lib_zigLibrary "lib_zig"
Object oriented implementation of ZigZag
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Zigzag
this (Zigzag)
date_format (simple string)
method update(this)
Namespace types: Zigzag
this (Zigzag)
method draw(this, colors)
Namespace types: Zigzag
this (Zigzag)
colors (PivotColors type from robbatt/lib_pivot/19)
max_pivots (series__integer)
hldata (|robbatt/lib_pivot/19;HLData|#OBJ)
pivots (array__|robbatt/lib_pivot/19;Pivot|#OBJ)
lib_pivotLibrary "lib_pivot"
Object oriented implementation of Pivot methods.
method tostring(this)
Converts HLData to a json string representation
Namespace types: HLData
this (HLData) : HLData
Returns: string representation of Pivot
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
date_format (simple string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot )
date_format (simple string)
method get_color(this, mode)
Namespace types: PivotColors
this (PivotColors)
mode (int)
method get_label_text(this)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
method direction(this)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
method same_direction_as(this, other)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
other (Pivot)
method exceeds(this, price)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
price (float)
method exceeds(this, other)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
other (Pivot)
method exceeded_by(this, price)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
price (float)
method exceeded_by(this, other)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
other (Pivot)
method retracement_ratio(this, lastPivot, sec_lastPivot)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
lastPivot (Pivot)
sec_lastPivot (Pivot)
ratio_target(sec_lastPivot, lastPivot, target_ratio)
sec_lastPivot (Pivot)
lastPivot (Pivot)
target_ratio (float)
method update(this, ref_highest, ref_lowest)
Namespace types: HLData
this (HLData)
ref_highest (float)
ref_lowest (float)
method update(this, bar_time, bar_idx, price, prev)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
bar_time (int)
bar_idx (int)
price (float)
prev (Pivot)
method create_next(this, bar_time, bar_idx, price)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
bar_time (int)
bar_idx (int)
price (float)
HLData wraps the data received from ta.highest, ta.highestbars, ta.lowest, ta.lowestbars, as well as the reference sources
length (series int) : lookback length for pivot points
highest_offset (series int) : offset to highest value bar
lowest_offset (series int) : offset to lowest value bar
highest (series float) : highest value within lookback bars
lowest (series float) : lowest value within lookback bars
new_highest (series bool) : update() will set this true if the current candle forms a new highest high at the last (current) bar of set period (length)
new_lowest (series bool) : update() will set this true if the current candle forms a new lowest low at the last (current) bar of set period (length)
new_highest_fractal (series bool) : update() will set this true if the current candle forms a new fractal high at the center of set period (length)
new_lowest_fractal (series bool) : update() will set this true if the current candle forms a new fractal low at the center of set period (length)
Pivot colors for different modes
hh (series color) : Color for Pivot mode 2 (HH)
lh (series color) : Color for Pivot mode 1 (LH)
hl (series color) : Color for Pivot mode -1 (HL)
ll (series color) : Color for Pivot mode -2 (LL)
Pivot additional pivot data around basic Point
point (Point type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/5)
mode (series int) : can be -2/-1/1/2 for LL/HL/LH/HH
price_movement (series float) : The price difference between this and the previous pivot point in the opposite direction
retracement_ratio (series float) : The ratio between this price_movement and the previous
prev (Pivot)
lib_plot_objectsLibrary "lib_plot_objects"
library wrapping basic builtin object constructors, to be able to do calculations with points/lines/boxes/triangles/polygons via libraries and on securities. inspired by Trendoscope's ( and ) with added update mechanism to not have to recreate objects on every iteration for continously drawn items, automated xloc selection for coordinates, compatibility check for Points, added Triangle and Polygon types, object reflection via tostring to valid json (logging via webhook)
method assert_same_xloc(a, b, test)
checks two points for compatibility, i.e. having the same xloc
Namespace types: Point
a (Point)
b (Point)
test (Test type from robbatt/lib_unit/6)
method assert_same_xloc(a, b, test)
checks two lines for compatibility, i.e. having the same xloc
Namespace types: Line
a (Line)
b (Line)
test (Test type from robbatt/lib_unit/6)
method or_default(args)
checks args oject for being na, if so, provide a default instead
Namespace types: LineArgs
args (LineArgs)
method or_default(args)
checks args oject for being na, if so, provide a default instead
Namespace types: LabelArgs
args (LabelArgs)
method or_default(args)
checks args oject for being na, if so, provide a default instead
Namespace types: BoxArgs
args (BoxArgs)
method or_default(args)
checks args oject for being na, if so, provide a default instead
Namespace types: BoxTextArgs
args (BoxTextArgs)
method x(point, xloc)
automatically returns the correct x coordinate, based on the point's set xloc
Namespace types: Point
point (Point)
xloc (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
converts object to json representation
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
converts object to json representation
Namespace types: Point
this (Point )
date_format (string)
method tostring(this)
converts object to json representation
Namespace types: LineArgs
this (LineArgs)
method tostring(this, date_format)
converts object to json representation
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this)
Namespace types: LabelArgs
this (LabelArgs)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Label
this (Label)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: LineFill
this (LineFill)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this)
Namespace types: BoxArgs
this (BoxArgs)
method tostring(this)
Namespace types: BoxTextArgs
this (BoxTextArgs)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Box
this (Box)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: TriangleFill
this (TriangleFill)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: PolygonFill
this (PolygonFill)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line )
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Box
this (Box )
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle )
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon )
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: PolygonFill
this (PolygonFill )
date_format (string)
method create_center(points)
Namespace types: Point
points (Point )
method create_center(this, other)
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
other (Point)
method create_center(this)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
method create_line(this, other, args)
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
other (Point)
args (LineArgs)
method create_triangle(this, b, c, args)
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
b (Point)
c (Point)
args (LineArgs)
method create_triangle(this, c)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
c (Point)
method create_box(this, other, txt, args, text_args)
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
other (Point)
txt (string)
args (BoxArgs)
text_args (BoxTextArgs)
method create_box(this, txt, args, text_args)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
txt (string)
args (BoxArgs)
text_args (BoxTextArgs)
method create_polygon(points, args)
Namespace types: Point
points (Point )
args (LineArgs)
method create_polygon(start, others, args)
Namespace types: Point
start (Point)
others (Point )
args (LineArgs)
method create_fill(this, other, fill_color)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
other (Line)
fill_color (color)
method create_fill(this, fill_color)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle)
fill_color (color)
method create_fill(this, fill_color)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon)
fill_color (color)
method create_label(this, txt, args, tooltip)
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
txt (string)
args (LabelArgs)
tooltip (string)
method create_label(this, txt, args, tooltip)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
txt (string)
args (LabelArgs)
tooltip (string)
method create_label(this, txt, args, tooltip)
Namespace types: Box
this (Box)
txt (string)
args (LabelArgs)
tooltip (string)
method create_label(this, txt, args, tooltip)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle)
txt (string)
args (LabelArgs)
tooltip (string)
method create_label(this, txt, args, tooltip)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon)
txt (string)
args (LabelArgs)
tooltip (string)
method update(this, bar_time, bar_idx, price)
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
bar_time (int)
bar_idx (int)
price (float)
method update(this, update)
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
update (Point)
method update(this, point)
Namespace types: Label
this (Label)
point (Point)
method update(this, start, end)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
start (Point)
end (Point)
method update(this, left_top, right_bottom)
Namespace types: Box
this (Box)
left_top (Point)
right_bottom (Point)
method update(this, a, b, c)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle)
a (Point)
b (Point)
c (Point)
method update(this, points)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon)
points (Point )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Label
this (Label)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: LineFill
this (LineFill)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Box
this (Box)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: TriangleFill
this (TriangleFill)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: PolygonFill
this (PolygonFill)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Label
this (Label )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: LineFill
this (LineFill )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Box
this (Box )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: TriangleFill
this (TriangleFill )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: PolygonFill
this (PolygonFill )
method draw(this)
Namespace types: Label
this (Label)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: Box
this (Box)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: LineFill
this (LineFill)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: TriangleFill
this (TriangleFill)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: PolygonFill
this (PolygonFill)
bar_time (series int) : time based x coordinate
bar_idx (series int) : bar index based x coordinate
price (series float) : price based y coordinate
xloc (series string) : To select if x coordinate is represented by bar_idx or bar_time. Possible values: xloc.bar_index and xloc.bar_time. Default is xloc.bar_index.
