price breaches this line, it could indicate a trend reversal.
• Take Profit (TP): One could set the TP at a point where the Supertrend line flattens or turns, indicating a possible slowdown in momentum.
Swing high/low-based SL/TP:
• Stop Loss (SL): For a long position, set the SL just below the recent swing low. For a short position, set it just above the recent swing high.
• Take Profit (TP): For a long position, set the TP near a recent swing high or resistance. For a short position, near a swing low or support.
And other methods...
1. Trailing Stop Loss: This dynamic SL adjusts with the price movement, locking in profits as the trade moves in your favor.
2. Multiple Take Profits: Divide the position into segments and set multiple TP levels, securing profits in stages.
3. Opposite Signal Exit: Exit when another reliable indicator gives an opposite signal.
Trade execution and management are as much an art as they are a science. They require a blend of analytical skill, discipline, and intuition. Regularly reviewing and refining your strategies, especially in light of changing market conditions, is crucial to maintaining consistent trading performance.
7. Visual Representations
Visual tools are essential for traders, as they simplify complex data into an easily interpretable format. Properly analyzing and understanding the plots on a chart can provide actionable insights and a more intuitive grasp of market conditions. In this section, we’ll delve into various visual representations used in the Supertrend Advance Strategy and their significance.
Understanding Plots on the Chart:
Charts are the primary visual aids for traders. The arrangement of data points, lines, and colors on them tell a story about the market's past, present, and potential future moves.
1. Data Points: These represent individual price actions over a specific timeframe. For instance, a daily chart will have data points showing the opening, closing, high, and low prices for each day.
2. Colors: Used to indicate the nature of price movement. Commonly, green is used for bullish (upward) moves and red for bearish (downward) moves.
Trend Lines:
Trend lines are straight lines drawn on a chart that connect a series of price points. Their significance:
1. Uptrend Line: Drawn along the lows, representing support. A break below might indicate a trend reversal.
2. Downtrend Line: Drawn along the highs, indicating resistance. A break above might suggest the start of a bullish trend.
Filled Areas:
These represent a range between two values on a chart, usually shaded or colored. For instance:
1. Bollinger Bands: The area between the upper and lower band is filled, giving a visual representation of volatility.
2. Volume Profile: Can show a filled area representing the amount of trading activity at different price levels.
Stop Loss and Take Profit Lines:
These are horizontal lines representing pre-determined exit points for trades.
1. Stop Loss Line: Indicates the level at which a trade will be automatically closed to limit losses. Positioned according to the trader's risk tolerance.
2. Take Profit Line: Denotes the target level to lock in profits. Set according to potential resistance (for long trades) or support (for short trades) or other technical factors.
Trailing Stop Lines:
A trailing stop is a dynamic form of stop loss that moves with the price. On a chart:
1. For Long Trades: Starts below the entry price and moves up with the price but remains static if the price falls, ensuring profits are locked in.
2. For Short Trades: Starts above the entry price and moves down with the price but remains static if the price rises.
Visual representations offer traders a clear, organized view of market dynamics. Familiarity with these tools ensures that traders can quickly and accurately interpret chart data, leading to more informed decision-making. Always ensure that the visual aids used resonate with your trading style and strategy for the best results.
8. Backtesting
Backtesting is a fundamental process in strategy development, enabling traders to evaluate the efficacy of their strategy using historical data. It provides a snapshot of how the strategy would have performed in past market conditions, offering insights into its potential strengths and vulnerabilities. In this section, we'll explore the intricacies of setting up and analyzing backtest results and the caveats one must be aware of.
Setting Up Backtest Period:
1. Duration: Determine the timeframe for the backtest. It should be long enough to capture various market conditions (bullish, bearish, sideways). For instance, if you're testing a daily strategy, consider a period of several years.
2. Data Quality: Ensure the data source is reliable, offering high-resolution and clean data. This is vital to get accurate backtest results.
3. Segmentation: Instead of a continuous period, sometimes it's helpful to backtest over distinct market phases, like a particular bear or bull market, to see how the strategy holds up in different environments.
Analyzing Backtest Results:
1. Performance Metrics: Examine metrics like the total return, annualized return, maximum drawdown, Sharpe ratio, and others to gauge the strategy's efficiency.
2. Win Rate: It's the ratio of winning trades to total trades. A high win rate doesn't always signify a good strategy; it should be evaluated in conjunction with other metrics.
3. Risk/Reward: Understand the average profit versus the average loss per trade. A strategy might have a low win rate but still be profitable if the average gain far exceeds the average loss.
4. Drawdown Analysis: Review the periods of losses the strategy could incur and how long it takes, on average, to recover.