text_color (series color) : Text color.
bg_color (series color) : Color of the label border and arrow.
text_font_family (series string) : The font family of the text. Optional. The default value is font.family_default. Possible values: font.family_default, font.family_monospace.
yloc (series string) : Possible values are yloc.price, yloc.abovebar, yloc.belowbar. If yloc=yloc.price, y argument specifies the price of the label position. If yloc=yloc.abovebar, label is located above bar. If yloc=yloc.belowbar, label is located below bar. Default is yloc.price.
style (series string) : Label style. Possible values: label.style_none, label.style_xcross, label.style_cross, label.style_triangleup, label.style_triangledown, label.style_flag, label.style_circle, label.style_arrowup, label.style_arrowdown, label.style_label_up, label.style_label_down, label.style_label_left, label.style_label_right, label.style_label_lower_left, label.style_label_lower_right, label.style_label_upper_left, label.style_label_upper_right, label.style_label_center, label.style_square, label.style_diamond, label.style_text_outline. Default is label.style_label_down.
size (series string) : Label size. Possible values:, size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge. Default value is size.normal.
text_align (series string) : Label text alignment. Possible values: text.align_left, text.align_center, text.align_right. Default value is text.align_center.
point (Point) : The Label coordinates
txt (series string) : Label text. Default is empty string.
args (LabelArgs) : Wrapper for reusable arguments for
tooltip (series string) : Hover to see tooltip label.
plot (series label) : The label object to be added and plotted via draw()
line_color (series color) : Line color.
style (series string) : Line style. Possible values: line.style_solid, line.style_dotted, line.style_dashed, line.style_arrow_left, line.style_arrow_right, line.style_arrow_both.
width (series int) : Line width in pixels.
extend (series string) : f extend=extend.none, draws segment starting at point (x1, y1) and ending at point (x2, y2). If extend is equal to extend.right or extend.left, draws a ray starting at point (x1, y1) or (x2, y2), respectively. If extend=extend.both, draws a straight line that goes through these points. Default value is extend.none.
start (Point) : starting point of the line
end (Point)
args (LineArgs) : Wrapper for reusable arguments for
plot (series line) : The line object to be added and plotted via draw()
a (Line) : The first Line object
b (Line) : The second Line object
fill_color (series color) : The color used to fill the space between the lines.
plot (series linefill) : The linefill object to be added and plotted via draw()
border_color (series color) : Color of the four borders. Optional. The default is
border_width (series int) : Width of the four borders, in pixels. Optional. The default is 1 pixel.
border_style (series string) : Style of the four borders. Possible values: line.style_solid, line.style_dotted, line.style_dashed. Optional. The default value is line.style_solid.
bg_color (series color) : Background color of the box. Optional. The default is
extend (series string) : When extend.none is used, the horizontal borders start at the left border and end at the right border. With extend.left or extend.right, the horizontal borders are extended indefinitely to the left or right of the box, respectively. With extend.both, the horizontal borders are extended on both sides. Optional. The default value is extend.none.
text_color (series color) : The color of the text. Optional. The default is
text_size (series string) : The size of the text. An optional parameter, the default value is Possible values:, size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge.
text_halign (series string) : The horizontal alignment of the box's text. Optional. The default value is text.align_center. Possible values: text.align_left, text.align_center, text.align_right.
text_valign (series string) : The vertical alignment of the box's text. Optional. The default value is text.align_center. Possible values: text.align_top, text.align_center, text.align_bottom.
text_wrap (series string) : Defines whether the text is presented in a single line, extending past the width of the box if necessary, or wrapped so every line is no wider than the box itself (and clipped by the bottom border of the box if the height of the resulting wrapped text is higher than the height of the box). Optional. The default value is text.wrap_none. Possible values: text.wrap_none, text.wrap_auto.
text_font_family (series string) : The font family of the text. Optional. The default value is font.family_default. Possible values: font.family_default, font.family_monospace.
left_top (Point) : top-left corner of the box
right_bottom (Point) : bottom-right corner of the box
txt (series string) : The text to be displayed inside the box. Optional. The default is empty string.
args (BoxArgs) : Wrapper for reusable arguments for
text_args (BoxTextArgs)
plot (series box) : The box object to be added and plotted via draw()
a (Point) : first Corner
b (Point) : second Corner
c (Point) : third Corner
args (LineArgs) : Wrapper for reusable arguments for
plot_ab (series line) : The line object to be added and plotted via draw()
plot_ac (series line) : The line object to be added and plotted via draw()
plot_bc (series line) : The line object to be added and plotted via draw()
triangle (Triangle) : The Triangle object
fill_color (series color) : The color used to fill the space between the lines.
plot (series linefill) : The linefill object to be added and plotted via draw()
points (Point ) : array of points that make up the Polygon
center (Point) : Center point of the Polygon, can be used for a label and will be center for PolygonFill
args (LineArgs) : Wrapper for reusable arguments for
plot (line ) : An array of Lines that form Polygon Border
poly (Polygon) : the Polygon
fill_color (series color) : The color used to fill the space between the lines.
plot_segments (line ) : An array of helper lines to create linefills
plot_fills (linefill ) : An array of linefills that cover the Polygon surface
lib_priceactionLibrary "lib_priceaction"
a library for everything related to price action, starting off with displacements
displacement(len, min_strength, o, c)
calculate if there is a displacement and how strong it is
len (int) : The amount of candles to consider for the deviation
min_strength (float) : The minimum displacement strength to trigger a signal
o (float) : The source series on which calculations are based
c (float) : The source series on which calculations are based
Returns: a tuple of (bool signal, float displacement_strength)
VolatilityIndicatorsLibrary "VolatilityIndicators"
This is a library of Volatility Indicators .
It aims to facilitate the grouping of this category of indicators, and also offer the customized supply of
the parameters and sources, not being restricted to just the closing price.
@Thanks and credits:
1. Dynamic Zones: Leo Zamansky, Ph.D., and David Stendahl
2. Deviation: Karl Pearson (code by TradingView)
3. Variance: Ronald Fisher (code by TradingView)
4. Z-score: Veronique Valcu (code by HPotter)
5. Standard deviation: Ronald Fisher (code by TradingView)
6. ATR (Average True Range): J. Welles Wilder (code by TradingView)
7. ATRP (Average True Range Percent): millerrh
8. Historical Volatility: HPotter
9. Min-Max Scale Normalization: gorx1
10. Mean Normalization: gorx1
11. Standardization: gorx1
12. Scaling to unit length: gorx1
13. LS Volatility Index: Alexandre Wolwacz (Stormer), Fabrício Lorenz, Fábio Figueiredo (Vlad) (code by me)
14. Bollinger Bands: John Bollinger (code by TradingView)
15. Bollinger Bands %: John Bollinger (code by TradingView)
16. Bollinger Bands Width: John Bollinger (code by TradingView)
dev(source, length, anotherSource)
Deviation. Measure the difference between a source in relation to another source
source (float)
length (simple int) : (int) Sequential period to calculate the deviation
anotherSource (float) : (float) Source to compare
Returns: (float) Bollinger Bands Width
variance(src, mean, length, biased, degreesOfFreedom)
Variance. A statistical measurement of the spread between numbers in a data set. More specifically,
variance measures how far each number in the set is from the mean (average), and thus from every other number in the set.
Variance is often depicted by this symbol: σ2. It is used by both analysts and traders to determine volatility and market security.
src (float) : (float) Source to calculate variance
mean (float) : (float) Mean (Moving average)
length (simple int) : (int) The sequential period to calcule the variance (number of values in data set)
biased (simple bool) : (bool) Defines the type of standard deviation. If true, uses biased sample variance (n),
degreesOfFreedom (simple int) : (int) Degrees of freedom. The number of values in the final calculation of a statistic that are free to vary.
Default value is n-1, where n here is length. Only applies when biased parameter is defined as true.
Returns: (float) Standard deviation
stDev(src, length, mean, biased, degreesOfFreedom)
Measure the Standard deviation from a source in relation to it's moving average.
In this implementation, you pass the average as a parameter, allowing a more personalized calculation.
src (float) : (float) Source to calculate standard deviation
length (simple int) : (int) The sequential period to calcule the standard deviation
mean (float) : (float) Moving average.
biased (simple bool) : (bool) Defines the type of standard deviation. If true, uses biased sample variance (n),
else uses unbiased sample variance (n-1 or another value, as long as it is in the range between 1 and n-1), where n=length.
degreesOfFreedom (simple int) : (int) Degrees of freedom. The number of values in the final calculation of a statistic that are free to vary.
Default value is n-1, where n here is length.
Returns: (float) Standard deviation
zscore(src, mean, length, biased, degreesOfFreedom)
Z-Score. A z-score is a statistical measurement that indicates how many standard deviations a data point is from
the mean of a data set. It is also known as a standard score. The formula for calculating a z-score is (x - μ) / σ,
where x is the individual data point, μ is the mean of the data set, and σ is the standard deviation of the data set.
Z-scores are useful in identifying outliers or extreme values in a data set. A positive z-score indicates that the
data point is above the mean, while a negative z-score indicates that the data point is below the mean. A z-score of
0 indicates that the data point is equal to the mean.
Z-scores are often used in hypothesis testing and determining confidence intervals. They can also be used to compare
data sets with different units or scales, as the z-score standardizes the data. Overall, z-scores provide a way to
measure the relative position of a data point in a data
src (float) : (float) Source to calculate z-score
mean (float) : (float) Moving average.
length (simple int) : (int) The sequential period to calcule the standard deviation
biased (simple bool) : (bool) Defines the type of standard deviation. If true, uses biased sample variance (n),
else uses unbiased sample variance (n-1 or another value, as long as it is in the range between 1 and n-1), where n=length.
degreesOfFreedom (simple int) : (int) Degrees of freedom. The number of values in the final calculation of a statistic that are free to vary.
Default value is n-1, where n here is length.
Returns: (float) Z-score
atr(source, length)
ATR: Average True Range. Customized version with source parameter.
source (float) : (float) Source
length (simple int) : (int) Length (number of bars back)
Returns: (float) ATR
atrp(length, sourceP)
ATRP (Average True Range Percent)
length (simple int) : (int) Length (number of bars back) for ATR
sourceP (float) : (float) Source for calculating percentage relativity
Returns: (float) ATRP
atrp(source, length, sourceP)
ATRP (Average True Range Percent). Customized version with source parameter.
source (float) : (float) Source for ATR
length (simple int) : (int) Length (number of bars back) for ATR
sourceP (float) : (float) Source for calculating percentage relativity
Returns: (float) ATRP
historicalVolatility(lengthATR, lengthHist)
Historical Volatility
lengthATR (simple int) : (int) Length (number of bars back) for ATR
lengthHist (simple int) : (int) Length (number of bars back) for Historical Volatility
Returns: (float) Historical Volatility
historicalVolatility(source, lengthATR, lengthHist)
Historical Volatility
source (float) : (float) Source for ATR
lengthATR (simple int) : (int) Length (number of bars back) for ATR
lengthHist (simple int) : (int) Length (number of bars back) for Historical Volatility
Returns: (float) Historical Volatility
minMaxNormalization(src, numbars)
Min-Max Scale Normalization. Maximum and minimum values are taken from the sequential range of
numbars bars back, where numbars is a number defined by the user.
src (float) : (float) Source to normalize
numbars (simple int) : (int) Numbers of sequential bars back to seek for lowest and hightest values.
Returns: (float) Normalized value
minMaxNormalization(src, numbars, minimumLimit, maximumLimit)
Min-Max Scale Normalization. Maximum and minimum values are taken from the sequential range of
numbars bars back, where numbars is a number defined by the user.
In this implementation, the user explicitly provides the desired minimum (min) and maximum (max) values for the scale,
rather than using the minimum and maximum values from the data.
src (float) : (float) Source to normalize
numbars (simple int) : (int) Numbers of sequential bars back to seek for lowest and hightest values.
minimumLimit (simple float) : (float) Minimum value to scale
maximumLimit (simple float) : (float) Maximum value to scale
Returns: (float) Normalized value
meanNormalization(src, numbars, mean)
Mean Normalization
src (float) : (float) Source to normalize
numbars (simple int) : (int) Numbers of sequential bars back to seek for lowest and hightest values.
mean (float) : (float) Mean of source
Returns: (float) Normalized value
standardization(src, mean, stDev)
Standardization (Z-score Normalization). How "outside the mean" values relate to the standard deviation (ratio between first and second)
src (float) : (float) Source to normalize
mean (float) : (float) Mean of source
stDev (float) : (float) Standard Deviation
Returns: (float) Normalized value
scalingToUnitLength(src, numbars)
Scaling to unit length
src (float) : (float) Source to normalize
numbars (simple int) : (int) Numbers of sequential bars back to seek for lowest and hightest values.
Returns: (float) Normalized value
lsVolatilityIndex(movingAverage, sourceHvol, lengthATR, lengthHist, lenNormal, lowerLimit, upperLimit)
LS Volatility Index. Measures the volatility of price in relation to an average.
movingAverage (float) : (float) A moving average
sourceHvol (float) : (float) Source for calculating the historical volatility
lengthATR (simple int) : (float) Length for calculating the ATR (Average True Range)
lengthHist (simple int) : (float) Length for calculating the historical volatility
lenNormal (simple int) : (float) Length for normalization
lowerLimit (simple int)
upperLimit (simple int)
Returns: (float) LS Volatility Index
lsVolatilityIndex(sourcePrice, movingAverage, sourceHvol, lengthATR, lengthHist, lenNormal, lowerLimit, upperLimit)
LS Volatility Index. Measures the volatility of price in relation to an average.
sourcePrice (float) : (float) Source for measure the distance
movingAverage (float) : (float) A moving average
sourceHvol (float) : (float) Source for calculating the historical volatility
lengthATR (simple int) : (float) Length for calculating the ATR (Average True Range)
lengthHist (simple int) : (float) Length for calculating the historical volatility
lenNormal (simple int)
lowerLimit (simple int)
upperLimit (simple int)
Returns: (float) LS Volatility Index
bollingerBands(src, length, mult, basis)
Bollinger Bands. A Bollinger Band is a technical analysis tool defined by a set of lines plotted
two standard deviations (positively and negatively) away from a simple moving average (SMA) of the security's price,
but can be adjusted to user preferences. In this version you can pass a customized basis (moving average), not only SMA.
src (float) : (float) Source to calculate standard deviation used in Bollinger Bands
length (simple int) : (int) The time period to be used in calculating the standard deviation
mult (simple float) : (float) Multiplier used in standard deviation. Basically, the upper/lower bands are standard deviation multiplied by this.
basis (float) : (float) Basis of Bollinger Bands (a moving average)
Returns: (float) A tuple of Bollinger Bands, where index 1=basis; 2=basis+dev; 3=basis-dev; and dev=multiplier*stdev
bollingerBands(src, length, aMult, basis)
Bollinger Bands. A Bollinger Band is a technical analysis tool defined by a set of lines plotted
two standard deviations (positively and negatively) away from a simple moving average (SMA) of the security's price,
but can be adjusted to user preferences. In this version you can pass a customized basis (moving average), not only SMA.
Also, various multipliers can be passed, thus getting more bands (instead of just 2).
src (float) : (float) Source to calculate standard deviation used in Bollinger Bands
length (simple int) : (int) The time period to be used in calculating the standard deviation
aMult (float ) : (float ) An array of multiplies used in standard deviation. Basically, the upper/lower bands are standard deviation multiplied by this.