9. Tips and Best Practices
Successful trading requires more than just knowing how a strategy works. It necessitates an understanding of when to apply it, how to adjust it to varying market conditions, and the wisdom to recognize and avoid common pitfalls. This section offers insightful tips and best practices to enhance the application of the Supertrend Advance Strategy.
When to Use the Strategy:
1. Market Conditions: Ideally, employ the Supertrend Advance Strategy during trending market conditions. This strategy thrives when there are clear upward or downward trends. It might be less effective during consolidative or sideways markets.
2. News Events: Be cautious around significant news events, as they can cause extreme volatility. It might be wise to avoid trading immediately before and after high-impact news.
3. Liquidity: Ensure you are trading in assets/markets with sufficient liquidity. High liquidity ensures that the price movements are more reflective of genuine market sentiment and not due to thin volume.
Adjusting Settings for Different Markets/Timeframes:
1. Markets: Each market (stocks, forex, commodities) has its own characteristics. It's essential to adjust the strategy's parameters to align with the market's volatility and liquidity.
2. Timeframes: Shorter timeframes (like 1-minute or 5-minute charts) tend to have more noise. You might need to adjust the settings to filter out false signals. Conversely, for longer timeframes (like daily or weekly charts), you might need to be more responsive to genuine trend changes.
3. Customization: Regularly review and tweak the strategy's settings. Periodic adjustments can ensure the strategy remains optimized for the current market conditions.
10. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Given the complexities and nuances of the Supertrend Advance Strategy, it's only natural for traders, both new and seasoned, to have questions. This section addresses some of the most commonly asked questions regarding the strategy.
1. What exactly is the Supertrend Advance Strategy?
The Supertrend Advance Strategy is an evolved version of the traditional Supertrend indicator. It's designed to provide clearer buy and sell signals by incorporating additional indicators like EMA, RSI, MACD, CCI, etc. The strategy aims to capitalize on market trends while minimizing false signals.
2. Can I use the Supertrend Advance Strategy for all asset types?
Yes, the strategy can be applied to various asset types like stocks, forex, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. However, it's crucial to adjust the settings accordingly to suit the specific characteristics and volatility of each asset type.
3. Is this strategy suitable for day trading?
Absolutely! The Supertrend Advance Strategy can be adjusted to suit various timeframes, making it versatile for both day trading and long-term trading. Remember to fine-tune the settings to align with the timeframe you're trading on.
4. How do I deal with false signals?
No strategy is immune to false signals. However, by combining the Supertrend with other indicators and adhering to strict risk management protocols, you can minimize the impact of false signals. Always use stop-loss orders and consider filtering trades with additional confirmation signals.
5. Do I need any prior trading experience to use this strategy?
While the Supertrend Advance Strategy is designed to be user-friendly, having a foundational understanding of trading and market analysis can greatly enhance your ability to employ the strategy effectively. If you're a beginner, consider pairing the strategy with further education and practice on demo accounts.
6. How often should I review and adjust the strategy settings?
There's no one-size-fits-all answer. Some traders adjust settings weekly, while others might do it monthly. The key is to remain responsive to changing market conditions. Regular backtesting can give insights into potential required adjustments.
7. Can the Supertrend Advance Strategy be automated?
Yes, many traders use algorithmic trading platforms to automate their strategies, including the Supertrend Advance Strategy. However, always monitor automated systems regularly to ensure they're operating as intended.
8. Are there any markets or conditions where the strategy shouldn't be used?
The strategy might generate more false signals in markets that are consolidative or range-bound. During significant news events or times of unexpected high volatility, it's advisable to tread with caution or stay out of the market.
9. How important is backtesting with this strategy?
Backtesting is crucial as it allows traders to understand how the strategy would have performed in the past, offering insights into potential profitability and areas of improvement. Always backtest any new setting or tweak before applying it to live trades.
10. What if the strategy isn't working for me?
No strategy guarantees consistent profits. If it's not working for you, consider reviewing your settings, seeking expert advice, or complementing the Supertrend Advance Strategy with other analysis methods. Remember, continuous learning and adaptation are the keys to trading success.
Other comments
Value of combining several indicators in this script and how they work together
Diversification of Signals: Just as diversifying an investment portfolio can reduce risk, using multiple indicators can offer varied perspectives on potential price movements. Each indicator can capture a different facet of the market, ensuring that traders are not overly reliant on a single data point.
Confirmation & Reduced False Signals: A common challenge with many indicators is the potential for false signals. By requiring confirmation from multiple indicators before acting, the chances of acting on a false signal can be significantly reduced.
Flexibility Across Market Conditions: Different indicators might perform better under different market conditions. For example, while moving averages might excel in trending markets, oscillators like RSI might be more useful during sideways or range-bound conditions. A mashup strategy can potentially adapt better to varying market scenarios.
Comprehensive Analysis: With multiple indicators, traders can gauge trend strength, momentum, volatility, and potential market reversals all at once, providing a holistic view of the market.