This array of multipliers permit the use of various bands, not only 2.
basis (float) : (float) Basis of Bollinger Bands (a moving average)
Returns: (float ) An array of Bollinger Bands, where:
index 1=basis; 2=basis+dev1; 3=basis-dev1; 4=basis+dev2, 5=basis-dev2, 6=basis+dev2, 7=basis-dev2, Nup=basis+devN, Nlow=basis-devN
and dev1, dev2, devN are ```multiplier N * stdev```
bollingerBandsB(src, length, mult, basis)
Bollinger Bands %B - or Percent Bandwidth (%B).
Quantify or display where price (or another source) is in relation to the bands.
%B can be useful in identifying trends and trading signals.
%B = (Current Price - Lower Band) / (Upper Band - Lower Band)
src (float) : (float) Source to calculate standard deviation used in Bollinger Bands
length (simple int) : (int) The time period to be used in calculating the standard deviation
mult (simple float) : (float) Multiplier used in standard deviation
basis (float) : (float) Basis of Bollinger Bands (a moving average)
Returns: (float) Bollinger Bands %B
bollingerBandsB(src, length, aMult, basis)
Bollinger Bands %B - or Percent Bandwidth (%B).
Quantify or display where price (or another source) is in relation to the bands.
%B can be useful in identifying trends and trading signals.
%B = (Current Price - Lower Band) / (Upper Band - Lower Band)
src (float) : (float) Source to calculate standard deviation used in Bollinger Bands
length (simple int) : (int) The time period to be used in calculating the standard deviation
aMult (float ) : (float ) Array of multiplier used in standard deviation. Basically, the upper/lower bands are standard deviation multiplied by this.
This array of multipliers permit the use of various bands, not only 2.
basis (float) : (float) Basis of Bollinger Bands (a moving average)
Returns: (float ) An array of Bollinger Bands %B. The number of results in this array is equal the numbers of multipliers passed via parameter.
bollingerBandsW(src, length, mult, basis)
Bollinger Bands Width. Serve as a way to quantitatively measure the width between the Upper and Lower Bands
Bollinger Bands Width = (Upper Band - Lower Band) / Middle Band
src (float) : (float) Source to calculate standard deviation used in Bollinger Bands
length (simple int) : (int) Sequential period to calculate the standard deviation
mult (simple float) : (float) Multiplier used in standard deviation
basis (float) : (float) Basis of Bollinger Bands (a moving average)
Returns: (float) Bollinger Bands Width
bollingerBandsW(src, length, aMult, basis)
Bollinger Bands Width. Serve as a way to quantitatively measure the width between the Upper and Lower Bands
Bollinger Bands Width = (Upper Band - Lower Band) / Middle Band
src (float) : (float) Source to calculate standard deviation used in Bollinger Bands
length (simple int) : (int) Sequential period to calculate the standard deviation
aMult (float ) : (float ) Array of multiplier used in standard deviation. Basically, the upper/lower bands are standard deviation multiplied by this.
This array of multipliers permit the use of various bands, not only 2.
basis (float) : (float) Basis of Bollinger Bands (a moving average)
Returns: (float ) An array of Bollinger Bands Width. The number of results in this array is equal the numbers of multipliers passed via parameter.
dinamicZone(source, sampleLength, pcntAbove, pcntBelow)
Get Dynamic Zones
source (float) : (float) Source
sampleLength (simple int) : (int) Sample Length
pcntAbove (simple float) : (float) Calculates the top of the dynamic zone, considering that the maximum values are above x% of the sample
pcntBelow (simple float) : (float) Calculates the bottom of the dynamic zone, considering that the minimum values are below x% of the sample
Returns: A tuple with 3 series of values: (1) Upper Line of Dynamic Zone;
(2) Lower Line of Dynamic Zone; (3) Center of Dynamic Zone (x = 50%)
MyVolatilityBandsLibrary "MyVolatilityBands"
Just a lil' library of volatility bands that I use in some scripts
bollingerbands(src, lkbk, mult, basis)
Bollinger Bands
src (float) : float
lkbk (int) : int
mult (float) : float
basis (float)
Returns: Bollinger Bands
donchianchannels(src, lkbk, band_width)
Donchian Channels
src (float) : float
lkbk (int) : int
band_width (float) : float
Returns: Donchian Channels with an outer band of varying thickness adjusted by the band_width input
doublehalfdonchianchannels(src, lkbk, divisor)
Double Half Donchian Channels
src (float) : float
lkbk (int) : int
divisor (float) : float
Returns: two adjustable bases calculated using Donchian Channels calculation that act as a measure of volatility
PivotLibrary "Pivot"
This library helps you store and manage pivots.
bias(isHigh, isHigher, prevWasHigher)
Helper function to calculate bias.
isHigh (bool) : (bool) Wether the pivot is a pivot high or not.
isHigher (bool) : (bool) Wether the pivot is a higher pivot or not.
@return (bool) The bias (true = bullish, false = bearish, na = neutral).
prevWasHigher (bool)
bias (bool)
biasToColor(bias, theme)
bias (bool)
theme (Theme)
nameString(isHigh, isHigher)
isHigh (bool)
isHigher (bool)
abbrString(isHigh, isHigher)
isHigh (bool)
isHigher (bool)
tooltipString(y, isHigh, isHigher, bias, theme)
y (float)
isHigh (bool)
isHigher (bool)
bias (bool)
theme (Theme)
createLabel(x, y, isHigh, isHigher, prevWasHigher, settings)
x (int)
y (float)
isHigh (bool)
isHigher (bool)
prevWasHigher (bool)
settings (Settings)
new(x, y, isHigh, isHigher, settings)
x (int)
y (float)
isHigh (bool)
isHigher (bool)
settings (Settings)
newArray(size, initialValue)
size (int)
initialValue (Pivot)
method getFirst(this)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot )
method getLast(this, isHigh)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot )
isHigh (bool)
method getLastHigh(this)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot )
method getLastLow(this)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot )
method getPrev(this, numBack, isHigh)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot )
numBack (int)
isHigh (bool)
method getPrevHigh(this, numBack)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot )
numBack (int)
method getPrevLow(this, numBack)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot )
numBack (int)
method getText(this)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
method setX(this, value)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
value (int)
method setY(this, value)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
value (float)
method setXY(this, x, y)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
x (int)
y (float)
method setBias(this, value)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
value (int)
method setColor(this, value)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
value (color)
method setText(this, value)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
value (string)
method add(this, pivot)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot )
pivot (Pivot)
method updateLast(this, y, settings)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot )
y (float)
settings (Settings)
method update(this, y, isHigh, settings)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot )
y (float)
isHigh (bool)
settings (Settings)
Stores Pivot data.
x (series int)
y (series float)
isHigh (series bool)
isHigher (series bool)
bias (series bool)
lb (series label)
Attributes for customizable look and feel.
size (series string)
colorDefault (series color)
colorNeutral (series color)
colorBullish (series color)
colorBearish (series color)
colored (series bool)
showTooltips (series bool)
showTooltipName (series bool)
showTooltipValue (series bool)
showTooltipBias (series bool)
All settings for the pivot.
theme (Theme)
MyMovingAveragesLibraryLibrary "MyMovingAveragesLibrary"
alma(src, lkbk, alma_offset, alma_sigma)
ALMA - Arnaud Legoux Moving Average
src (float) : float
lkbk (int) : int
alma_offset (simple float)
alma_sigma (simple float) : float
Returns: moving average
frama(src, lkbk, FC, SC)
FRAMA - Fractal Adaptive Moving Average
src (float) : float
lkbk (int) : int
FC (int) : int
SC (int) : int
Returns: moving average
kama(src, lkbk, kamafastend, kamaslowend)
KAMA - Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average
src (float) : float
lkbk (int) : int
kamafastend (int) : int
kamaslowend (int) : int
Returns: moving average
ema(src, lkbk)
EMA - Exponential Moving Average
src (float) : float
lkbk (simple int) : int
Returns: moving average
dema(src, lkbk)
DEMA - Double Exponential Moving Average
src (float) : float
lkbk (simple int) : int
Returns: moving average
tema(src, lkbk)
TEMA - Triple Exponential Moving Average
src (float) : float
lkbk (simple int) : int
Returns: moving average
hma(src, lkbk)
HMA - Hull Moving Average
src (float) : float
lkbk (simple int) : int
Returns: moving average
jma(src, lkbk, jurik_power, jurik_phase)
JMA - Jurik Moving Average
src (float) : float
lkbk (int) : int
jurik_power (int)
jurik_phase (float)
Returns: moving average
laguerre(src, alpha)
Laguerre Filter
src (float) : float
alpha (float) : float
Returns: moving average
lsma(src, lkbk, lsma_offset)
LSMA - Least Squares Moving Average
src (float) : float
lkbk (simple int) : int
lsma_offset (simple int) : int
Returns: moving average
mcginley(src, lkbk)
McGinley Dynamic
src (float) : float
lkbk (simple int) : int
Returns: moving average
mf(src, lkbk, mf_feedback, mf_beta, mf_z)
Modular Filter
src (float) : float
lkbk (int) : int
mf_feedback (bool) : float
mf_beta (float) : boolean
mf_z (float) : float
Returns: moving average
RDMA - RexDog Moving Average (RDA, as he calls it)
src (float) : flot
Returns: moving average
sma(src, lkbk)
SMA - Simple Moving Average
src (float) : float
lkbk (int) : int
Returns: moving average
smma(src, lkbk)
SMMA - Smoothed Moving Average (known as RMA in TradingView)
src (float) : float
lkbk (simple int) : int
Returns: moving average
t3(src, lkbk)
T3 Moving Average
src (float) : float
lkbk (simple int) : int
Returns: moving average
tma(src, lkbk)
TMA - Triangular Moving Average
src (float) : float
lkbk (simple int) : int
Returns: moving average
vama(src, lkbk, vol_lkbk)
VAMA - Volatility-Adjusted Moving Average
src (float) : float
lkbk (simple int) : int
vol_lkbk (int) : int
vwma(src, lkbk)
VWMA - Volume-Weighted Moving Average
src (float) : float
lkbk (simple int) : int
Returns: moving average
mf_zlagma(src, lkbk)
Zero-Lag Moving Average
src (float) : float
lkbk (int) : int
Returns: moving average
Absolute ZigZag LibLibrary "Absolute_ZigZag_Lib"
This ZigZag Library is a Bit different. Instead of using percentages or looking more than 1 bar left or right, this Zigzag library calculates pivots by just looking at the current bar highs and lows and the ones of one bar earlier.
This is the most accurate way of calculating pivots and it also eliminates lag.
The library also features a solution for bars that have both a higher high and a higher low like seen below.
You can also use your own colors for the labels and the lines.
You can also quickly select a one-colored theme without changing all colors at once
method isHigherHigh(this)
Checks if current pivot is a higher high
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot) : (Pivot) The object to work with.
@return (bool) True if the pivot is a higher high, false if not.
method isLowerHigh(this)
Checks if current pivot is a lower high
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot) : (Pivot) The object to work with.
@return (bool) True if the pivot is a lower high, false if not.
method isHigherLow(this)
Checks if current pivot is a higher low
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot) : (Pivot) The object to work with.
@return (bool) True if the pivot is a higher low, false if not.
method isLowerLow(this)
Checks if current pivot is a lower low
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot) : (Pivot) The object to work with.
@return (bool) True if the pivot is a lower low, false if not.
method getLastPivotHigh(this)
Gets the last Pivot High
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot ) : (array) The object to work with.
@return (Pivot) The latest Pivot High
method getLastPivotLow(this)
Gets the last Pivot Low
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot ) : (array) The object to work with.
@return (Pivot) The latest Pivot Low
method prev(this, index)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot )
index (int)
method last(this, throwError)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot )
throwError (bool)
new(highFirst, theme)
highFirst (bool)
theme (Theme)
Used to create a (color) theme to draw Zigzag
colorDefault (series color)
colorNeutral (series color)
colorBullish (series color)
colorBearish (series color)
coloredLines (series bool)
Used to determine a coordination on the chart
x (series int)
y (series float)
Used to determine pivots on the chart
point (Point)
isHigh (series bool)
isHigher (series bool)
ln (series line)
lb (series label)
This library generate levels that could be used inside SNG scripts and strategies. Also uses beta version of SNG Types library
IndicatorsLibrary "Indicators"
this has a calculation for the most used indicators.
macd4C(fastMa, slowMa)
this calculates macd 4c
fastMa (simple int) : is the period for the fast ma. the minimum value is 7
slowMa (simple int) : is the period for the slow ma. the minimum value is 7
Returns: the macd 4c value for the current bar
rsi(rsiSourceInput, rsiLengthInput)
this calculates rsi
rsiSourceInput (float) : is the source for the rsi
rsiLengthInput (simple int) : is the period for the rsi
Returns: the rsi value for the current bar
ao(source, fastPeriod, slowPeriod)
this calculates ao
source (float) : is the source for the ao
fastPeriod (int) : is the period for the fast ma
slowPeriod (int) : is the period for the slow ma
Returns: the ao value for the current bar
kernelAoOscillator(kernelFastLookback, kernelSlowLookback, kernelFastWeight, kernelSlowWeight, kernelFastRegressionStart, kernelSlowRegressionStart, kernelFastSmoothPeriod, kernelSlowSmoothPeriod, kernelFastSmooth, kernelSlowSmooth, source)
this calculates our own kernel ao oscillator which we made
kernelFastLookback (simple int)
kernelSlowLookback (simple int)
kernelFastWeight (simple float)
kernelSlowWeight (simple float)
kernelFastRegressionStart (simple int)
kernelSlowRegressionStart (simple int)
kernelFastSmoothPeriod (int)
kernelSlowSmoothPeriod (int)
kernelFastSmooth (bool)
kernelSlowSmooth (bool)
source (float) : is the source for the ao
Returns: the kernel ao oscillator value for the current bar, the colors for both the fast and slow kernel, the fast & slow kernel
signalLineKernel(lag, h, r, x_0, smoothColors, _src, c_bullish, c_bearish)
lag (int)
h (float)
r (float)
x_0 (int)
smoothColors (bool)
_src (float)
c_bullish (color)
c_bearish (color)
zigzagCalc(Depth, Deviation, Backstep, repaint, Show_zz, line_thick, text_color)
Depth (int)
Deviation (int)
Backstep (int)
repaint (bool)
Show_zz (bool)
line_thick (int)
text_color (color)
RelativeValue█ OVERVIEW
This library is a Pine Script™ programmer's tool offering the ability to compute relative values, which represent comparisons of current data points, such as volume, price, or custom indicators, with their analogous historical data points from corresponding time offsets. This approach can provide insightful perspectives into the intricate dynamics of relative market behavior over time.
Relative values
In this library, a relative value is a metric that compares a current data point in a time interval to an average of data points with corresponding time offsets across historical periods. Its purpose is to assess the significance of a value by considering the historical context within past time intervals.
For instance, suppose we wanted to calculate relative volume on an hourly chart over five daily periods, and the last chart bar is two hours into the current trading day. In this case, we would compare the current volume to the average of volume in the second hour of trading across five days. We obtain the relative volume value by dividing the current volume by this average.
This form of analysis rests on the hypothesis that substantial discrepancies or aberrations in present market activity relative to historical time intervals might help indicate upcoming changes in market trends.
Cumulative and non-cumulative values
In the context of this library, a cumulative value refers to the cumulative sum of a series since the last occurrence of a specific condition (referred to as `anchor` in the function definitions). Given that relative values depend on time, we use time-based conditions such as the onset of a new hour, day, etc. On the other hand, a non-cumulative value is simply the series value at a specific time without accumulation.