How do the different indicators in the Supertrend Advance Strategy work together?
Supertrend: This is primarily a trend-following indicator. It provides traders with buy and sell signals based on the volatility of the price. When combined with other indicators, it can filter out noise and give more weight to strong, confirmed trends.
EMA (Exponential Moving Average): EMA gives more weight to recent price data. It can be used to identify the direction and strength of a trend. When the price is above the EMA, it's generally considered bullish, and vice versa.
RSI (Relative Strength Index): An oscillator that measures the magnitude of recent price changes to evaluate overbought or oversold conditions. By cross-referencing with other indicators like EMA or MACD, traders can spot potential reversals or confirmations of a trend.
MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence): This indicator identifies changes in the strength, direction, momentum, and duration of a trend in a stock's price. When the MACD line crosses above the signal line, it can be a bullish sign, and when it crosses below, it can be bearish. Pairing MACD with Supertrend can provide dual confirmation of a trend.
CCI (Commodity Channel Index): Initially developed for commodities, CCI can indicate overbought or oversold conditions. It can be used in conjunction with other indicators to determine entry and exit points.
In essence, the synergy of these indicators provides a balanced, comprehensive approach to trading. Each indicator offers its unique lens into market conditions, and when they align, it can be a powerful indication of a trading opportunity. This combination not only reduces the potential drawbacks of each individual indicator but leverages their strengths, aiming for more consistent and informed trading decisions.
Backtesting and Default Settings
• This indicator has been optimized to be applied for 1 hour-charts. However, the underlying principles of this strategy are supply and demand in the financial markets and the strategy can be applied to all timeframes. Daytraders can use the 1min- or 5min charts, swing-traders can use the daily charts.
• This strategy has been designed to identify the most promising, highest probability entries and trades for each stock or other financial security.
• The combination of the qualifiers results in a highly selective strategy which only considers the most promising swing-trading entries. As a result, you will normally only find a low number of trades for each stock or other financial security per year in case you apply this strategy for the daily charts. Shorter timeframes will result in a higher number of trades / year.
• Consequently, traders need to apply this strategy for a full watchlist rather than just one financial security.
• Default properties: RSI on (length 14, RSI buy level 50, sell level 50), EMA, RSI, MACD on, type of strategy pullback, SL/TP type: ATR (length 10, factor 3), trade direction both, quantity 5, take profit swing hl 5.1, highest / lowest lookback 2, enable ATR trail (ATR length 10, SL ATR multiplier 1.4, TP multiplier 2.1, lookback = 4, trade direction = both).
Adaptive Range Scalper - KetBotAIThe Adaptive Scalper is designed to dynamically adjust entry, take-profit (TP), and stop-loss (SL) levels based on the latest market price. It combines multiple tools to provide traders with actionable insights, suitable for a range of trading styles and timeframes.
How the Indicator Works
Dynamic Levels:
- Yellow Dotted Line: Represents the entry level, following the latest price dynamically.
- Green Line: The Take Profit (TP) level, calculated as a multiple of the current price, adapts in real-time.
- Red Line: The Stop Loss (SL) level, placed below the price and also dynamically adjusts.
Bollinger Bands:
Provides context for market volatility and potential overbought/oversold zones.
Narrowing bands signal consolidation, while expanding bands indicate increased volatility.
Buy and Sell Signals:
Buy Signal: Triggered when the price crosses above the lower Bollinger Band.
Sell Signal: Triggered when the price crosses below the upper Bollinger Band.
These signals help traders time entries and exits based on momentum shifts.
Risk/Reward Analysis:
Visual shading shows the favorable risk/reward zone between the stop loss and take profit levels.
Timeframe Suggestions
Short-Term Traders (Scalping):
Use on 5-minute to 15-minute charts.
Focus on high-volatility periods for quick entries and exits.
Intraday Traders:
Ideal for 30-minute to 1-hour charts.
Provides more stable signals and less noise.
Swing Traders:
Best suited for 4-hour or daily charts.
Captures broader trends with fewer signals, allowing for larger moves.
Tool Combination
Volume Profile:
Combine with volume-based tools to confirm key support/resistance zones around TP and SL levels.
Trend Indicators:
Use with Moving Averages (e.g., 20-period or 50-period) to identify the broader trend direction.
Example: Only take buy signals in an uptrend and sell signals in a downtrend.
Momentum Oscillators:
Pair with tools like RSI or MACD to avoid entering overbought/oversold conditions.
Support/Resistance Lines:
Manually mark significant levels to confirm alignment with the indicator’s TP and SL zones.
Useful Advice for Traders
Risk Management:
- Always assess the risk/reward ratio; aim for at least 1:2 (risking 1 to gain 2).
- Adjust the multiplier to match your trading style (e.g., higher multiplier for swing trades, lower for scalping).