Calculating relative values
Four main functions coordinate together to compute the relative values: `maintainArray()`, `calcAverageByTime()`, `calcCumulativeSeries()`, and `averageAtTime()`. These functions are underpinned by a `collectedData` user-defined type (UDT), which stores data collected since the last reset of the timeframe along with their corresponding timestamps. The relative values are calculated using the following procedure:
1. The `averageAtTime()` function invokes the process leveraging all four of the methods and acts as the main driver of the calculations. For each bar, this function adds the current bar's source and corresponding time value to a `collectedData` object.
2. Within the `averageAtTime()` function, the `maintainArray()` function is called at the start of each anchor period. It adds a new `collectedData` object to the array and ensures the array size does not exceed the predefined `maxSize` by removing the oldest element when necessary. This method plays an essential role in limiting memory usage and ensuring only relevant data over the desired number of periods is in the calculation window.
3. Next, the `calcAverageByTime()` function calculates the average value of elements within the `data` field for each `collectedData` object that corresponds to the same time offset from each anchor condition. This method accounts for cases where the current index of a `collectedData` object exceeds the last index of any past objects by using the last available values instead.
4. For cumulative calculations, the `averageAtTime()` function utilizes the `isCumulative` boolean parameter. If true, the `calcCumulativeSeries()` function will track the running total of the source data from the last bar where the anchor condition was met, providing a cumulative sum of the source values from one anchor point to the next.
To summarize, the `averageAtTime()` function continually stores values with their corresponding times in a `collectedData` object for each bar in the anchor period. When the anchor resets, this object is added to a larger array. The array's size is limited by the specified number of periods to be averaged. To correlate data across these periods, time indexing is employed, enabling the function to compare corresponding points across multiple periods.
The library simplifies the complex process of calculating relative values through its intuitive functions. Follow the steps below to use this library in your scripts.
Step 1: Import the library and declare inputs
Import the library and declare variables based on the user's input. These can include the timeframe for each period, the number of time intervals to include in the average, and whether the calculation uses cumulative values. For example:
import TradingView/RelativeValue/1 as TVrv
indicator("Relative Range Demo")
string resetTimeInput = input.timeframe("D")
int lengthInput =, "No. of periods")
Step 2: Define the anchor condition
With these inputs declared, create a condition to define the start of a new period (anchor). For this, we use the change in the time value from the input timeframe:
bool anchor = timeframe.change(resetTimeInput)
Step 3: Calculate the average
At this point, one can calculate the average of a value's history at the time offset from the anchor over a number of periods using the `averageAtTime()` function. In this example, we use True Range (TR) as the `source` and set `isCumulative` to false:
float pastRange = TVrv.averageAtTime(, lengthInput, anchor, false)
Step 4: Display the data
You can visualize the results by plotting the returned series. These lines display the non-cumulative TR alongside the average value over `lengthInput` periods for relative comparison:
plot(pastRange, "Past True Range Avg",, 70), 1, plot.style_columns)
plot(, "True Range", close >= open ?, 50) :, 50), 1, plot.style_columns)
This example will display two overlapping series of columns. The green and red columns depict the current TR on each bar, and the light gray columns show the average over a defined number of periods, e.g., the default inputs on an hourly chart will show the average value at the hour over the past five days. This comparative analysis aids in determining whether the range of a bar aligns with its typical historical values or if it's an outlier.
• The foundational concept of this library was derived from our initial Relative Volume at Time script. This library's logic significantly boosts its performance. Keep an eye out for a forthcoming updated version of the indicator. The demonstration code included in the library emulates a streamlined version of the indicator utilizing the library functions.
• Key efficiencies in the data management are realized through array.binary_search_leftmost() , which offers a performance improvement in comparison to its loop-dependent counterpart.
• This library's architecture utilizes user-defined types (UDTs) to create custom objects which are the equivalent of variables containing multiple parts, each able to hold independent values of different types . The recently added feature was announced in this blog post.
• To enhance readability, the code substitutes array functions with equivalent methods .
Look first. Then leap.
This library contains the following functions:
calcCumulativeSeries(source, anchor)
Calculates the cumulative sum of `source` since the last bar where `anchor` was `true`.
source (series float) : Source used for the calculation.
anchor (series bool) : The condition that triggers the reset of the calculation. The calculation is reset when `anchor` evaluates to `true`, and continues using the values accumulated since the previous reset when `anchor` is `false`.
Returns: (float) The cumulative sum of `source`.
averageAtTime(source, length, anchor, isCumulative)
Calculates the average of all `source` values that share the same time difference from the `anchor` as the current bar for the most recent `length` bars.
source (series float) : Source used for the calculation.
length (simple int) : The number of reset periods to consider for the average calculation of historical data.
anchor (series bool) : The condition that triggers the reset of the average calculation. The calculation is reset when `anchor` evaluates to `true`, and continues using the values accumulated since the previous reset when `anchor` is `false`.
isCumulative (simple bool) : If `true`, `source` values are accumulated until the next time `anchor` is `true`. Optional. The default is `true`.
Returns: (float) The average of the source series at the specified time difference.
AoDivergenceLibrary_Library "AoDivergenceLibrary_"
this has functions which calculate and plot divergences which are used for ao divergences. essentially, this finds divergences by using the ao divergence logic. this logic has been used in "AO Hid & Reg Div with LC & Kernel".
regBullDivergence(swingLow, osc, colour)
swingLow (bool)
osc (float)
colour (color)
regBearDivergence(swingHigh, osc, colour)
swingHigh (bool)
osc (float)
colour (color)
hidBullDivergence(swingHigh, osc, colour)
swingHigh (bool)
osc (float)
colour (color)
hidBearDivergence(swingHigh, osc, colour)
swingHigh (bool)
osc (float)
colour (color)
HelperTALibrary "HelperTA"
This library contains useful technical indicators that I use regularly in my charts.
`stockRSI` is not mine, but included because used often and referenced by internal functions.
`DCO` is a normalisation of the donchian channels; the price relative to the donchian channels, on a range.
`MarketCycle` is a weighted aggregate of RSI, Stochastic RSI & DCO (demo on the chart)
stockRSI(src, K, D, rsiPeriod, stochPeriod)
src (float)
K (int)
D (int)
rsiPeriod (simple int)
stochPeriod (int)
DCO(price, donchianPeriod, smaPeriod)
price (float)
donchianPeriod (int)
smaPeriod (int)
MarketCycle(donchianPrice, rsiPrice, srsiPrice, donchianPeriod, donchianSmoothing, rsiPeriod, rsiSmoothing, srsiPeriod, srsiSmoothing, srsiK, srsiD, rsiWeight, srsiWeight, dcoWeight)
donchianPrice (float)
rsiPrice (float)
srsiPrice (float)
donchianPeriod (simple int)
donchianSmoothing (simple int)
rsiPeriod (simple int)
rsiSmoothing (int)
srsiPeriod (simple int)
srsiSmoothing (simple int)
srsiK (simple int)
srsiD (simple int)
rsiWeight (simple float)
srsiWeight (simple float)
dcoWeight (simple float)
CurrentlyPositionIndicatorLibrary "CurrentlyPositionIndicator"
Currently position indicator
run(_index, _price, _stoploss, _high, _low, _side, _is_entered, _colors, _position_left, _box_width)
Currently positions indicator
_index (int) : entry index
_price (float) : entry price
_stoploss (float) : stoploss price
_high (float) : range high
_low (float) : range low
_side (int)
_is_entered (bool) : is entered
_colors (color ) : color array
_position_left (int) : Left position
_box_width (int) : box's width
Returns: TODO: add what function returns
BankNifty_CSMLibrary "BankNifty_CSM"
TODO: add library description here
getLtp_N_Chang(openPrice, closePrice, highPrice, hl2Price, lowPrice, hlc3Price, bankNiftyClose)
openPrice (float)
closePrice (float)
highPrice (float)
hl2Price (float)
lowPrice (float)
hlc3Price (float)
bankNiftyClose (float)
ka66: lib/MovingAveragesLibrary "MovingAverages"
Exotic or Interesting Moving Averages Collection. Just the one right now!
alphaConfigurableEma(src, alpha, nSmooth)
Calculates a variation of the EMA by specifying a custom alpha value.
src (float) : a float series to get the EMA for, e.g. close, hlc3, etc.
alpha (float) : a value between 0 (ideally greater, to get any MA!) and 1. Closer
to one makes it more responsive, and choppier.
nSmooth (int) : Just applies the same alpha and EMA to the last Alpha-EMA output.
A value between 0 and 10 (just keeping a a reasonable bound). The idea is
you can first use a reasonably high alpha, then smooth it out. Default 0,
no further smoothing.
Returns: MA series.
bands(src, multiplier)
Calculates fixed bands around a series, can be any series, though the intent
here is for MA series.
src (float) : a float series.
multiplier (float) : a value greater than or equal to 0 (ideally greater, to get any MA!),
determines the width of the bands. Start with small float values, or it may go
beyond the scale, e.g. 0.005.
Returns: a 2-tuple of (upBand, downBand)
Spider charts, also known as radar charts or web charts, are a powerful data visualization tool that can display multiple variables in a circular format. They are particularly useful when you want to compare different data sets or evaluate the performance of a single data set across multiple dimensions. In this blog post, we will dive into the world of spider charts, explore their benefits, and demonstrate how you can create your own spider chart using the Spider_Plot library.
Why Spider Charts are Cool:
Spider charts have a unique visual appeal that sets them apart from other chart types. They allow you to display complex data in a compact, easy-to-understand format, making them perfect for situations where you need to convey a lot of information in a limited space. Some of the key benefits of spider charts include:
Multi-dimensional analysis: Spider charts can display multiple variables at once, making them ideal for analyzing relationships between different data sets or examining a single data set across multiple dimensions.
Easy comparison: By displaying data in a circular format, spider charts make it simple to compare different data points, identify trends, and spot potential issues.
Versatility: Spider charts can be used for a wide range of applications, from business and finance to sports and health. They are particularly useful for situations where you need to analyze performance or make comparisons between different entities.
Creating Your Own Spider Chart with the Spider_Plot Library:
The Spider_Plot library is a user-friendly, easy-to-use tool that allows you to create stunning spider charts with minimal effort. To get started, you'll need to import the Spider_Plot library:
import peacefulLizard50262/Spider_Plot/1
With the library imported, you can now create your own spider chart. The first step is to normalize your data. Normalizing ensures that all data points fall within the 0 to 1 range, which is important for creating a visually balanced spider chart.
The Spider_Plot library provides the data_normalize function to help you normalize your data. This function accepts several parameters, including the normalization style ("All Time", "Range", or "Custom"), length of the range, outlier level, lookback period for standard deviation, and minimum and maximum values for the "Custom" normalization style.
Once you have normalized your data, you can create an array of your data points using the array.from function. This array will be used as input for the draw_spider_plot function, which is responsible for drawing the spider plot on your chart.
The draw_spider_plot function accepts an array of float values (the normalized data points), an array of background colors for each sector, a color for the axes, and a scaling factor.
Example Usage:
Here's an example script that demonstrates how to create a spider chart using the Spider_Plot library:
oc = data_normalize(ta.ema(math.abs(open - close), 20), "Range", 20)
// Create an array of your data points
data = array.from(tr, rsi, stoch, dev, tr, oc, tr)
// Define colors for each sector
colors = array.from(, 90),, 90),, 90),, 90),, 90),, 90),, 90))
// Draw the spider plot on your chart
draw_spider_plot(data, colors, color.gray, 100)
In this example, we have first normalized six different data points (rsi, source, stoch, dev, tr, and oc) using the data_normalize function. Next, we create an array of these normalized data points and define an array of colors for each sector of the spider chart. Finally, we call the draw_spider_plot function to draw the spider chart on our chart.
Spider charts are a versatile and visually appealing tool for analyzing and comparing multi-dimensional data. With the Spider_Plot library, you can easily create your own spider charts and unlock valuable insights from your data. Just remember to normalize your data and create an array of data points before calling the draw_spider_plot function. Happy charting!
Library "Spider_Plot"
data_normalize(data, style, length, outlier_level, dev_lookback, min, max)
data_normalize(data, string style, int length, float outlier_level, simple int dev_lookback, float min, float max)
data (float) : float , A float value to normalize.
style (string) : string , The normalization style: "All Time", "Range", or "Custom".
length (int) : int , The length of the range for "Range" normalization style.
outlier_level (float) : float , The outlier level to exclude from calculations.
dev_lookback (simple int) : int , The lookback period for calculating the standard deviation.
min (float) : float , The minimum value for the "Custom" normalization style.
max (float) : float , The maximum value for the "Custom" normalization style.
Returns: array , The normalized float value.
draw_spider_plot(values, bg_colors, axes_color, scale)
draw_spider_plot(array values, array bg_colors, color axes_color, float scale)
values (float ) : array , An array of float values to plot in the spider plot.
bg_colors (color ) : array , An array of background colors for each sector in the spider plot.
axes_color (color) : color , The color of the axes in the spider plot. Default: color.gray
scale (float) : float , A scaling factor for the spider plot. Default: 10
Returns: void , Draws the spider plot on the chart.
ReversalChartPatternLibraryLibrary "ReversalChartPatternLibrary"
User Defined Types and Methods for reversal chart patterns - Double Top, Double Bottom, Triple Top, Triple Bottom, Cup and Handle, Inverted Cup and Handle, Head and Shoulders, Inverse Head and Shoulders
method delete(this)
Deletes the drawing components of ReversalChartPatternDrawing object
Namespace types: ReversalChartPatternDrawing
this (ReversalChartPatternDrawing) : ReversalChartPatternDrawing object
Returns: current ReversalChartPatternDrawing object
method delete(this)
Deletes the drawing components of ReversalChartPattern object. In turn calls the delete of ReversalChartPatternDrawing
Namespace types: ReversalChartPattern
this (ReversalChartPattern) : ReversalChartPattern object
Returns: current ReversalChartPattern object
method lpush(this, obj, limit, deleteOld)
Array push with limited number of items in the array. Old items are deleted when new one comes and exceeds the limit
Namespace types: ReversalChartPattern
this (ReversalChartPattern ) : array object
obj (ReversalChartPattern) : ReversalChartPattern object which need to be pushed to the array
limit (int) : max items on the array. Default is 10
deleteOld (bool) : If set to true, also deletes the drawing objects. If not, the drawing objects are kept but the pattern object is removed from array. Default is false.
Returns: current ReversalChartPattern object
method draw(this)
Draws the components of ReversalChartPatternDrawing
Namespace types: ReversalChartPatternDrawing
this (ReversalChartPatternDrawing) : ReversalChartPatternDrawing object
Returns: current ReversalChartPatternDrawing object
method draw(this)
Draws the components of ReversalChartPatternDrawing within the ReversalChartPattern object.