Avoid Overtrading:
Use the indicator in conjunction with clear rules to avoid false signals during low-volatility periods.
Monitor market volatility:
Pay attention to narrowing Bollinger Bands, which signal consolidations. Avoid trading until a breakout occurs.
Test on Demo Accounts:
Practice using the indicator on a demo account to understand its behavior across different assets and timeframes.
Focus on High-Liquidity Markets:
For the best results, trade highly liquid instruments like major currency pairs, gold, or stock indices.
The Adaptive Range Indicator dynamically adjusts to market conditions, offering clear entry and exit levels. By combining it with Bollinger Bands and other tools, traders can better navigate market trends and avoid noise. It’s versatile across multiple timeframes and assets, making it a valuable addition to any trader’s toolkit.
Normal Distribution CurveThis Normal Distribution Curve is designed to overlay a simple normal distribution curve on top of any TradingView indicator. This curve represents a probability distribution for a given dataset and can be used to gain insights into the likelihood of various data levels occurring within a specified range, providing traders and investors with a clear visualization of the distribution of values within a specific dataset. With the only inputs being the variable source and plot colour, I think this is by far the simplest and most intuitive iteration of any statistical analysis based indicator I've seen here!
Traders can quickly assess how data clusters around the mean in a bell curve and easily see the percentile frequency of the data; or perhaps with both and upper and lower peaks identify likely periods of upcoming volatility or mean reversion. Facilitating the identification of outliers was my main purpose when creating this tool, I believed fixed values for upper/lower bounds within most indicators are too static and do not dynamically fit the vastly different movements of all assets and timeframes - and being able to easily understand the spread of information simplifies the process of identifying key regions to take action.
The curve's tails, representing the extreme percentiles, can help identify outliers and potential areas of price reversal or trend acceleration. For example using the RSI which typically has static levels of 70 and 30, which will be breached considerably more on a less liquid or more volatile asset and therefore reduce the actionable effectiveness of the indicator, likewise for an asset with little to no directional volatility failing to ever reach this overbought/oversold areas. It makes considerably more sense to look for the top/bottom 5% or 10% levels of outlying data which are automatically calculated with this indicator, and may be a noticeable distance from the 70 and 30 values, as regions to be observing for your investing.
This normal distribution curve employs percentile linear interpolation to calculate the distribution. This interpolation technique considers the nearest data points and calculates the price values between them. This process ensures a smooth curve that accurately represents the probability distribution, even for percentiles not directly present in the original dataset; and applicable to any asset regardless of timeframe. The lookback period is set to a value of 5000 which should ensure ample data is taken into calculation and consideration without surpassing any TradingView constraints and limitations, for datasets smaller than this the indicator will adjust the length to just include all data. The labels providing the percentile and average levels can also be removed in the style tab if preferred.
Additionally, as an unplanned benefit is its applicability to the underlying price data as well as any derived indicators. Turning it into something comparable to a volume profile indicator but based on the time an assets price was within a specific range as opposed to the volume. This can therefore be used as a tool for identifying potential support and resistance zones, as well as areas that mark market inefficiencies as price rapidly accelerated through. This may then give a cleaner outlook as it eliminates the potential drawbacks of volume based profiles that maybe don't collate all exchange data or are misrepresented due to large unforeseen increases/decreases underlying capital inflows/outflows.
Thanks to @ALifeToMake, @Bjorgum, vgladkov on stackoverflow (and possibly some chatGPT!) for all the assistance in bringing this indicator to life. I really hope every user can find some use from this and help bring a unique and data driven perspective to their decision making. And make sure to please share any original implementaions of this tool too! If you've managed to apply this to the average price change once you've entered your position to better manage your trade management, or maybe overlaying on an implied volatility indicator to identify potential options arbitrage opportunities; let me know! And of course if anyone has any issues, questions, queries or requests please feel free to reach out! Thanks and enjoy.
Pin Candle DetectionPin candles are a variation of hammer candles that are useful in technical analysis . In particular, when combined with volume profile studies, they can be a powerful set up for long entries or other decision making.
For example, when looking at volume profiles, a long entry would be a fair value area (i.e. 40%) below the close of a pin candle. When combined with a support level , the set up is stronger.
While most scripts look for hammer candles, pin candles are somewhat different in that the length of the wick is significant.
This script and its parameters was built for ES futures 15 min chart in mind.
This script is unique in that it allows for the below parameters to be adjusted to suit other instruments and timeframes:
1. Fib level: Candle must close within a certain retracement level). My preference is 0.55. Some traders like 0.5, while others prefer 0.33
2. Wick length: Pin candles differ from pure hammers in that the length of the wick must be significant. My preference is 7 points on ES (as in $ and not ticks)
Add this script to your alerts to no longer miss these set ups.