Namespace types: ReversalChartPattern
this (ReversalChartPattern) : ReversalChartPattern object
Returns: current ReversalChartPattern object
method scan(zigzag, patterns, errorPercent, shoulderStart, shoulderEnd)
Scans zigzag for ReversalChartPattern occurences
Namespace types: zg.Zigzag
zigzag (Zigzag type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/ZigzagTypes/2) : ZigzagTypes.Zigzag object having array of zigzag pivots and other information on each pivots
patterns (ReversalChartPattern ) : Existing patterns array. Used for validating duplicates
errorPercent (float) : Error threshold for considering ratios. Default is 13
shoulderStart (float) : Starting range of shoulder ratio. Used for identifying shoulders, handles and necklines
shoulderEnd (float) : Ending range of shoulder ratio. Used for identifying shoulders, handles and necklines
Returns: int pattern type
method createPattern(zigzag, patternType, patternColor, riskAdjustment)
Create Pattern from ZigzagTypes.Zigzag object
Namespace types: zg.Zigzag
zigzag (Zigzag type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/ZigzagTypes/2) : ZigzagTypes.Zigzag object having array of zigzag pivots and other information on each pivots
patternType (int) : Type of pattern being created. 1 - Double Tap, 2 - Triple Tap, 3 - Cup and Handle, 4 - Head and Shoulders
patternColor (color) : Color in which the patterns are drawn
riskAdjustment (float) : Used for calculating stops
Returns: ReversalChartPattern object created
method getName(this)
get pattern name of ReversalChartPattern object
Namespace types: ReversalChartPattern
this (ReversalChartPattern) : ReversalChartPattern object
Returns: string name of the pattern
method getDescription(this)
get consolidated description of ReversalChartPattern object
Namespace types: ReversalChartPattern
this (ReversalChartPattern) : ReversalChartPattern object
Returns: string consolidated description
method init(this)
initializes the ReversalChartPattern object and creates sub object types
Namespace types: ReversalChartPattern
this (ReversalChartPattern) : ReversalChartPattern object
Returns: ReversalChartPattern current object
Type which holds the drawing objects for Reversal Chart Pattern Types
patternLines (Line type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/1) : array of Line objects representing pattern
entry (Line type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/1) : Entry price Line
target (Line type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/1) : Target price Line
patternLabel (Label type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/1)
Reversal Chart Pattern master type which holds the pattern components, drawings and trade details
pivots (Pivot type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/ZigzagTypes/2) : Array of Zigzag Pivots forming the pattern
patternType (series int) : Defines the main type of pattern 1 - Double Tap, 1 - Triple Tap, 3 - Cup and Handle, 4 - Head and Shoulders
patternColor (series color) : Color in which the pattern will be drawn on chart
riskAdjustment (series float) : Percentage adjustment of risk. Used for setting stops
drawing (ReversalChartPatternDrawing) : ReversalChartPatternDrawing object which holds the drawing components
trade (Trade type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/TradeTracker/1) : TradeTracker.Trade object holding trade components
TradeTrackerLibrary "TradeTracker"
Simple Library for tracking trades
method track(this)
tracks trade when called on every bar
Namespace types: Trade
this (Trade) : Trade object
Returns: current Trade object
Has the constituents to track trades generated by any method.
id (series int)
direction (series int) : Trade direction. Positive values for long and negative values for short trades
initialEntry (series float) : Initial entry price. This value will not change even if the entry is changed in the lifecycle of the trade
entry (series float) : Updated entry price. Allows variations to initial calculated entry. Useful in cases of trailing entry.
initialStop (series float) : Initial stop. Similar to initial entry, this is the first calculated stop for the lifecycle of trade.
stop (series float) : Trailing Stop. If there is no trailing, the value will be same as that of initial trade
targets (float ) : array of target values.
startBar (series int) : bar index of starting bar. Set by default when object is created. No need to alter this after that.
endBar (series int) : bar index of last bar in trade. Set by tracker on each execution
startTime (series int) : time of the start bar. Set by default when object is created. No need to alter this after that.
endTime (series int) : time of the ending bar. Updated by tracking method.
status (series int) : Integer parameter to track the status of the trade
retest (series bool) : Boolean parameter to notify if there was retest of the entry price
peacefulIndicatorsWe are delighted to present the PeacefulIndicators library, a modest yet powerful collection of custom technical indicators created to enhance your trading analysis. The library features an array of practical tools, including MACD with Dynamic Length, Stochastic RSI with ATR Stop Loss, Bollinger Bands with RSI Divergence, and more.
The PeacefulIndicators library offers the following functions:
macdDynamicLength: An adaptive version of the classic MACD indicator, which adjusts the lengths of the moving averages based on the dominant cycle period, providing a more responsive signal.
rsiDivergence: A unique implementation of RSI Divergence detection that identifies potential bullish and bearish divergences using a combination of RSI and linear regression.
trendReversalDetection: A helpful tool for detecting trend reversals using the Rate of Change (ROC) and Moving Averages, offering valuable insights into possible market shifts.
volume_flow_oscillator: A custom oscillator that combines price movement strength and volume to provide a unique perspective on market dynamics.
weighted_volatility_oscillator: Another custom oscillator that factors in price volatility and volume to deliver a comprehensive view of market fluctuations.
rvo: The Relative Volume Oscillator highlights changes in volume relative to historical averages, helping to identify potential breakouts or reversals.
acb: The Adaptive Channel Breakout indicator combines a moving average with an adjustable volatility multiplier to create dynamic channels, useful for identifying potential trend shifts.
We hope this library proves to be a valuable addition to your trading toolbox.
Library "peacefulIndicators"
A custom library of technical indicators for trading analysis, including MACD with Dynamic Length, Stochastic RSI with ATR Stop Loss, Bollinger Bands with RSI Divergence, and more.
macdDynamicLength(src, shortLen, longLen, signalLen, dynLow, dynHigh)
Moving Average Convergence Divergence with Dynamic Length
src (float) : Series to use
shortLen (int) : Shorter moving average length
longLen (int) : Longer moving average length
signalLen (int) : Signal line length
dynLow (int) : Lower bound for the dynamic length
dynHigh (int) : Upper bound for the dynamic length
Returns: tuple of MACD line and Signal line
Computes MACD using lengths adapted based on the dominant cycle period
rsiDivergence(src, rsiLen, divThreshold, linRegLength)
RSI Divergence Detection
src (float) : Series to use
rsiLen (simple int) : Length for RSI calculation
divThreshold (float) : Divergence threshold for RSI
linRegLength (int) : Length for linear regression calculation
Returns: tuple of RSI Divergence (positive, negative)
Computes RSI Divergence detection that identifies bullish (positive) and bearish (negative) divergences
trendReversalDetection(src, rocLength, maLength, maType)
Trend Reversal Detection (TRD)
src (float) : Series to use
rocLength (int) : Length for Rate of Change calculation
maLength (int) : Length for Moving Average calculation
maType (string) : Type of Moving Average to use (default: "sma")
Returns: A tuple containing trend reversal direction and the reversal point
Detects trend reversals using the Rate of Change (ROC) and Moving Averages.
volume_flow_oscillator(src, length)
Volume Flow Oscillator
src (float) : Series to use
length (int) : Period for the calculation
Returns: Custom Oscillator value
Computes the custom oscillator based on price movement strength and volume
weighted_volatility_oscillator(src, length)
Weighted Volatility Oscillator
src (float) : Series to use
length (int) : Period for the calculation
Returns: Custom Oscillator value
Computes the custom oscillator based on price volatility and volume
Relative Volume Oscillator
length (int) : Period for the calculation
Returns: Custom Oscillator value
Computes the custom oscillator based on relative volume
acb(price_series, ma_length, vol_length, multiplier)
Adaptive Channel Breakout
price_series (float) : Price series to use
ma_length (int) : Period for the moving average calculation
vol_length (int) : Period for the volatility calculation
multiplier (float) : Multiplier for the volatility
Returns: Tuple containing the ACB upper and lower values and the trend direction (1 for uptrend, -1 for downtrend)
UtilityLibrary "Utility"
dema(src, length)
src (float)
length (simple int)
tema(src, length)
src (float)
length (simple int)
hma(src, length)
src (float)
length (int)
zlema(src, length)
src (float)
length (simple int)
stochRSI(src, lengthRSI, lengthStoch, smoothK, smoothD)
src (float)
lengthRSI (simple int)
lengthStoch (int)
smoothK (int)
smoothD (int)
slope(src, length)
src (float)
length (int)
RsiLibLibrary "RsiLib"
TODO: add library description here
bullishDivergence(rsi, check_backward_length, rsi_threshold, rsi_overload_threshold, power_threshhold)
rsi (float)
check_backward_length (int)
rsi_threshold (float)
rsi_overload_threshold (float)
power_threshhold (int)